#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- cperl -*- # ############################################################################## # # mysql-test-run.pl # # Tool used for executing a suite of .test files # # See the "MySQL Test framework manual" for more information # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysqltest/en/index.html # # ############################################################################## use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { # Check that mysql-test-run.pl is started from mysql-test/ unless ( -f "mysql-test-run.pl" ) { print "**** ERROR **** ", "You must start mysql-test-run from the mysql-test/ directory\n"; exit(1); } # Check that lib exist unless ( -d "lib/" ) { print "**** ERROR **** ", "Could not find the lib/ directory \n"; exit(1); } } BEGIN { # Check backward compatibility support # By setting the environment variable MTR_VERSION # it's possible to use a previous version of # mysql-test-run.pl my $version= $ENV{MTR_VERSION} || 2; if ( $version == 1 ) { print "=======================================================\n"; print " WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! \n"; print "=======================================================\n"; # Should use exec() here on *nix but this appears not to work on Windows exit(system($^X, "lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl", @ARGV) >> 8); } elsif ( $version == 2 ) { # This is the current version, just continue ; } else { print "ERROR: Version $version of mysql-test-run does not exist!\n"; exit(1); } } use lib "lib"; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use My::File::Path; # Patched version of File::Path use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; use File::Spec::Functions qw / splitdir /; use My::Platform; use My::SafeProcess; use My::ConfigFactory; use My::Options; use My::Find; use My::SysInfo; use My::CoreDump; use mtr_cases; use mtr_report; use mtr_match; use mtr_unique; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Select; require "lib/mtr_process.pl"; require "lib/mtr_io.pl"; require "lib/mtr_gcov.pl"; require "lib/mtr_misc.pl"; $SIG{INT}= sub { mtr_error("Got ^C signal"); }; our $mysql_version_id; our $glob_mysql_test_dir; our $basedir; our $path_charsetsdir; our $path_client_bindir; our $path_client_libdir; our $path_language; our $path_current_testlog; our $path_testlog; our $default_vardir; our $opt_vardir; # Path to use for var/ dir my $path_vardir_trace; # unix formatted opt_vardir for trace files my $opt_tmpdir; # Path to use for tmp/ dir my $opt_tmpdir_pid; END { if ( defined $opt_tmpdir_pid and $opt_tmpdir_pid == $$ ) { # Remove the tempdir this process has created mtr_verbose("Removing tmpdir '$opt_tmpdir"); rmtree($opt_tmpdir); } } my $path_config_file; # The generated config file, var/my.cnf # Visual Studio produces executables in different sub-directories based on the # configuration used to build them. To make life easier, an environment # variable or command-line option may be specified to control which set of # executables will be used by the test suite. our $opt_vs_config = $ENV{'MTR_VS_CONFIG'}; my $DEFAULT_SUITES= "main,binlog,federated,rpl,rpl_ndb,ndb,innodb"; my $opt_suites; our $opt_verbose= 0; # Verbose output, enable with --verbose our $exe_mysql; our $exe_mysqladmin; our $exe_mysqltest; our $exe_libtool; our $opt_big_test= 0; our @opt_combinations; our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt; my $opt_compress; my $opt_ssl; my $opt_skip_ssl; our $opt_ssl_supported; my $opt_ps_protocol; my $opt_sp_protocol; my $opt_cursor_protocol; my $opt_view_protocol; our $opt_debug; our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv our $opt_embedded_server; # Options used when connecting to an already running server my %opts_extern; sub using_extern { return (keys %opts_extern > 0);}; our $opt_fast= 0; our $opt_force; our $opt_mem= $ENV{'MTR_MEM'}; our $opt_gcov; our $opt_gcov_exe= "gcov"; our $opt_gcov_err= "mysql-test-gcov.msg"; our $opt_gcov_msg= "mysql-test-gcov.err"; our $glob_debugger= 0; our $opt_gdb; our $opt_client_gdb; our $opt_ddd; our $opt_client_ddd; our $opt_manual_gdb; our $opt_manual_ddd; our $opt_manual_debug; our $opt_debugger; our $opt_client_debugger; my $config; # The currently running config my $current_config_name; # The currently running config file template our $opt_experimental; our $experimental_test_cases; my $baseport; my $opt_build_thread= $ENV{'MTR_BUILD_THREAD'} || "auto"; my $build_thread= 0; my $opt_record; my $opt_report_features; my $opt_skip_core; our $opt_check_testcases= 1; my $opt_mark_progress; my $opt_sleep; my $opt_testcase_timeout= 15; # minutes my $opt_suite_timeout = 300; # minutes my $opt_shutdown_timeout= 10; # seconds my $opt_start_timeout = 180; # seconds sub testcase_timeout { return $opt_testcase_timeout * 60; }; sub suite_timeout { return $opt_suite_timeout * 60; }; sub check_timeout { return $opt_testcase_timeout * 6; }; my $opt_start; my $opt_start_dirty; my $start_only; my $opt_wait_all; my $opt_repeat= 1; my $opt_retry= 3; my $opt_retry_failure= 2; my $opt_strace_client; our $opt_user = "root"; my $opt_valgrind= 0; my $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0; my $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 0; my @default_valgrind_args= ("--show-reachable=yes"); my @valgrind_args; my $opt_valgrind_path; my $opt_callgrind; my $opt_debug_sync_timeout= 300; # Default timeout for WAIT_FOR actions. our $opt_warnings= 1; our $opt_skip_ndbcluster= 0; my $exe_ndbd; my $exe_ndb_mgmd; my $exe_ndb_waiter; our $debug_compiled_binaries; our %mysqld_variables; my $source_dist= 0; my $opt_max_save_core= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE} || 5; my $opt_max_save_datadir= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR} || 20; my $opt_max_test_fail= $ENV{MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL} || 10; my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL} || 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # Automatically flush STDOUT main(); sub main { # Default, verbosity on report_option('verbose', 0); # This is needed for test log evaluation in "gen-build-status-page" # in all cases where the calling tool does not log the commands # directly before it executes them, like "make test-force-pl" in RPM builds. mtr_report("Logging: $0 ", join(" ", @ARGV)); command_line_setup(); if ( $opt_gcov ) { gcov_prepare($basedir); } if (!$opt_suites) { $opt_suites= $DEFAULT_SUITES; # Check for any extra suites to enable based on the path name my %extra_suites= ( "mysql-5.1-new-ndb" => "ndb_team", "mysql-5.1-new-ndb-merge" => "ndb_team", "mysql-5.1-telco-6.2" => "ndb_team", "mysql-5.1-telco-6.2-merge" => "ndb_team", "mysql-5.1-telco-6.3" => "ndb_team", "mysql-6.0-ndb" => "ndb_team", ); foreach my $dir ( reverse splitdir($basedir) ) { my $extra_suite= $extra_suites{$dir}; if (defined $extra_suite) { mtr_report("Found extra suite: $extra_suite"); $opt_suites= "$extra_suite,$opt_suites"; last; } } } mtr_report("Collecting tests..."); my $tests= collect_test_cases($opt_suites, \@opt_cases); if ( $opt_report_features ) { # Put "report features" as the first test to run my $tinfo = My::Test->new ( name => 'report_features', # No result_file => Prints result path => 'include/report-features.test', template_path => "include/default_my.cnf", master_opt => [], slave_opt => [], ); unshift(@$tests, $tinfo); } print "vardir: $opt_vardir\n"; initialize_servers(); ####################################################################### my $num_tests= @$tests; if ( $opt_parallel eq "auto" ) { # Try to find a suitable value for number of workers my $sys_info= My::SysInfo->new(); $opt_parallel= $sys_info->num_cpus(); for my $limit (2000, 1500, 1000, 500){ $opt_parallel-- if ($sys_info->min_bogomips() < $limit); } my $max_par= $ENV{MTR_MAX_PARALLEL} || 8; $opt_parallel= $max_par if ($opt_parallel > $max_par); $opt_parallel= $num_tests if ($opt_parallel > $num_tests); $opt_parallel= 1 if (IS_WINDOWS and $sys_info->isvm()); $opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1); mtr_report("Using parallel: $opt_parallel"); } # Create server socket on any free port my $server = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalAddr => 'localhost', Proto => 'tcp', Listen => $opt_parallel, ); mtr_error("Could not create testcase server port: $!") unless $server; my $server_port = $server->sockport(); mtr_report("Using server port $server_port"); # Create child processes my %children; for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){ my $child_pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork(); if ($child_pid == 0){ $server= undef; # Close the server port in child $tests= {}; # Don't need the tests list in child # Use subdir of var and tmp