# # Metadata lock handling for stored procedures and # functions. # --echo # --echo # Test coverage for changes performed by the fix --echo # for Bug#30977 "Concurrent statement using stored function --echo # and DROP FUNCTION breaks SBR. --echo # --echo # --echo # 1) Verify that the preceding transaction is --echo # (implicitly) committed before CREATE/ALTER/DROP --echo # PROCEDURE. Note, that this is already tested --echo # in implicit_commit.test, but here we use an alternative --echo # approach. --echo # --echo # Start a transaction, create a savepoint, --echo # then call a DDL operation on a procedure, and then check --echo # that the savepoint is no longer present. # Tests will be skipped for the view protocol -- source include/no_view_protocol.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; drop procedure if exists p1; drop procedure if exists p2; drop procedure if exists p3; drop procedure if exists p4; drop function if exists f1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (a int); --echo # --echo # Test 'CREATE PROCEDURE'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; create procedure p1() begin end; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # Test 'ALTER PROCEDURE'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; alter procedure p1 comment 'changed comment'; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # Test 'DROP PROCEDURE'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; drop procedure p1; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # Test 'CREATE FUNCTION'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; create function f1() returns int return 1; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # Test 'ALTER FUNCTION'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; alter function f1 comment 'new comment'; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # Test 'DROP FUNCTION'. --echo # begin; savepoint sv; drop function f1; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint sv; --echo # --echo # 2) Verify that procedure DDL operations fail --echo # under lock tables. --echo # --echo # Auxiliary routines to test ALTER. create procedure p1() begin end; create function f1() returns int return 1; lock table t1 write; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create procedure p2() begin end; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter procedure p1 comment 'changed comment'; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION drop procedure p1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create function f2() returns int return 1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter function f1 comment 'changed comment'; lock table t1 read; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create procedure p2() begin end; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter procedure p1 comment 'changed comment'; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION drop procedure p1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create function f2() returns int return 1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter function f1 comment 'changed comment'; unlock tables; --echo # --echo # Even if we locked a temporary table. --echo # Todo: this is a restriction we could possibly lift. --echo # drop table t1; create temporary table t1 (a int); lock table t1 read; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create procedure p2() begin end; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter procedure p1 comment 'changed comment'; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION drop procedure p1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION create function f2() returns int return 1; --error ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION alter function f1 comment 'changed comment'; unlock tables; drop function f1; drop procedure p1; drop temporary table t1; --echo # --echo # 3) Verify that CREATE/ALTER/DROP routine grab an --echo # exclusive lock. --echo # --echo # For that, start a transaction, use a routine. In a concurrent --echo # connection, try to drop or alter the routine. It should place --echo # a pending or exclusive lock and block. In another concurrnet --echo # connection, try to use the routine. --echo # That should block on the pending exclusive lock. --echo # connect(con1, localhost, root,,); connect(con2, localhost, root,,); connect(con3, localhost, root,,); --echo # --echo # Test DROP PROCEDURE. --echo # connection default; create procedure p1() begin end; delimiter |; create function f1() returns int begin call p1(); return 1; end| delimiter ;| begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop procedure p1'... send drop procedure p1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop procedure t1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='drop procedure p1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop procedure p1'... reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Test CREATE PROCEDURE. --echo # create procedure p1() begin end; begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'create procedure p1'... send create procedure p1() begin end; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'create procedure t1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='create procedure p1() begin end'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'create procedure p1'... --error ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Test ALTER PROCEDURE. --echo # begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'alter procedure p1'... send alter procedure p1 contains sql; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'alter procedure t1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='alter procedure p1 contains sql'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'alter procedure p1'... reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Test DROP FUNCTION. --echo # begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop function f1'... send drop function f1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f1'... reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Test CREATE FUNCTION. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 1; begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'create function f1'... send create function f1() returns int return 2; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'create function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='create function f1() returns int return 2'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'create function f1'... --error ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Test ALTER FUNCTION. --echo # begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'alter function f1'... send alter function f1 contains sql; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'alter function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='alter function f1 contains sql'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Demonstrate that there is a pending exclusive lock. --echo # Sending 'select f1()'... send select f1(); connection con3; --echo # Waiting for 'select f1()' to get blocked by a pending MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='select f1()'; connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'alter function f1'... reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'select f1()' reap; connection default; drop function f1; drop procedure p1; --echo # --echo # 4) MDL lock should not be taken for --echo # unrolled CALL statements. --echo # The primary goal of metadata locks is a consistent binary log. --echo # When a call statement is unrolled, it doesn't get to the --echo # binary log, instead the statements that are contained --echo # in the procedure body do. This can nest to any level. --echo # create procedure p1() begin end; create procedure p2() begin end; create table t1 (a int); delimiter |; create procedure p3() begin call p1(); call p1(); call p2(); end| create procedure p4() begin call p1(); call p1(); call p2(); call p2(); call p3(); end| delimiter ;| begin; select * from t1; savepoint sv; call p4(); --echo # Prepared statement should not add any locks either. prepare stmt from "call p4()"; execute stmt; execute stmt; connection con1; drop procedure p1; drop procedure p2; drop procedure p3; drop procedure p4; connection default; --echo # This is to verify there was no implicit commit. rollback to savepoint sv; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST call p4(); commit; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # 5) Locks should be taken on routines --echo # used indirectly by views or triggers. --echo # --echo # --echo # A function is used from a trigger. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 1; create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int, b int); create trigger t1_ai after insert on t1 for each row insert into t2 (a, b) values (new.a, f1()); begin; insert into t1 (a) values (1); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop function f1' send drop function f1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f1'... reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # A function is used from a view. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 1; create view v1 as select f1() as a; begin; select * from v1; connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop function f1' send drop function f1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f1'... reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # A procedure is used from a function. --echo # delimiter |; create function f1() returns int begin declare v_out int; call p1(v_out); return v_out; end| delimiter ;| create procedure p1(out v_out int) set v_out=3; begin; select * from v1; connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop procedure p1' send drop procedure p1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop procedure p1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' and info='drop procedure p1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop procedure p1'... reap; connection default; --echo # --echo # Deep nesting: a function is used from a procedure used --echo # from a function used from a view used in a trigger. --echo # create function f2() returns int return 4; create procedure p1(out v_out int) set v_out=f2(); drop trigger t1_ai; create trigger t1_ai after insert on t1 for each row insert into t2 (a, b) values (new.a, (select max(a) from v1)); begin; insert into t1 (a) values (3); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop function f2' send drop function f2; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f2' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f2'; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection default; commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f2'... reap; connection default; drop view v1; drop function f1; drop procedure p1; drop table t1, t2; --echo # --echo # 6) Check that ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK is reported if --echo # acquisition of a shared lock fails during a transaction or --echo # we need to back off to flush the sp cache. --echo # --echo # Sic: now this situation does not require a back off since we --echo # flush the cache on the fly. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 7; create table t1 (a int); begin; select * from t1; # Used to have a back-off here, with optional ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK #--error ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK select f1(); commit; drop table t1; drop function f1; --echo # --echo # 7) Demonstrate that under LOCK TABLES we accumulate locks --echo # on stored routines, and release metadata locks in --echo # ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT. That is done only for those stored --echo # routines that are not part of LOCK TABLES prelocking list. --echo # Those stored routines that are part of LOCK TABLES --echo # prelocking list are implicitly locked when entering --echo # LOCK TABLES, and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT has no effect on --echo # them. --echo # create function f1() returns varchar(20) return "f1()"; create function f2() returns varchar(20) return "f2()"; create view v1 as select f1() as a; set @@session.autocommit=0; lock table v1 read; select * from v1; savepoint sv; select f2(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'drop