# # Tests for SHOW ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON FOR functionality # --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc # Using valgrind can cause 'reap' to fail. See comment below --source include/not_valgrind.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t0, t1, t2, t3, t4; drop view if exists v1; --enable_warnings SET @old_debug= @@session.debug; # # Testcases in this file do not work with embedded server. The reason for this # is that we use the following commands for synchronization: # # set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; # SET debug_dbug='d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; # send select count(*) from t1 where a < 100000; # # When ran with mysqltest_embedded, this translates into: # # Thread1> DBUG_PUSH("d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start"); # Thread1> create another thread for doing "send ... reap" # Thread2> mysql_parse("select count(*) from t1 where a < 100000"); # # That is, "select count(*) ..." is ran in a thread for which DBUG_PUSH(...) # has not been called. As a result, show_explain_probe_join_exec_start does not fire, and # "select count(*) ..." does not wait till its SHOW ANALYZE command, and the # test fails. # -- source include/not_embedded.inc set debug_sync='RESET'; create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t1 (a int); alter table t1 add b int, add c int, add filler char(32); insert into t1 select A.a, 10*B.a, 100*C.a, 'foo filler' from t0 A, t0 B, t0 C; alter table t1 add key(a), add key(b); analyze table t1; # # Try to call SHOW ANALYZE with a missing thread ID # --error ER_PARSE_ERROR show analyze format=JSON for; # # Try SHOW ANALYZE for a non-existent thread # --error ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD show analyze format=json for 1001; --error ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY show analyze format=JSON for (select a from t0 limit 1); # # Setup two threads and their ids # let $thr1=`select connection_id()`; connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connection con1; let $thr2=`select connection_id()`; SET @old_debug= @@session.debug; connection default; # SHOW ANALYZE FOR --error ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE evalp show analyze format = JSON for $thr2; # SHOW ANALYZE FOR --error ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE evalp show analyze format = json for $thr1; # Not supported format of output --error ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT evalp show analyze FORMAT=HTML for $thr1; --error ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT evalp analyze FORMAT=XML for connection $thr1; let $wait_condition= select State='show_explain_trap' from information_schema.processlist where id=$thr2; # # Test SHOW ANALYZE for simple queries # connection con1; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send select count(*) from t1 where c < 500; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; send select max(c) from t1 where c < 10; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; --echo # We can catch ANALYZE too. send analyze select max(c) from t1 where a < 10; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # UNION, select, first branch set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send select max(a) from t0 a where a<=5 union select max(a+1) from t0 b where a>=9; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT= json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; --echo # UNION, select, second branch set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; # <--- Second branch SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send select max(a) from t0 a where a<=5 union select max(a+1) from t0 b where a>=9; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; --echo # UNION, analyze, first branch set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send analyze select a from t0 a where a<=5 union select a+1 from t0 b where a>=9; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; --echo # UNION, analyze, second branch set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; send analyze select a from t0 a where a<=5 union select a+1 from t0 b where a>=9; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # Uncorrelated subquery, select set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send select a, (select max(a) from t0 b where a>6) from t0 a where a<2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # Uncorrelated subquery, analyze set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send analyze select a, (select max(a) from t0 b where a>6) from t0 a where a<2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # correlated subquery, select, before execution start set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; send select a, (select max(a) from t0 b where b.a+a.a<10) from t0 a where a<2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # correlated subquery, select, after execution set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send select a, (select max(a) from t0 b where b.a+a.a<10) from t0 a where a<2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # correlated subquery, analyze set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; send analyze select a, (select max(a) from t0 b where b.a+a.a<10) from t0 a where a<2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # Try to do SHOW ANALYZE for a query that runs a SET command: --echo # set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; # <--- SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; send set @foo= (select max(a) from t0 where sin(a) >0); connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc --error ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; evalp kill query $thr2; connection con1; --error ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # Attempt SHOW ANALYZE for an UPDATE --echo # create table t2 as select a as a, a as dummy from t0 limit 2; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; send update t2 set dummy=0 where (select max(a) from t0 where t2.a + t0.a <3) >3 ; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT=JSON for $thr2; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; drop table t2; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # Attempt SHOW ANALYZE for a DELETE --echo # create table t2 as select a as a, a as dummy from t0 limit 2; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; send delete from t2 where (select max(a) from t0 where t2.a + t0.a <3) >3 ; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT=JSON for $thr2; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze FORMAT=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; drop table t2; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # Multiple SHOW ANALYZE calls for one select --echo # create table t2 as select a as a, a as dummy from t0 limit 3; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=2; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_start'; send select t2.a, ((select max(a) from t0 where t2.a + t0.a <3) >3) as SUBQ from t2; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; drop table t2; --echo # --echo # SHOW ANALYZE for SELECT ... ORDER BY with "Using filesort" --echo # SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; send select * from t0 order by a; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=JSON for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # SHOW ANALYZE for SELECT ... with "Using temporary" --echo # connection con1; SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; send select distinct a from t0; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; --echo # --echo # SHOW ANALYZE for SELECT ... with "Using temporary; Using filesort" --echo # SET debug_dbug='+d,show_explain_probe_join_exec_end'; set @show_explain_probe_select_id=1; send select distinct a from t0; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/analyze-format.inc evalp show analyze format=json for $thr2; connection con1; reap; SET debug_dbug=@old_debug; drop table t0,t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-28124: Server crashes in Explain_aggr_filesort::print_json_members --echo # upon SHOW ANALYZE/EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON --echo # let $wait_condition= select State='show_explain_trap' from information_schema.processlist where id=$thr2; connection con1; set @show_explain_probe_query= 'SELECT count(*) - count(*) FROM sys.waits_by_user_by_latency'; set debug_dbug='+d,explain_notify_tables_are_closed'; # Statement guarantees to produce 0 on every run send SELECT count(*) - count(*) FROM sys.waits_by_user_by_latency; connection default; --source include/wait_condition.inc --error ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE evalp SHOW ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON FOR $thr2; connection con1; reap; --echo # End connection default; disconnect con1; set debug_sync='RESET';