unless only one worker if ($opt_parallel > 1) { set_vardir("$opt_vardir/$child_num"); $opt_tmpdir= "$opt_tmpdir/$child_num"; } run_worker($server_port, $child_num); exit(1); } $children{$child_pid}= 1; } ####################################################################### mtr_report(); mtr_print_thick_line(); mtr_print_header(); my $completed= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel); # Send Ctrl-C to any children still running kill("INT", keys(%children)); # Wait for childs to exit foreach my $pid (keys %children) { my $ret_pid= waitpid($pid, 0); if ($ret_pid != $pid){ mtr_report("Unknown process $ret_pid exited"); } else { delete $children{$ret_pid}; } } if ( not defined @$completed ) { mtr_error("Test suite aborted"); } if ( @$completed != $num_tests){ if ($opt_force){ # All test should have been run, print any that are still in $tests #foreach my $test ( @$tests ){ # $test->print_test(); #} } # Not all tests completed, failure mtr_report(); mtr_report("Only ", int(@$completed), " of $num_tests completed."); mtr_error("Not all tests completed"); } mtr_print_line(); if ( $opt_gcov ) { gcov_collect($basedir, $opt_gcov_exe, $opt_gcov_msg, $opt_gcov_err); } mtr_report_stats($completed); exit(0); } sub run_test_server ($$$) { my ($server, $tests, $childs) = @_; my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far. my $num_saved_datadir= 0; # Number of datadirs saved in vardir/log/ so far. my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far # Scheduler variables my $max_ndb= $childs / 2; $max_ndb = 4 if $max_ndb > 4; $max_ndb = 1 if $max_ndb < 1; my $num_ndb_tests= 0; my $completed= []; my %running; my $result; my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir) || ""; # Used as hint to CoreDump my $suite_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(suite_timeout()); my $s= IO::Select->new(); $s->add($server); while (1) { my @ready = $s->can_read(1); # Wake up once every second foreach my $sock (@ready) { if ($sock == $server) { # New client connected my $child= $sock->accept(); mtr_verbose("Client connected"); $s->add($child); print $child "HELLO\n"; } else { my $line= <$sock>; if (!defined $line) { # Client disconnected mtr_verbose("Child closed socket"); $s->remove($sock); if (--$childs == 0){ $suite_timeout_proc->kill(); return $completed; } next; } chomp($line); if ($line eq 'TESTRESULT'){ $result= My::Test::read_test($sock); # $result->print_test(); # Report test status mtr_report_test($result); if ( $result->is_failed() ) { # Save the workers "savedir" in var/log my $worker_savedir= $result->{savedir}; my $worker_savename= basename($worker_savedir); my $savedir= "$opt_vardir/log/$worker_savename"; if ($opt_max_save_datadir > 0 && $num_saved_datadir >= $opt_max_save_datadir) { mtr_report(" - skipping '$worker_savedir/'"); rmtree($worker_savedir); } else { mtr_report(" - saving '$worker_savedir/' to '$savedir/'"); rename($worker_savedir, $savedir); # Move any core files from e.g. mysqltest foreach my $coref (glob("core*"), glob("*.dmp")) { mtr_report(" - found '$coref', moving it to '$savedir'"); move($coref, $savedir); } if ($opt_max_save_core > 0) { # Limit number of core files saved find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { my $core_file= $File::Find::name; my $core_name= basename($core_file); if ($core_name =~ /^core/ or # Starting with core (IS_WINDOWS and $core_name =~ /\.dmp$/)){ # Ending with .dmp mtr_report(" - found '$core_name'", "($num_saved_cores/$opt_max_save_core)"); My::CoreDump->show($core_file, $exe_mysqld); if ($num_saved_cores >= $opt_max_save_core) { mtr_report(" - deleting it, already saved", "$opt_max_save_core"); unlink("$core_file"); } ++$num_saved_cores; } } }, $savedir); } } $num_saved_datadir++; $num_failed_test++ unless ($result->{retries} || $result->{exp_fail}); if ( !$opt_force ) { # Test has failed, force is off $suite_timeout_proc->kill(); push(@$completed, $result); return $completed; } elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and $num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) { $suite_timeout_proc->kill(); push(@$completed, $result); mtr_report_stats($completed, 1); mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!", "Terminating..."); return undef; } } # Retry test run after test failure my $retries= $result->{retries} || 2; my $test_has_failed= $result->{failures} || 0; if ($test_has_failed and $retries <= $opt_retry){ # Test should be run one more time unless it has failed # too many times already my $failures= $result->{failures}; if ($opt_retry > 1 and $failures >= $opt_retry_failure){ mtr_report("\nTest has failed $failures times,", "no more retries!