--source include/have_innodb.inc SET SESSION DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE='InnoDB'; --source rowid_filter.test --source include/have_sequence.inc --echo # --echo # MDEV-18755: possible RORI-plan and possible plan with range filter --echo # create table t1 ( pk int not null primary key, f1 varchar(10), f2 varchar(30), a int(10), key (f1), key (f2) ) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (2,'a','a',2),(3,'a','a',null),(4,'a','a',55),(5,'a','a',4),(6,'a','a',0), (7,'a','a',1),(8,'a','a',4),(9,'a','a',null),(10,'a','a',0),(11,'a','a',0), (12,'a','a',null),(13,'a','a',49778),(14,'a','a',6),(15,'a','a',3), (16,'a','a',233),(17,'a','a',-1),(18,'a','a',5),(19,'a','a',-1), (20,'a','a',null),(21,'a','a',0),(22,'a','a',null),(23,'a','a',53840), (24,'a','a',null),(25,'a','a',null),(26,'a','a',5),(27,'a','a',43454), (28,'a','a',0),(29,'a','a',0),(30,'a','a',null),(59,'a','a',null), (60,'a','a',null),(61,'a','a',-1),(62,'a','a',null),(63,'a','a',0), (64,'a','a',14468),(65,'a','a',0),(66,'a','a',28),(67,'a','a',null), (68,'a','a',14983),(69,'a','a',null),(70,'a','a',3),(71,'a','a',null), (72,'a','a',null),(73,'a','a',237),(74,'a','a',2),(75,'a','a',0), (76,'a','a',6),(77,'a','a',5),(78,'a','a',0),(79,'a','a',1),(80,'a','a',-1), (81,'a','a',20),(82,'a','a',0),(83,'a','a',0),(84,'a','a',null), (85,'a','a',-1),(86,'a','a',5),(87,'a','a',null),(88,'a','a',160), (89,null,null,null),(90,'a','a',14785),(91,'a','a',0),(92,'a','a',null); let $q= ( select * from t1 where (f1 is null and f2 is null) and (f2 between 'a' and 'z' or f1 in ('a'))) union ( select * from t1 where (f1 is null and f2 is null) and (f2 between 'a' and 'z' or f1 in ('a'))); eval $q; eval explain $q; eval explain format=json $q; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-19195: possible RORI-plan and possible plan with range filter --echo # for not first joined table --echo # create table t1 (id int not null primary key) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (2),(1); create table t2 (y int,x int,index (x),index (y)) engine=innodb; insert into t2 values (4,1),(4,777),(2,1),(2,888),(111,1),(222,1),(333,345),(444,1), (555,555),(666,1); let $q= select * from t1 join t2 on t1.id = t2.x where t2.y = 2 and t1.id = 1; eval $q; eval explain extended $q; drop table t1, t2; --echo # --echo # MDEV-19820: use of rowid filter for innodb table without primary key --echo # create table t1 (a int, b int, key (b), key (a)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 select (rand(1)*1000)/10, (rand(1001)*1000)/50 from seq_1_to_1000; analyze table t1; let $q= select count(*) from t1 where a in (22,83,11) and b=2; let $q1= select * from t1 where a in (22,83,11) and b=2; set @save_optimizer_switch= @@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='rowid_filter=off'; eval $q; eval explain extended $q; eval $q1; set optimizer_switch='rowid_filter=on'; eval $q; eval explain extended $q; eval $q1; drop table t1; set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch; SET SESSION DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE=DEFAULT; --echo # --echo # MDEV-19919: use of rowid filter for innodb table + ORDER BY --echo # SET @stats.save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= ON; CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT, b VARCHAR(10), c VARCHAR(1024), KEY (b), KEY (c) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'w','z'), (1,'X','o'), (1,'q','c'), (5,'w','c'), (2,'j','m'), (2,'Q','s'), (9,'e','J'), (2,'p','W'), (9,'o','F'), (2,'g','S'), (1,'Y','a'), (NULL,'Y','p'), (NULL,'s','x'), (NULL,'i','S'), (1,'l','q'), (7,'r','e'), (4,'b','h'), (NULL,'E','c'), (NULL,'M','a'), (3,'e','X'), (NULL,'p','r'), (9,'e','i'), (3,'g','x'), (2,'h','y'); ANALYZE TABLE t1; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE c < 'k' AND b > 't' ORDER BY a; SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE c < 'k' AND b > 't' ORDER BY a; DROP TABLE