#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- cperl -*- # Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # Copyright (c) 2009, 2020, MariaDB Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA # ############################################################################## # # mysql-test-run.pl # # Tool used for executing a suite of .test files # # See the "MySQL Test framework manual" for more information # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mysqltest/ # # ############################################################################## use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { # Check that mysql-test-run.pl is started from mysql-test/ unless ( -f "mysql-test-run.pl" ) { print "**** ERROR **** ", "You must start mysql-test-run from the mysql-test/ directory\n"; exit(1); } # Check that lib exist unless ( -d "lib/" ) { print "**** ERROR **** ", "Could not find the lib/ directory \n"; exit(1); } } BEGIN { # Check backward compatibility support # By setting the environment variable MTR_VERSION # it's possible to use a previous version of # mysql-test-run.pl my $version= $ENV{MTR_VERSION} || 2; if ( $version == 1 ) { print "=======================================================\n"; print " WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! \n"; print "=======================================================\n"; # Should use exec() here on *nix but this appears not to work on Windows exit(system($^X, "lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl", @ARGV) >> 8); } elsif ( $version == 2 ) { # This is the current version, just continue ; } else { print "ERROR: Version $version of mysql-test-run does not exist!\n"; exit(1); } } use lib "lib"; use Cwd ; use Cwd 'realpath'; use Getopt::Long; use My::File::Path; # Patched version of File::Path use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use File::Spec::Functions qw/splitdir rel2abs/; use My::Platform; use My::SafeProcess; use My::ConfigFactory; use My::Options; use My::Tee; use My::Find; use My::SysInfo; use My::CoreDump; use mtr_cases; use mtr_report; use mtr_match; use mtr_unique; use mtr_results; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Select; require "mtr_process.pl"; require "mtr_io.pl"; require "mtr_gprof.pl"; require "mtr_misc.pl"; $SIG{INT}= sub { mtr_error("Got ^C signal"); }; $SIG{HUP}= sub { mtr_error("Hangup detected on controlling terminal"); }; our $mysql_version_id; my $mysql_version_extra; our $glob_mysql_test_dir; our $basedir; our $bindir; our $path_charsetsdir; our $path_client_bindir; our $path_client_libdir; our $path_language; our $path_current_testlog; our $path_testlog; our $default_vardir; our $opt_vardir; # Path to use for var/ dir our $plugindir; our $opt_xml_report; # XML output my $path_vardir_trace; # unix formatted opt_vardir for trace files my $opt_tmpdir; # Path to use for tmp/ dir my $opt_tmpdir_pid; my $opt_start; my $opt_start_dirty; my $opt_start_exit; my $start_only; my $file_wsrep_provider; my $extra_path; my $mariabackup_path; my $mariabackup_exe; my $garbd_exe; our @global_suppressions; END { if ( defined $opt_tmpdir_pid and $opt_tmpdir_pid == $$ ) { if (!$opt_start_exit) { # Remove the tempdir this process has created mtr_verbose("Removing tmpdir $opt_tmpdir"); rmtree($opt_tmpdir); } else { mtr_warning("tmpdir $opt_tmpdir should be removed after the server has finished"); } } } sub env_or_val($$) { defined $ENV{$_[0]} ? $ENV{$_[0]} : $_[1] } my $path_config_file; # The generated config file, var/my.cnf # Visual Studio produces executables in different sub-directories based on the # configuration used to build them. To make life easier, an environment # variable or command-line option may be specified to control which set of # executables will be used by the test suite. our $opt_vs_config = $ENV{'MTR_VS_CONFIG'}; my @DEFAULT_SUITES= qw( main- archive- binlog- binlog_encryption- csv- encryption- federated- funcs_1- funcs_2- gcol- handler- heap- innodb- innodb_fts- innodb_gis- innodb_zip- json- maria- mariabackup- multi_source- optimizer_unfixed_bugs- parts- percona- perfschema- plugins- roles- rpl- stress- sys_vars- unit- vcol- ); my $opt_suites; our $opt_verbose= 0; # Verbose output, enable with --verbose our $exe_patch; our $exe_mysql; our $exe_mysql_plugin; our $exe_mysqladmin; our $exe_mysqltest; our $exe_libtool; our $exe_mysql_embedded; our $opt_big_test= 0; our $opt_staging_run= 0; our @opt_combinations; our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt; our @opt_mysqld_envs; my $opt_stress; my $opt_dry_run; my $opt_compress; my $opt_ssl; my $opt_skip_ssl; my @opt_skip_test_list; our $opt_ssl_supported; my $opt_ps_protocol; my $opt_sp_protocol; my $opt_cursor_protocol; my $opt_view_protocol; my $opt_non_blocking_api; our $opt_debug; my $debug_d= "d,*"; my $opt_debug_common; our $opt_debug_server; our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv our $opt_embedded_server; # Options used when connecting to an already running server my %opts_extern; sub using_extern { return (keys %opts_extern > 0);}; our $opt_fast= 0; our $opt_force= 0; our $opt_mem= $ENV{'MTR_MEM'}; our $opt_clean_vardir= $ENV{'MTR_CLEAN_VARDIR'}; our $opt_gcov; our $opt_gprof; our %gprof_dirs; our $glob_debugger= 0; our $opt_gdb; my $opt_rr; my $opt_rr_dir; my @rr_record_args; our $opt_client_gdb; my $opt_boot_gdb; my $opt_boot_rr; our $opt_dbx; our $opt_client_dbx; my $opt_boot_dbx; our $opt_ddd; our $opt_client_ddd; my $opt_boot_ddd; our $opt_manual_gdb; our $opt_manual_lldb; our $opt_manual_dbx; our $opt_manual_ddd; our $opt_manual_debug; our $opt_debugger; our $opt_client_debugger; my $config; # The currently running config my $current_config_name; # The currently running config file template our @opt_experimentals; our $experimental_test_cases= []; our $baseport; # $opt_build_thread may later be set from $opt_port_base my $opt_build_thread= $ENV{'MTR_BUILD_THREAD'} || "auto"; my $opt_port_base= $ENV{'MTR_PORT_BASE'} || "auto"; my $build_thread= 0; my $opt_record; our $opt_resfile= $ENV{'MTR_RESULT_FILE'} || 0; my $opt_skip_core; our $opt_check_testcases= 1; my $opt_mark_progress; my $opt_max_connections; our $opt_report_times= 0; my $opt_sleep; my $opt_testcase_timeout= $ENV{MTR_TESTCASE_TIMEOUT} || 15; # minutes my $opt_suite_timeout = $ENV{MTR_SUITE_TIMEOUT} || 360; # minutes my $opt_shutdown_timeout= $ENV{MTR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT} || 10; # seconds my $opt_start_timeout = $ENV{MTR_START_TIMEOUT} || 180; # seconds sub suite_timeout { return $opt_suite_timeout * 60; }; my $opt_wait_all; my $opt_user_args; my $opt_repeat= 1; my $opt_retry= 1; my $opt_retry_failure= env_or_val(MTR_RETRY_FAILURE => 2); my $opt_reorder= 1; my $opt_force_restart= 0; our $opt_user = "root"; our $opt_valgrind= 0; my $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0; my $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 0; my @valgrind_args; my $opt_strace= 0; my $opt_stracer; my $opt_client_strace = 0; my @strace_args; my $opt_valgrind_path; my $valgrind_reports= 0; my $opt_callgrind; my %mysqld_logs; my $opt_debug_sync_timeout= 300; # Default timeout for WAIT_FOR actions. my $warn_seconds = 60; sub testcase_timeout ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; if (exists $tinfo->{'case-timeout'}) { # Return test specific timeout if *longer* that the general timeout my $test_to= $tinfo->{'case-timeout'}; $test_to*= 10 if $opt_valgrind; return $test_to * 60 if $test_to > $opt_testcase_timeout; } return $opt_testcase_timeout * 60; } sub check_timeout ($) { return testcase_timeout($_[0]); } our $opt_warnings= 1; our %mysqld_variables; our @optional_plugins; my $source_dist= -d "../sql"; my $opt_max_save_core= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE => 5); my $opt_max_save_datadir= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR => 20); my $opt_max_test_fail= env_or_val(MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL => 10); my $opt_core_on_failure= 0; my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL} || 1; my $opt_port_group_size = $ENV{MTR_PORT_GROUP_SIZE} || 20; # lock file to stop tests my $opt_stop_file= $ENV{MTR_STOP_FILE}; # print messages when test suite is stopped (for buildbot) my $opt_stop_keep_alive= $ENV{MTR_STOP_KEEP_ALIVE}; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # Automatically flush STDOUT main(); sub have_wsrep() { my $wsrep_on= $mysqld_variables{'wsrep-on'}; return defined $wsrep_on } sub have_wsrep_provider() { return $file_wsrep_provider ne ""; } sub have_mariabackup() { return $mariabackup_path ne ""; } sub have_garbd() { return $garbd_exe ne ""; } sub check_wsrep_version() { if ($My::SafeProcess::wsrep_check_version ne "") { system($My::SafeProcess::wsrep_check_version); return ($? >> 8) == 0; } else { return 0; } } sub wsrep_version_message() { if ($My::SafeProcess::wsrep_check_version ne "") { my $output= `$My::SafeProcess::wsrep_check_version -p`; if (($? >> 8) == 0) { $output =~ s/\s+\z//; return "Wsrep provider version mismatch (".$output.")"; } else { return "Galera library does not contain a version symbol"; } } else { return "Unable to find a wsrep version check utility"; } } sub which($) { return `sh -c "command -v $_[0]"` } sub check_garbd_support() { if (defined $ENV{'MTR_GARBD_EXE'}) { if (mtr_file_exists($ENV{'MTR_GARBD_EXE'}) ne "") { $garbd_exe= $ENV{'MTR_GARBD_EXE'}; } else { mtr_error("MTR_GARBD_EXE env set to an invalid path"); } } else { my $wsrep_path= dirname($file_wsrep_provider); $garbd_exe= mtr_file_exists($wsrep_path."/garb/garbd", $wsrep_path."/../../bin/garb/garbd"); if ($garbd_exe ne "") { $ENV{MTR_GARBD_EXE}= $garbd_exe; } } } sub check_wsrep_support() { $garbd_exe= ""; if (have_wsrep()) { mtr_report(" - binaries built with wsrep patch"); # ADD scripts to $PATH to that wsrep_sst_* can be found my ($spath) = grep { -f "$_/wsrep_sst_rsync"; } "$bindir/scripts", $path_client_bindir; mtr_error("No SST scripts") unless $spath; my $separator= (IS_WINDOWS) ? ';' : ':'; $ENV{PATH}="$spath$separator$ENV{PATH}"; # ADD mysql client library path to path so that wsrep_notify_cmd can find mysql # client for loading the tables. (Don't assume each machine has mysql install) my ($cpath) = grep { -f "$_/mysql"; } "$bindir/scripts", $path_client_bindir; mtr_error("No scritps") unless $cpath; $ENV{PATH}="$cpath$separator$ENV{PATH}" unless $cpath eq $spath; # ADD my_print_defaults script path to path so that SST scripts can find it my $my_print_defaults_exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( "$bindir/extra/my_print_defaults", "$path_client_bindir/my_print_defaults"); my $epath= ""; if ($my_print_defaults_exe ne "") { $epath= dirname($my_print_defaults_exe); } mtr_error("No my_print_defaults") unless $epath; $ENV{PATH}="$epath$separator$ENV{PATH}" unless ($epath eq $spath) or ($epath eq $cpath); $extra_path= $epath; if (!IS_WINDOWS) { if (which("socat")) { $ENV{MTR_GALERA_TFMT}="socat"; } elsif (which("nc")) { $ENV{MTR_GALERA_TFMT}="nc"; } } # Check whether WSREP_PROVIDER environment variable is set. if (defined $ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}) { $file_wsrep_provider= ""; if ($ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'} ne "none") { if (mtr_file_exists($ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}) ne "") { $file_wsrep_provider= $ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}; } else { mtr_error("WSREP_PROVIDER env set to an invalid path"); } check_garbd_support(); } # WSREP_PROVIDER is valid; set to a valid path or "none"). mtr_verbose("WSREP_PROVIDER env set to $ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}"); } else { # WSREP_PROVIDER env not defined. Lets try to locate the wsrep provider # library. $file_wsrep_provider= mtr_file_exists("/usr/lib64/galera-3/libgalera_smm.so", "/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so", "/usr/lib/galera-3/libgalera_smm.so", "/usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so"); if ($file_wsrep_provider ne "") { # wsrep provider library found ! mtr_verbose("wsrep provider library found : $file_wsrep_provider"); $ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}= $file_wsrep_provider; check_garbd_support(); } else { mtr_verbose("Could not find wsrep provider library, setting it to 'none'"); $ENV{'WSREP_PROVIDER'}= "none"; } } } else { $file_wsrep_provider= ""; $extra_path= ""; } } sub check_mariabackup_support() { $mariabackup_path= ""; $mariabackup_exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( "$bindir/extra/mariabackup$opt_vs_config/mariabackup", "$path_client_bindir/mariabackup"); if ($mariabackup_exe ne "") { my $bpath= dirname($mariabackup_exe); my $separator= (IS_WINDOWS) ? ';' : ':'; $ENV{PATH}="$bpath$separator$ENV{PATH}" unless $bpath eq $extra_path; $mariabackup_path= $bpath; $ENV{XTRABACKUP}= $mariabackup_exe; $ENV{XBSTREAM}= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( "$bindir/extra/mariabackup/$opt_vs_config/mbstream", "$path_client_bindir/mbstream"); $ENV{INNOBACKUPEX}= "$mariabackup_exe --innobackupex"; } } sub main { $ENV{MTR_PERL}=$^X; # Default, verbosity on report_option('verbose', 0); # This is needed for test log evaluation in "gen-build-status-page" # in all cases where the calling tool does not log the commands # directly before it executes them, like "make test-force-pl" in RPM builds. mtr_report("Logging: $0 ", join(" ", @ARGV)); command_line_setup(); # --help will not reach here, so now it's safe to assume we have binaries My::SafeProcess::find_bin(); print "vardir: $opt_vardir\n"; initialize_servers(); init_timers(); unless (IS_WINDOWS) { binmode(STDOUT,":via(My::Tee)") or die "binmode(STDOUT, :via(My::Tee)):$!"; binmode(STDERR,":via(My::Tee)") or die "binmode(STDERR, :via(My::Tee)):$!"; } mtr_report("Checking supported features..."); executable_setup(); # --debug[-common] implies we run debug server $opt_debug_server= 1 if $opt_debug || $opt_debug_common; if (using_extern()) { # Connect to the running mysqld and find out what it supports collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server(); } else { # Run the mysqld to find out what features are available collect_mysqld_features(); } check_ssl_support(); check_debug_support(); check_wsrep_support(); check_mariabackup_support(); if (!$opt_suites) { $opt_suites= join ',', collect_default_suites(@DEFAULT_SUITES); } mtr_report("Using suites: $opt_suites") unless @opt_cases; mtr_report("Collecting tests..."); my $tests= collect_test_cases($opt_reorder, $opt_suites, \@opt_cases, \@opt_skip_test_list); mark_time_used('collect'); mysql_install_db(default_mysqld(), "$opt_vardir/install.db") unless using_extern(); if ($opt_dry_run) { for (@$tests) { print $_->fullname(), "\n"; } exit 0; } if ($opt_gcov) { system './dgcov.pl --purge'; } ####################################################################### my $num_tests= $mtr_report::tests_total= @$tests; if ( $opt_parallel eq "auto" ) { # Try to find a suitable value for number of workers if (IS_WINDOWS) { $opt_parallel= $ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS} || 1; } else { my $sys_info= My::SysInfo->new(); $opt_parallel= $sys_info->num_cpus()+int($sys_info->min_bogomips()/500)-4; } my $max_par= $ENV{MTR_MAX_PARALLEL} || 8; $opt_parallel= $max_par if ($opt_parallel > $max_par); $opt_parallel= $num_tests if ($opt_parallel > $num_tests); $opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1); mtr_report("Using parallel: $opt_parallel"); } $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL} = $opt_parallel; if ($opt_parallel > 1 && ($opt_start_exit || $opt_stress)) { mtr_warning("Parallel cannot be used with --start-and-exit or --stress\n" . "Setting parallel to 1"); $opt_parallel= 1; } # Create server socket on any free port my $server = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalAddr => 'localhost', Proto => 'tcp', Listen => $opt_parallel, ); mtr_error("Could not create testcase server port: $!") unless $server; my $server_port = $server->sockport(); if ($opt_resfile) { resfile_init("$opt_vardir/mtr-results.txt"); print_global_resfile(); } # Create child processes my %children; for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){ my $child_pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork(); if ($child_pid == 0){ $server= undef; # Close the server port in child $tests= {}; # Don't need the tests list in child # Use subdir of var and tmp unless only one worker if ($opt_parallel > 1) { set_vardir("$opt_vardir/$child_num"); $opt_tmpdir= "$opt_tmpdir/$child_num"; } init_timers(); run_worker($server_port, $child_num); exit(1); } $children{$child_pid}= 1; } ####################################################################### mtr_report(); mtr_print_thick_line(); mtr_print_header($opt_parallel > 1); mark_time_used('init'); my ($prefix, $fail, $completed, $extra_warnings)= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel); exit(0) if $opt_start_exit; # Send Ctrl-C to any children still running kill("INT", keys(%children)); if (!IS_WINDOWS) { # Wait for children to exit foreach my $pid (keys %children) { my $ret_pid= waitpid($pid, 0); if ($ret_pid != $pid){ mtr_report("Unknown process $ret_pid exited"); } else { delete $children{$ret_pid}; } } } if ( not @$completed ) { mtr_error("Test suite aborted"); } if ( @$completed != $num_tests){ # Not all tests completed, failure mtr_report(); mtr_report("Only ", int(@$completed), " of $num_tests completed."); } if ($opt_valgrind) { # Create minimalistic "test" for the reporting my $tinfo = My::Test->new ( suite => { name => 'valgrind', }, name => 'valgrind_report', ); # Set dummy worker id to align report with normal tests $tinfo->{worker} = 0 if $opt_parallel > 1; if ($valgrind_reports) { $tinfo->{result}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED'; $tinfo->{comment}= "Valgrind reported failures at shutdown, see above"; $tinfo->{failures}= 1; } else { $tinfo->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED'; } mtr_report_test($tinfo); push @$completed, $tinfo; ++$num_tests } mtr_print_line(); print_total_times($opt_parallel) if $opt_report_times; mtr_report_stats($prefix, $fail, $completed, $extra_warnings); if ($opt_gcov) { mtr_report("Running dgcov"); system "./dgcov.pl --generate > $opt_vardir/last_changes.dgcov"; } if ( @$completed != $num_tests) { mtr_error("Not all tests completed (only ". scalar(@$completed) . " of $num_tests)"); } remove_vardir_subs() if $opt_clean_vardir; exit(0); } sub run_test_server ($$$) { my ($server, $tests, $childs) = @_; my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far. my $num_saved_datadir= 0; # Number of datadirs saved in vardir/log/ so far. my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far my $test_failure= 0; # Set true if test suite failed my $extra_warnings= []; # Warnings found during server shutdowns my $completed= []; my %running; my $result; my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($bindir) || ""; # Used as hint to CoreDump my $suite_timeout= start_timer(suite_timeout()); my $s= IO::Select->new(); $s->add($server); while (1) { if ($opt_stop_file) { if (mtr_wait_lock_file($opt_stop_file, $opt_stop_keep_alive)) { # We were waiting so restart timer process my $suite_timeout= start_timer(suite_timeout()); } } mark_time_used('admin'); my @ready = $s->can_read(1); # Wake up once every second mark_time_idle(); foreach my $sock (@ready) { if ($sock == $server) { # New client connected my $child= $sock->accept(); mtr_verbose("Client connected"); $s->add($child); print $child "HELLO\n"; } else { my $line= <$sock>; if (!defined $line) { # Client disconnected mtr_verbose("Child closed socket"); $s->remove($sock); if (--$childs == 0){ return ("Completed", $test_failure, $completed, $extra_warnings); } next; } chomp($line); if ($line eq 'TESTRESULT'){ $result= My::Test::read_test($sock); # Report test status mtr_report_test($result); if ( $result->is_failed() ) { # Save the workers "savedir" in var/log my $worker_savedir= $result->{savedir}; my $worker_savename= basename($worker_savedir); my $savedir= "$opt_vardir/log/$worker_savename"; # Move any core files from e.g. mysqltest foreach my $coref (glob("core*"), glob("*.dmp")) { mtr_report(" - found '$coref', moving it to '$worker_savedir'"); move($coref, $worker_savedir); } find( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { my $core_file= $File::Find::name; my $core_name= basename($core_file); # Name beginning with core, not ending in .gz if (($core_name =~ /^core/ and $core_name !~ /\.gz$/) or (IS_WINDOWS and $core_name =~ /\.dmp$/)) { # Ending with .dmp mtr_report(" - found '$core_name'", "($num_saved_cores/$opt_max_save_core)"); My::CoreDump->show($core_file, $exe_mysqld, $opt_parallel); # Limit number of core files saved if ($opt_max_save_core > 0 && $num_saved_cores >= $opt_max_save_core) { mtr_report(" - deleting it, already saved", "$opt_max_save_core"); unlink("$core_file"); } else { mtr_compress_file($core_file) unless @opt_cases; ++$num_saved_cores; } } } }, $worker_savedir); if ($opt_max_save_datadir > 0 && $num_saved_datadir >= $opt_max_save_datadir) { mtr_report(" - skipping '$worker_savedir/'"); rmtree($worker_savedir); } else { mtr_report(" - saving '$worker_savedir/' to '$savedir/'"); rename($worker_savedir, $savedir); } resfile_print_test(); $num_saved_datadir++; $num_failed_test++ unless ($result->{retries} || $result->{exp_fail}); $test_failure= 1; if ( !