SET @tmp=ST_GIS_DEBUG(1); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS p1; CREATE PROCEDURE p1(dist DOUBLE, geom TEXT) BEGIN DECLARE g GEOMETRY; SET g=GeomFromText(geom); SELECT geom AS `-----`; SELECT dist, GeometryType(@buf:=ST_Buffer(g, dist)) AS `buffer`, ROUND(ST_AREA(@buf),2) AS buf_area; END| # # Testing ST_BUFFER with positive distance # ----- POINT(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 3.14 ----- LineString(0 1, 1 1)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 5.14 ----- LineString(9 9,8 1,1 5,0 0) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 44.63 ----- Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 63.14 ----- Polygon((0 0,0 8,8 8,8 0,0 0),(2 2,6 2,6 6,2 6,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 95.14 ----- Polygon((0 0, 0 8, 8 8, 8 10, -10 10, -10 0, 0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 174.93 ----- MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5) dist buffer buf_area 1 MULTIPOLYGON 9.42 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 8.80 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2,0 4)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 14.24 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2),(0 2,2 0)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 13.59 ----- MultiLineString((2 2,2 8,-2 8),(-6 -6, 6 6),(10 10, 14 14)) dist buffer buf_area 1 MULTIPOLYGON 70.06 ----- MultiPolygon(((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)), ((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9))) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 73.18 ----- MultiPolygon(((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2), (4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)),((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9))) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 73.18 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 3.14 ----- GeometryCollection(LineString(0 0, 2 2))) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 8.80 ----- GeometryCollection(Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)))) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 63.14 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5)) dist buffer buf_area 1 MULTIPOLYGON 9.42 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiLineString((0 0,0 1),(3 0,3 1))) dist buffer buf_area 1 MULTIPOLYGON 10.28 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiPolygon(((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0)),((6 6,6 9,9 9,9 6,6 6)))) dist buffer buf_area 1 MULTIPOLYGON 48.28 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(9 9),LineString(1 5,0 0),Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2))) dist buffer buf_area 1 POLYGON 75.92 # # Testing ST_BUFFER with zero distance # ----- POINT(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 0 POINT 0.00 ----- LineString(0 1, 1 1)) dist buffer buf_area 0 LINESTRING 0.00 ----- LineString(9 9,8 1,1 5,0 0) dist buffer buf_area 0 LINESTRING 0.00 ----- Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 0 POLYGON 36.00 ----- Polygon((0 0,0 8,8 8,8 0,0 0),(2 2,6 2,6 6,2 6,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 0 POLYGON 48.00 ----- Polygon((0 0, 0 8, 8 8, 8 10, -10 10, -10 0, 0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 0 POLYGON 116.00 ----- MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTIPOINT NULL ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTILINESTRING NULL ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2,0 4)) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTILINESTRING NULL ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2),(0 2,2 0)) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTILINESTRING NULL ----- MultiLineString((2 2,2 8,-2 8),(-6 -6, 6 6),(10 10, 14 14)) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTILINESTRING NULL ----- MultiPolygon(((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)), ((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9))) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTIPOLYGON 66.00 ----- MultiPolygon(((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2), (4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)),((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9))) dist buffer buf_area 0 MULTIPOLYGON 62.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(LineString(0 0, 2 2))) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)))) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 36.00 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5)) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION NULL ----- GeometryCollection(MultiLineString((0 0,0 1),(3 0,3 1))) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION NULL ----- GeometryCollection(MultiPolygon(((0 0, 3 0, 3 3, 0 3, 0 0)),((6 6,6 9,9 9,9 6,6 6)))) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 18.