# Test of large pages (or at least the fallback to conventional allocation) # Windows needs SeLockMemoryPrivilege --source include/not_windows.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] (mysqld|mariadbd): Couldn't allocate [0-9]+ bytes \\((Large/HugeTLB memory|MEMLOCK) page size [0-9]+\\).*"); create table t1 ( a int not null auto_increment, b char(16) not null, primary key (a), key (b) ); create table t2( a int not null auto_increment, b char(16) not null, primary key (a), key (b) ); insert into t1(b) values ('test0'), ('test1'), ('test2'), ('test3'), ('test4'), ('test5'), ('test6'), ('test7'); insert into t2(b) select b from t1; insert into t1(b) select b from t2; select * from t1 join t2 using (b) ORDER BY t1.a, t2.a; drop table t1, t2;