$opt_force ) { # Test has failed, force is off push(@$completed, $result); if ($result->{'dont_kill_server'}) { print $sock "BYE\n"; next; } return ("Failure", 1, $completed, $extra_warnings); } elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and $num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) { push(@$completed, $result); mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!", "Terminating..."); return ("Too many failed", 1, $completed, $extra_warnings); } } resfile_print_test(); # Retry test run after test failure my $retries= $result->{retries} || 2; my $test_has_failed= $result->{failures} || 0; if ($test_has_failed and $retries <= $opt_retry){ # Test should be run one more time unless it has failed # too many times already my $tname= $result->{name}; my $failures= $result->{failures}; if ($opt_retry > 1 and $failures >= $opt_retry_failure){ mtr_report("\nTest $tname has failed $failures times,", "no more retries!\n"); } else { mtr_report("\nRetrying test $tname, ". "attempt($retries/$opt_retry)...\n"); #saving the log file as filename.failed in case of retry if ( $result->is_failed() ) { my $worker_logdir= $result->{savedir}; my $log_file_name=dirname($worker_logdir)."/".$result->{shortname}.".log"; if (-e $log_file_name) { $result->{'logfile-failed'} = mtr_lastlinesfromfile($log_file_name, 20); } else { $result->{'logfile-failed'} = ""; } rename $log_file_name, $log_file_name.".failed"; } delete($result->{result}); $result->{retries}= $retries+1; $result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); next; } } # Repeat test $opt_repeat number of times my $repeat= $result->{repeat} || 1; if ($repeat < $opt_repeat) { $result->{retries}= 0; $result->{rep_failures}++ if $result->{failures}; $result->{failures}= 0; delete($result->{result}); $result->{repeat}= $repeat+1; $result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); next; } # Remove from list of running mtr_error("'", $result->{name},"' is not known to be running") unless delete $running{$result->key()}; # Save result in completed list push(@$completed, $result); } elsif ($line eq 'START'){ ; # Send first test } elsif ($line eq 'WARNINGS'){ my $fake_test= My::Test::read_test($sock); my $test_list= join (" ", @{$fake_test->{testnames}}); push @$extra_warnings, $test_list; my $report= $fake_test->{'warnings'}; mtr_report("***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown ". "after running tests: $test_list\n\n$report"); $test_failure= 1; if ( !$opt_force ) { # Test failure due to warnings, force is off return ("Warnings in log", 1, $completed, $extra_warnings); } } elsif ($line =~ /^SPENT/) { add_total_times($line); } elsif ($line eq 'VALGREP' && $opt_valgrind) { $valgrind_reports= 1; } else { mtr_error("Unknown response: '$line' from client"); } # Find next test to schedule # - Try to use same configuration as worker used last time my $next; my $second_best; for(my $i= 0; $i <= @$tests; $i++) { my $t= $tests->[$i]; last unless defined $t; if (run_testcase_check_skip_test($t)){ # Move the test to completed list #mtr_report("skip - Moving test $i to completed"); push(@$completed, splice(@$tests, $i, 1)); # Since the test at pos $i was taken away, next # test will also be at $i -> redo redo; } # From secondary choices, we prefer to pick a 'long-running' test if # possible; this helps avoid getting stuck with a few of those at the # end of high --parallel runs, with most workers being idle. if (!defined $second_best || ($t->{'long_test'} && !($tests->[$second_best]{'long_test'}))){ #mtr_report("Setting second_best to $i"); $second_best= $i; } # Smart allocation of next test within this thread. if ($opt_reorder and $opt_parallel > 1 and defined $result) { my $wid= $result->{worker}; # Reserved for other thread, try next next if (defined $t->{reserved} and $t->{reserved} != $wid); if (! defined $t->{reserved}) { # Force-restart not relevant when comparing *next* test $t->{criteria} =~ s/force-restart$/no-restart/; my $criteria= $t->{criteria}; # Reserve similar tests for this worker, but not too many my $maxres= (@$tests - $i) / $opt_parallel + 1; for (my $j= $i+1; $j <= $i + $maxres; $j++) { my $tt= $tests->[$j]; last unless defined $tt; last if $tt->{criteria} ne $criteria; $tt->{reserved}= $wid; } } } # At this point we have found next suitable test $next= splice(@$tests, $i, 1); last; } # Use second best choice if no other test has been found if (!$next and defined $second_best){ #mtr_report("Take second best choice $second_best"); mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large($second_best)") if $second_best > $#$tests; $next= splice(@$tests, $second_best, 1); delete $next->{reserved}; } if ($next) { # We don't need this any more delete $next->{criteria}; $next->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); $running{$next->key()}= $next; } else { # No more test, tell child to exit #mtr_report("Saying BYE to child"); print $sock "BYE\n"; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if test suite timer expired # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( has_expired($suite_timeout) ) { mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating..."); return ("Timeout", 1, $completed, $extra_warnings); } } } sub run_worker ($) { my ($server_port, $thread_num)= @_; $SIG{INT}= sub { exit(1); }; $SIG{HUP}= sub { exit(1); }; # Connect to server my $server = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => $server_port, Proto => 'tcp' ); mtr_error("Could not connect to server at port $server_port: $!") unless $server; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set worker name # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- report_option('name',"worker[$thread_num]"); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set different ports per thread # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_build_thread_ports($thread_num); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Turn off verbosity in workers, unless explicitly specified # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- report_option('verbose', undef) if ($opt_verbose == 0); environment_setup(); # Read hello from server which it will send when shared # resources have been setup my $hello= <$server>; setup_vardir(); check_running_as_root(); if ( using_extern() ) { create_config_file_for_extern(%opts_extern); } # Ask server for first test print $server "START\n"; mark_time_used('init'); while (my $line= <$server>){ chomp($line); if ($line eq 'TESTCASE'){ my $test= My::Test::read_test($server); # Clear comment and logfile, to avoid # reusing them from previous test delete($test->{'comment'}); delete($test->{'logfile'}); # A sanity check. Should this happen often we need to look at it. if (defined $test->{reserved} && $test->{reserved} != $thread_num) { my $tres= $test->{reserved}; mtr_warning("Test reserved for w$tres picked up by w$thread_num"); } $test->{worker} = $thread_num if $opt_parallel > 1; run_testcase($test, $server); #$test->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED'; # Send it back, now with results set $test->write_test($server, 'TESTRESULT'); mark_time_used('restart'); } elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){ mtr_report("Server said BYE"); # We need to gracefully shut down the servers to see any # Valgrind memory leak errors etc. since last server restart. if ($opt_warnings) { stop_servers(reverse all_servers()); if(check_warnings_post_shutdown($server)) { # Warnings appeared in log file(s) during final server shutdown. exit(1); } } else { stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); } mark_time_used('restart'); my $valgrind_reports= 0; if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) { $valgrind_reports= valgrind_exit_reports(); print $server "VALGREP\n" if $valgrind_reports; } if ( $opt_gprof ) { gprof_collect (find_mysqld($bindir), keys %gprof_dirs); } mark_time_used('admin'); print_times_used($server, $thread_num); exit($valgrind_reports); } else { mtr_error("Could not understand server, '$line'"); } } stop_all_servers(); exit(1); } sub ignore_option { my ($opt, $value)= @_; mtr_report("Ignoring option '$opt'"); } # Setup any paths that are $opt_vardir related sub set_vardir { ($opt_vardir)= @_; $path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir; # Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/... $path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://; # Location of my.cnf that all clients use $path_config_file= "$opt_vardir/my.cnf"; $path_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log"; $path_current_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test"; } sub print_global_resfile { resfile_global("start_time", isotime $^T); resfile_global("user_id", $<); resfile_global("embedded-server", $opt_embedded_server ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("ps-protocol", $opt_ps_protocol ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("sp-protocol", $opt_sp_protocol ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("view-protocol", $opt_view_protocol ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("cursor-protocol", $opt_cursor_protocol ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("ssl", $opt_ssl ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("compress", $opt_compress ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("parallel", $opt_parallel); resfile_global("check-testcases", $opt_check_testcases ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("mysqld", \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt); resfile_global("debug", $opt_debug ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("gcov", $opt_gcov ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("gprof", $opt_gprof ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("valgrind", $opt_valgrind ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("callgrind", $opt_callgrind ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("mem", $opt_mem); resfile_global("tmpdir", $opt_tmpdir); resfile_global("vardir", $opt_vardir); resfile_global("fast", $opt_fast ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("force-restart", $opt_force_restart ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("reorder", $opt_reorder ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("sleep", $opt_sleep); resfile_global("repeat", $opt_repeat); resfile_global("user", $opt_user); resfile_global("testcase-timeout", $opt_testcase_timeout); resfile_global("suite-timeout", $opt_suite_timeout); resfile_global("shutdown-timeout", $opt_shutdown_timeout ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("warnings", $opt_warnings ? 1 : 0); resfile_global("max-connections", $opt_max_connections); resfile_global("product", "MySQL"); resfile_global("xml-report", $opt_xml_report); # Somewhat hacky code to convert numeric version back to dot notation my $v1= int($mysql_version_id / 10000); my $v2= int(($mysql_version_id % 10000)/100); my $v3= $mysql_version_id % 100; resfile_global("version", "$v1.$v2.$v3"); } sub command_line_setup { my $opt_comment; my $opt_usage; my $opt_list_options; # Read the command line options # Note: Keep list in sync with usage at end of this file Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); my %options=( # Control what engine/variation to run 'embedded-server' => \$opt_embedded_server, 'ps-protocol' => \$opt_ps_protocol, 'sp-protocol' => \$opt_sp_protocol, 'view-protocol' => \$opt_view_protocol, 'cursor-protocol' => \$opt_cursor_protocol, 'non-blocking-api' => \$opt_non_blocking_api, 'ssl|with-openssl' => \$opt_ssl, 'skip-ssl' => \$opt_skip_ssl, 'compress' => \$opt_compress, 'vs-config=s' => \$opt_vs_config, # Max number of parallel threads to use 'parallel=s' => \$opt_parallel, # Config file to use as template for all tests 'defaults-file=s' => \&collect_option, # Extra config file to append to all generated configs 'defaults-extra-file=s' => \&collect_option, # Control what test suites or cases to run 'force+' => \$opt_force, 'suite|suites=s' => \$opt_suites, 'skip-rpl' => \&collect_option, 'skip-test=s' => \&collect_option, 'do-test=s' => \&collect_option, 'start-from=s' => \&collect_option, 'big-test+' => \$opt_big_test, 'combination=s' => \@opt_combinations, 'experimental=s' => \@opt_experimentals, # skip-im is deprecated and silently ignored 'skip-im' => \&ignore_option, 'staging-run' => \$opt_staging_run, # Specify ports 'build-thread|mtr-build-thread=i' => \$opt_build_thread, 'port-base|mtr-port-base=i' => \$opt_port_base, 'port-group-size=s' => \$opt_port_group_size, # Test case authoring 'record' => \$opt_record, 'check-testcases!' => \$opt_check_testcases, 'mark-progress' => \$opt_mark_progress, # Extra options used when starting mysqld 'mysqld=s' => \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, 'mysqld-env=s' => \@opt_mysqld_envs, # Run test on running server 'extern=s' => \%opts_extern, # Append to hash # Debugging 'debug' => \$opt_debug, 'debug-common' => \$opt_debug_common, 'debug-server' => \$opt_debug_server, 'gdb=s' => \$opt_gdb, 'rr' => \$opt_rr, 'rr-arg=s' => \@rr_record_args, 'rr-dir=s' => \$opt_rr_dir, 'client-gdb' => \$opt_client_gdb, 'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb, 'manual-lldb' => \$opt_manual_lldb, 'boot-gdb' => \$opt_boot_gdb, 'boot-rr' => \$opt_boot_rr, 'manual-debug' => \$opt_manual_debug, 'ddd' => \$opt_ddd, 'client-ddd' => \$opt_client_ddd, 'manual-ddd' => \$opt_manual_ddd, 'boot-ddd' => \$opt_boot_ddd, 'dbx' => \$opt_dbx, 'client-dbx' => \$opt_client_dbx, 'manual-dbx' => \$opt_manual_dbx, 'debugger=s' => \$opt_debugger, 'boot-dbx' => \$opt_boot_dbx, 'client-debugger=s' => \$opt_client_debugger, 'strace' => \$opt_strace, 'strace-option=s' => \@strace_args, 'client-strace' => \$opt_client_strace, 'stracer=s' => \$opt_stracer, 'max-save-core=i' => \$opt_max_save_core, 'max-save-datadir=i' => \$opt_max_save_datadir, 'max-test-fail=i' => \$opt_max_test_fail, 'core-on-failure' => \$opt_core_on_failure, # Coverage, profiling etc 'gcov' => \$opt_gcov, 'gprof' => \$opt_gprof, 'valgrind|valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind, 'valgrind-mysqltest' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest, 'valgrind-mysqld' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqld, 'valgrind-options=s' => sub { my ($opt, $value)= @_; # Deprecated option unless it's what we know pushbuild uses if ($value eq "--gen-suppressions=all --show-reachable=yes") { push(@valgrind_args, $_) for (split(' ', $value)); return; } die("--valgrind-options=s is deprecated. Use ", "--valgrind-option=s, to be specified several", " times if necessary"); }, 'valgrind-option=s' => \@valgrind_args, 'valgrind-path=s' => \$opt_valgrind_path, 'callgrind' => \$opt_callgrind, 'debug-sync-timeout=i' => \$opt_debug_sync_timeout, # Directories 'tmpdir=s' => \$opt_tmpdir, 'vardir=s' => \$opt_vardir, 'mem' => \$opt_mem, 'clean-vardir' => \$opt_clean_vardir, 'client-bindir=s' => \$path_client_bindir, 'client-libdir=s' => \$path_client_libdir, # Misc 'comment=s' => \$opt_comment, 'fast' => \$opt_fast, 'force-restart' => \$opt_force_restart, 'reorder!' => \$opt_reorder, 'enable-disabled' => \&collect_option, 'verbose+' => \$opt_verbose, 'verbose-restart' => \&report_option, 'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep, 'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty, 'start-and-exit' => \$opt_start_exit, 'start' => \$opt_start, 'user-args' => \$opt_user_args, 'wait-all' => \$opt_wait_all, 'print-testcases' => \&collect_option, 'repeat=i' => \$opt_repeat, 'retry=i' => \$opt_retry, 'retry-failure=i' => \$opt_retry_failure, 'timer!' => \&report_option, 'user=s' => \$opt_user, 'testcase-timeout=i' => \$opt_testcase_timeout, 'suite-timeout=i' => \$opt_suite_timeout, 'shutdown-timeout=i' => \$opt_shutdown_timeout, 'warnings!' => \$opt_warnings, 'timestamp' => \&report_option, 'timediff' => \&report_option, 'stop-file=s' => \$opt_stop_file, 'stop-keep-alive=i' => \$opt_stop_keep_alive, 'max-connections=i' => \$opt_max_connections, 'report-times' => \$opt_report_times, 'result-file' => \$opt_resfile, 'stress=s' => \$opt_stress, 'dry-run' => \$opt_dry_run, 'help|h' => \$opt_usage, # list-options is internal, not listed in help 'list-options' => \$opt_list_options, 'skip-test-list=s' => \@opt_skip_test_list, 'xml-report=s' => \$opt_xml_report ); # fix options (that take an optional argument and *only* after = sign my %fixopt = ( '--gdb' => '--gdb=#' ); @ARGV = map { $fixopt{$_} or $_ } @ARGV; GetOptions(%options) or usage("Can't read options"); usage("") if $opt_usage; list_options(\%options) if $opt_list_options; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup verbosity # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_verbose != 0){ report_option('verbose', $opt_verbose); } # Find the absolute path to the test directory $glob_mysql_test_dir= cwd(); if ($glob_mysql_test_dir =~ / /) { die("Working directory \"$glob_mysql_test_dir\" contains space\n". "Bailing out, cannot function properly with space in path"); } if (IS_CYGWIN) { # Use mixed path format i.e c:/path/to/ $glob_mysql_test_dir= mixed_path($glob_mysql_test_dir); } # In most cases, the base directory we find everything relative to, # is the parent directory of the "mysql-test" directory. For source # distributions, TAR binary distributions and some other packages. $basedir= dirname($glob_mysql_test_dir); # In the RPM case, binaries and libraries are installed in the # default system locations, instead of having our own private base # directory. And we install "/usr/share/mysql-test". Moving up one # more directory relative to "mysql-test" gives us a usable base # directory for RPM installs. if ( ! $source_dist and ! -d "$basedir/bin" ) { $basedir= dirname($basedir); } # For .deb, it's like RPM, but installed in /usr/share/mysql/mysql-test. # So move up one more directory level yet. if ( ! $source_dist and ! -d "$basedir/bin" ) { $basedir= dirname($basedir); } # Respect MTR_BINDIR variable, which is typically set in to the # build directory in out-of-source builds. $bindir=$ENV{MTR_BINDIR}||$basedir; fix_vs_config_dir(); # Look for the client binaries directory if ($path_client_bindir) { # --client-bindir=path set on command line, check that the path exists $path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists($path_client_bindir); } else { $path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$bindir/client_release", "$bindir/client_debug", "$bindir/client$opt_vs_config", "$bindir/client", "$bindir/bin"); } # Look for language files and charsetsdir, use same share $path_language= mtr_path_exists("$bindir/share/mariadb", "$bindir/share/mysql", "$bindir/sql/share", "$bindir/share"); my $path_share= $path_language; $path_charsetsdir = mtr_path_exists("$basedir/share/mariadb/charsets", "$basedir/share/mysql/charsets", "$basedir/sql/share/charsets", "$basedir/share/charsets"); if ( $opt_comment ) { mtr_report(); mtr_print_thick_line('#'); mtr_report("# $opt_comment"); mtr_print_thick_line('#'); } if ( @opt_experimentals ) { # $^O on Windows considered not generic enough my $plat= (IS_WINDOWS) ? 'windows' : $^O; # read the list of experimental test cases from the files specified on # the command line $experimental_test_cases = []; foreach my $exp_file (@opt_experimentals) { open(FILE, "<", $exp_file) or mtr_error("Can't read experimental file: $exp_file"); mtr_report("Using experimental file: $exp_file"); while() { chomp; # remove comments (# foo) at the beginning of the line, or after a # blank at the end of the line s/(\s+|^)#.*$//; # If @ platform specifier given, use this entry only if it contains # @ or @! where xxx != platform if (/\@.*/) { next if (/\@!$plat/); next unless (/\@$plat/ or /\@!/); # Then remove @ and everything after it s/\@.