-- source include/not_embedded.inc # # MDEV-6625 SHOW GRANTS for current_user_name@wrong_host_name # --error ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT SHOW GRANTS FOR root@invalid_host; # # MDEV-9580 SHOW GRANTS FOR fails # create user test; create user foo; create role foo; grant foo to test; --connect (conn_1, localhost, test,,) set role foo; show grants for test; # user show grants for foo; # role --error ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show grants for foo@'%'; # user --connection default drop user test, foo; drop role foo; # # MDEV-12321 authentication plugin: SET PASSWORD support # error ER_PASSWD_LENGTH; create user u1@h identified with 'mysql_native_password' using 'pwd'; create user u1@h identified with 'mysql_native_password' using password('pwd'); let p=`select password('pwd')`; eval create user u2@h identified with 'mysql_native_password' using '$p'; create user u3@h identified with 'mysql_native_password'; error ER_PASSWD_LENGTH; set password for u3@h = 'pwd'; set password for u3@h = password('pwd'); create user u4@h identified with 'mysql_native_password'; eval set password for u4@h = '$p'; error ER_PASSWD_LENGTH; create user u5@h identified with 'mysql_old_password' using 'pwd'; create user u5@h identified with 'mysql_old_password' using password('pwd'); let p=`select old_password('pwd')`; eval create user u6@h identified with 'mysql_old_password' using '$p'; create user u7@h identified with 'mysql_old_password'; error ER_PASSWD_LENGTH; set password for u7@h = 'pwd'; set password for u7@h = old_password('pwd'); create user u8@h identified with 'mysql_old_password'; eval set password for u8@h = '$p'; sorted_result; select user,host,password,plugin,authentication_string from mysql.user where host='h'; # test with invalid entries update mysql.user set authentication_string='bad' where user='u1'; update mysql.user set authentication_string='bad' where user='u5'; update mysql.user set plugin='nonexistent' where user='u8'; flush privileges; # invalid entries are skipped, users don't exist error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; show create user u1@h; show create user u2@h; show create user u3@h; show create user u4@h; error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; show create user u5@h; show create user u6@h; show create user u7@h; error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; show create user u8@h; #grants don't work either error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; grant select on *.* to u1@h; grant select on *.* to u2@h; grant select on *.* to u3@h; grant select on *.* to u4@h; error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; grant select on *.* to u5@h; grant select on *.* to u6@h; grant select on *.* to u7@h; error ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH; grant select on *.* to u8@h; select user,select_priv,plugin,authentication_string from mysql.user where user like 'u_'; # but they still can be dropped drop user u1@h, u2@h, u3@h, u4@h, u5@h, u6@h, u7@h, u8@h;