t1; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= @stats.save; --echo # --echo # MDEV-20056: index to build range filter should not be --echo # the same as table access index --echo # SET @stats.save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= ON; CREATE TABLE t1 (ch varchar(1), id int, id2 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('l',3,2), ('e',NULL,NULL), ('r',7,3), ('h',NULL,2), (NULL,4,4), ('c',4,NULL), ('k',NULL,NULL), ('h',NULL,NULL), ('b',9,NULL), ('f',6,NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 ( pk int NOT NULL, col_date_key date, ch2 varchar(1), id2 int, PRIMARY KEY (pk), KEY (col_date_key), KEY (ch2), KEY (id2) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'2034-04-21','g',9), (2,'2006-09-08','y',1), (3,NULL,'h',2), (4,'1987-03-02','s',2), (5,'2019-07-02','u',NULL),(6,'2012-12-18','z',1), (7,NULL,'w',4), (8,'2005-03-10','o',8), (9,'1987-02-12','d',4); CREATE TABLE t3 (id int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (6); ANALYZE TABLE t1,t2,t3; let $q1= SELECT 1 FROM t3 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE t3.id IN ( SELECT bt1.id FROM t2, t1 AS bt1 WHERE bt1.id = t2.pk AND t2.ch2 <= 'g' ) OR t1.id2 = t1.id); eval EXPLAIN EXTENDED $q1; eval $q1; let $q2= SELECT 1 FROM t3 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE t3.id IN ( SELECT bt1.id FROM t2, t1 AS bt1 WHERE bt1.ch = t2.ch2 AND bt1.id = t2.pk AND t2.ch2 <= 'g' ) OR t1.id2 = t1.id); eval EXPLAIN EXTENDED $q2; eval $q2; DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent= @stats.save; --echo # --echo # MDEV-20407: usage of range filter is not supported when --echo # the joined table is accessed by a full text index --echo # set @stats.save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; set global innodb_stats_persistent=on; create table t1(id int, s text, key (id), fulltext key (s)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1119,'t'),(1134,'t'),(1134,'t'),(1143,'t'),(1143,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'), (1187,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'),(1187,'t'), (1187,'t'),(1210,'t'),(1210,'t'),(1210,'t'),(1210,'t'),(1210,'t'),(1210,'t'), (1214,'t'),(1214,'t'),(1215,'t'),(1215,'t'),(1215,'t'),(1216,'t'),(1218,'t'), (1220,'t'),(1220,'t'),(1220,'t'),(1222,'t'),(1223,'t'),(1223,'t'),(1224,'t'), (1225,'t'),(1225,'t'),(1226,'t'),(1226,'t'),(1227,'t'),(1227,'t'),(1228,'t'), (1229,'t'),(1230,'t'),(1230,'t'),(1231,'t'),(1231,'t'),(1232,'t'),(1232,'t'), (1232,'t'),(1232,'t'),(1233,'t'),(1241,'t'),(1245,'t'),(1247,'t'),(1247,'t'), (1247,'t'),(1247,'t'),(1247,'t'),(1247,'t'),(1248,'like fttest'); analyze table t1; let $q= select count(0) from t1 where id=15066 and (match s against ('+"fttest"' in boolean mode)); eval explain extended $q; eval $q; drop table t1; set global innodb_stats_persistent= @stats.save; --echo # --echo # MDEV-21356: usage of range filter with range access employing --echo # optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_sort_keys=on'; --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, domain varchar(255) NOT NULL, registrant_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_organization varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_street1 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_street2 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_street3 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_street4 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_street5 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_city varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_postal_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_country varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, registrant_telephone varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_organization varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_street1 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_street2 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_street3 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_street4 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_street5 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_city varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_postal_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_country varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, administrative_telephone varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_organization varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_street1 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_street2 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_street3 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_street4 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_street5 varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_city varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_postal_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_country varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, technical_telephone varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, json longblob NOT NULL, timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY ixEventWhoisDomainDomain (domain), KEY ixEventWhoisDomainTimestamp (timestamp) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO t1 ( id, domain, registrant_name, registrant_organization, registrant_street1, registrant_street2, registrant_street3, registrant_street4, registrant_street5, registrant_city, registrant_postal_code, registrant_country, registrant_email, registrant_telephone, administrative_name, administrative_organization, administrative_street1, administrative_street2, administrative_street3, administrative_street4, administrative_street5, administrative_city, administrative_postal_code, administrative_country, administrative_email, administrative_telephone, technical_name, technical_organization, technical_street1, technical_street2, technical_street3, technical_street4, technical_street5, technical_city, technical_postal_code, technical_country, technical_email, technical_telephone, json, timestamp) VALUES (60380, 'www.mailhost.i-dev.fr', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '2016-12-22 09:18:28'), (60383, 'www.bestwestern.fr', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '2016-12-22 09:27:06'), (80392, 'www.dfinitions.fr', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '2017-01-30 08:02:01'), (80407, 'www.firma.o2.pl', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'AZ.pl Sp. z o.o.', 'Al. Papieza Jana Pawla II 19/2', null, null, null, null, '70-453 Szczecin', null, 'POLAND', null, '48914243780', '', '2017-01-30 08:24:51'), (80551, 'www.mailhost.i-dev.fr', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '', '2017-01-30 10:00:56'), (80560, 'www.blackmer-mouvex.com', 'MARIE-PIERRE PRODEAU', 'MOUVEX', '2 RUE DES CAILLOTES', null, null, null, null, 'AUXERRE', '89000', 'FRANCE', 'PRODEAU@MOUVEX.COM', null, 'MARIE-PIERRE PRODEAU', 'MOUVEX', '2 RUE DES CAILLOTES', null, null, null, null, 'AUXERRE', '89000', 'FRANCE', 'PRODEAU@MOUVEX.COM', '33 386498630', 'LAURENT SOUCHELEAU', 'MOUVEX', '2 RUE DES CAILLOTES', null, null, null, null, 'AUXERRE', '89000', 'FRANCE', 'SOUCHELEAU@MOUVEX.COM', '33 386498643', '', '2017-01-30 10:04:38'), (80566, 'www.inup.com', 'MAXIMILIAN V. KETELHODT', null, 'SUELZBURGSTRASSE 158A', null, null, null, null, 'KOELN', '50937', 'GERMANY', 'ICANN@EXPIRES-2009.WEBCARE24.COM', '492214307580', 'MAXIMILIAN V. KETELHODT', null, 'SUELZBURGSTRASSE 158A', null, null, null, null, 'KOELN', '50937', 'GERMANY', 'ICANN@EXPIRES-2009.WEBCARE24.COM', '492214307580', 'MAXIMILIAN V. KETELHODT', null, 'SUELZBURGSTRASSE 158A', null, null, null, null, 'KOELN', '50937', 'GERMANY', 'ICANN@EXPIRES-2009.WEBCARE24.COM', '492214307580', '', '2017-01-30 10:08:29'); SET @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; SET optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_sort_keys=on'; let $q= SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 1 = 1 AND domain = 'www.mailhost.i-dev.fr' AND timestamp >= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL -1 MONTH) ORDER BY timestamp DESC; eval $q; eval EXPLAIN EXTENDED $q; SET optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-21446: index to access the table is changed for primary key --echo # SET @stats.save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; SET global innodb_stats_persistent=on; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk int auto_increment, a int, b int, primary key (pk), key (a), key (b) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 (a,b) VALUES (0,0), (0,9), (0,NULL), (1,2), (4,0), (2,9), (1,0), (NULL,0), (5,NULL), (5,1), (0,7), (NULL,5), (NULL,0), (2,1), (2,5), (6,NULL), (0,NULL), (NULL,8), (8,5), (2,NULL), (2,3), (NULL,8), (NULL,6), (1,1), (5,1), (NULL,5), (4,4), (2,4), (2,5), (1,9), (NULL,0), (3,7), (0,4), (2,8), (1,2), (1,4), (2,1), (NULL,7), (6,6), (3,0), (4,5), (5,2), (8,2), (NULL,NULL), (8,NULL), (0,1),(0,7); INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT a, b FROM t1; ANALYZE TABLE t1; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR a IS NULL) AND (b BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR b = 9); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR a IS NULL) AND (b BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR b = 9) ORDER BY pk LIMIT 1; ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR a IS NULL) AND (b BETWEEN 9 AND 10 OR b = 9) ORDER BY pk LIMIT 1; DROP TABLE t1; SET global innodb_stats_persistent= @stats.save; --echo # --echo # MDEV-21610: Using rowid filter with BKA+MRR --echo # set @stats.save= @@innodb_stats_persistent; set global innodb_stats_persistent=on; CREATE TABLE acli ( id bigint(20) NOT NULL, rid varchar(255) NOT NULL, tp smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY acli_rid (rid), KEY acli_tp (tp) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into acli(id,rid,tp) values (184929059698905997,'ABABABABABABABABAB',103), (184929059698905998,'ABABABABABABABABAB',121), (283586039035985921,'00000000000000000000000000000000',103), (2216474704108064678,'020BED6D07B741CE9B10AB2200FEF1DF',103), (2216474704108064679,'020BED6D07B741CE9B10AB2200FEF1DF',121), (3080602882609775593,'B5FCC8C7111E4E3CBC21AAF5012F59C2',103), (3080602882609775594,'B5FCC8C7111E4E3CBC21AAF5012F59C2',121), (3080602882609776594,'B5FCC8C7111E4E3CBC21AAF5012F59C2',121), (3080602882609777595,'B5FCC8C7111E4E3CBC21AAF5012F59C2',121), (4269412446747236214,'SCSCSCSCSCSCSCSC',103), (4269412446747236215,'SCSCSCSCSCSCSCSC',121), (6341490487802728356,'6072D47E513F4A4794BBAB2200FDB67D',103), (6341490487802728357,'6072D47E513F4A4794BBAB2200FDB67D',121); CREATE TABLE acei ( id bigint(20) NOT NULL, aclid bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, atp smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, clus smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY acei_aclid (aclid), KEY acei_clus (clus) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into acei(id,aclid,atp,clus) values (184929059698905999,184929059698905997,0,1), (184929059698906000,184929059698905997,0,1), (184929059698906001,184929059698905997,1,1), (184929059698906002,184929059698905998,1,1), (283586039035985922,283586039035985921,1,1), (2216474704108064684,2216474704108064678,0,1), (2216474704108064685,2216474704108064678,0,1), (2216474704108064686,2216474704108064678,1,1), (2216474704108064687,2216474704108064679,1,1), (3080602882609775595,3080602882609775593,0,1), (3080602882609775596,3080602882609775593,0,1), (3080602882609775597,3080602882609775593,1,1), (3080602882609775598,3080602882609775594,1,1), (3080602882609776595,3080602882609776594,1,1), (3080602882609777596,3080602882609777595,1,1), (4269412446747236216,4269412446747236214,0,1), (4269412446747236217,4269412446747236214,0,1), (4269412446747236218,4269412446747236214,1,1), (4269412446747236219,4269412446747236215,1,1), (6341490487802728358,6341490487802728356,0,1), (6341490487802728359,6341490487802728356,0,1), (6341490487802728360,6341490487802728356,1,1), (6341490487802728361,6341490487802728357,1,1); CREATE