*$//; } # remove whitespace s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # if nothing left, don't need to remember this line if ( $_ eq "" ) { next; } # remember what is left as the name of another test case that should be # treated as experimental print " - $_\n"; push @$experimental_test_cases, $_; } close FILE; } } foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) { if ( $arg =~ /^--skip-/ ) { push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, $arg); } elsif ( $arg =~ /^--$/ ) { # It is an effect of setting 'pass_through' in option processing # that the lone '--' separating options from arguments survives, # simply ignore it. } elsif ( $arg =~ /^-/ ) { usage("Invalid option \"$arg\""); } else { push(@opt_cases, $arg); } } if ( @opt_cases ) { # Run big tests if explicitly specified on command line $opt_big_test= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find out type of logging that are being used # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt ) { if ( $arg =~ /binlog[-_]format=(\S+)/ ) { # Save this for collect phase collect_option('binlog-format', $1); mtr_report("Using binlog format '$1'"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find out default storage engine being used(if any) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt ) { if ( $arg =~ /default-storage-engine=(\S+)/ ) { # Save this for collect phase collect_option('default-storage-engine', $1); mtr_report("Using default engine '$1'") } } if (IS_WINDOWS and defined $opt_mem) { mtr_report("--mem not supported on Windows, ignored"); $opt_mem= undef; } if ($opt_port_base ne "auto") { if (my $rem= $opt_port_base % 10) { mtr_warning ("Port base $opt_port_base rounded down to multiple of 10"); $opt_port_base-= $rem; } $opt_build_thread= $opt_port_base / 10 - 1000; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we should speed up tests by trying to run on tmpfs # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( defined $opt_mem) { mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --vardir at the same time ") if $opt_vardir; mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --tmpdir at the same time ") if $opt_tmpdir; # Search through list of locations that are known # to be "fast disks" to find a suitable location my @tmpfs_locations= ("/run/shm", "/dev/shm", "/tmp"); # Use $ENV{'MTR_MEM'} as first location to look (if defined) unshift(@tmpfs_locations, $ENV{'MTR_MEM'}) if defined $ENV{'MTR_MEM'}; foreach my $fs (@tmpfs_locations) { if ( -d $fs && ! -l $fs && -w $fs ) { my $template= "var_${opt_build_thread}_XXXX"; $opt_mem= tempdir( $template, DIR => $fs, CLEANUP => 0); last; } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the "var/" directory, the base for everything else # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $vardir_location= (defined $ENV{MTR_BINDIR} ? "$ENV{MTR_BINDIR}/mysql-test" : $glob_mysql_test_dir); $vardir_location= realpath $vardir_location unless IS_WINDOWS; $default_vardir= "$vardir_location/var"; if ( ! $opt_vardir ) { $opt_vardir= $default_vardir; } # We make the path absolute, as the server will do a chdir() before usage unless ( $opt_vardir =~ m,^/, or (IS_WINDOWS and $opt_vardir =~ m,^[a-z]:[/\\],i) ) { # Make absolute path, relative test dir $opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/$opt_vardir"; } set_vardir($opt_vardir); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the "tmp" directory # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $opt_tmpdir ) { $opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir; if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/mysql_testsocket.sock")) { mtr_report("Too long tmpdir path '$opt_tmpdir'", " creating a shorter one..."); # Create temporary directory in standard location for temporary files $opt_tmpdir= tempdir( TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 0 ); mtr_report(" - using tmpdir: '$opt_tmpdir'\n"); # Remember pid that created dir so it's removed by correct process $opt_tmpdir_pid= $$; } } $opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fast option # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_fast){ $opt_shutdown_timeout= 0; # Kill processes instead of nice shutdown } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check parallel value # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_parallel ne "auto" && $opt_parallel < 1) { mtr_error("0 or negative parallel value makes no sense, use 'auto' or positive number"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Record flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_record and ! @opt_cases ) { mtr_error("Will not run in record mode without a specific test case"); } if ( $opt_record ) { # Use only one worker with --record $opt_parallel= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Embedded server flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { $opt_skip_ssl= 1; # Turn off use of SSL # Turn off use of bin log push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, "--skip-log-bin"); if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --embedded-server"); } if ($opt_gdb) { $opt_client_gdb= $opt_gdb; $opt_gdb= undef; } if ($opt_ddd) { $opt_client_ddd= $opt_ddd; $opt_ddd= undef; } if ($opt_dbx) { mtr_warning("Silently converting --dbx to --client-dbx in embedded mode"); $opt_client_dbx= $opt_dbx; $opt_dbx= undef; } if ($opt_debugger) { $opt_client_debugger= $opt_debugger; $opt_debugger= undef; } if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_lldb || $opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug || $opt_debugger || $opt_dbx || $opt_manual_dbx) { mtr_error("You need to use the client debug options for the", "embedded server. Ex: --client-gdb"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Big test and staging_run flags # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_big_test ) { $ENV{'BIG_TEST'}= 1; } $ENV{'STAGING_RUN'}= $opt_staging_run; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gcov flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ($opt_gcov or $opt_gprof) and ! $source_dist ) { mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check debug related options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_client_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_client_ddd || $opt_rr || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_lldb || $opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug || $opt_dbx || $opt_client_dbx || $opt_manual_dbx || $opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger ) { $ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS}= 'abort_on_error=1:'.($ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS} || ''); if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger"); } # Indicate that we are using debugger $glob_debugger= 1; $opt_retry= 1; $opt_retry_failure= 1; # Set one week timeout (check-testcase timeout will be 1/10th) $opt_testcase_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; $opt_suite_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; # One day to shutdown $opt_shutdown_timeout= 24 * 60; # One day for PID file creation (this is given in seconds not minutes) $opt_start_timeout= 24 * 60 * 60; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modified behavior with --start options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_start or $opt_start_dirty or $opt_start_exit) { collect_option ('quick-collect', 1); $start_only= 1; } if ($opt_debug) { $opt_testcase_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; $opt_suite_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; $opt_retry= 1; $opt_retry_failure= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check use of user-args # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_user_args) { mtr_error("--user-args only valid with --start options") unless $start_only; mtr_error("--user-args cannot be combined with named suites or tests") if $opt_suites || @opt_cases; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check use of wait-all # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_wait_all && ! $start_only) { mtr_error("--wait-all can only be used with --start options"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gather stress-test options and modify behavior # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_stress) { $opt_stress=~ s/,/ /g; $opt_user_args= 1; mtr_error("--stress cannot be combined with named ordinary suites or tests") if $opt_suites || @opt_cases; $opt_suites="stress"; @opt_cases= ("wrapper"); $ENV{MST_OPTIONS}= $opt_stress; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check timeout arguments # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mtr_error("Invalid value '$opt_testcase_timeout' supplied ". "for option --testcase-timeout") if ($opt_testcase_timeout <= 0); mtr_error("Invalid value '$opt_suite_timeout' supplied ". "for option --testsuite-timeout") if ($opt_suite_timeout <= 0); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check valgrind arguments # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_path or @valgrind_args) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for all executables"); $opt_valgrind= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 1; } elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqld(s) only"); $opt_valgrind= 1; } elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqltest and mysql_client_test only"); $opt_valgrind= 1; } if ($opt_valgrind) { # Increase the timeouts when running with valgrind $opt_testcase_timeout*= 10; $opt_suite_timeout*= 6; $opt_start_timeout*= 10; $warn_seconds*= 10; } if ( $opt_callgrind ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind with callgrind for mysqld(s)"); $opt_valgrind= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1; # Set special valgrind options unless options passed on command line push(@valgrind_args, "--trace-children=yes") unless @valgrind_args; unshift(@valgrind_args, "--tool=callgrind"); } # default to --tool=memcheck if ($opt_valgrind && ! grep(/^--tool=/i, @valgrind_args)) { # Set valgrind_option unless already defined push(@valgrind_args, ("--show-reachable=yes", "--leak-check=yes", "--num-callers=16")) unless @valgrind_args; unshift(@valgrind_args, "--tool=memcheck"); } if ( $opt_valgrind ) { # Make valgrind run in quiet mode so it only print errors push(@valgrind_args, "--quiet" ); push(@valgrind_args, "--suppressions=${glob_mysql_test_dir}/valgrind.supp") if -f "$glob_mysql_test_dir/valgrind.supp"; mtr_report("Running valgrind with options \"", join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\""); } if (@strace_args || $opt_stracer) { $opt_strace=1; } # InnoDB does not bother to do individual de-allocations at exit. Instead it # relies on a custom allocator to track every allocation, and frees all at # once during exit. # In XtraDB, an option use-sys-malloc is introduced (and on by default) to # disable this (for performance). But this exposes Valgrind to all the # missing de-allocations, so we need to disable it to at least get # meaningful leak checking for the rest of the server. if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) { push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, "--loose-skip-innodb-use-sys-malloc"); } if ($opt_debug_common) { $opt_debug= 1; $debug_d= "d,query,info,error,enter,exit"; } } # # To make it easier for different devs to work on the same host, # an environment variable can be used to control all ports. A small # number is to be used, 0 - 16 or similar. # # Note the MASTER_MYPORT has to be set the same in all 4.x and 5.x # versions of this script, else a 4.0 test run might conflict with a # 5.1 test run, even if different MTR_BUILD_THREAD is used. This means # all port numbers might not be used in this version of the script. # # Also note the limitation of ports we are allowed to hand out. This # differs between operating systems and configuration, see # http://www.ncftp.com/ncftpd/doc/misc/ephemeral_ports.html # But a fairly safe range seems to be 5001 - 32767 # sub set_build_thread_ports($) { my $thread= shift || 0; if ( lc($opt_build_thread) eq 'auto' ) { my $found_free = 0; $build_thread = 300; # Start attempts from here my $build_thread_upper = $build_thread + ($opt_parallel > 1500 ? 3000 : 2 * $opt_parallel) + 300; while (! $found_free) { $build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id($build_thread, $build_thread_upper); if ( !defined $build_thread ) { mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id"); } $found_free= check_ports_free($build_thread); # If not free, release and try from next number if (! $found_free) { mtr_release_unique_id(); $build_thread++; } } } else { $build_thread = $opt_build_thread + $thread - 1; if (! check_ports_free($build_thread)) { # Some port was not free(which one has already been printed) mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free") } } $ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}= $build_thread; # Calculate baseport $baseport= $build_thread * $opt_port_group_size + 10000; if ( $baseport < 5001 or $baseport + $opt_port_group_size >= 32767 ) { mtr_error("MTR_BUILD_THREAD number results in a port", "outside 5001 - 32767", "($baseport - $baseport + $opt_port_group_size)"); } mtr_report("Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD $build_thread,", "with reserved ports $baseport..".($baseport+($opt_port_group_size-1))); } sub collect_mysqld_features { # # Execute "mysqld --no-defaults --help --verbose" to get a # list of all features and settings # # --no-defaults and --skip-grant-tables are to avoid loading # system-wide configs and plugins # # --datadir must exist, mysqld will chdir into it # my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=."); mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $basedir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--lc-messages-dir=%s", $path_language); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-grant-tables"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-warnings=0"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-slow-admin-statements=0"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-queries-not-using-indexes=0"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-slow-slave-statements=0"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--help"); my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($bindir); my $cmd= join(" ", $exe_mysqld, @$args); mtr_verbose("cmd: $cmd"); my $list= `$cmd`; # to simplify the parsing, we'll merge all nicely formatted --help texts $list =~ s/\n {22}(\S)/ $1/g; my @list= split '\n', $list; $mysql_version_id= 0; while (defined(my $line = shift @list)){ if ($line =~ /^\Q$exe_mysqld\E\s+Ver\s(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\S*)/ ) { $mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3; mtr_report("MariaDB Version $1.$2.$3$4"); last; } } mtr_error("Could not find version of MariaDB") unless $mysql_version_id > 0; for (@list) { # first part of the help - command-line options. if (/Copyright/ .. /^-{30,}/) { # here we want to detect all not mandatory plugins # they are listed in the --help output as # --archive[=name] # Enable or disable ARCHIVE plugin. Possible values are ON, OFF, # FORCE (don't start if the plugin fails to load), # FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT (like FORCE, but the plugin can not be uninstalled). push @optional_plugins, $1 if /^ --([-a-z0-9]+)\[=name\] +Enable or disable \w+ plugin. One of: ON, OFF, FORCE/; next; } last if /^$/; # then goes a list of variables, it ends with an empty line # Put a variable into hash /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ or die "Could not parse mysqld --help: $_\n"; $mysqld_variables{$1}= $2; } mtr_error("Could not find variabes list") unless %mysqld_variables; } sub collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server () { my $mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user); while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts_extern )) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--$option=$value"); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); # Tab separated output mtr_add_arg($args, "-e '%s'", "use mysql; SHOW VARIABLES"); my $cmd= "$mysql " . join(' ', @$args); mtr_verbose("cmd: $cmd"); my $list = `$cmd` or mtr_error("Could not connect to extern server using command: '$cmd'"); foreach my $line (split('\n', $list )) { # Put variables into hash if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ ) { my $name= $1; my $value=$2; $name =~ s/_/-/g; # print "$name=\"$value\"\n"; $mysqld_variables{$name}= $value; } } # Parse version my $version_str= $mysqld_variables{'version'}; if ( $version_str =~ /^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)([^\s]*)/ ) { #print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n"; $mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3; #print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n"; mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3"); $mysql_version_extra= $4; } mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id; } sub find_mysqld { my ($mysqld_basedir)= $ENV{MTR_BINDIR}|| @_; my @mysqld_names= ("mysqld", "mysqld-max-nt", "mysqld-max", "mysqld-nt"); if ( $opt_debug_server ){ # Put mysqld-debug first in the list of binaries to look for mtr_verbose("Adding mysqld-debug first in list of binaries to look for"); unshift(@mysqld_names, "mysqld-debug"); } return my_find_bin($bindir, ["sql", "libexec", "sbin", "bin"], [@mysqld_names]); } sub executable_setup () { $exe_patch='patch' if `patch -v`; # # Check if libtool is available in this distribution/clone # we need it when valgrinding or debugging non installed binary # Otherwise valgrind will valgrind the libtool wrapper or bash # and gdb will not find the real executable to debug # if ( -x "../libtool") { $exe_libtool= "../libtool"; if ($opt_valgrind or $glob_debugger or $opt_strace) { mtr_report("Using \"$exe_libtool\" when running valgrind, strace or debugger"); } } # Look for the client binaries $exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin"); $exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql"); $exe_mysql_plugin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql_plugin"); $exe_mysql_embedded= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$basedir/libmysqld/examples/mysql_embedded"); # Look for mysqltest executable if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { $exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$bindir/libmysqld/examples$opt_vs_config/mysqltest_embedded", "$path_client_bindir/mysqltest_embedded"); } else { if ( defined $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'} ) { $exe_mysqltest=$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'}; print "===========================================================\n"; print "WARNING:The mysqltest binary is fetched from $exe_mysqltest\n"; print "===========================================================\n"; } else { $exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest"); } } } sub client_debug_arg($$) { my ($args, $client_name)= @_; # Workaround for Bug #50627: drop any debug opt return if $client_name =~ /^mysqlbinlog/; if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-debug=$debug_d:t:A,%s/log/%s.trace", $path_vardir_trace, $client_name) } } sub client_arguments ($;$) { my $client_name= shift; my $group_suffix= shift; my $client_exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/$client_name"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); if (defined($group_suffix)) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $group_suffix); client_debug_arg($args, "$client_name-$group_suffix"); } else { client_debug_arg($args, $client_name); } return mtr_args2str($client_exe, @$args); } sub mysqlbinlog_arguments () { my $exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlbinlog"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--local-load=%s", $opt_tmpdir); client_debug_arg($args, "mysqlbinlog"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub mysqlslap_arguments () { my $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlslap"); if ( $exe eq "" ) { # mysqlap was not found if (defined $mysql_version_id and $mysql_version_id >= 50100 ) { mtr_error("Could not find the mysqlslap binary"); } return ""; # Don't care about mysqlslap } my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); client_debug_arg($args, "mysqlslap"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub mysqldump_arguments ($) { my($group_suffix) = @_; my $exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqldump"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $group_suffix); client_debug_arg($args, "mysqldump-$group_suffix"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub mysql_client_test_arguments(){ my $exe; # mysql_client_test executable may _not_ exist if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( "$bindir/libmysqld/examples$opt_vs_config/mysql_client_test_embedded", "$bindir/bin/mysql_client_test_embedded"); } else { $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$bindir/tests$opt_vs_config/mysql_client_test", "$bindir/bin/mysql_client_test"); } my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--testcase"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--vardir=$opt_vardir"); client_debug_arg($args,"mysql_client_test"); my $ret=mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); return $ret; } sub tool_arguments ($$) { my($sedir, $tool_name) = @_; my $exe= my_find_bin($bindir, [$sedir, "bin"], $tool_name); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); client_debug_arg($args, $tool_name); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } # This is not used to actually start a mysqld server, just to allow test # scripts to run the mysqld binary to test invalid server startup options. sub mysqld_client_arguments () { my $default_mysqld= default_mysqld(); my $exe = find_mysqld($bindir); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $basedir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $default_mysqld->value("character-sets-dir")); mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $default_mysqld->value("language")); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub have_maria_support () { my $maria_var= $mysqld_variables{'aria-recover-options'}; return defined $maria_var; } sub environment_setup { umask(022); my @ld_library_paths; if ($path_client_libdir) { # Use the --client-libdir passed on commandline push(@ld_library_paths, "$path_client_libdir"); } else { # Setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the libraries from this distro/clone # are used in favor of the system installed ones if ( $source_dist ) { push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/libmysql/.libs/", "$basedir/libmysql_r/.libs/", "$basedir/zlib/.libs/"); if ($^O eq "darwin") { # it is MAC OS and we have to add dynamic libraries paths push @ld_library_paths, grep {<$_/*.dylib>} (<$bindir/storage/*/.libs/>,<$bindir/plugin/*/.libs/>, <$bindir/plugin/*/*/.libs/>,<$bindir/storage/*/*/.libs>); } } else { push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/lib", "$basedir/lib/mysql"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Valgrind need to be run with debug libraries otherwise it's almost # impossible to add correct supressions, that means if "/usr/lib/debug" # is available, it should be added to # LD_LIBRARY_PATH # # But pthread is broken in libc6-dbg on Debian <= 3.1 (see Debian # bug 399035, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=399035), # so don't change LD_LIBRARY_PATH on that platform. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $debug_libraries_path= "/usr/lib/debug"; my $deb_version; if ( $opt_valgrind and -d $debug_libraries_path and (! -e '/etc/debian_version' or ($deb_version= mtr_grab_file('/etc/debian_version')) !~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]$/ or $deb_version > 3.1 ) ) { push(@ld_library_paths, $debug_libraries_path); } $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}"); $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}"); # The environment variable used for shared libs on AIX $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("SHLIB_PATH: $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}"); # The environment variable used for shared libs on hp-ux $ENV{'LIBPATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'LIBPATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'LIBPATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("LIBPATH: $ENV{'LIBPATH'}"); $ENV{'UMASK'}= "0660"; # The octal *string* $ENV{'UMASK_DIR'}= "0770"; # The octal *string* # # MySQL tests can produce output in various character sets # (especially, ctype_xxx.test). To avoid confusing Perl # with output which is incompatible with the current locale # settings, we reset the current values of LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE to "C". # For details, please see # Bug#27636 tests fails if LC_* variables set to *_*.UTF-8 # $ENV{'LC_ALL'}= "C"; $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'}= "C"; $ENV{'LC_COLLATE'}= "C"; $ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern(); $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir; $ENV{'DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT'}= $mysqld_variables{'port'}; $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}= $opt_tmpdir; $ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}= $opt_vardir; $ENV{'MYSQL_BINDIR'}= $bindir; $ENV{'MYSQL_SHAREDIR'}= $path_language; $ENV{'MYSQL_CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir; if (IS_WINDOWS) { $ENV{'SECURE_LOAD_PATH'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir."\\std_data"; } else { $ENV{'SECURE_LOAD_PATH'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir."/std_data"; } # # Some stupid^H^H^H^H^H^Hignorant network providers set up "wildcard DNS" # servers that return some given web server address for any lookup of a # non-existent host name. This confuses test cases that want to test the # behaviour when connecting to a non-existing host, so we need to be able # to disable those tests when DNS is broken. # $ENV{HAVE_BROKEN_DNS}= defined(gethostbyname('invalid_hostname')); # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysql clients # ---------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQL_CHECK'}= client_arguments("mysqlcheck"); $ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= mysqldump_arguments(".1"); $ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE'}= mysqldump_arguments(".2"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SLAP'}= mysqlslap_arguments(); $ENV{'MYSQL_IMPORT'}= client_arguments("mysqlimport"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SHOW'}= client_arguments("mysqlshow"); $ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= mysqlbinlog_arguments(); $ENV{'MYSQL'}= client_arguments("mysql"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SLAVE'}= client_arguments("mysql", ".2"); $ENV{'MYSQL_UPGRADE'}= client_arguments("mysql_upgrade"); $ENV{'MYSQLADMIN'}= client_arguments("mysqladmin"); $ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= mysql_client_test_arguments(); $ENV{'EXE_MYSQL'}= $exe_mysql; $ENV{'MYSQL_PLUGIN'}= $exe_mysql_plugin; $ENV{'MYSQL_EMBEDDED'}= $exe_mysql_embedded; my $client_config_exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( "$bindir/libmariadb/mariadb_config$opt_vs_config/mariadb_config", "$bindir/bin/mariadb_config"); if ($client_config_exe) { my $tls_info= `$client_config_exe --tlsinfo`; ($ENV{CLIENT_TLS_LIBRARY},$ENV{CLIENT_TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION})= split(/ /, $tls_info, 2); } my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir); $ENV{'MYSQLD'}= $exe_mysqld; my $extra_opts= join (" ", @opt_extra_mysqld_opt); $ENV{'MYSQLD_CMD'}= "$exe_mysqld --defaults-group-suffix=.1 ". "--defaults-file=$path_config_file $extra_opts"; # ---------------------------------------------------- # bug25714 executable may _not_ exist in # some versions, test using it should be skipped # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_bug25714= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$bindir/tests$opt_vs_config/bug25714"); $ENV{'MYSQL_BUG25714'}= native_path($exe_bug25714); # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql # ---------------------------------------------------- my $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables= mtr_file_exists("$bindir/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql", "$bindir/share/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql", "$bindir/share/mariadb/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql", "$bindir/share/mysql/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql"); $ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_PRIVILEGE_TABLES'}= $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables; # ---------------------------------------------------- # my_print_defaults # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_my_print_defaults= mtr_exe_exists("$bindir/extra$opt_vs_config/my_print_defaults", "$path_client_bindir/my_print_defaults"); $ENV{'MYSQL_MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS'}= native_path($exe_my_print_defaults); # ---------------------------------------------------- # myisam tools # ---------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYISAMLOG'}= tool_arguments("storage/myisam", "myisamlog", ); $ENV{'MYISAMCHK'}= tool_arguments("storage/myisam", "myisamchk"); $ENV{'MYISAMPACK'}= tool_arguments("storage/myisam", "myisampack"); $ENV{'MYISAM_FTDUMP'}= tool_arguments("storage/myisam", "myisam_ftdump"); # ---------------------------------------------------- # aria tools # ---------------------------------------------------- if (have_maria_support()) { $ENV{'MARIA_CHK'}= tool_arguments("storage/maria", "aria_chk"); $ENV{'MARIA_PACK'}= tool_arguments("storage/maria", "aria_pack"); } # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysqlhotcopy # ---------------------------------------------------- my $mysqlhotcopy= mtr_pl_maybe_exists("$bindir/scripts/mysqlhotcopy") || mtr_pl_maybe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlhotcopy"); if ($mysqlhotcopy) { $ENV{'MYSQLHOTCOPY'}= $mysqlhotcopy; } # ---------------------------------------------------- # perror # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_perror= mtr_exe_exists("$bindir/extra$opt_vs_config/perror", "$path_client_bindir/perror"); $ENV{'MY_PERROR'}= native_path($exe_perror); # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysql_tzinfo_to_sql # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_mysql_tzinfo_to_sql= mtr_exe_exists("$basedir/sql$opt_vs_config/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql", "$path_client_bindir/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql", "$bindir/sql$opt_vs_config/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql"); $ENV{'MYSQL_TZINFO_TO_SQL'}= native_path($exe_mysql_tzinfo_to_sql); # ---------------------------------------------------- # replace # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_replace= mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('extra', 'replace'), "$basedir/extra/replace", "$bindir/extra$opt_vs_config/replace", "$path_client_bindir/replace"); $ENV{'REPLACE'}= native_path($exe_replace); # ---------------------------------------------------- # innochecksum # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_innochecksum= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$bindir/extra$opt_vs_config/innochecksum", "$path_client_bindir/innochecksum"); if ($exe_innochecksum) { $ENV{'INNOCHECKSUM'}= native_path($exe_innochecksum); } # Create an environment variable to make it possible # to detect that valgrind is being used from test cases $ENV{'VALGRIND_TEST'}= $opt_valgrind; # Add dir of this perl to aid mysqltest in finding perl my $perldir= dirname($^X); my $pathsep= ":"; $pathsep= ";" if IS_WINDOWS && ! IS_CYGWIN; $ENV{'PATH'}= "$ENV{'PATH'}".$pathsep.$perldir; } sub remove_vardir_subs() { foreach my $sdir ( glob("$opt_vardir/*") ) { mtr_verbose("Removing subdir $sdir"); rmtree($sdir); } } # # Remove var and any directories in var/ created by previous # tests # sub remove_stale_vardir () { mtr_report("Removing old var directory..."); # Safety! mtr_error("No, don't remove the vardir when running with --extern") if using_extern(); mtr_verbose("opt_vardir: $opt_vardir"); if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir ) { # # Running with "var" in mysql-test dir # if ( -l $opt_vardir) { # var is a symlink if ( $opt_mem ) { # Remove the directory which the link points at mtr_verbose("Removing " . readlink($opt_vardir)); rmtree(readlink($opt_vardir)); # Remove the "var" symlink mtr_verbose("unlink($opt_vardir)"); unlink($opt_vardir); } else { # Some users creates a soft link in mysql-test/var to another area # - allow it, but remove all files in it mtr_report(" - WARNING: Using the 'mysql-test/var' symlink"); # Make sure the directory where it points exist if (! -d readlink($opt_vardir)) { mtr_report("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist; Removing it and creating a new var directory"); unlink($opt_vardir); } remove_vardir_subs(); } } else { # Remove the entire "var" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/"); rmtree("$opt_vardir/"); } if ( $opt_mem ) { # A symlink from var/ to $opt_mem will be set up # remove the $opt_mem dir to assure the symlink # won't point at an old directory mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_mem"); rmtree($opt_mem); } } else { # # Running with "var" in some other place # # Don't remove the var/ dir in mysql-test dir as it may be in # use by another mysql-test-run run with --vardir # mtr_verbose("Removing $default_vardir"); # rmtree($default_vardir); # Remove the "var" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/"); rmtree("$opt_vardir/"); } # Remove the "tmp" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_tmpdir/"); rmtree("$opt_tmpdir/"); } sub set_plugin_var($) { local $_ = $_[0]; s/\.\w+$//; $ENV{"\U${_}_SO"} = $_[0]; } # # Create var and the directories needed in var # sub setup_vardir() { mtr_report("Creating var directory '$opt_vardir'..."); if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir ) { # # Running with "var" in mysql-test dir # if ( -l $opt_vardir ) { # it's a symlink # Make sure the directory where it points exist if (! -d readlink($opt_vardir)) { mtr_report("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist; Removing it and creating a new var directory"); unlink($opt_vardir); } } elsif ( $opt_mem ) { # Runinng with "var" as a link to some "memory" location, normally tmpfs mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_mem"); mkpath($opt_mem); mtr_report(" - symlinking 'var' to '$opt_mem'"); symlink($opt_mem, $opt_vardir); } } if ( ! -d $opt_vardir ) { mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_vardir"); mkpath($opt_vardir); } # Ensure a proper error message if vardir couldn't be created unless ( -d $opt_vardir and -w $opt_vardir ) { mtr_error("Writable 'var' directory is needed, use the " . "'--vardir=' option"); } mkpath("$opt_vardir/log"); mkpath("$opt_vardir/run"); # Create var/tmp and tmp - they might be different mkpath("$opt_vardir/tmp"); mkpath($opt_tmpdir) if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp"); # On some operating systems, there is a limit to the length of a # UNIX domain socket's path far below PATH_MAX. # Don't allow that to happen if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/testsocket.sock")){ mtr_error("Socket path '$opt_tmpdir' too long, it would be ", "truncated and thus not possible to use for connection to ", "MySQL Server. Set a shorter with --tmpdir= option"); } # copy all files from std_data into var/std_data # and make them world readable copytree("$glob_mysql_test_dir/std_data", "$opt_vardir/std_data", "0022"); # create a plugin dir and copy or symlink plugins into it if ($source_dist) { $plugindir="$opt_vardir/plugins"; mkpath($plugindir); if (IS_WINDOWS) { if (!$opt_embedded_server) { for (<$bindir/storage/*$opt_vs_config/*.dll>, <$bindir/plugin/*$opt_vs_config/*.dll>, <$bindir/libmariadb$opt_vs_config/*.dll>, <$bindir/sql$opt_vs_config/*.dll>) { my $pname=basename($_); copy rel2abs($_), "$plugindir/$pname"; set_plugin_var($pname); } } } else { my $opt_use_copy= 1; if (symlink "$opt_vardir/run", "$plugindir/symlink_test") { $opt_use_copy= 0; unlink "$plugindir/symlink_test"; } for (<$bindir/storage/*/*.so>, <$bindir/plugin/*/*.so>, <$bindir/libmariadb/plugins/*/*.so>, <$bindir/libmariadb/*.so>, <$bindir/sql/*.so>) { my $pname=basename($_); if ($opt_use_copy) { copy rel2abs($_), "$plugindir/$pname"; } else { symlink rel2abs($_), "$plugindir/$pname"; } set_plugin_var($pname); } } } else { $plugindir= $mysqld_variables{'plugin-dir'} || '.'; # hm, what paths work for debs and for rpms ? for (<$bindir/lib64/mysql/plugin/*.so>, <$bindir/lib/mysql/plugin/*.so>, <$bindir/lib64/mariadb/plugin/*.so>, <$bindir/lib/mariadb/plugin/*.so>, <$bindir/lib/plugin/*.so>, # bintar <$bindir/lib/plugin/*.dll>) { my $pname=basename($_); set_plugin_var($pname); } } # Remove old log files foreach my $name (glob("r/*.progress r/*.log r/*.warnings")) { unlink($name); } } # # Check if running as root # i.e a file can be read regardless what mode we set it to # sub check_running_as_root () { my $test_file= "$opt_vardir/test_running_as_root.txt"; mtr_tofile($test_file, "MySQL"); chmod(oct("0000"), $test_file); my $result=""; if (open(FILE,"<",$test_file)) { $result= join('', ); close FILE; } # Some filesystems( for example CIFS) allows reading a file # although mode was set to 0000, but in that case a stat on # the file will not return 0000 my $file_mode= (stat($test_file))[2] & 07777; mtr_verbose("result: $result, file_mode: $file_mode"); if ($result eq "MySQL" && $file_mode == 0) { mtr_warning("running this script as _root_ will cause some " . "tests to be skipped"); $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_ROOT'}= "1"; } chmod(oct("0755"), $test_file); unlink($test_file); } sub check_ssl_support { if ($opt_skip_ssl) { mtr_report(" - skipping SSL"); $opt_ssl_supported= 0; $opt_ssl= 0; return; } if ( ! $mysqld_variables{'ssl'} ) { if ( $opt_ssl) { mtr_error("Couldn't find support for SSL"); return; } mtr_report(" - skipping SSL, mysqld not compiled with SSL"); $opt_ssl_supported= 0; $opt_ssl= 0; return; } mtr_report(" - SSL connections supported"); $opt_ssl_supported= 1; } sub check_debug_support { if (defined $mysqld_variables{'debug-dbug'}) { mtr_report(" - binaries are debug compiled"); } elsif ($opt_debug_server) { mtr_error("Can't use --debug[-server], binary does not support it"); } } # # Helper function to find the correct value for the opt_vs_config # if it was not set explicitly. # # the configuration with the most recent build dir in sql/ is selected. # # note: looking for all BuildLog.htm files everywhere in the tree with the # help of File::Find would be possibly more precise, but it is also # many times slower. Thus we are only looking at the server, client # executables, and plugins - that is, something that can affect the test suite # sub fix_vs_config_dir () { return $opt_vs_config="" unless IS_WINDOWS; return $opt_vs_config="/$opt_vs_config" if $opt_vs_config; my $modified = 1e30; $opt_vs_config=""; for (<$bindir/sql/*/mysqld.exe>) { #/ if (-M $_ < $modified) { $modified = -M _; $opt_vs_config = basename(dirname($_)); } } mtr_report("VS config: $opt_vs_config"); $opt_vs_config="/$opt_vs_config" if $opt_vs_config; } # # Helper function to handle configuration-based subdirectories which Visual # Studio uses for storing binaries. If opt_vs_config is set, this returns # a path based on that setting; if not, it returns paths for the default # /release/ and /debug/ subdirectories. # # $exe can be undefined, if the directory itself will be used # sub vs_config_dirs ($$) { my ($path_part, $exe) = @_; $exe = "" if not defined $exe; # Don't look in these dirs when not on windows return () unless IS_WINDOWS; if ($opt_vs_config) { return ("$basedir/$path_part/$opt_vs_config/$exe"); } return ("$basedir/$path_part/release/$exe", "$basedir/$path_part/relwithdebinfo/$exe", "$basedir/$path_part/debug/$exe"); } sub mysql_server_start($) { my ($mysqld, $tinfo) = @_; if ( $mysqld->{proc} ) { # Already started # Write start of testcase to log file mark_log($mysqld->value('log-error'), $tinfo); return; } my $datadir= $mysqld->value('datadir'); if (not $opt_start_dirty) { my @options= ('log-bin', 'relay-log'); foreach my $option_name ( @options ) { next unless $mysqld->option($option_name); my $file_name= $mysqld->value($option_name); next unless defined $file_name and -e $file_name; mtr_debug(" -removing '$file_name'"); unlink($file_name) or die ("unable to remove file '$file_name'"); } if (-d $datadir ) { mtr_verbose(" - removing '$datadir'"); rmtree($datadir); } } my $mysqld_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir'); my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); if ( $basedir eq $mysqld_basedir ) { if (! $opt_start_dirty) # If dirty, keep possibly grown system db { # Some InnoDB options are incompatible with the default bootstrap. # If they are used, re-bootstrap if ( $extra_opts and "@$extra_opts" =~ /--innodb[-_](?:page[-_]size|checksum[-_]algorithm|undo[-_]tablespaces|log[-_]group[-_]home[-_]dir|data[-_]home[-_]dir)|data[-_]file[-_]path/ ) { mysql_install_db($mysqld, undef, $extra_opts); } else { # Copy datadir from installed system db my $path= ($opt_parallel == 1) ? "$opt_vardir" : "$opt_vardir/.."; my $install_db= "$path/install.db"; copytree($install_db, $datadir) if -d $install_db; mtr_error("Failed to copy system db to '$datadir'") unless -d $datadir; } } } else { mysql_install_db($mysqld); # For versional testing mtr_error("Failed to install system db to '$datadir'") unless -d $datadir; } # Create the servers tmpdir my $tmpdir= $mysqld->value('tmpdir'); mkpath($tmpdir) unless -d $tmpdir; # Write start of testcase to log file mark_log($mysqld->value('log-error'), $tinfo); # Run -master.sh if ($mysqld->option('#!run-master-sh') and defined $tinfo->{master_sh} and run_system('/bin/sh ' . $tinfo->{master_sh}) ) { $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{master_sh}'"; return 1; } # Run -slave.sh if ($mysqld->option('#!run-slave-sh') and defined $tinfo->{slave_sh} and run_system('/bin/sh ' . $tinfo->{slave_sh})) { $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{slave_sh}'"; return 1; } if (!$opt_embedded_server) { mysqld_start($mysqld,$extra_opts); # Save this test case information, so next can examine it $mysqld->{'started_tinfo'}= $tinfo; } # If wsrep is on, we need to wait until the first # server starts and bootstraps the cluster before # starting other servers. The bootsrap server in the # configuration should always be the first which has # wsrep_on=ON if (wsrep_on($mysqld) && wsrep_is_bootstrap_server($mysqld)) { mtr_verbose("Waiting for wsrep bootstrap server to start"); if ($mysqld->{WAIT}->($mysqld)) { return 1; } } } sub mysql_server_wait { my ($mysqld, $tinfo) = @_; if (!sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'), $opt_start_timeout, $mysqld->{'proc'}, $warn_seconds)) { $tinfo->{comment}= "Failed to start ".