--source include/have_partition.inc # # expression lists # create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1) ) ; --error ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE insert into t1 values (10,10); drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); insert into t1 values (4,4); select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; drop table t1; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p3 DEFAULT ) ; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1), PARTITION p3 DEFAULT ) ; create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1) ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; drop table t1; # # Default has its value as 0 check that they are not clash. # create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1, 0) ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; drop table t1; # # columns lists # create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; drop table t1; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p3 DEFAULT ) ; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p3 DEFAULT ) ; # # partititon prunning test # create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1,20), PARTITION p0 default ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; select * from t1 where a=10; select * from t1 where a<=10; select * from t1 where a<=20; select * from t1 where a>=10; select * from t1 where a>=5; insert into t1 values (20,20),(5,5); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; select * from t1 where a=10; select * from t1 where a<=10; select * from t1 where a<=20; select * from t1 where a>=10; select * from t1 where a>=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=5; select * from t1 where a=10 or a=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 or a=5; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6),(5,5)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(20,20)), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; insert into t1 values (10,10); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; select * from t1 where a=10; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10; select * from t1 where a<=10; select * from t1 where a>=10; insert into t1 values (20,20),(5,5); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10 or a=20 and b=20; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10 or a=20 and b=20; drop table t1; # # partition pruning with expressions # create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (10,10),(2,5),(0,0); select * from t1; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST (a+b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (1,2,3,7), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (21,0), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (10,10),(2,5),(0,0); select * from t1; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST (a+5) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (1,2,3,7), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (0), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a>=2; explain partitions select * from t1 where a>=2 and a<=3; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10; drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a DATE, KEY(a)) PARTITION BY LIST (TO_DAYS(a)) (PARTITION `pDEF` DEFAULT, PARTITION `p2001-01-01` VALUES IN (TO_DAYS('2001-01-01')), PARTITION `pNULL` VALUES IN (NULL), PARTITION `p0000-01-02` VALUES IN (TO_DAYS('0000-01-02')), PARTITION `p1001-01-01` VALUES IN (TO_DAYS('1001-01-01'))); if ($verify_without_partitions) { ALTER TABLE t1 REMOVE PARTITIONING; } INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0000-00-00'), ('0000-01-02'), ('0001-01-01'), ('1001-00-00'), ('1001-01-01'), ('1002-00-00'), ('2001-01-01'); --source include/partition_date_range.inc --echo # test without index ALTER TABLE t1 DROP KEY a; --source include/partition_date_range.inc DROP TABLE t1; --echo # TO_SECONDS, test of LIST and index CREATE TABLE t1 (a DATE, KEY(a)) PARTITION BY LIST (TO_SECONDS(a)) (PARTITION `pDEF` DEFAULT, PARTITION `p2001-01-01` VALUES IN (TO_SECONDS('2001-01-01')), PARTITION `pNULL` VALUES IN (NULL), PARTITION `p0000-01-02` VALUES IN (TO_SECONDS('0000-01-02')), PARTITION `p1001-01-01` VALUES IN (TO_SECONDS('1001-01-01'))); if ($verify_without_partitions) { ALTER TABLE t1 REMOVE PARTITIONING; } INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0000-00-00'), ('0000-01-02'), ('0001-01-01'), ('1001-00-00'), ('1001-01-01'), ('1002-00-00'), ('2001-01-01'); --source include/partition_date_range.inc --echo # test without index ALTER TABLE t1 DROP KEY a; --source include/partition_date_range.inc DROP TABLE t1; # # ALTER TABLE test # create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (10,10),(2,5),(0,0); select * from t1; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (1,2,3), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (20,0), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (1,2,3), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (20,0), PARTITION p0 VALUES IN (10) ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 DEFAULT, PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (20,0), PARTITION p0 VALUES IN (10) ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 drop partition p2; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pd DEFAULT); show create table t1; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pdd DEFAULT); alter table t1 drop partition pd; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pdd DEFAULT, PARTITION pd DEFAULT); drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (10,10),(2,5),(0,0); select * from t1; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p0 DEFAULT ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p0 VALUES IN ((10,10)) ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p2 DEFAULT, PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)), PARTITION p0 VALUES IN ((10,10)) ) ; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=2 and b=5; explain partitions select * from t1 where a=10 and b=10; alter table t1 drop partition p2; show create table t1; select * from t1; --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pd DEFAULT); show create table t1; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pdd DEFAULT); alter table t1 drop partition pd; --error ER_PARTITION_DEFAULT_ERROR alter table t1 add partition (PARTITION pdd DEFAULT, PARTITION pd DEFAULT); drop table t1; # # Problem of reorganizing DEFAULT partition # create table t1 (a int) PARTITION BY LIST (a) ( PARTITION p2 VALUES IN (4,5,6), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1), PARTITION pd DEFAULT ) ; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; alter table t1 add partition (partition p0 VALUES IN (2,3)); --sorted_result select partition_name, table_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='t1'; drop table t1; # # Check that first DEFAULT works in LIST COLUMN # create table t1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( PARTITION p0 DEFAULT, PARTITION p2 VALUES IN ((1,4),(2,5),(3,6)), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN ((1,1),(0,0)) ) ; show create table t1; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10765: Wrong result - query does not retrieve values from --echo # default partition on a table partitioned by list columns --echo # create table t1 (i int, j int) partition by list columns(i,j) (partition p1 values in ((10,10)), partition p2 default); insert into t1 values (10,1); select * from t1 where i = 10; explain partitions select * from t1 where i = 10; select * from t1 where i = 10 and j=1; explain partitions select * from t1 where i = 10 and j=1; insert into t1 values (10,10); select * from t1 where i = 10 and j=10; explain partitions select * from t1 where i = 10 and j=10; drop table t1; create table t1 ( a int not null, b int not null, c int ) partition by list columns(a,b) ( partition p1 values in ((10,10)), partition p2 values in ((10,20)), partition p3 values in ((10,30)), partition p4 values in ((10,40)), partition p5 values in ((10,50)) ); insert into t1 values (10,10,1234), (10,20,1234), (10,30,1234), (10,40,1234), (10,50,1234); explain partitions select * from t1 where a>=10 and (a <=10 and b <=30); drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10763: Wrong result - server does not return NULL values --echo # from default list partition after ALTER table --echo # create table t1 (i int) partition by list (i) ( partition p1 default); insert into t1 values (null); select * from t1 where i is null; alter table t1 partition by list (i) ( partition p1 values in (1), partition p2 default); select * from t1 where i is null; explain partitions select * from t1 where i is null; alter table t1 partition by list (i) ( partition p0 values in (NULL), partition p1 values in (1), partition p2 default); select * from t1 where i is null; explain partitions select * from t1 where i is null; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-12395: DROP PARTITION does not work as expected when --echo # table has DEFAULT LIST partition --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) PARTITION BY LIST (i) (PARTITION p VALUES IN (1,2,3,4), PARTITION pdef DEFAULT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(10); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PARTITION p; SELECT * FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) PARTITION BY LIST (i) (PARTITION p VALUES IN (1,2,3,4), PARTITION pdef DEFAULT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(10); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PARTITION pdef; SELECT * FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1;