set @save_query_cache_size=@@global.query_cache_size; set @save_sql_mode=@@global.sql_mode; set @save_query_cache_type=@@global.query_cache_type; set GLOBAL sql_mode=""; set LOCAL sql_mode=""; drop table if exists test.t1,mysqltest.t1,mysqltest.t2; drop database if exists mysqltest; set GLOBAL query_cache_type=ON; set LOCAL query_cache_type=ON; set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776; reset query cache; flush status; connect root,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection root; show grants for current_user; Grants for root@localhost GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO `root`@`localhost` WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION show grants; Grants for root@localhost GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO `root`@`localhost` WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION create database if not exists mysqltest; create table mysqltest.t1 (a int,b int,c int); create table mysqltest.t2 (a int,b int,c int); insert into mysqltest.t1 values (1,1,1),(2,2,2); insert into mysqltest.t2 values (3,3,3); create table test.t1 (a char (10)); insert into test.t1 values ("test.t1"); select * from t1; a test.t1 connect root2,localhost,root,,mysqltest,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection root2; select * from t1; a b c 1 1 1 2 2 2 select a from t1; a 1 2 select c from t1; c 1 2 select * from t2; a b c 3 3 3 select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1; a b c a 1 1 1 test.t1 2 2 2 test.t1 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits%"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 0 grant SELECT on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost; grant SELECT on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_2@localhost; grant SELECT on test.t1 to mysqltest_2@localhost; grant SELECT(a) on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_3@localhost; connect user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,mysqltest,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection user1; show grants for current_user(); Grants for mysqltest_1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost` GRANT SELECT ON `mysqltest`.* TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost` show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 0 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 0 select "user1"; user1 user1 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 0 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 1 select * from t1; a b c 1 1 1 2 2 2 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 1 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 1 select a from t1 ; a 1 2 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 2 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 1 select c from t1; c 1 2 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 3 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 1 connect unkuser,localhost,unkuser,,,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection unkuser; show grants for current_user(); Grants for @localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ``@`localhost` connect user2,localhost,mysqltest_2,,mysqltest,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection user2; select "user2"; user2 user2 select * from t1; a b c 1 1 1 2 2 2 select a from t1; a 1 2 select c from t1; c 1 2 select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1; a b c a 1 1 1 test.t1 2 2 2 test.t1 select * from t2; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_2'@'localhost' for table 't2' show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 7 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 2 connect user3,localhost,mysqltest_3,,mysqltest,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection user3; select "user3"; user3 user3 select * from t1; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_3'@'localhost' for table 't1' select a from t1; a 1 2 select c from t1; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_3'@'localhost' for column 'c' in table 't1' select * from t2; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_3'@'localhost' for table 't2' select mysqltest.t1.c from test.t1,mysqltest.t1; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'mysqltest_3'@'localhost' for column 'c' in table 't1' show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 6 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 7 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 3 connect user4,localhost,mysqltest_1,,*NO-ONE*,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connection user4; select "user4"; user4 user4 show grants; Grants for mysqltest_1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost` GRANT SELECT ON `mysqltest`.* TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost` select a from t1; ERROR 3D000: No database selected select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1; a b c a 1 1 1 test.t1 2 2 2 test.t1 select a from mysqltest.t1; a 1 2 select a from mysqltest.t1; a 1 2 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 8 show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 8 show status like "Qcache_not_cached"; Variable_name Value Qcache_not_cached 4 connection root; disconnect root; connection root2; disconnect root2; connection user1; disconnect user1; connection user2; disconnect user2; connection user3; disconnect user3; connection user4; disconnect user4; connection unkuser; disconnect unkuser; connection default; set names binary; delete from mysql.user where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3"); delete from mysql.db where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3"); delete from mysql.tables_priv where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3"); delete from mysql.columns_priv where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3"); flush privileges; drop table test.t1,mysqltest.t1,mysqltest.t2; drop database mysqltest; set GLOBAL query_cache_type=ON; set LOCAL query_cache_type=ON; set GLOBAL query_cache_size=@save_query_cache_size; set GLOBAL sql_mode=@save_sql_mode; set GLOBAL query_cache_type=@save_query_cache_type;