$mysqld->name() . "\n"; return 1; } if (wsrep_on($mysqld)) { mtr_verbose("Waiting for wsrep server " . $mysqld->name() . " to be ready"); if (!wait_wsrep_ready($tinfo, $mysqld)) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub create_config_file_for_extern { my %opts= ( socket => '/tmp/mysqld.sock', port => 3306, user => $opt_user, password => '', @_ ); mtr_report("Creating my.cnf file for extern server..."); my $F= IO::File->new($path_config_file, "w") or mtr_error("Can't write to $path_config_file: $!"); print $F "[client]\n"; while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts )) { print $F "$option= $value\n"; mtr_report(" $option= $value"); } print $F < 0 and $check_counter--) { mtr_milli_sleep(100); $ret= kill(0, $pid); } mtr_report($check_counter ? " ok!" : " failed!"); } else { mtr_warning("Found non pid file '$elem' in '$rundir'") if -f "$rundir/$elem"; } } closedir(RUNDIR); } # # Check that all the ports that are going to # be used are free # sub check_ports_free ($) { my $bthread= shift; my $portbase = $bthread * $opt_port_group_size + 10000; for ($portbase..$portbase+($opt_port_group_size-1)){ if (mtr_ping_port($_)){ mtr_report(" - 'localhost:$_' was not free"); return 0; # One port was not free } } return 1; # All ports free } sub initialize_servers { if ( using_extern() ) { # Running against an already started server, if the specified # vardir does not already exist it should be created if ( ! -d $opt_vardir ) { setup_vardir(); } else { mtr_verbose("No need to create '$opt_vardir' it already exists"); } } else { # Kill leftovers from previous run # using any pidfiles found in var/run kill_leftovers("$opt_vardir/run"); if ( ! $opt_start_dirty ) { remove_stale_vardir(); setup_vardir(); } } } # # Remove all newline characters expect after semicolon # sub sql_to_bootstrap { my ($sql) = @_; my @lines= split(/\n/, $sql); my $result= "\n"; my $delimiter= ';'; foreach my $line (@lines) { # Change current delimiter if line starts with "delimiter" if ( $line =~ /^delimiter (.*)/ ) { my $new= $1; # Remove old delimiter from end of new $new=~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$//; $delimiter = $new; mtr_debug("changed delimiter to $delimiter"); # No need to add the delimiter to result next; } # Add newline if line ends with $delimiter # and convert the current delimiter to semicolon if ( $line =~ /\Q$delimiter\E$/ ){ $line =~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$/;/; $result.= "$line\n"; mtr_debug("Added default delimiter"); next; } # Remove comments starting with -- if ( $line =~ /^\s*--/ ) { mtr_debug("Discarded $line"); next; } # Replace @HOSTNAME with localhost $line=~ s/\'\@HOSTNAME\@\'/localhost/; # Default, just add the line without newline # but with a space as separator $result.= "$line "; } return $result; } sub default_mysqld { # Generate new config file from template environment_setup(); my $config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config ( { basedir => $basedir, testdir => $glob_mysql_test_dir, template_path => "include/default_my.cnf", vardir => $opt_vardir, tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir, baseport => 0, user => $opt_user, password => '', } ); my $mysqld= $config->group('mysqld.1') or mtr_error("Couldn't find mysqld.1 in default config"); return $mysqld; } sub mysql_install_db { my ($mysqld, $datadir, $extra_opts)= @_; my $install_datadir= $datadir || $mysqld->value('datadir'); my $install_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir'); my $install_lang= $mysqld->value('lc-messages-dir'); my $install_chsdir= $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir'); mtr_report("Installing system database..."); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--disable-getopt-prefix-matching"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--bootstrap"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $install_basedir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", $install_datadir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--plugin-dir=%s", $plugindir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--default-storage-engine=myisam"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-plugin-$_") for @optional_plugins; # starting from 10.0 bootstrap scripts require InnoDB mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-innodb"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-innodb-log-file-size=5M"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--disable-sync-frm"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--core-file"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--console"); if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug-dbug=$debug_d:t:i:A,%s/log/bootstrap.trace", $path_vardir_trace); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--lc-messages-dir=%s", $install_lang); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $install_chsdir); # InnoDB arguments that affect file location and sizes may # need to be given to the bootstrap process as well as the # server process. foreach my $extra_opt ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt ) { if ($extra_opt =~ /--innodb/) { mtr_add_arg($args, $extra_opt); } } # If DISABLE_GRANT_OPTIONS is defined when the server is compiled (e.g., # configure --disable-grant-options), mysqld will not recognize the # --bootstrap or --skip-grant-tables options. The user can set # MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP to the full path to a mysqld which does accept # --bootstrap, to accommodate this. my $exe_mysqld_bootstrap = $ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP'} || find_mysqld($install_basedir); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # export MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD variable containing /mysqld # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD'}= "$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args) unless defined $ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD'}; # Extra options can come not only from the command line, but also # from option files or combinations. We want them on a command line # that is executed now, because otherwise the datadir might be # incompatible with the test settings, but not on the general # $MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD line foreach my $extra_opt ( @$extra_opts ) { mtr_add_arg($args, $extra_opt); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the bootstrap.sql file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $bootstrap_sql_file= "$opt_vardir/log/bootstrap.sql"; $ENV{'MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SQL_FILE'}= $bootstrap_sql_file; if (! -e $bootstrap_sql_file) { if ($opt_boot_gdb) { gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(), $bootstrap_sql_file); } if ($opt_boot_dbx) { dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(), $bootstrap_sql_file); } if ($opt_boot_ddd) { ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(), $bootstrap_sql_file); } if ($opt_boot_rr) { $args= ["record", @rr_record_args, $exe_mysqld_bootstrap, @$args]; $exe_mysqld_bootstrap= "rr"; my $rr_dir= $opt_rr_dir ? $opt_rr_dir : "$opt_vardir/rr.boot"; $ENV{'_RR_TRACE_DIR'}= $rr_dir; mkpath($rr_dir); } my $path_sql= my_find_file($install_basedir, ["mysql", "sql/share", "share/mariadb", "share/mysql", "share", "scripts"], "mysql_system_tables.sql", NOT_REQUIRED); if (-f $path_sql ) { my $sql_dir= dirname($path_sql); # Use the mysql database for system tables mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "use mysql;\n"); # Add the offical mysql system tables # for a production system mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_system_tables.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); my $gis_sp_path = $source_dist ? "$bindir/scripts" : $sql_dir; mtr_appendfile_to_file("$gis_sp_path/maria_add_gis_sp_bootstrap.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Add the performance tables # for a production system mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_performance_tables.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Don't install anonymous users mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "set \@skip_auth_anonymous=1;\n"); # Add the mysql system tables initial data # for a production system mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_system_tables_data.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Add test data for timezone - this is just a subset, on a real # system these tables will be populated either by mysql_tzinfo_to_sql # or by downloading the timezone table package from our website mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_test_data_timezone.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Fill help tables, just an empty file when running from bk repo # but will be replaced by a real fill_help_tables.sql when # building the source dist mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/fill_help_tables.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Create test database mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_test_db.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # mysql.gtid_slave_pos was created in InnoDB, but many tests # run without InnoDB. Alter it to MyISAM now mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "ALTER TABLE gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=MyISAM;\n"); } else { # Install db from init_db.sql that exist in early 5.1 and 5.0 # versions of MySQL my $init_file= "$install_basedir/mysql-test/lib/init_db.sql"; mtr_report(" - from '$init_file'"); my $text= mtr_grab_file($init_file) or mtr_error("Can't open '$init_file': $!"); mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap($text)); } # Create mtr database mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "CREATE DATABASE mtr CHARSET=latin1;\n"); # Add help tables and data for warning detection and supression mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap(mtr_grab_file("include/mtr_warnings.sql"))); # Add procedures for checking server is restored after testcase mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap(mtr_grab_file("include/mtr_check.sql"))); } # Log bootstrap command my $path_bootstrap_log= "$opt_vardir/log/bootstrap.log"; mtr_tofile($path_bootstrap_log, "$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n"); # Create directories mysql mkpath("$install_datadir/mysql"); if ( My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "bootstrap", path => $exe_mysqld_bootstrap, args => \$args, input => $bootstrap_sql_file, output => $path_bootstrap_log, error => $path_bootstrap_log, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, ) != 0) { my $data= mtr_grab_file($path_bootstrap_log); mtr_error("Error executing mysqld --bootstrap\n" . "Could not install system database from $bootstrap_sql_file\n" . "The $path_bootstrap_log file contains:\n$data\n"); } } sub run_testcase_check_skip_test($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skip some tests silently # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $start_from= $mtr_cases::start_from; if ( $start_from ) { if ($tinfo->{'name'} eq $start_from || $tinfo->{'shortname'} eq $start_from) { ## Found parting test. Run this test and all tests after this one $mtr_cases::start_from= ""; } else { $tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED'; return 1; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If marked to skip, just print out and return. # Note that a test case not marked as 'skip' can still be # skipped later, because of the test case itself in cooperation # with the mysqltest program tells us so. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $tinfo->{'skip'} ) { mtr_report_test_skipped($tinfo) unless $start_only; return 1; } return 0; } sub run_query { my ($tinfo, $mysqld, $query)= @_; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "-e %s", $query); my $res= My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "run_query -> ".$mysqld->name(), path => $exe_mysql, args => \$args, output => '/dev/null', error => '/dev/null' ); return $res } sub do_before_run_mysqltest($) { my $tinfo= shift; my $resfile= $tinfo->{result_file}; return unless defined $resfile; # Remove old files produced by mysqltest die "unsupported result file name $resfile, stoping" unless $resfile =~ /^(.*?)((?:,\w+)*)\.(rdiff|result|result~)$/; my ($base_file, $suites, $ext)= ($1, $2, $3); # if the result file is a diff, make a proper result file if ($ext eq 'rdiff') { my $base_result = $tinfo->{base_result}; my $resdir= dirname($resfile); # we'll use a separate extension for generated result files # to be able to distinguish them from manually created # version-controlled results, and to ignore them in git. my $dest = "$base_file$suites.result~"; my @cmd = ($exe_patch); if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { push @cmd, '--binary'; } push @cmd, (qw/-r - -f -s -o/, $dest, $base_result, $resfile); if (-w $resdir) { # don't rebuild a file if it's up to date unless (-e $dest and -M $dest < -M $resfile and -M $dest < -M $base_result) { run_system(@cmd); } } else { $cmd[-3] = $dest = $opt_tmpdir . '/' . basename($dest); run_system(@cmd); } $tinfo->{result_file} = $dest; } unlink("$base_file.reject"); unlink("$base_file.progress"); unlink("$base_file.log"); unlink("$base_file.warnings"); } # # Check all server for sideffects # # RETURN VALUE # 0 ok # 1 Check failed # >1 Fatal errro sub check_testcase($$) { my ($tinfo, $mode)= @_; my $tname= $tinfo->{name}; # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { # Skip if server has been restarted with additional options if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} && ! exists $mysqld->{'restart_opts'} ) { my $proc= start_check_testcase($tinfo, $mode, $mysqld); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout($tinfo)); while (1){ my $result; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { my $err_file= $proc->user_data(); my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($err_file, "err"); # Trim extension # One check testcase process returned my $res= $proc->exit_status(); if ( $res == 0){ # Check completed without problem # Remove the .err file the check generated unlink($err_file); # Remove the .result file the check generated if ( $mode eq 'after' ){ unlink("$base_file.result"); } if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All checks completed mark_time_used('check'); return 0; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } else { if ( $mode eq "after" and $res == 1 ) { # Test failed, grab the report mysqltest has created my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{check}.= "\nMTR's internal check of the test case '$tname' failed. This means that the test case does not preserve the state that existed before the test case was executed. Most likely the test case did not do a proper clean-up. It could also be caused by the previous test run by this thread, if the server wasn't restarted. This is the diff of the states of the servers before and after the test case was executed:\n"; $tinfo->{check}.= $report; # Check failed, mark the test case with that info $tinfo->{'check_testcase_failed'}= 1; $result= 1; } elsif ( $res ) { my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "Could not execute 'check-testcase' $mode ". "testcase '$tname' (res: $res):\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= $report; $result= 2; } else { # Remove the .result file the check generated unlink("$base_file.result"); } # Remove the .err file the check generated unlink($err_file); } } elsif ( $proc->{timeout} ) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for 'check-testcase' expired after " .check_timeout($tinfo)." seconds"; $result= 4; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}= "The server $proc crashed while running ". "'check testcase $mode test'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); $result= 3; } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); mtr_warning("Check-testcase failed, this could also be caused by the" . " previous test run by this worker thread") if $result > 1 && $mode eq "before"; mark_time_used('check'); return $result; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_testcase"); } # Start run mysqltest on one server # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # 1 Check failed # sub start_run_one ($$) { my ($mysqld, $run)= @_; my $name= "$run-".$mysqld->name(); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/$run.test"); my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => $errfile, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Run script on all servers, collect results # # RETURN VALUE # 0 ok # 1 Failure sub run_on_all($$) { my ($tinfo, $run)= @_; # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check # and to have a timeout process my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} ) { my $proc= start_run_one($mysqld, $run); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout($tinfo)); while (1){ my $result; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { # One mysqltest process returned my $err_file= $proc->user_data(); my $res= $proc->exit_status(); # Append the report from .err file $tinfo->{comment}.= " == $err_file ==\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "\n"; # Remove the .err file unlink($err_file); if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All completed return 0; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } elsif ($proc->{timeout}) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for '$run' expired after " .check_timeout($tinfo)." seconds"; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}.= "The server $proc crashed while running '$run'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); return 1; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: run_on_all"); } sub mark_log { my ($log, $tinfo)= @_; my $log_msg= "CURRENT_TEST: $tinfo->{name}\n"; pre_write_errorlog($log, $tinfo->{name}); mtr_tofile($log, $log_msg); } sub find_testcase_skipped_reason($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; # Set default message $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Detected by testcase(no log file)"; # Open the test log file my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog) or return; my $reason; while ( my $line= <$F> ) { # Look for "reason: " if ( $line =~ /reason: (.*)/ ) { $reason= $1; } } if ( ! $reason ) { mtr_warning("Could not find reason for skipping test in $path_current_testlog"); $reason= "Detected by testcase(reason unknown) "; } $tinfo->{'comment'}= $reason; } sub find_analyze_request { # Open the test log file my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog) or return; my $analyze; while ( my $line= <$F> ) { # Look for "reason: " if ( $line =~ /analyze: (.*)/ ) { $analyze= $1; } } return $analyze; } # The test can leave a file in var/tmp/ to signal # that all servers should be restarted sub restart_forced_by_test($) { my $file = shift; my $restart = 0; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { my $datadir = $mysqld->value('datadir'); my $force_restart_file = "$datadir/mtr/$file"; if ( -f $force_restart_file ) { mtr_verbose("Restart of servers forced by test"); $restart = 1; last; } } return $restart; } # Return timezone value of tinfo or default value sub timezone { my ($tinfo)= @_; local $_ = $tinfo->{timezone}; return 'DEFAULT' unless defined $_; no warnings 'uninitialized'; s/\$\{(\w+)\}/$ENV{$1}/ge; s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/ge; $_; } sub mycnf_create { my ($config) = @_; my $res; foreach my $group ($config->option_groups()) { $res .= "[$group->{name}]\n"; foreach my $option ($group->options()) { $res .= $option->name(); my $value= $option->value(); if (defined $value) { $res .= "=$value"; } $res .= "\n"; } $res .= "\n"; } $res; } sub config_files($) { my ($tinfo) = @_; ( 'my.cnf' => \&mycnf_create, $tinfo->{suite}->config_files() ); } sub _like { return $config ? $config->like($_[0]) : (); } sub mysqlds { return _like('mysqld\.'); } sub fix_servers($) { my ($tinfo) = @_; return () unless $config; my %servers = ( qr/mysqld\./ => { SORT => 300, START => \&mysql_server_start, WAIT => \&mysql_server_wait, }, $tinfo->{suite}->servers() ); for ($config->groups()) { while (my ($re,$prop) = each %servers) { @$_{keys %$prop} = values %$prop if $_->{name} =~ /^$re/; } } } sub all_servers { return unless $config; ( sort { $a->{SORT} <=> $b->{SORT} } grep { defined $_->{SORT} } $config->groups() ); } # Storage for changed environment variables our %old_env; sub resfile_report_test ($) { my $tinfo= shift; resfile_new_test(); resfile_test_info("name", $tinfo->{name}); resfile_test_info("variation", $tinfo->{combination}) if $tinfo->{combination}; resfile_test_info("start_time", isotime time); } # # Run a single test case # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # > 0 failure # sub run_testcase ($$) { my ($tinfo, $server_socket)= @_; my $print_freq=20; mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name}); $ENV{'MTR_TEST_NAME'} = $tinfo->{name}; resfile_report_test($tinfo) if $opt_resfile; # Allow only alpanumerics pluss _ - + . in combination names, # or anything beginning with -- (the latter comes from --combination) my $combination= $tinfo->{combination}; if ($combination && $combination !~ /^\w[-\w\.\+]*$/ && $combination !