function f1'... send drop function f1; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f1' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Sending 'drop function f2'... send drop function f2; connection default; --echo # Waiting for 'drop function f2' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='drop function f2'; --source include/wait_condition.inc rollback to savepoint sv; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f2'... reap; connection default; unlock tables; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'drop function f1'... reap; connection default; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop function f1; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop function f2; drop view v1; set @@session.autocommit=default; --echo # --echo # 8) Check the situation when we're preparing or executing a --echo # prepared statement, and as part of that try to flush the --echo # session sp cache. However, one of the procedures that --echo # needs a flush is in use. Verify that there is no infinite --echo # reprepare loop and no crash. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 1; delimiter |; --echo # --echo # We just mention p1() in the body of f2() to make --echo # sure that p1() metadata is validated when validating --echo # 'select f2()'. --echo # Recursion is not allowed in stored functions, so --echo # an attempt to just invoke p1() from f2() which is in turn --echo # called from p1() would have given a run-time error. --echo # create function f2() returns int begin if @var is null then call p1(); end if; return 1; end| create procedure p1() begin select f1() into @var; execute stmt; end| delimiter ;| connection con2; prepare stmt from "select f2()"; connection default; begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'alter function f1 ...'... send alter function f1 comment "comment"; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'alter function f1 ...' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info like 'alter function f1 comment%'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Sending 'call p1()'... send call p1(); connection default; --echo # Waiting for 'call p1()' to get blocked on MDL lock on f1... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='select f1() into @var'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Let 'alter function f1 ...' go through... commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'alter function f1 ...' reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'call p1()'... reap; deallocate prepare stmt; connection default; drop function f1; drop function f2; drop procedure p1; --echo # --echo # 9) Check the situation when a stored function is invoked --echo # from a stored procedure, and recursively invokes the --echo # stored procedure that is in use. But for the second --echo # invocation, a cache flush is requested. We can't --echo # flush the procedure that's in use, and are forced --echo # to use an old version. It is not a violation of --echo # consistency, since we unroll top-level calls. --echo # Just verify the code works. --echo # create function f1() returns int return 1; begin; select f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending 'alter function f1 ...'... send alter function f1 comment "comment"; connection con2; --echo # Waiting for 'alter function f1 ...' to get blocked on MDL lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info like 'alter function f1 comment%'; --source include/wait_condition.inc delimiter |; --echo # --echo # We just mention p1() in the body of f2() to make --echo # sure that p1() is prelocked for f2(). --echo # Recursion is not allowed in stored functions, so --echo # an attempt to just invoke p1() from f2() which is in turn --echo # called from p1() would have given a run-time error. --echo # create function f2() returns int begin if @var is null then call p1(); end if; return 1; end| create procedure p1() begin select f1() into @var; select f2() into @var; end| delimiter ;| --echo # Sending 'call p1()'... send call p1(); connection default; --echo # Waiting for 'call p1()' to get blocked on MDL lock on f1... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='Waiting for stored function metadata lock' and info='select f1() into @var'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Let 'alter function f1 ...' go through... commit; connection con1; --echo # Reaping 'alter function f1 ...' reap; connection con2; --echo # Reaping 'call p1()'... reap; connection default; drop function f1; drop function f2; drop procedure p1; --echo # --echo # 10) A select from information_schema.routines now --echo # flushes the stored routines caches. Test that this --echo # does not remove from the cache a stored routine --echo # that is already prelocked. --echo # create function f1() returns int return get_lock("30977", 100000); create function f2() returns int return 2; delimiter |; create function f3() returns varchar(255) begin declare res varchar(255); declare c cursor for select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_name='f1'; select f1() into @var; open c; fetch c into res; close c; select f2() into @var; return res; end| delimiter ;| connection con1; select get_lock("30977", 0); connection default; --echo # Sending 'select f3()'... send select f3(); connection con1; --echo # Waiting for 'select f3()' to get blocked on the user level lock... let $wait_condition=select count(*)=1 from information_schema.processlist where state='User lock' and info='select f1() into @var'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Do something to change the cache version. create function f4() returns int return 4; drop function f4; select release_lock("30977"); connection default; --echo # Reaping 'select f3()'... --echo # Routine 'f2()' should exist and get executed successfully. reap; select @var; drop function f1; drop function f2; drop function f3; --echo # 11) Check the situation when the connection is flushing the --echo # SP cache which contains a procedure that is being executed. --echo # --echo # Function f1() calls p1(). Procedure p1() has a DROP --echo # VIEW statement, which, we know, invalidates the routines