create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3); length 107520 select length(routine_definition) from information_schema.routines where routine_schema = 'test' and routine_name = 'longprocedure'; length(routine_definition) 107530 call test.longprocedure(@value); select @value; @value 3 drop procedure test.longprocedure; drop table t1; create table t1 (f1 char(100) , f2 mediumint , f3 int , f4 real, f5 numeric); insert into t1 (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) values ("This is a test case for for Bug#9819", 1, 2, 3.0, 4.598); Warnings: Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f5' at row 1 create table t2 like t1; select count(*) from t1; count(*) 256 select count(*) from t2; count(*) 0 drop procedure if exists p1; create procedure p1() begin declare done integer default 0; declare vf1 char(100) ; declare vf2 mediumint; declare vf3 int ; declare vf4 real ; declare vf5 numeric ; declare cur1 cursor for select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 from t1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; open cur1; while done <> 1 do fetch cur1 into vf1, vf2, vf3, vf4, vf5; if not done then insert into t2 values (vf1, vf2, vf3, vf4, vf5); end if; end while; close cur1; end| call p1(); select count(*) from t1; count(*) 256 select count(*) from t2; count(*) 256 select f1 from t1 limit 1; f1 This is a test case for for Bug#9819 select f1 from t2 limit 1; f1 This is a test case for for Bug#9819 drop procedure p1; drop table t1, t2; create table t1 ( `id1` int unsigned not null default '0', `id2` int unsigned not null default '0', `link_type` int unsigned not null default '0', `visibility` tinyint not null default '0', `data` varchar(255) not null default '', `time` int unsigned not null default '0', `version` int unsigned not null default '0', primary key (id1, link_type, visibility, id2) ) default collate=latin1_bin; create procedure select_test() begin declare id1_cond int; set id1_cond = 1; while id1_cond <= 10000 do select count(*) as cnt from (select id1 from t1 force index (primary) where id1 = id1_cond and link_type = 1 and visibility = 1 order by id2 desc) as t into @cnt; set id1_cond = id1_cond + 1; end while; end// Warnings: Warning 1287 ' INTO FROM...' instead insert t1 select seq, seq, 1, 1, seq, seq, seq from seq_1_to_2000; set @before=unix_timestamp(); call select_test(); select unix_timestamp() - @before < 60; unix_timestamp() - @before < 60 1 drop procedure select_test; drop table t1;