~ /^--/) { mtr_error("Combination '$combination' contains illegal characters"); } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Init variables that can change between each test case # ------------------------------------------------------- my $timezone= timezone($tinfo); if ($timezone ne 'DEFAULT') { $ENV{'TZ'}= $timezone; } else { delete($ENV{'TZ'}); } $ENV{MTR_SUITE_DIR} = $tinfo->{suite}->{dir}; mtr_verbose("Setting timezone: $timezone"); if ( ! using_extern() ) { my @restart= servers_need_restart($tinfo); if ( @restart != 0) { # Remember that we restarted for this test case (count restarts) $tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1; stop_servers(reverse @restart); if ($opt_warnings) { check_warnings_post_shutdown($server_socket); } } if ( started(all_servers()) == 0 ) { # Remove old datadirs clean_datadir() unless $opt_start_dirty; # Restore old ENV while (my ($option, $value)= each( %old_env )) { if (defined $value){ mtr_verbose("Restoring $option to $value"); $ENV{$option}= $value; } else { mtr_verbose("Removing $option"); delete($ENV{$option}); } } %old_env= (); mtr_verbose("Generating my.cnf from '$tinfo->{template_path}'"); # Generate new config file from template $config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config ( { testname => $tinfo->{name}, basedir => $basedir, testdir => $glob_mysql_test_dir, template_path => $tinfo->{template_path}, extra_template_path => $tinfo->{extra_template_path}, vardir => $opt_vardir, tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir, baseport => $baseport, user => $opt_user, password => '', ssl => $opt_ssl_supported, embedded => $opt_embedded_server, } ); fix_servers($tinfo); # Write config files: my %config_files = config_files($tinfo); while (my ($file, $generate) = each %config_files) { next unless $generate; my ($path) = "$opt_vardir/$file"; open (F, '>', $path) or die "Could not open '$path': $!"; print F &$generate($config); close F; } # Remember current config so a restart can occur when a test need # to use a different one $current_config_name= $tinfo->{template_path}; # # Set variables in the ENV section # foreach my $option ($config->options_in_group("ENV")) { my ($name, $val)= ($option->name(), $option->value()); # Save old value to restore it before next time $old_env{$name}= $ENV{$name}; unless (defined $val) { mtr_warning("Uninitialized value for ", $name, ", group [ENV], file ", $current_config_name); } else { mtr_verbose($name, "=", $val); $ENV{$name}= $val; } } } # Write start of testcase to log mark_log($path_current_testlog, $tinfo); # Make sure the safe_process also exits from now on if ($opt_start_exit) { My::SafeProcess->start_exit(); } if (start_servers($tinfo)) { report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } } mark_time_used('restart'); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # If --start or --start-dirty given, stop here to let user manually # run tests # If --wait-all is also given, do the same, but don't die if one # server exits # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $start_only ) { mtr_print("\nStarted", started(all_servers())); mtr_print("Using config for test", $tinfo->{name}); mtr_print("Port and socket path for server(s):"); foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { mtr_print ($mysqld->name() . " " . $mysqld->value('port') . " " . $mysqld->value('socket')); } if ( $opt_start_exit ) { mtr_print("Server(s) started, not waiting for them to finish"); if (IS_WINDOWS) { POSIX::_exit(0); # exit hangs here in ActiveState Perl } else { exit(0); } } mtr_print("Waiting for server(s) to exit..."); if ( $opt_wait_all ) { My::SafeProcess->wait_all(); mtr_print( "All servers exited" ); exit(1); } else { my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) ) { mtr_print("Server $proc died"); exit(1); } mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died"); exit(1); } } my $test_timeout= start_timer(testcase_timeout($tinfo)); do_before_run_mysqltest($tinfo); mark_time_used('admin'); if ( $opt_check_testcases and check_testcase($tinfo, "before") ){ # Failed to record state of server or server crashed report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } my $test= $tinfo->{suite}->start_test($tinfo); # Set to a list of processes we have to keep waiting (expectedly died servers) my %keep_waiting_proc = (); my $print_timeout= start_timer($print_freq * 60); while (1) { my $proc; if (%keep_waiting_proc) { # Any other process exited? $proc = My::SafeProcess->check_any(); if ($proc) { mtr_verbose ("Found exited process $proc"); } else { # Also check if timer has expired, if so cancel waiting if ( has_expired($test_timeout) ) { %keep_waiting_proc = (); } } } if (!%keep_waiting_proc && !$proc) { if ($test_timeout > $print_timeout) { $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($print_timeout); if ($proc->{timeout}) { #print out that the test is still on mtr_print("Test still running: $tinfo->{name}"); #reset the timer $print_timeout= start_timer($print_freq * 60); next; } } else { $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($test_timeout); } } if ($proc and $proc eq $test) # mysqltest itself exited { my $res= $test->exit_status(); if (($res == 0 or $res == 62) and $opt_warnings and check_warnings($tinfo) ) { # If test case suceeded, but it has produced unexpected # warnings, continue with $res == 1; # but if the test was skipped, it should remain skipped $res= 1 if $res == 0; resfile_output($tinfo->{'warnings'}) if $opt_resfile; } if ( $res == 0 ) { my $check_res; if ( restart_forced_by_test('force_restart') ) { stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); } elsif ( $opt_check_testcases and $check_res= check_testcase($tinfo, "after")) { if ($check_res == 1) { # Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue if ($opt_warnings) { # Checking error logs for warnings, so need to stop server # gracefully so that memory leaks etc. can be properly detected. stop_servers(reverse all_servers()); check_warnings_post_shutdown($server_socket); # Even if we got warnings here, we should not fail this # particular test, as the warnings may be caused by an earlier # test. } else { # Not checking warnings, so can do a hard shutdown. stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); } mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n"); resfile_output($tinfo->{'check'}) if $opt_resfile; } else { # Test case check failed fatally, probably a server crashed report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } } mtr_report_test_passed($tinfo); } elsif ( $res == 62 ) { # Testcase itself tell us to skip this one $tinfo->{skip_detected_by_test}= 1; # Try to get reason from test log file find_testcase_skipped_reason($tinfo); mtr_report_test_skipped($tinfo); # Restart if skipped due to missing perl, it may have had side effects if ( restart_forced_by_test('force_restart_if_skipped') || $tinfo->{'comment'} =~ /^perl not found/ ) { stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); } } elsif ( $res == 65 ) { # Testprogram killed by signal $tinfo->{comment}= "testprogram crashed(returned code $res)"; report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } elsif ( $res == 1 ) { # Check if the test tool requests that # an analyze script should be run my $analyze= find_analyze_request(); if ($analyze){ run_on_all($tinfo, "analyze-$analyze"); } # Wait a bit and see if a server died, if so report that instead mtr_milli_sleep(100); my $srvproc= My::SafeProcess::check_any(); if ($srvproc && grep($srvproc eq $_, started(all_servers()))) { $proc= $srvproc; goto SRVDIED; } # Test case failure reported by mysqltest report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } else { # mysqltest failed, probably crashed $tinfo->{comment}= "mysqltest failed with unexpected return code $res\n"; report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } # Save info from this testcase run to mysqltest.log if( -f $path_current_testlog) { if ($opt_resfile && $res && $res != 62) { resfile_output_file($path_current_testlog); } mtr_appendfile_to_file($path_current_testlog, $path_testlog); unlink($path_current_testlog); } return ($res == 62) ? 0 : $res; } if ($proc) { # It was not mysqltest that exited, add to a wait-to-be-started-again list. $keep_waiting_proc{$proc} = 1; } mtr_verbose("Got " . join(",", keys(%keep_waiting_proc))); mark_time_used('test'); foreach my $wait_for_proc (keys(%keep_waiting_proc)) { # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if it was an expected crash # ---------------------------------------------------- my $check_crash = check_expected_crash_and_restart($wait_for_proc); if ($check_crash == 0) # unexpected exit/crash of $wait_for_proc { goto SRVDIED; } elsif ($check_crash == 1) # $wait_for_proc was started again by check_expected_crash_and_restart() { delete $keep_waiting_proc{$wait_for_proc}; } elsif ($check_crash == 2) # we must keep waiting { # do nothing } } next; SRVDIED: # ---------------------------------------------------- # Stop the test case timer # ---------------------------------------------------- $test_timeout= 0; # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if it was a server that died # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) ) { # Server failed, probably crashed $tinfo->{comment}= "Server $proc failed during test run" . get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); # ---------------------------------------------------- # It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it # ---------------------------------------------------- $test->kill(); report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } # Try to dump core for mysqltest and all servers foreach my $proc ($test, started(all_servers())) { mtr_print("Trying to dump core for $proc"); if ($proc->dump_core()) { $proc->wait_one(20); } } # ---------------------------------------------------- # It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it # ---------------------------------------------------- $test->kill(); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if testcase timer expired # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( $proc->{timeout} ) { my $log_file_name= $opt_vardir."/log/".$tinfo->{shortname}.".log"; $tinfo->{comment}= "Test case timeout after ".testcase_timeout($tinfo). " seconds\n\n"; # Add 20 last executed commands from test case log file if (-e $log_file_name) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "== $log_file_name == \n". mtr_lastlinesfromfile($log_file_name, 20)."\n"; } $tinfo->{'timeout'}= testcase_timeout($tinfo); # Mark as timeout run_on_all($tinfo, 'analyze-timeout'); report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } mtr_error("Unhandled process $proc exited"); } mtr_error("Should never come here"); } # Keep track of last position in mysqld error log where we scanned for # warnings, so we can attribute any warnings found to the correct test # suite or server restart. our $last_warning_position= { }; # Called just before a mysqld server is started or a testcase is run, # to keep track of which tests have been run since last restart, and # of when the error log is reset. # # Second argument $test_name is test name, or undef for server restart. sub pre_write_errorlog { my ($error_log, $test_name)= @_; if (! -e $error_log) { # If the error log is moved away, reset the warning parse position. delete $last_warning_position->{$error_log}; } if (defined($test_name)) { $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= [] unless exists($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}); push @{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}, $test_name; } else { # Server restart, so clear the list of tests run since last restart. # (except the last one (if any), which is the test about to be run). if (defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}) && @{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}) { $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= [$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}[-1]]; } else { $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= []; } } } # Extract server log from after the last occurrence of named test # Return as an array of lines # sub extract_server_log ($$) { my ($error_log, $tname) = @_; return unless $error_log; # Open the servers .err log file and read all lines # belonging to current test into @lines my $Ferr = IO::File->new($error_log) or mtr_error("Could not open file '$error_log' for reading: $!"); my @lines; my $found_test= 0; # Set once we've found the log of this test while ( my $line = <$Ferr> ) { if ($found_test) { # If test wasn't last after all, discard what we found, test again. if ( $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST:/) { @lines= (); $found_test= $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST: $tname/; } else { push(@lines, $line); if (scalar(@lines) > 1000000) { $Ferr = undef; mtr_warning("Too much log from test, bailing out from extracting"); return (); } } } else { # Search for beginning of test, until found $found_test= 1 if ($line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST: $tname/); } } $Ferr = undef; # Close error log file return @lines; } # Get log from server identified from its $proc object, from named test # Return as a single string # sub get_log_from_proc ($$) { my ($proc, $name)= @_; my $srv_log= ""; foreach my $mysqld (all_servers()) { if ($mysqld->{proc} eq $proc) { my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($mysqld->if_exist('log-error'), $name); $srv_log= "\nServer log from this test:\n" . "----------SERVER LOG START-----------\n". join ("", @srv_lines) . "----------SERVER LOG END-------------\n"; last; } } return $srv_log; } # # Perform a rough examination of the servers # error log and write all lines that look # suspicious into $error_log.warnings # sub extract_warning_lines ($$) { my ($error_log, $append) = @_; # Open the servers .err log file and read all lines # belonging to current tets into @lines my $Ferr = IO::File->new($error_log) or return []; my $last_pos= $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos}; $Ferr->seek($last_pos, 0) if defined($last_pos); # If the seek fails, we will parse the whole error log, at least we will not # miss any warnings. my @lines= <$Ferr>; $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos}= $Ferr->tell(); $Ferr = undef; # Close error log file # mysql_client_test.test sends a COM_DEBUG packet to the server # to provoke a safemalloc leak report, ignore any warnings # between "Begin/end safemalloc memory dump" if ( grep(/Begin safemalloc memory dump:/, @lines) > 0) { my $discard_lines= 1; foreach my $line ( @lines ) { if ($line =~ /Begin safemalloc memory dump:/){ $discard_lines = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /End safemalloc memory dump./){ $discard_lines = 0; } if ($discard_lines){ $line = "ignored"; } } } # Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file my $warning_log = "$error_log.warnings"; my $Fwarn = IO::File->new($warning_log, $append ? "a+" : "w") or die("Could not open file '$warning_log' for writing: $!"); if (!$append) { print $Fwarn "Suspicious lines from $error_log\n"; } my @patterns = ( qr/^Warning|mysqld: Warning|\[Warning\]/, qr/^Error:|\[ERROR\]/, qr/^==\d+==\s+\S/, # valgrind errors qr/InnoDB: Warning|InnoDB: Error/, qr/^safe_mutex:|allocated at line/, qr/missing DBUG_RETURN/, qr/Attempting backtrace/, qr/Assertion .* failed/, qr/Sanitizer/, qr/runtime error:/, ); # These are taken from the include/mtr_warnings.sql global suppression # list. They occur delayed, so they can be parsed during shutdown rather # than during the per-test check. # # ToDo: having the warning suppressions inside the mysqld we are trying to # check is in any case horrible. We should change it to all be done here # within the Perl code, which is both simpler, easier, faster, and more # robust. We could still have individual test cases put in suppressions by # parsing statically or by writing dynamically to a CSV table read by the # Perl code. my @antipatterns = ( @global_suppressions, qr/error .*connecting to master/, qr/InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE `test`.`t[12]`/, qr/InnoDB: Error: table `test`.`t[12]` .*does not exist in the InnoDB internal/, qr/InnoDB: Warning: a long semaphore wait:/, qr/InnoDB: Dumping buffer pool.*/, qr/InnoDB: Buffer pool.*/, qr/InnoDB: Warning: Writer thread is waiting this semaphore:/, qr/InnoDB: innodb_open_files .* should not be greater than/, qr/Slave: Unknown table 't1' .* 1051/, qr/Slave SQL:.*(Internal MariaDB error code: [[:digit:]]+|Query:.*)/, qr/slave SQL thread aborted/, qr/unknown option '--loose[-_]/, qr/unknown variable 'loose[-_]/, #qr/Invalid .*old.* table or database name/, qr/Now setting lower_case_table_names to [02]/, qr/Setting lower_case_table_names=2/, qr/You have forced lower_case_table_names to 0/, qr/deprecated/, qr/Slave SQL thread retried transaction/, qr/Slave \(additional info\)/, qr/Incorrect information in file/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master SERVER_ID failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master clock failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master COLLATION_SERVER failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master TIME_ZONE failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master \@\@GLOBAL.gtid_domain_id failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Setting \@slave_connect_state failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Setting \@slave_gtid_strict_mode failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Setting \@slave_gtid_ignore_duplicates failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Setting \@slave_until_gtid failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: Get master GTID position failed with error:.*/, qr/Slave I\/O: error reconnecting to master '.*' - retry-time: [1-3] retries/, qr/Slave I\/0: Master command COM_BINLOG_DUMP failed/, qr/Error reading packet/, qr/Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet'/, qr/Failed on request_dump/, qr/Slave: Can't drop database.* database doesn't exist/, qr/Slave: Operation DROP USER failed for 'create_rout_db'/, qr|Checking table: '\..mtr.test_suppressions'|, qr|Table \./test/bug53592 has a primary key in InnoDB data dictionary, but not in MySQL|, qr|Table '\..mtr.test_suppressions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired|, qr|Table 'test_suppressions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired|, qr|Can't open shared library|, qr|Couldn't load plugin named .*EXAMPLE.*|, qr|InnoDB: Error: table 'test/bug39438'|, qr| entry '.*' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode|, qr|mysqld got signal 6|, qr|Error while setting value 'pool-of-threads' to 'thread_handling'|, qr|Access denied for user|, qr|Aborted connection|, qr|table.*is full|, qr|Linux Native AIO|, # warning that aio does not work on /dev/shm qr|InnoDB: io_setup\(\) attempt|, qr|InnoDB: io_setup\(\) failed with EAGAIN|, qr|setrlimit could not change the size of core files to 'infinity';|, qr|feedback plugin: failed to retrieve the MAC address|, qr|Plugin 'FEEDBACK' init function returned error|, qr|Plugin 'FEEDBACK' registration as a INFORMATION SCHEMA failed|, qr|'log-bin-use-v1-row-events' is MySQL 5.6 compatible option|, qr|InnoDB: Setting thread \d+ nice to \d+ failed, current nice \d+, errno 13|, # setpriority() fails under valgrind qr|Failed to setup SSL|, qr|SSL error: Failed to set ciphers to use|, qr/Plugin 'InnoDB' will be forced to shutdown/, qr|Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than|, qr|Changed limits: max_open_files|, qr/InnoDB: Error table encrypted but encryption service not available.*/, qr/InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for*/, qr/InnoDB: Tablespace open failed for*/, qr/InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table*/, qr/InnoDB: Space */, qr|InnoDB: You may have to recover from a backup|, qr|InnoDB: It is also possible that your operatingsystem has corrupted its own file cache|, qr|InnoDB: and rebooting your computer removes the error|, qr|InnoDB: If the corrupt page is an index page you can also try to|, qr|nnoDB: fix the corruption by dumping, dropping, and reimporting|, qr|InnoDB: the corrupt table. You can use CHECK|, qr|InnoDB: TABLE to scan your table for corruption|, qr/InnoDB: See also */, qr/InnoDB: Cannot open .*ib_buffer_pool.* for reading: No such file or directory*/, qr/InnoDB: Table .*mysql.*innodb_table_stats.* not found./, qr/InnoDB: User stopword table .* does not exist./, qr/Detected table cache mutex contention at instance .* waits. Additional table cache instance cannot be activated: consider raising table_open_cache_instances. Number of active instances/ ); my $matched_lines= []; LINE: foreach my $line ( @lines ) { PAT: foreach my $pat ( @patterns ) { if ( $line =~ /$pat/ ) { foreach my $apat (@antipatterns) { next LINE if $line =~ $apat; } print $Fwarn $line; push @$matched_lines, $line; last PAT; } } } $Fwarn = undef; # Close file if (scalar(@$matched_lines) > 0 && defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names})) { return ($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}, $matched_lines); } else { return ([], $matched_lines); } } # Run include/check-warnings.test # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # 1 Check failed # sub start_check_warnings ($$) { my $tinfo= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $name= "warnings-".