# # Test failures with MERGE # --source include/have_debug.inc set @default_storage_engine= @@global.default_storage_engine; set global default_storage_engine=myisam; set session default_storage_engine=myisam; call mtr.add_suppression("Index for table .*crashed' is corrupt; try to repair it"); --disable_warnings drop table if exists crashed,t2,t3,t4; --enable_warnings SET @orig_debug=@@global.debug_dbug; # # Check that MariaDB handles reopen that fails without crashing # CREATE TABLE crashed (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t3 (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t4 (c1 INT) ENGINE=MRG_MYISAM UNION=(crashed,t2,t3) INSERT_METHOD=LAST; INSERT INTO crashed VALUES (10); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (30); LOCK TABLES t3 WRITE, t2 WRITE, t4 WRITE, crashed WRITE; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,myisam_pretend_crashed_table_on_open"; --disable_warnings CREATE TRIGGER t1_ai AFTER INSERT ON crashed FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(29); --enable_warnings SET GLOBAL debug_dbug=@orig_debug; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (39); --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED INSERT INTO crashed VALUES (11); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (21); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (31); UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TRIGGER t1_ai; DROP TABLE t4,crashed,t2,t3; set global default_storage_engine=@default_storage_engine;