TABLE filt ( id bigint(20) NOT NULL, aceid bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, clid smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, fh bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY filt_aceid (aceid), KEY filt_clid (clid), KEY filt_fh (fh) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into filt(id,aceid,clid,fh) values (184929059698905999,184929059698905999,1,8948400944397203540), (184929059698906000,184929059698906000,1,-3516039679025944536), (184929059698906001,184929059698906001,1,-3516039679025944536), (184929059698906002,184929059698906001,1,2965370193075218252), (184929059698906003,184929059698906001,1,8948400944397203540), (184929059698906004,184929059698906002,1,2478709353550777738), (283586039035985922,283586039035985922,1,5902600816362013271), (2216474704108064686,2216474704108064684,1,8948400944397203540), (2216474704108064687,2216474704108064685,1,-7244708939311117030), (2216474704108064688,2216474704108064686,1,-7244708939311117030), (2216474704108064689,2216474704108064686,1,7489060986210282479), (2216474704108064690,2216474704108064686,1,8948400944397203540), (2216474704108064691,2216474704108064687,1,-3575268945274980038), (3080602882609775595,3080602882609775595,1,8948400944397203540), (3080602882609775596,3080602882609775596,1,-5420422472375069774), (3080602882609775597,3080602882609775597,1,-5420422472375069774), (3080602882609775598,3080602882609775597,1,8518228073041491534), (3080602882609775599,3080602882609775597,1,8948400944397203540), (3080602882609775600,3080602882609775598,1,6311439873746261694), (3080602882609775601,3080602882609775598,1,6311439873746261694), (3080602882609776595,3080602882609776595,1,-661101805245999843), (3080602882609777596,3080602882609777596,1,-661101805245999843), (3080602882609777597,3080602882609777596,1,2216865386202464067), (4269412446747236216,4269412446747236216,1,8948400944397203540), (4269412446747236217,4269412446747236217,1,-1143096194892676000), (4269412446747236218,4269412446747236218,1,-1143096194892676000), (4269412446747236219,4269412446747236218,1,5313391811364818290), (4269412446747236220,4269412446747236218,1,8948400944397203540), (4269412446747236221,4269412446747236219,1,7624499822621753835), (6341490487802728358,6341490487802728358,1,8948400944397203540), (6341490487802728359,6341490487802728359,1,8141092449587136068), (6341490487802728360,6341490487802728360,1,8141092449587136068), (6341490487802728361,6341490487802728360,1,1291319099896431785), (6341490487802728362,6341490487802728360,1,8948400944397203540), (6341490487802728363,6341490487802728361,1,6701841652906431497); analyze table filt, acei, acli; let $q= select t.id, fi.* from (acli t inner join acei a on a.aclid = t.id) inner join filt fi on a.id = fi.aceid where t.rid = 'B5FCC8C7111E4E3CBC21AAF5012F59C2' and t.tp = 121 and a.atp = 1 and fi.fh in (6311439873746261694,-397087483897438286, 8518228073041491534,-5420422472375069774); set @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; set @save_join_cache_level=@@join_cache_level; set optimizer_switch='mrr=off'; set join_cache_level=2; eval $without_filter explain extended $q; eval $without_filter $q; eval $with_filter explain extended $q; eval $with_filter $q; set optimizer_switch='mrr=on'; set join_cache_level=6; eval $without_filter explain extended $q; eval $without_filter $q; eval $with_filter explain extended $q; eval $with_filter $q; --source include/analyze-format.inc eval $with_filter analyze format=json $q; set optimizer_switch=@save_optimizer_switch; set join_cache_level=@save_join_cache_level; drop table filt, acei, acli; set global innodb_stats_persistent= @stats.save;