$mysqld->name(); my $log_error= $mysqld->value('log-error'); # To be communicated to the test $ENV{MTR_LOG_ERROR}= $log_error; extract_warning_lines($log_error, 0); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-warnings.test"); if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { # Get the args needed for the embedded server # and append them to args prefixed # with --sever-arg= my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded') or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section"); my $mysqld_args; mtr_init_args(\$mysqld_args); my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts); mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args; } my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => [$errfile, $mysqld], verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Loop through our list of processes and check the error log # for unexpected errors and warnings # sub check_warnings ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; my $res= 0; my $tname= $tinfo->{name}; # Clear previous warnings delete($tinfo->{warnings}); # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} ) { my $proc= start_check_warnings($tinfo, $mysqld); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout($tinfo)); my $result= 0; while (1){ my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { # One check warning process returned my $res= $proc->exit_status(); my ($err_file, $mysqld)= @{$proc->user_data()}; if ( $res == 0 or $res == 62 ){ if ( $res == 0 ) { # Check completed with problem my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); # Log to var/log/warnings file mtr_tofile("$opt_vardir/log/warnings", $tname."\n".$report); $tinfo->{'warnings'}.= $report; $result= 1; } if ( $res == 62 ) { # Test case was ok and called "skip" # Remove the .err file the check generated unlink($err_file); } if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All checks completed mark_time_used('ch-warn'); return $result; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } else { my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "Could not execute 'check-warnings' for ". "testcase '$tname' (res: $res) server: '". $mysqld->name() .":\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= $report; $result= 2; } } elsif ( $proc->{timeout} ) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for 'check warnings' expired after " .check_timeout($tinfo)." seconds"; $result= 4; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}= "The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); $result= 3; } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); mark_time_used('ch-warn'); return $result; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_warnings"); } # Check for warnings generated during shutdown of a mysqld server. # If any, report them to master server, and return true; else just return # false. sub check_warnings_post_shutdown { my ($server_socket)= @_; my $testname_hash= { }; my $report= ''; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds()) { my ($testlist, $match_lines)= extract_warning_lines($mysqld->value('log-error'), 1); $testname_hash->{$_}= 1 for @$testlist; $report.= join('', @$match_lines); } my @warning_tests= keys(%$testname_hash); if (@warning_tests) { my $fake_test= My::Test->new(testnames => \@warning_tests); $fake_test->{'warnings'}= $report; $fake_test->write_test($server_socket, 'WARNINGS'); } } # # Loop through our list of processes and look for and entry # with the provided pid, if found check for the file indicating # expected crash and restart it. # sub check_expected_crash_and_restart { my ($proc)= @_; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { next unless ( $mysqld->{proc} and $mysqld->{proc} eq $proc ); # Check if crash expected by looking at the .expect file # in var/tmp my $expect_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/".$mysqld->name().".expect"; if ( -f $expect_file ) { mtr_verbose("Crash was expected, file '$expect_file' exists"); for (my $waits = 0; $waits < 50; mtr_milli_sleep(100), $waits++) { # Race condition seen on Windows: try again until file not empty next if -z $expect_file; # If last line in expect file starts with "wait" # sleep a little and try again, thus allowing the # test script to control when the server should start # up again. Keep trying for up to 5s at a time. my $last_line= mtr_lastlinesfromfile($expect_file, 1); if ($last_line =~ /^wait/ ) { mtr_verbose("Test says wait before restart") if $waits == 0; next; } # Ignore any partial or unknown command next unless $last_line =~ /^restart/; # If last line begins "restart:", the rest of the line is read as # extra command line options to add to the restarted mysqld. # Anything other than 'wait' or 'restart:' (with a colon) will # result in a restart with original mysqld options. if ($last_line =~ /restart:(.+)/) { my @rest_opt= split(' ', $1); $mysqld->{'restart_opts'}= \@rest_opt; } else { delete $mysqld->{'restart_opts'}; } unlink($expect_file); # Start server with same settings as last time mysqld_start($mysqld, $mysqld->{'started_opts'}); return 1; } # Loop ran through: we should keep waiting after a re-check return 2; } } # Not an expected crash return 0; } # Remove all files and subdirectories of a directory sub clean_dir { my ($dir)= @_; mtr_verbose("clean_dir: $dir"); finddepth( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { if (-d $_){ # A dir if ($_ eq $dir){ # The dir to clean return; } else { mtr_verbose("rmdir: '$_'"); rmdir($_) or mtr_warning("rmdir($_) failed: $!"); } } else { # Hopefully a file mtr_verbose("unlink: '$_'"); unlink($_) or mtr_warning("unlink($_) failed: $!"); } } }, $dir); } sub clean_datadir { mtr_verbose("Cleaning datadirs..."); if (started(all_servers()) != 0){ mtr_error("Trying to clean datadir before all servers stopped"); } for (all_servers()) { my $dir= "$opt_vardir/".$_->{name}; mtr_verbose(" - removing '$dir'"); rmtree($dir); } # Remove all files in tmp and var/tmp clean_dir("$opt_vardir/tmp"); if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp"){ clean_dir($opt_tmpdir); } } # # Save datadir before it's removed # sub save_datadir_after_failure($$) { my ($dir, $savedir)= @_; mtr_report(" - saving '$dir'"); my $dir_name= basename($dir); rename("$dir", "$savedir/$dir_name"); } sub after_failure ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; mtr_report("Saving datadirs..."); my $save_dir= "$opt_vardir/log/"; $save_dir.= $tinfo->{name}; # Add combination name if any $save_dir.= '-' . join(',', sort @{$tinfo->{combinations}}) if defined $tinfo->{combinations}; # Save savedir path for server $tinfo->{savedir}= $save_dir; mkpath($save_dir) if ! -d $save_dir; # # Create a log of files in vardir (good for buildbot) # if (!IS_WINDOWS) { my $Flog= IO::File->new("$opt_vardir/log/files.log", "w"); if ($Flog) { print $Flog scalar(`/bin/ls -Rl $opt_vardir/*`); close($Flog); } } # Save the used config files my %config_files = config_files($tinfo); while (my ($file, $generate) = each %config_files) { copy("$opt_vardir/$file", $save_dir); } # Copy the tmp dir copytree("$opt_vardir/tmp/", "$save_dir/tmp/"); foreach (all_servers()) { my $dir= "$opt_vardir/".$_->{name}; save_datadir_after_failure($dir, $save_dir); } } sub report_failure_and_restart ($) { my $tinfo= shift; if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld && ($tinfo->{'warnings'} || $tinfo->{'timeout'}) && $opt_core_on_failure == 0) { # In these cases we may want valgrind report from normal termination $tinfo->{'dont_kill_server'}= 1; } # Shutdown properly if not to be killed (for valgrind) stop_all_servers($tinfo->{'dont_kill_server'} ? $opt_shutdown_timeout : 0); $tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED'; my $test_failures= $tinfo->{'failures'} || 0; $tinfo->{'failures'}= $test_failures + 1; if ( $tinfo->{comment} ) { # The test failure has been detected by mysql-test-run.pl # when starting the servers or due to other error, the reason for # failing the test is saved in "comment" ; } if ( !defined $tinfo->{logfile} ) { my $logfile= $path_current_testlog; if ( defined $logfile ) { if ( -f $logfile ) { # Test failure was detected by test tool and its report # about what failed has been saved to file. Save the report # in tinfo $tinfo->{logfile}= mtr_fromfile($logfile); # If no newlines in the test log: # (it will contain the CURRENT_TEST written by mtr, so is not empty) if ($tinfo->{logfile} !~ /\n/) { # Show how far it got before suddenly failing $tinfo->{comment}.= "mysqltest failed but provided no output\n"; my $log_file_name= $opt_vardir."/log/".$tinfo->{shortname}.".log"; if (-e $log_file_name) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "The result from queries just before the failure was:". "\n< snip >\n". mtr_lastlinesfromfile($log_file_name, 20)."\n"; } } } else { # The test tool report didn't exist, display an # error message $tinfo->{logfile}= "Could not open test tool report '$logfile'"; } } } after_failure($tinfo); mtr_report_test($tinfo); } sub run_system(@) { mtr_verbose("Running '$_[0]'"); my $ret= system(@_) >> 8; return $ret; } sub mysqld_stop { my $mysqld= shift or die "usage: mysqld_stop()"; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user); mtr_add_arg($args, "--password="); mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%d", $mysqld->value('port')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--host=%s", $mysqld->value('#host')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--connect_timeout=20"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--protocol=tcp"); mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown"); My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "mysqladmin shutdown ".$mysqld->name(), path => $exe_mysqladmin, args => \$args, error => "$opt_vardir/log/mysqladmin.err", ); } sub mysqld_arguments ($$$) { my $args= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $extra_opts= shift; my @defaults = grep(/^--defaults-file=/, @$extra_opts); if (@defaults > 0) { mtr_add_arg($args, pop(@defaults)) } else { mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); } # When mysqld is run by a root user(euid is 0), it will fail # to start unless we specify what user to run as, see BUG#30630 my $euid= $>; if (!IS_WINDOWS and $euid == 0 and (grep(/^--user/, @$extra_opts)) == 0) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=root"); } if (!using_extern() and !$opt_user_args) { # Turn on logging to file mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-output=file"); } # Check if "extra_opt" contains --log-bin my $skip_binlog= not grep /^--(loose-)?log-bin/, @$extra_opts; # Indicate to mysqld it will be debugged in debugger if ( $glob_debugger ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--gdb"); } my $found_skip_core= 0; foreach my $arg ( @$extra_opts ) { # Skip --defaults-file option since it's handled above. next if $arg =~ /^--defaults-file/; # Allow --skip-core-file to be set in -[master|slave].opt file if ($arg eq "--skip-core-file") { $found_skip_core= 1; } elsif ($skip_binlog and mtr_match_prefix($arg, "--binlog-format")) { ; # Dont add --binlog-format when running without binlog } elsif ($arg eq "--loose-skip-log-bin" and $mysqld->option("log-slave-updates")) { ; # Dont add --skip-log-bin when mysqld have --log-slave-updates in config } else { mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $arg); } } $opt_skip_core = $found_skip_core; if ( !$found_skip_core && !$opt_user_args ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", "--core-file"); } # Enable the debug sync facility, set default wait timeout. # Facility stays disabled if timeout value is zero. mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-debug-sync-timeout=%s", $opt_debug_sync_timeout) unless $opt_user_args; return $args; } sub mysqld_start ($$) { my $mysqld= shift; my $extra_opts= shift; mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("mysqld_start", @$extra_opts)); my $exe= find_mysqld($mysqld->value('basedir')); my $wait_for_pid_file= 1; mtr_error("Internal error: mysqld should never be started for embedded") if $opt_embedded_server; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld and not $opt_gdb and not $opt_manual_gdb ) { valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); } if ( $opt_strace) { strace_arguments($args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); # Add any additional options from an in-test restart my @all_opts= @$extra_opts; if (exists $mysqld->{'restart_opts'}) { push (@all_opts, @{$mysqld->{'restart_opts'}}); mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("mysqld_start restart", @{$mysqld->{'restart_opts'}})); } mysqld_arguments($args,$mysqld,\@all_opts); if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug-dbug=$debug_d:t:i:A,%s/log/%s.trace", $path_vardir_trace, $mysqld->name()); } # Command line for mysqld started for *this particular test*. # Differs from "generic" MYSQLD_CMD by including all command line # options from *.opt and *.combination files. $ENV{'MYSQLD_LAST_CMD'}= "$exe @$args"; if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_manual_gdb ) { gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_manual_lldb ) { lldb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_ddd ) { ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_dbx || $opt_manual_dbx ) { dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_debugger ) { debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_manual_debug ) { print "\nStart " .$mysqld->name()." in your debugger\n" . "dir: $glob_mysql_test_dir\n" . "exe: $exe\n" . "args: " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n\n" . "Waiting ....\n"; # Indicate the exe should not be started $exe= undef; } elsif ( $opt_rr ) { $args= ["record", @rr_record_args, "$exe", @$args]; $exe= "rr"; my $rr_dir= $opt_rr_dir ? $opt_rr_dir : "$opt_vardir/rr". $mysqld->after('mysqld'); $ENV{'_RR_TRACE_DIR'}= $rr_dir; mkpath($rr_dir); } else { # Default to not wait until pid file has been created $wait_for_pid_file= 0; } # Remove the old pidfile if any unlink($mysqld->value('pid-file')); my $output= $mysqld->value('log-error'); if ( $opt_valgrind and $opt_debug ) { # When both --valgrind and --debug is selected, send # all output to the trace file, making it possible to # see the exact location where valgrind complains # Write a message about this to the normal log file my $trace_name= "$opt_vardir/log/".$mysqld->name().".trace"; mtr_tofile($output, "NOTE: When running with --valgrind --debug the output from ", "mysqld (where the valgrind messages shows up) is stored ", "together with the trace file to make it ", "easier to find the exact position of valgrind errors.", "See trace file $trace_name.\n"); $output= $trace_name; } # Remember this log file for valgrind error report search $mysqld_logs{$output}= 1 if $opt_valgrind; # Remember data dir for gmon.out files if using gprof $gprof_dirs{$mysqld->value('datadir')}= 1 if $opt_gprof; if ( defined $exe ) { pre_write_errorlog($output); $mysqld->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $mysqld->name(), path => $exe, args => \$args, output => $output, error => $output, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, nocore => $opt_skip_core, host => undef, shutdown => sub { mysqld_stop($mysqld) }, envs => \@opt_mysqld_envs, ); mtr_verbose("Started $mysqld->{proc}"); } if ( $wait_for_pid_file && !sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'), $opt_start_timeout, $mysqld->{'proc'}, $warn_seconds)) { my $mname= $mysqld->name(); mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mname with command $exe"); } # Remember options used when starting $mysqld->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts; return; } sub stop_all_servers () { my $shutdown_timeout = $_[0] or 0; mtr_verbose("Stopping all servers..."); # Kill all started servers My::SafeProcess::shutdown($shutdown_timeout, started(all_servers())); # Remove pidfiles foreach my $server ( all_servers() ) { my $pid_file= $server->if_exist('pid-file'); unlink($pid_file) if defined $pid_file; } # Mark servers as stopped map($_->{proc}= undef, all_servers()); } # Find out if server should be restarted for this test sub server_need_restart { my ($tinfo, $server)= @_; if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "no restart for --extern server"); return 0; } if ( $tinfo->{'force_restart'} ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "forced in .opt file"); return 1; } if ( $opt_force_restart ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "forced restart turned on"); return 1; } if ( $tinfo->{template_path} ne $current_config_name) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "using different config file"); return 1; } if ( $tinfo->{'master_sh'} || $tinfo->{'slave_sh'} ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "sh script to run"); return 1; } if ( ! started($server) ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "not started"); return 1; } my $started_tinfo= $server->{'started_tinfo'}; if ( defined $started_tinfo ) { # Check if timezone of test that server was started # with differs from timezone of next test if ( timezone($started_tinfo) ne timezone($tinfo) ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "different timezone"); return 1; } } if ($server->name() =~ /^mysqld\./) { # Check that running process was started with same options # as the current test requires my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($server, $tinfo); my $started_opts= $server->{'started_opts'}; # Also, always restart if server had been restarted with additional # options within test. if (!My::Options::same($started_opts, $extra_opts) || exists $server->{'restart_opts'}) { my $use_dynamic_option_switch= 0; my $restart_opts = delete $server->{'restart_opts'} || []; if (!$use_dynamic_option_switch) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "running with different options '" . join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" . join(" ", @{$started_opts}, @{$restart_opts}) . "'" ); return 1; } mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("started_opts", @$started_opts)); mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("extra_opts", @$extra_opts)); # Get diff and check if dynamic switch is possible my @diff_opts= My::Options::diff($started_opts, $extra_opts); mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("diff_opts", @diff_opts)); my $query= My::Options::toSQL(@diff_opts); mtr_verbose("Attempting dynamic switch '$query'"); if (run_query($tinfo, $server, $query)){ mtr_verbose("Restart: running with different options '" . join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" . join(" ", @{$started_opts}) . "'" ); return 1; } # Remember the dynamically set options $server->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts; } } # Default, no restart return 0; } sub servers_need_restart($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; return grep { server_need_restart($tinfo, $_); } all_servers(); } ############################################ ############################################ # # Filter a list of servers and return the SafeProcess # for only those that are started or stopped # sub started { return grep(defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); } sub stopped { return grep(!defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); } sub get_extra_opts { # No extra options if --user-args return \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt if $opt_user_args; my ($mysqld, $tinfo)= @_; my $opts= $mysqld->option("#!use-slave-opt") ? $tinfo->{slave_opt} : $tinfo->{master_opt}; # Expand environment variables foreach my $opt ( @$opts ) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; $opt =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/$ENV{$1}/ge; $opt =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/ge; } return $opts; } sub stop_servers($$) { my (@servers)= @_; mtr_report("Stopping ", started(@servers)); My::SafeProcess::shutdown($opt_shutdown_timeout, started(@servers)); foreach my $server (@servers) { # Mark server as stopped $server->{proc}= undef; # Forget history delete $server->{'started_tinfo'}; delete $server->{'started_opts'}; delete $server->{'started_cnf'}; } } # # run_query_output # # Run a query against a server using mysql client. The output of # the query will be written into outfile. # sub run_query_output { my ($mysqld, $query, $outfile)= @_; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--execute=%s", $query); my $res= My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "run_query_output -> ".