cache. --echo # During cache flush p1() must not be flushed since it's in --echo # use. --echo # delimiter |; create function f1() returns int begin call p1(); return 1; end| create procedure p1() begin create view v1 as select 1; drop view v1; select f1() into @var; set @exec_count=@exec_count+1; end| delimiter ;| set @exec_count=0; --error ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT call p1(); select @exec_count; set @@session.max_sp_recursion_depth=5; set @exec_count=0; --error ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG call p1(); select @exec_count; drop procedure p1; drop function f1; set @@session.max_sp_recursion_depth=default; connection con1; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection con2; disconnect con2; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection con3; disconnect con3; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection default; --echo # --echo # SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE p1 called from p1, after p1 was altered --echo # delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT get_lock("test", 10); SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE p1; END| delimiter ;| connect (con2, localhost, root); connect (con3, localhost, root); connection default; SELECT get_lock("test", 10); connection con2; --echo # Will halt before executing SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE p1 --echo # Sending: --send CALL p1() connection con3; let $wait_condition=SELECT COUNT(*)=1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state='User lock' and info='SELECT get_lock("test", 10)'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Alter p1 DROP PROCEDURE p1; CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN END; connection default; --echo # Resume CALL p1, now with new p1 SELECT release_lock("test"); connection con2; --echo # Reaping: CALL p1() --reap connection con3; disconnect con3; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection con2; disconnect con2; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection default; DROP PROCEDURE p1; --echo # --echo # Bug#57663 Concurrent statement using stored function and DROP DATABASE --echo # breaks SBR --echo # --disable_warnings DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; --enable_warnings connect(con1, localhost, root); connect(con2, localhost, root); --echo # Test 1: Check that DROP DATABASE block if a function is used --echo # by an active transaction. connection default; CREATE DATABASE db1; CREATE FUNCTION db1.f1() RETURNS INTEGER RETURN 1; START TRANSACTION; SELECT db1.f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending: --send DROP DATABASE db1 connection default; --echo # Waiting for DROP DATABASE to be blocked by the lock on f1() let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)= 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state= 'Waiting for stored function metadata lock' AND info='DROP DATABASE db1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc COMMIT; connection con1; --echo # Reaping: DROP DATABASE db1 --reap --echo # Test 2: Check that DROP DATABASE blocks if a procedure is --echo # used by an active transaction. connection default; CREATE DATABASE db1; CREATE PROCEDURE db1.p1() BEGIN END; delimiter |; CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INTEGER BEGIN CALL db1.p1(); RETURN 1; END| delimiter ;| START TRANSACTION; SELECT f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending: --send DROP DATABASE db1 connection default; --echo # Waiting for DROP DATABASE to be blocked by the lock on p1() let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)= 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state= 'Waiting for stored procedure metadata lock' AND info='DROP DATABASE db1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc COMMIT; connection con1; --echo # Reaping: DROP DATABASE db1 --reap --echo # Test 3: Check that DROP DATABASE is not selected as a victim if a --echo # deadlock is discovered with DML statements. connection default; CREATE DATABASE db1; CREATE TABLE db1.t1 (a INT); CREATE FUNCTION db1.f1() RETURNS INTEGER RETURN 1; START TRANSACTION; # DROP DATABASE will lock tables (t1) before functions (f1) SELECT db1.f1(); connection con1; --echo # Sending: --send DROP DATABASE db1 connection default; --echo # Waiting for DROP DATABASE to be blocked by the lock on f1() let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)= 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state= 'Waiting for stored function metadata lock' AND info='DROP DATABASE db1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --error ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK SELECT * FROM db1.t1; COMMIT; connection con1; --echo # Reaping: DROP DATABASE db1 --reap --echo # Test 4: Check that active DROP DATABASE blocks stored routine DDL. connection default; CREATE DATABASE db1; CREATE FUNCTION db1.f1() RETURNS INTEGER RETURN 1; CREATE FUNCTION db1.f2() RETURNS INTEGER RETURN 2; START TRANSACTION; SELECT db1.f2(); connection con1; --echo # Sending: --send DROP DATABASE db1 connection con2; --echo # Waiting for DROP DATABASE to be blocked by the lock on f2() let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)= 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state= 'Waiting for stored function metadata lock' AND info='DROP DATABASE db1'; --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo # Sending: --send ALTER FUNCTION db1.f1 COMMENT "test" connection default; --echo # Waiting for ALTER FUNCTION to be blocked by the schema lock on db1 let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)= 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state= 'Waiting for schema metadata lock' AND info='ALTER FUNCTION db1.f1 COMMENT "test"'; --source include/wait_condition.inc COMMIT; connection con1; --echo # Reaping: DROP DATABASE db1 --reap disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection con2; --echo # Reaping: ALTER FUNCTION f1 COMMENT 'test' --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST --reap disconnect con2; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection default; DROP FUNCTION f1; --echo # --echo # End of 5.5 tests --echo #