--source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_udf.inc --source include/platform.inc if (!$AUTH_SOCKET_SO) { --skip Need auth socket plugin } --echo # --echo # MDEV-23630: mysqldump to logically dump system tables --echo # --echo # create table backup_users like mysql.global_priv; create table tables_priv like mysql.tables_priv; insert into backup_users select * from mysql.global_priv; insert into tables_priv select * from mysql.tables_priv; delete from mysql.global_priv where host not in ('localhost'); flush privileges; # mariadb.sys because of MDEV-24098 alter user 'mariadb.sys'@'localhost' ACCOUNT UNLOCK; create user USER; # time zone data already loaded CREATE ROLE role_1; CREATE ROLE role_2 WITH ADMIN role_1; GRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO role_1; GRANT role_1 TO USER; GRANT role_2 TO USER; SET DEFAULT ROLE role_2 FOR USER; ALTER TABLE mysql.roles_mapping ORDER BY Host, User, Role; # innodb and EITS tables statistics # set @save_innodb_stats_persistent= @@innodb_stats_persistent; create table mysql.tz like mysql.time_zone_transition; alter table mysql.tz engine=innodb; insert into mysql.tz select * from mysql.time_zone_transition; set global innodb_stats_persistent=1; ANALYZE TABLE mysql.tz PERSISTENT FOR ALL; # for predictable output in tests delete from mysql.index_stats where prefix_arity!=1; delete from mysql.column_stats where column_name!='Time_zone_id'; set time_zone="+03:00"; update mysql.innodb_index_stats set last_update="2020-01-01" where database_name="mysql" and table_name="tz"; update mysql.innodb_table_stats set last_update="2020-01-01" where database_name="mysql" and table_name="tz"; set global innodb_stats_persistent= @save_innodb_stats_persistent; alter table mysql.time_zone_name ORDER BY Name; CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql OPTIONS(Host 'localhost'); --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_SO UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_SO"; # # Lets actually do some tests. # --echo # --echo # mysqldump of system tables with --system=all --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_SO UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --skip-comments --system=all --echo # --echo # mysqldump of system tables with --system=all --replace --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_SO UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --skip-comments --system=all --replace # save this for restore --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --system=users,servers,stats,timezones,udfs --replace > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/dump1.sql --echo # --echo # mysqldump of system tables with --system=all --insert-ignore --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_SO UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --skip-comments --system=all --insert-ignore # global_priv checksum not restored because: # mariadb.sys - different Priv on restore # password_last_changed date isn't saved/restored # root user's Priv $.access lower number on restore --replace_regex /"password_last_changed":[0-9]+/"password_last_changed":NOW/ /"version_id":[0-9]+/"version_id":VERSION/ SELECT * FROM mysql.global_priv ORDER BY User,Host; CHECKSUM TABLE mysql.roles_mapping, mysql.time_zone_transition, mysql.plugin, mysql.servers, mysql.func, mysql.innodb_table_stats, mysql.table_stats; --echo # Opps.... CREATE USER mariadb_test_restore IDENTIFIED BY 'getitback'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO mariadb_test_restore WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT PROXY ON ''@'%' TO mariadb_test_restore WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT SUPER, CREATE USER /*M!100502 ,FEDERATED ADMIN */ ON *.* TO mariadb_test_restore WITH GRANT OPTION; drop user USER; delete from mysql.table_stats; delete from mysql.innodb_table_stats; delete from mysql.time_zone_transition; delete from mysql.time_zone_transition_type; delete from mysql.time_zone; delete from mysql.time_zone_name; delete from mysql.time_zone_leap_second; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS metaphon; DROP SERVER s1; set time_zone= @@global.time_zone; --echo # Restore from mysqldump --exec $MYSQL --user mariadb_test_restore --password=getitback --show-warnings < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/dump1.sql DROP USER mariadb_test_restore; # successful restore? --replace_regex /"password_last_changed":[0-9]+/"password_last_changed":NOW/ /"version_id":[0-9]+/"version_id":VERSION/ SELECT * FROM mysql.global_priv ORDER BY User,Host; CHECKSUM TABLE mysql.roles_mapping, mysql.time_zone_transition, mysql.plugin, mysql.servers, mysql.func, mysql.innodb_table_stats, mysql.table_stats; # # Cleanup # DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS metaphon; DROP SERVER s1; # EITS && innodb stats DELETE FROM mysql.column_stats WHERE db_name='mysql' and table_name in ('tz', 'gtid_slave_pos'); DELETE FROM mysql.index_stats WHERE db_name='mysql' and table_name in ('tz', 'gtid_slave_pos'); DELETE FROM mysql.table_stats WHERE db_name='mysql' and table_name in ('tz', 'gtid_slave_pos'); DELETE FROM mysql.innodb_index_stats WHERE database_name='mysql' and table_name in ('tz','gtid_slave_pos'); DELETE FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats WHERE database_name='mysql' and table_name in ('tz','gtid_slave_pos'); drop table mysql.tz; DROP ROLE role_2; DROP ROLE role_1; drop user USER; replace into mysql.global_priv select * from backup_users; replace into mysql.tables_priv select * from tables_priv; flush privileges; drop table backup_users, tables_priv;