$mysqld->name(), path => $exe_mysql, args => \$args, output => $outfile, error => $outfile ); return $res } # # wsrep_wait_ready # # Wait until the server has been joined to the cluster and is # ready for operation. # # RETURN # 1 Server is ready # 0 Server didn't transition to ready state within start timeout # sub wait_wsrep_ready($$) { my ($tinfo, $mysqld)= @_; my $sleeptime= 100; # Milliseconds my $loops= ($opt_start_timeout * 1000) / $sleeptime; my $name= $mysqld->name(); my $outfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.wsrep_ready"; my $query= "SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; SELECT VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_ready'"; for (my $loop= 1; $loop <= $loops; $loop++) { # Careful... if MTR runs with option 'verbose' then the # file contains also SafeProcess verbose output if (run_query_output($mysqld, $query, $outfile) == 0 && mtr_grab_file($outfile) =~ /WSREP_READY\s+ON/) { unlink($outfile); return 1; } mtr_milli_sleep($sleeptime); } $tinfo->{logfile}= "WSREP did not transition to state READY"; return 0; } # # wsrep_is_bootstrap_server # # Check if the server is the first one to be started in the # cluster. # # RETURN # 1 The server is a bootstrap server # 0 The server is not a bootstrap server # sub wsrep_is_bootstrap_server($) { my $mysqld= shift; my $cluster_address= $mysqld->if_exist('wsrep-cluster-address') || $mysqld->if_exist('wsrep_cluster_address'); if (defined $cluster_address) { return $cluster_address eq "gcomm://" || $cluster_address eq "'gcomm://'"; } return 0; } # # wsrep_on # # Check if wsrep has been enabled for a server. # # RETURN # 1 Wsrep has been enabled # 0 Wsrep is not enabled # sub wsrep_on($) { my $mysqld= shift; #check if wsrep_on= is set in configuration if ($mysqld->if_exist('wsrep-on')) { my $on= "".$mysqld->value('wsrep-on'); if ($on eq "1" || $on eq "ON") { return 1; } } return 0; } # # start_servers # # Start servers not already started # # RETURN # 0 OK # 1 Start failed # sub start_servers($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; for (all_servers()) { $_->{START}->($_, $tinfo) if $_->{START}; } for (all_servers()) { next unless $_->{WAIT} and started($_); if ($_->{WAIT}->($_, $tinfo)) { $tinfo->{comment}= "Failed to start ".$_->name() . "\n"; return 1; } } return 0; } # # Run include/check-testcase.test # Before a testcase, run in record mode and save result file to var/tmp # After testcase, run and compare with the recorded file, they should be equal! # # RETURN VALUE # The newly started process # sub start_check_testcase ($$$) { my $tinfo= shift; my $mode= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $name= "check-".$mysqld->name(); # Replace dots in name with underscore to avoid that mysqltest # misinterpret's what the filename extension is :( $name=~ s/\./_/g; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.result"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-testcase.test"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); if ( $mode eq "before" ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--record"); } my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => $errfile, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_report("Started $proc"); return $proc; } sub run_mysqltest ($) { my $proc= start_mysqltest(@_); $proc->wait(); } sub start_mysqltest ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; my $exe= $exe_mysqltest; my $args; mark_time_used('admin'); mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", $opt_tmpdir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $path_charsetsdir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--logdir=%s/log", $opt_vardir); # Log line number and time for each line in .test file mtr_add_arg($args, "--mark-progress") if $opt_mark_progress; mtr_add_arg($args, "--database=test"); if ( $opt_ps_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--ps-protocol"); } if ( $opt_sp_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--sp-protocol"); } if ( $opt_view_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--view-protocol"); } if ( $opt_cursor_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--cursor-protocol"); } if ( $opt_non_blocking_api ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--non-blocking-api"); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--timer-file=%s/log/timer", $opt_vardir); if ( $opt_compress ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--compress"); } if ( $opt_sleep ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--sleep=%d", $opt_sleep); } if ( $opt_valgrind ) { # We are running server under valgrind, which causes some replication # test to be much slower, notable rpl_mdev6020. Increase timeout. mtr_add_arg($args, "--wait-for-pos-timeout=1500"); } if ( $opt_ssl ) { # Turn on SSL for _all_ test cases if option --ssl was used mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl"); } if ( $opt_max_connections ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--max-connections=%d", $opt_max_connections); } if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { # Get the args needed for the embedded server # and append them to args prefixed # with --sever-arg= my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded') or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section"); my $mysqld_args; mtr_init_args(\$mysqld_args); my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts); mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # export MYSQL_TEST variable containing /mysqltest # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'}= mtr_args2str($exe_mysqltest, @$args); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add arguments that should not go into the MYSQL_TEST env var # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { # Prefix the Valgrind options to the argument list. # We do this here, since we do not want to Valgrind the nested invocations # of mysqltest; that would mess up the stderr output causing test failure. my @args_saved = @$args; mtr_init_args(\$args); valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prefix the strace options to the argument list. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_client_strace ) { my @args_saved = @$args; mtr_init_args(\$args); strace_arguments($args, \$exe, "mysqltest"); mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved; } if ($opt_force > 1) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--continue-on-error"); } my $suite = $tinfo->{suite}; if ($suite->{parent}) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--overlay-dir=%s/", $suite->{dir}); mtr_add_arg($args, "--suite-dir=%s/", $suite->{parent}->{dir}); } else { mtr_add_arg($args, "--suite-dir=%s/", $suite->{dir}); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", $tinfo->{'path'}); # Number of lines of resut to include in failure report mtr_add_arg($args, "--tail-lines=20"); if ( defined $tinfo->{'result_file'} ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{'result_file'}); } client_debug_arg($args, "mysqltest"); if ( $opt_record ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--record"); # When recording to a non existing result file # the name of that file is in "record_file" if ( defined $tinfo->{'record_file'} ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{record_file}); } } if ( $opt_client_gdb ) { gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } elsif ( $opt_client_ddd ) { ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } if ( $opt_client_dbx ) { dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } elsif ( $opt_client_debugger ) { debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => "mysqltest", path => $exe, args => \$args, append => 1, error => $path_current_testlog, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in gdb in xterm # sub gdb_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; my $type= shift; my $input= shift; my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type"; # Remove the old gdbinit file unlink($gdb_init_file); # Put $args into a single string $input = $input ? "< $input" : ""; if ($type eq 'client') { mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "set args @$$args $input"); } elsif ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) { my $v = $$exe; my $vargs = []; valgrind_arguments($vargs, \$v); mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, < 'libjemalloc*', 'bundled jemalloc' => 'NONE' ); my ($syn) = $somalloc{$mysqld_variables{'version-malloc-library'}}; mtr_add_arg($args, '--soname-synonyms=somalloc=%s', $syn) if $syn; } # Add valgrind options, can be overridden by user mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@valgrind_args); mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe); $$exe= $opt_valgrind_path || "valgrind"; if ($exe_libtool) { # Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute # if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash) unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe); $$exe= $exe_libtool; } } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in strace # sub strace_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; my $mysqld_name= shift; my $output= sprintf("%s/log/%s.strace", $path_vardir_trace, $mysqld_name); mtr_add_arg($args, "-f"); mtr_add_arg($args, "-o%s", $output); # Add strace options mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@strace_args); mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe); $$exe= $opt_stracer || "strace"; if ($exe_libtool) { # Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute # if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash) unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe); $$exe= $exe_libtool; } } # # Search server logs for valgrind reports printed at mysqld termination # sub valgrind_exit_reports() { my $found_err= 0; foreach my $log_file (keys %mysqld_logs) { my @culprits= (); my $valgrind_rep= ""; my $found_report= 0; my $err_in_report= 0; my $LOGF = IO::File->new($log_file) or mtr_error("Could not open file '$log_file' for reading: $!"); while ( my $line = <$LOGF> ) { if ($line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST: (.+)$/) { my $testname= $1; # If we have a report, report it if needed and start new list of tests if ($found_report) { if ($err_in_report) { mtr_print ("Valgrind report from $log_file after tests:\n", @culprits); mtr_print_line(); print ("$valgrind_rep\n"); $found_err= 1; $err_in_report= 0; } # Make ready to collect new report @culprits= (); $found_report= 0; $valgrind_rep= ""; } push (@culprits, $testname); next; } # This line marks the start of a valgrind report $found_report= 1 if $line =~ /^==\d+== .* SUMMARY:/; if ($found_report) { $line=~ s/^==\d+== //; $valgrind_rep .= $line; $err_in_report= 1 if $line =~ /ERROR SUMMARY: [1-9]/; $err_in_report= 1 if $line =~ /definitely lost: [1-9]/; $err_in_report= 1 if $line =~ /possibly lost: [1-9]/; } } $LOGF= undef; if ($err_in_report) { mtr_print ("Valgrind report from $log_file after tests:\n", @culprits); mtr_print_line(); print ("$valgrind_rep\n"); $found_err= 1; } } return $found_err; } # # Usage # sub usage ($) { my ($message)= @_; if ( $message ) { print STDERR "$message\n"; print STDERR "For full list of options, use $0 --help\n"; exit; } local $"= ','; # for @DEFAULT_SUITES below print < Use fixed config template for all tests defaults-extra-file= Extra config template to add to all generated configs combination= Use at least twice to run tests with specified options to mysqld dry-run Don't run any tests, print the list of tests that were selected for execution Options to control directories to use tmpdir=DIR The directory where temporary files are stored (default: ./var/tmp). vardir=DIR The directory where files generated from the test run is stored (default: ./var). Specifying a ramdisk or tmpfs will speed up tests. mem[=DIR] Run testsuite in "memory" using tmpfs or ramdisk Attempts to use DIR first if specified else uses a builtin list of standard locations for tmpfs (/run/shm, /dev/shm, /tmp) The option can also be set using environment variable MTR_MEM=[DIR] clean-vardir Clean vardir if tests were successful and if running in "memory". Otherwise this option is ignored client-bindir=PATH Path to the directory where client binaries are located client-libdir=PATH Path to the directory where client libraries are located Options to control what test suites or cases to run force Continue after a failure. When specified once, a failure in a test file will abort this test file, and the execution will continue from the next test file. When specified twice, execution will continue executing the failed test file from the next command. do-test=PREFIX or REGEX Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX or fulfills REGEX skip-test=PREFIX or REGEX Skip test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX or fulfills REGEX start-from=PREFIX Run test cases starting test prefixed with PREFIX where prefix may be suite.testname or just testname suite[s]=NAME1,..,NAMEN Collect tests in suites from the comma separated list of suite names. The default is: "@DEFAULT_SUITES" skip-rpl Skip the replication test cases. big-test Also run tests marked as "big". Repeat this option twice to run only "big" tests. staging-run Run a limited number of tests (no slow tests). Used for running staging trees with valgrind. enable-disabled Run also tests marked as disabled print-testcases Don't run the tests but print details about all the selected tests, in the order they would be run. skip-test-list=FILE Skip the tests listed in FILE. Each line in the file is an entry and should be formatted as: : force-restart Always restart servers between tests. This makes it easier to see from which test warnings may come from. Options that specify ports mtr-port-base=# Base for port numbers, ports from this number to port-base=# number+9 are reserved. Should be divisible by 10; if not it will be rounded down. May be set with environment variable MTR_PORT_BASE. If this value is set and is not "auto", it overrides build-thread. mtr-build-thread=# Specify unique number to calculate port number(s) from. build-thread=# Can be set in environment variable MTR_BUILD_THREAD. Set MTR_BUILD_THREAD="auto" to automatically aquire a build thread id that is unique to current host port-group-size=N Reserve groups of TCP ports of size N for each MTR thread Options for test case authoring record TESTNAME (Re)genereate the result file for TESTNAME check-testcases Check testcases for sideeffects mark-progress Log line number and elapsed time to .progress Options that pass on options (these may be repeated) mysqld=ARGS Specify additional arguments to "mysqld" mysqld-env=VAR=VAL Specify additional environment settings for "mysqld" Options to run test on running server extern option=value Run only the tests against an already started server the options to use for connection to the extern server must be specified using name-value pair notation For example: ./$0 --extern socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock Options for debugging the product boot-dbx Start bootstrap server in dbx boot-ddd Start bootstrap server in ddd boot-gdb Start bootstrap server in gdb client-dbx Start mysqltest client in dbx client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd client-debugger=NAME Start mysqltest in the selected debugger client-gdb Start mysqltest client in gdb dbx Start the mysqld(s) in dbx ddd Start the mysqld(s) in ddd debug Dump trace output for all servers and client programs debug-common Same as debug, but sets 'd' debug flags to "query,info,error,enter,exit" debug-server Use debug version of server, but without turning on tracing debugger=NAME Start mysqld in the selected debugger gdb Start the mysqld(s) in gdb manual-debug Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before running test(s) manual-gdb Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running test(s) manual-ddd Let user manually start mysqld in ddd, before running test(s) manual-dbx Let user manually start mysqld in dbx, before running test(s) manual-lldb Let user manually start mysqld in lldb, before running test(s) max-save-core Limit the number of core files saved (to avoid filling up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to $opt_max_save_core, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE max-save-datadir Limit the number of datadir saved (to avoid filling up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to $opt_max_save_datadir, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR max-test-fail Limit the number of test failures before aborting the current test run. Defaults to $opt_max_test_fail, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL core-in-failure Generate a core even if run server is run with valgrind Options for valgrind valgrind Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using valgrind with default options valgrind-all Synonym for --valgrind valgrind-mysqltest Run the "mysqltest" and "mysql_client_test" executable with valgrind valgrind-mysqld Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option valgrind-option=ARGS Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s), can be specified more then once valgrind-path= Path to the valgrind executable callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind Options for strace strace Run the "mysqld" executables using strace. Default options are -f -o 'vardir'/log/'mysqld-name'.strace. client-strace Trace the "mysqltest". strace-option=ARGS Option to give strace, appends to existing options. stracer= Specify name and path to the trace program to use. Default is "strace". Example: $0 --stracer=ktrace. Options for rr (Record and Replay) rr Run the "mysqld" executables using rr. Default run option is "rr record mysqld mysqld_options" boot-rr Start bootstrap server in rr rr-arg=ARG Option to give rr record, can be specified more then once rr-dir=DIR The directory where rr recordings are stored. Defaults to 'vardir'/rr.0 (rr.boot for bootstrap instance and rr.1, ..., rr.N for slave instances). Misc options user=USER User for connecting to mysqld(default: $opt_user) comment=STR Write STR to the output timer Show test case execution time. verbose More verbose output(use multiple times for even more) verbose-restart Write when and why servers are restarted start Only initialize and start the servers, using the startup settings for the first specified test case Example: $0 --start alias & start-and-exit Same as --start, but mysql-test-run terminates and leaves just the server running start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for the first specified test case user-args In combination with start* and no test name, drops arguments to mysqld except those specified with --mysqld (if any) wait-all If --start or --start-dirty option is used, wait for all servers to exit before finishing the process fast Run as fast as possible, don't wait for servers to shutdown etc. force-restart Always restart servers between tests parallel=N Run tests in N parallel threads (default 1) Use parallel=auto for auto-setting of N repeat=N Run each test N number of times retry=N Retry tests that fail up to N times (default $opt_retry). Retries are also limited by the maximum number of failures before stopping, set with the --retry-failure option retry-failure=N When using the --retry option to retry failed tests, stop when N failures have occurred (default $opt_retry_failure) reorder Reorder tests to get fewer server restarts help Get this help text testcase-timeout=MINUTES Max test case run time (default $opt_testcase_timeout) suite-timeout=MINUTES Max test suite run time (default $opt_suite_timeout) shutdown-timeout=SECONDS Max number of seconds to wait for server shutdown before killing servers (default $opt_shutdown_timeout) warnings Scan the log files for warnings. Use --nowarnings to turn off. stop-file=file (also MTR_STOP_FILE environment variable) if this file detected mysql test will not start new tests until the file will be removed. stop-keep-alive=sec (also MTR_STOP_KEEP_ALIVE environment variable) works with stop-file, print messages every sec seconds when mysql test is waiting to removing the file (for buildbot) sleep=SECONDS Passed to mysqltest, will be used as fixed sleep time debug-sync-timeout=NUM Set default timeout for WAIT_FOR debug sync actions. Disable facility with NUM=0. gcov Collect coverage information after the test. The result is a gcov file per source and header file. gprof Collect profiling information using gprof. experimental= Refer to list of tests considered experimental; failures will be marked exp-fail instead of fail. timestamp Print timestamp before each test report line timediff With --timestamp, also print time passed since *previous* test started max-connections=N Max number of open connection to server in mysqltest report-times Report how much time has been spent on different phases of test execution. stress=ARGS Run stress test, providing options to mysql-stress-test.pl. Options are separated by comma. xml-report= Output jUnit xml file of the results. Some options that control enabling a feature for normal test runs, can be turned off by prepending 'no' to the option, e.g. --notimer. This applies to reorder, timer, check-testcases and warnings. HERE exit(1); } sub list_options ($) { my $hash= shift; for (keys %$hash) { s/([:=].*|[+!])$//; s/\|/\n--/g; print "--$_\n"; } exit(1); }