# # MDEV-24208 SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS command is not supported in the prepared # statement protocol yet # CREATE USER u1; include/master-slave.inc [connection master] connection master; CREATE TABLE t1(n INT); DROP TABLE t1; connection slave; PREPARE stmt_1 FROM 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS'; EXECUTE stmt_1; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info # # Format_desc # # # # # Gtid_list # # [] # # Binlog_checkpoint # # # # # Gtid # # GTID 0-1-1 # # Query # # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1(n INT) # # Gtid # # GTID 0-1-2 # # Query # # use `test`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t1` /* generated by server */ # Execute the same prepared statement the second time to check that # no internal structures used for handling the statement # 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS' were damaged. EXECUTE stmt_1; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info # # Format_desc # # # # # Gtid_list # # [] # # Binlog_checkpoint # # # # # Gtid # # GTID 0-1-1 # # Query # # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1(n INT) # # Gtid # # GTID 0-1-2 # # Query # # use `test`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t1` /* generated by server */ DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_1; connection slave; PREPARE stmt_1 FROM 'SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS'; EXECUTE stmt_1; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-relay-bin.000001 # Format_desc # # # slave-relay-bin.000001 # Rotate # # # # Execute the same prepared statement the second time to check that # no internal structures used for handling the statement # 'SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS' were damaged. EXECUTE stmt_1; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-relay-bin.000001 # Format_desc # # # slave-relay-bin.000001 # Rotate # # # DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_1; # Create the user u1 without the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege required # for running the statements SHOW BINLOG EVENTS/SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS # and check that attempt to execute the statements SHOW BINLOG EVENTS/ # SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS as a prepred statements by a user without required # privileges results in error. connect con2,localhost,u1,,test; PREPARE stmt_1 FROM 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS'; EXECUTE stmt_1; ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege(s) for this operation PREPARE stmt_1 FROM 'SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS'; EXECUTE stmt_1; ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege(s) for this operation DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_1; include/rpl_end.inc connection default; DROP USER u1; # End of 10.2 tests