# This test requires that --log-output includes 'table', and the general # log is on # embedded server causes different stat -- source include/not_embedded.inc # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc # Disable concurrent inserts to avoid sporadic test failures as it might # affect the the value of variables used throughout the test case. set @old_concurrent_insert= @@global.concurrent_insert; set @@global.concurrent_insert= 0; # Disable logging to table, since this will also cause table locking and unlocking, which will # show up in SHOW STATUS and may cause sporadic failures SET @old_log_output = @@global.log_output; SET GLOBAL LOG_OUTPUT = 'FILE'; # PS causes different statistics --disable_ps_protocol connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connect (con2,localhost,root,,); connection default; flush status; show status like 'Table_lock%'; select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'Table_lock%'; set sql_log_bin=0; set @old_general_log = @@global.general_log; set global general_log = 'OFF'; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1(n int) engine=myisam; insert into t1 values(1); select get_lock('mysqltest_lock', 100); connection con2; --echo # Sending: --send update t1 set n = get_lock('mysqltest_lock', 100) connection con1; --echo # Wait for the first UPDATE to get blocked. let $wait_condition= select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where STATE = "User lock" and INFO = "update t1 set n = get_lock('mysqltest_lock', 100)"; --source include/wait_condition.inc let $ID= `select connection_id()`; --echo # Sending: --send update t1 set n = 3 connection default; --echo # wait for the second UPDATE to get blocked let $wait_condition= select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where ID = $ID and STATE = "Waiting for table level lock"; --source include/wait_condition.inc select release_lock('mysqltest_lock'); connection con2; --echo # Reaping first UPDATE --reap select release_lock('mysqltest_lock'); connection con1; --echo # Reaping second UPDATE reap; show status like 'Table_locks_waited'; connection default; drop table t1; set global general_log = @old_general_log; disconnect con2; disconnect con1; # End of 4.1 tests # # last_query_cost # select 1; show status like 'last_query_cost'; create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); select * from t1 where a=6; show status like 'last_query_cost'; # Ensure value dosn't change by second status call show status like 'last_query_cost'; select 1; show status like 'last_query_cost'; drop table t1; # # Test for Bug#15933 max_used_connections is wrong after FLUSH STATUS # if connections are cached # # # The first suggested fix from the bug report was chosen # (see http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15933): # # a) On flushing the status, set max_used_connections to # threads_connected, not to 0. # # b) Check if it is necessary to increment max_used_connections when # taking a thread from the cache as well as when creating new threads # # Wait for at most $disconnect_timeout seconds for disconnects to finish. let $disconnect_timeout = 10; # Wait for any previous disconnects to finish. FLUSH STATUS; --disable_query_log --disable_result_log eval SET @wait_left = $disconnect_timeout; let $max_used_connections = `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'`; eval SET @max_used_connections = SUBSTRING('$max_used_connections', 21)+0; let $wait_more = `SELECT @max_used_connections != 1 && @wait_left > 0`; while ($wait_more) { sleep 1; FLUSH STATUS; SET @wait_left = @wait_left - 1; let $max_used_connections = `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'`; eval SET @max_used_connections = SUBSTRING('$max_used_connections', 21)+0; let $wait_more = `SELECT @max_used_connections != 1 && @wait_left > 0`; } --enable_query_log --enable_result_log # Prerequisite. SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'max_used_connections'; # Save original setting. SET @save_thread_cache_size=@@thread_cache_size; SET GLOBAL thread_cache_size=3; connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connect (con2,localhost,root,,); connection con1; disconnect con2; # Check that max_used_connections still reflects maximum value. SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'max_used_connections'; # Check that after flush max_used_connections equals to current number # of connections. First wait for previous disconnect to finish. FLUSH STATUS; --disable_query_log --disable_result_log eval SET @wait_left = $disconnect_timeout; let $max_used_connections = `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'`; eval SET @max_used_connections = SUBSTRING('$max_used_connections', 21)+0; let $wait_more = `SELECT @max_used_connections != 2 && @wait_left > 0`; while ($wait_more) { sleep 1; FLUSH STATUS; SET @wait_left = @wait_left - 1; let $max_used_connections = `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'`; eval SET @max_used_connections = SUBSTRING('$max_used_connections', 21)+0; let $wait_more = `SELECT @max_used_connections != 2 && @wait_left > 0`; } --enable_query_log --enable_result_log # Check that we don't count disconnected thread any longer. SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'max_used_connections'; # Check that max_used_connections is updated when cached thread is # reused... connect (con2,localhost,root,,); SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'max_used_connections'; # ...and when new thread is created. connect (con3,localhost,root,,); SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'max_used_connections'; # Restore original setting. connection default; SET GLOBAL thread_cache_size=@save_thread_cache_size; disconnect con3; disconnect con2; disconnect con1; # # Bug#30377 EXPLAIN loses last_query_cost when used with UNION # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2); SELECT a FROM t1 LIMIT 1; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; SELECT a FROM t1 UNION SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; EXPLAIN SELECT a FROM t1 UNION SELECT a FROM t1 ORDER BY a; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; SELECT a IN (SELECT a FROM t1) FROM t1 LIMIT 1; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; SELECT (SELECT a FROM t1 LIMIT 1) x FROM t1 LIMIT 1; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; SELECT * FROM t1 a, t1 b LIMIT 1; SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost'; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 5.0 tests # # Ensure that SHOW STATUS only changes global status variables # connect (con1,localhost,root,,); let $rnd_next = `show global status like 'handler_read_rnd_next'`; let $tmp_table = `show global status like 'Created_tmp_tables'`; show status like 'com_show_status'; show status like 'hand%write%'; show status like '%tmp%'; show status like 'hand%write%'; show status like '%tmp%'; show status like 'com_show_status'; let $rnd_next2 = `show global status like 'handler_read_rnd_next'`; let $tmp_table2 = `show global status like 'Created_tmp_tables'`; --disable_query_log eval select substring_index('$rnd_next2',0x9,-1)-substring_index('$rnd_next',0x9,-1) as rnd_diff, substring_index('$tmp_table2',0x9,-1)-substring_index('$tmp_table',0x9,-1) as tmp_table_diff; --enable_query_log disconnect con1; connection default; # # Bug#30252 Com_create_function is not incremented. # flush status; show status like 'Com%function'; DELIMITER //; create function f1 (x INTEGER) returns integer begin declare ret integer; set ret = x * 10; return ret; end // DELIMITER ;// drop function f1; show status like 'Com%function'; # # Bug#37908 Skipped access right check caused server crash. # connect (root, localhost, root,,test); connection root; let $root_connection_id= `select connection_id()`; --disable_warnings create database db37908; --enable_warnings create table db37908.t1(f1 int); insert into db37908.t1 values(1); create user mysqltest_1@localhost; grant usage,execute on test.* to mysqltest_1@localhost; delimiter |; create procedure proc37908() begin select 1; end | create function func37908() returns int sql security invoker return (select * from db37908.t1 limit 1)| delimiter ;| connect (user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,test); connection user1; let $user1_connection_id= `select connection_id()`; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select * from db37908.t1; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show status where variable_name ='uptime' and 2 in (select * from db37908.t1); --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show procedure status where name ='proc37908' and 1 in (select f1 from db37908.t1); --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show function status where name ='func37908' and 1 in (select func37908()); connection default; disconnect user1; disconnect root; drop database db37908; drop procedure proc37908; drop function func37908; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM mysqltest_1@localhost; DROP USER mysqltest_1@localhost; # Wait till the sessions user1 and root are disconnected let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE id in ('$root_connection_id','$user1_connection_id'); --source include/wait_condition.inc # # Bug#41131 "Questions" fails to increment - ignores statements instead stored procs # connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connection con1; --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; --enable_warnings DELIMITER $$; CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INTEGER BEGIN DECLARE foo INTEGER; DECLARE bar INTEGER; SET foo=1; SET bar=2; RETURN foo; END $$ CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN SELECT 1; END $$ DELIMITER ;$$ let $org_queries= `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Queries'`; SELECT f1(); CALL p1(); let $new_queries= `SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Queries'`; --disable_query_log let $diff= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$new_queries',9)-SUBSTRING('$org_queries',9)`; --enable_query_log eval SELECT $diff; disconnect con1; connection default; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP FUNCTION f1; # End of 5.1 tests # # Test of internal temporary table status variables # flush status; create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment primary key, g int, b blob); insert into t1 (g,b) values (1,'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'b'), (1, 'c'); select * from t1; select b, count(*) from t1 group by b; select g, count(*) from t1 group by g; show status like 'Row%'; show status like 'Handler%'; show status like '%tmp%'; drop table t1; # # Test of handler status counts # CREATE TABLE t1 (i int(11) DEFAULT NULL, KEY i (i) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5); flush status; select * from t1 where i=5 union select * from t1 where i=5; show status like "handler%"; drop table t1; # End of 5.3 tests --echo # --echo # MDEV-11153 - Introduce status variables for table cache monitoring and --echo # tuning --echo # SET @old_table_open_cache= @@table_open_cache; SET @@global.table_open_cache=10; FLUSH TABLES; FLUSH STATUS; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Table_open_cache%'; disable_query_log; let $i= `SELECT @@table_open_cache + 5`; while ($i) { eval CREATE TABLE t$i(a INT); eval DELETE FROM t$i; eval DELETE FROM t$i; eval DELETE FROM t$i; dec $i; } enable_query_log; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Table_open_cache%'; FLUSH TABLES; FLUSH STATUS; disable_query_log; let $i= `SELECT @@table_open_cache + 5`; while ($i) { eval DROP TABLE t$i; dec $i; } enable_query_log; SET @@global.table_open_cache= @old_table_open_cache; --echo # --echo # MDEV-14505 - Threads_running becomes scalability bottleneck --echo # --echo # Session status for Threads_running is currently always 1. SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_running'; SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME='THREADS_RUNNING'; FLUSH STATUS; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_running'; SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME='THREADS_RUNNING'; --echo # --echo # MDEV-15915 Add Feature_json status variable. --echo # SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Feature_json'; select json_valid('123'); SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Feature_json'; select * from json_table ('{}', '$' COLUMNS(x FOR ORDINALITY)) a; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Feature_json'; # Restore global concurrent_insert value. Keep in the end of the test file. --connection default set @@global.concurrent_insert= @old_concurrent_insert; SET GLOBAL log_output = @old_log_output; # Wait till we reached the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc