# Initialise --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings set @@session.sql_auto_is_null=1; # # Test some ODBC compatibility # select {fn length("hello")}, { date "1997-10-20" }; # # Test retreiving row with last insert_id value. # create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment,b int not null,primary key (a,b)); insert into t1 SET A=NULL,B=1; insert into t1 SET a=null,b=2; select * from t1 where a is null and b=2; select * from t1 where a is null; explain select * from t1 where b is null; drop table t1; # # Bug #14553: NULL in WHERE resets LAST_INSERT_ID # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL); SELECT sql_no_cache a, last_insert_id() FROM t1 WHERE a IS NULL; SELECT sql_no_cache a, last_insert_id() FROM t1 WHERE a IS NULL; SELECT sql_no_cache a, last_insert_id() FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 4.1 tests set @@session.sql_auto_is_null=default;