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(9 9),LineString(1 5,0 0),Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2))) dist buffer buf_area 0 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 36.00 # # Testing ST_BUFFER with negative distance # ----- POINT(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- LineString(0 1, 1 1)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- LineString(9 9,8 1,1 5,0 0) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area -1 POLYGON 16.00 ----- MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2,0 4)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- MultiLineString((0 0,2 2),(0 2,2 0)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- MultiLineString((2 2,2 8,-2 8),(-6 -6, 6 6),(10 10, 14 14)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(0 0)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(LineString(0 0, 2 2))) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2)))) dist buffer buf_area -1 POLYGON 16.00 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiPoint(9 9,8 1,1 5)) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(MultiLineString((0 0,0 1),(3 0,3 1))) dist buffer buf_area -1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 0.00 ----- GeometryCollection(Point(9 9),LineString(1 5,0 0),Polygon((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2))) dist buffer buf_area -1 POLYGON 16.00 SELECT ST_CONTAINS( GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0, 0 0)),((6 6, 6 11, 11 11, 11 6, 6 6)))'), GeomFromText('POINT(5 10)')); ST_CONTAINS( GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0, 0 0)),((6 6, 6 11, 11 11, 11 6, 6 6)))'), GeomFromText('POINT(5 10)')) 0 SELECT AsText(ST_UNION( GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0, 0 0)),((6 6, 6 11, 11 11, 11 6, 6 6)))'), GeomFromText('POINT(5 10)'))); AsText(ST_UNION( GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 5, 5 5, 5 0, 0 0)),((6 6, 6 11, 11 11, 11 6, 6 6)))'), GeomFromText('POINT(5 10)'))) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0)),POLYGON((6 6,6 11,11 11,11 6,6 6)),POINT(5 10)) DROP PROCEDURE p1; # # Bug #13833019 ASSERTION `T1->RESULT_RANGE' FAILED IN GCALC_OPERATION_REDUCER::END_COUPLE # SELECT GeometryType(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,9 4,3 3,0 0)),((2 2,2 2,8 8,2 3,2 2)))'), 3)); GeometryType(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,9 4,3 3,0 0)),((2 2,2 2,8 8,2 3,2 2)))'), 3)) POLYGON # # Bug #13832749 HANDLE_FATAL_SIGNAL IN GCALC_FUNCTION::COUNT_INTERNAL # SELECT GeometryType(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)),((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2), (4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)), ((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9)))'),1)); GeometryType(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)),((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2), (4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)), ((9 9,8 1,1 5,9 9)))'),1)) POLYGON # # Bug#13358363 - ASSERTION: N > 0 && N < SINUSES_CALCULATED*2+1 | GET_N_SINCOS/ADD_EDGE_BUFFER # DO ST_BUFFER(ST_GEOMCOLLFROMTEXT('linestring(1 1,2 2)'),''); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '' SELECT ST_WITHIN( LINESTRINGFROMTEXT(' LINESTRING(3 8,9 2,3 8,3 3,7 6,4 7,4 7,8 1) '), ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT(' MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)),((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2),(4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)),((0 5,3 5,3 2,1 2,1 1,3 1,3 0,0 0,0 3,2 3,2 4,0 4,0 5))) '), ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS(POLYGONFROMTEXT('POLYGON((3 5,2 4,2 5,3 5)) ')))); ST_WITHIN( LINESTRINGFROMTEXT(' LINESTRING(3 8,9 2,3 8,3 3,7 6,4 7,4 7,8 1) '), ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT(' MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)),((2 2,2 8,8 8,8 2,2 2),(4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,4 4)),((0 5,3 5,3 2,1 2,1 1,3 1,3 0,0 0,0 3,2 3,2 4,0 4,0 5))) ') 0 SELECT ST_DIMENSION(ST_BUFFER(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)) '), ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((0 0,9 3,4 2,0 0))')))); ST_DIMENSION(ST_BUFFER(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5)) '), ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((0 0,9 3,4 2,0 0))')))) 2 SELECT ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS( ST_ENVELOPE(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5))) '), SRID(MULTILINESTRINGFROMTEXT('MULTILINESTRING((2 2,4 2,1 2,2 4,2 2)) '))))); ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS( ST_ENVELOPE(ST_BUFFER(MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 5,2 5,2 4,3 4,3 5))) '), SRID(MULTILINESTRINGFROMTEXT('MULTILINESTRING((2 2,4 2,1 2,2 4,2 2)) '))))) 0 SELECT ASTEXT(ST_BUFFER(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((9 9,5 2,4 5,9 9))'), SRID(GEOMETRYFROMTEXT(' MULTIPOINT(8 4,5 0,7 8,6 9,3 4,7 3,5 5) ')))); ASTEXT(ST_BUFFER(POLYGONFROMTEXT(' POLYGON((9 9,5 2,4 5,9 9))'), SRID(GEOMETRYFROMTEXT(' MULTIPOINT(8 4,5 0,7 8,6 9,3 4,7 3,5 5) ')))) POLYGON((9 9,5 2,4 5,9 9)) # # Start of 10.2 tests # # # MDEV-10134 Add full support for DEFAULT # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT DEFAULT ST_GIS_DEBUG(1)); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'st_gis_debug()' cannot be used in the DEFAULT clause of `a` # # End of 10.2 tests # # # Start of 10.3 tests # # # Comparison data type aggregation for pluggable data types # SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,Item_func_in"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,Predicant_to_list_comparator"; CREATE TABLE t1 (a POINT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (POINT(1,1)),(POINT(1,2)),(POINT(1,3)); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE a IN (POINT(1,1),POINT(10,20),POINT(10,30)); COUNT(*) 1 Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: [2] arg=3 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=yes bisect=yes SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE a IN (POINT(1,1),POINT(10,20),POINT(10,30),'test'); COUNT(*) 1 Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: [2] arg=3 handler=0 (geometry) Note 1105 DBUG: [3] arg=4 handler=3 (longblob) Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=no bisect=no SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE a IN ('test','test1'); COUNT(*) 0 Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (longblob) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (longblob) Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=yes bisect=yes DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a TEXT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('test'),('test1'),('test2'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a IN ('test',POINT(1,1)); a test Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (longblob) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (longblob) Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=yes bisect=yes DROP TABLE t1; SET SESSION debug_dbug="-d,Predicant_to_list_comparator"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="-d,Item_func_in"; # # MDEV-12238 Add Type_handler::Item_func_{plus|minus|mul|div|mod}_fix_length_and_dec() # SET debug_dbug='+d,num_op'; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT POINT(0,0)+POINT(0,0), POINT(0,0)-POINT(0,0), POINT(0,0)*POINT(0,0), POINT(0,0)/POINT(0,0), POINT(0,0) MOD POINT(0,0) LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `POINT(0,0)+POINT(0,0)` geometry DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)-POINT(0,0)` geometry DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)*POINT(0,0)` geometry DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)/POINT(0,0)` geometry DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0) MOD POINT(0,0)` geometry DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT POINT(0,0)+'0', POINT(0,0)-'0', POINT(0,0)*'0', POINT(0,0)/'0', POINT(0,0) MOD '0' LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `POINT(0,0)+'0'` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)-'0'` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)*'0'` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0)/'0'` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `POINT(0,0) MOD '0'` tinytext DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT '0'+POINT(0,0), '0'*POINT(0,0) LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `'0'+POINT(0,0)` tinytext DEFAULT NULL, `'0'*POINT(0,0)` tinytext DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT '0'-POINT(0,0) LIMIT 0; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data types varchar and geometry for operation '-' CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT '0'/POINT(0,0) LIMIT 0; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data types varchar and geometry for operation '/' CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT '0' MOD POINT(0,0) LIMIT 0; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data types varchar and geometry for operation 'MOD' SET debug_dbug='-d,num_op'; # # End of 10.3 tests # # # Start of 10.4 tests # # # MDEV-16454 Bad results for IN with ROW # SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,cmp_item"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,Item_func_in"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,Predicant_to_list_comparator"; SELECT (POINT(1,1),0) IN ((POINT(1,1),0),((POINT(1,1)),1)); (POINT(1,1),0) IN ((POINT(1,1),0),((POINT(1,1)),1)) 1 Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=0 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [1,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [1,1] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [1,2] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=bigint Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=yes bisect=no SELECT (1,(POINT(1,1),0)) IN ((1,(POINT(1,1),0)),(0,(POINT(1,1),0))); (1,(POINT(1,1),0)) IN ((1,(POINT(1,1),0)),(0,(POINT(1,1),0))) 1 Warnings: Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=0 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=bigint Note 1105 DBUG: [1,0] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: [1,1] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: [1,2] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=1 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [1,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [1,1] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [1,2] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=bigint Note 1105 DBUG: types_compatible=yes bisect=no SELECT (1,0) IN ((POINT(1,1),0),(0,0)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data types int and geometry for operation 'in' SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=0 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=int Error 4078 Illegal parameter data types int and geometry for operation 'in' SELECT (1,(0,0)) IN ((1,(POINT(1,1),0)),(0,(0,0))); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data types int and geometry for operation 'in' SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message Note 1105 DBUG: [0] arg=1 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: [1] arg=2 handler=0 (row) Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=0 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=bigint Note 1105 DBUG: [1,0] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: [1,1] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: [1,2] handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: => handler=row Note 1105 DBUG: ROW(3 args) level=1 Note 1105 DBUG: [0,0] handler=int Note 1105 DBUG: [0,1] handler=geometry Note 1105 DBUG: [0,2] handler=int Error 4078 Illegal parameter data types int and geometry for operation 'in' SET SESSION debug_dbug="-d,Predicant_to_list_comparator"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="-d,Item_func_in"; SET SESSION debug_dbug="-d,cmp_item"; # # End of 10.4 tests #