\n"); } else { mtr_report("\nRetrying test, attempt($retries/$opt_retry)...\n"); delete($result->{result}); $result->{retries}= $retries+1; $result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); next; } } # Repeat test $opt_repeat number of times my $repeat= $result->{repeat} || 1; # Don't repeat if test was skipped if ($repeat < $opt_repeat && $result->{'result'} ne 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED') { $result->{retries}= 0; $result->{rep_failures}++ if $result->{failures}; $result->{failures}= 0; delete($result->{result}); $result->{repeat}= $repeat+1; $result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); next; } # Remove from list of running mtr_error("'", $result->{name},"' is not known to be running") unless delete $running{$result->key()}; # Update scheduler variables $num_ndb_tests-- if ($result->{ndb_test}); # Save result in completed list push(@$completed, $result); } elsif ($line eq 'START'){ ; # Send first test } else { mtr_error("Unknown response: '$line' from client"); } # Find next test to schedule # - Try to use same configuration as worker used last time # - Limit number of parallel ndb tests my $next; my $second_best; for(my $i= 0; $i <= @$tests; $i++) { my $t= $tests->[$i]; last unless defined $t; if (run_testcase_check_skip_test($t)){ # Move the test to completed list #mtr_report("skip - Moving test $i to completed"); push(@$completed, splice(@$tests, $i, 1)); # Since the test at pos $i was taken away, next # test will also be at $i -> redo redo; } # Limit number of parallell NDB tests if ($t->{ndb_test} and $num_ndb_tests >= $max_ndb){ #mtr_report("Skipping, num ndb is already at max, $num_ndb_tests"); next; } # Prefer same configuration if (defined $result and $result->{template_path} eq $t->{template_path}) { #mtr_report("Test uses same config => good match"); # Test uses same config => good match $next= splice(@$tests, $i, 1); last; } # Second best choice is the first that does not fulfill # any of the above conditions if (!defined $second_best){ #mtr_report("Setting second_best to $i"); $second_best= $i; } } # Use second best choice if no other test has been found if (!$next and defined $second_best){ #mtr_report("Take second best choice $second_best"); mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large($second_best)") if $second_best > $#$tests; $next= splice(@$tests, $second_best, 1); } if ($next) { #$next->print_test(); $next->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE'); $running{$next->key()}= $next; $num_ndb_tests++ if ($next->{ndb_test}); } else { # No more test, tell child to exit #mtr_report("Saying BYE to child"); print $sock "BYE\n"; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if test suite timer expired # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $suite_timeout_proc->wait_one(0) ) { mtr_report_stats($completed, 1); mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating..."); return undef; } } } sub run_worker ($) { my ($server_port, $thread_num)= @_; $SIG{INT}= sub { exit(1); }; # Connect to server my $server = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => $server_port, Proto => 'tcp' ); mtr_error("Could not connect to server at port $server_port: $!") unless $server; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set worker name # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- report_option('name',"worker[$thread_num]"); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set different ports per thread # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_build_thread_ports($thread_num); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Turn off verbosity in workers, unless explicitly specified # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- report_option('verbose', undef) if ($opt_verbose == 0); environment_setup(); # Read hello from server which it will send when shared # resources have been setup my $hello= <$server>; setup_vardir(); check_running_as_root(); if ( using_extern() ) { create_config_file_for_extern(%opts_extern); } # Ask server for first test print $server "START\n"; while(my $line= <$server>){ chomp($line); if ($line eq 'TESTCASE'){ my $test= My::Test::read_test($server); #$test->print_test(); # Clear comment and logfile, to avoid # reusing them from previous test delete($test->{'comment'}); delete($test->{'logfile'}); $test->{worker} = $thread_num if $opt_parallel > 1; run_testcase($test); #$test->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED'; # Send it back, now with results set #$test->print_test(); $test->write_test($server, 'TESTRESULT'); } elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){ mtr_report("Server said BYE"); stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); exit(0); } else { mtr_error("Could not understand server, '$line'"); } } stop_all_servers(); exit(1); } sub ignore_option { my ($opt, $value)= @_; mtr_report("Ignoring option '$opt'"); } # Setup any paths that are $opt_vardir related sub set_vardir { my ($vardir)= @_; $opt_vardir= $vardir; $path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir; # Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/... $path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://; # Location of my.cnf that all clients use $path_config_file= "$opt_vardir/my.cnf"; $path_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log"; $path_current_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test"; } sub command_line_setup { my $opt_comment; my $opt_usage; # Read the command line options # Note: Keep list, and the order, in sync with usage at end of this file Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); GetOptions( # Control what engine/variation to run 'embedded-server' => \$opt_embedded_server, 'ps-protocol' => \$opt_ps_protocol, 'sp-protocol' => \$opt_sp_protocol, 'view-protocol' => \$opt_view_protocol, 'cursor-protocol' => \$opt_cursor_protocol, 'ssl|with-openssl' => \$opt_ssl, 'skip-ssl' => \$opt_skip_ssl, 'compress' => \$opt_compress, 'vs-config' => \$opt_vs_config, # Max number of parallel threads to use 'parallel=s' => \$opt_parallel, # Config file to use as template for all tests 'defaults-file=s' => \&collect_option, # Extra config file to append to all generated configs 'defaults-extra-file=s' => \&collect_option, # Control what test suites or cases to run 'force' => \$opt_force, 'with-ndbcluster-only' => \&collect_option, 'skip-ndbcluster|skip-ndb' => \$opt_skip_ndbcluster, 'suite|suites=s' => \$opt_suites, 'skip-rpl' => \&collect_option, 'skip-test=s' => \&collect_option, 'do-test=s' => \&collect_option, 'start-from=s' => \&collect_option, 'big-test' => \$opt_big_test, 'combination=s' => \@opt_combinations, 'skip-combinations' => \&collect_option, 'experimental=s' => \$opt_experimental, 'skip-im' => \&ignore_option, # Specify ports 'build-thread|mtr-build-thread=i' => \$opt_build_thread, # Test case authoring 'record' => \$opt_record, 'check-testcases!' => \$opt_check_testcases, 'mark-progress' => \$opt_mark_progress, # Extra options used when starting mysqld 'mysqld=s' => \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, # Run test on running server 'extern=s' => \%opts_extern, # Append to hash # Debugging 'debug' => \$opt_debug, 'gdb' => \$opt_gdb, 'client-gdb' => \$opt_client_gdb, 'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb, 'manual-debug' => \$opt_manual_debug, 'ddd' => \$opt_ddd, 'client-ddd' => \$opt_client_ddd, 'manual-ddd' => \$opt_manual_ddd, 'debugger=s' => \$opt_debugger, 'client-debugger=s' => \$opt_client_debugger, 'strace-client:s' => \$opt_strace_client, 'max-save-core=i' => \$opt_max_save_core, 'max-save-datadir=i' => \$opt_max_save_datadir, 'max-test-fail=i' => \$opt_max_test_fail, # Coverage, profiling etc 'gcov' => \$opt_gcov, 'valgrind|valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind, 'valgrind-mysqltest' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest, 'valgrind-mysqld' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqld, 'valgrind-options=s' => sub { my ($opt, $value)= @_; # Deprecated option unless it's what we know pushbuild uses if ($value eq "--gen-suppressions=all --show-reachable=yes") { push(@valgrind_args, $_) for (split(' ', $value)); return; } die("--valgrind-options=s is deprecated. Use ", "--valgrind-option=s, to be specified several", " times if necessary"); }, 'valgrind-option=s' => \@valgrind_args, 'valgrind-path=s' => \$opt_valgrind_path, 'callgrind' => \$opt_callgrind, 'debug-sync-timeout=i' => \$opt_debug_sync_timeout, # Directories 'tmpdir=s' => \$opt_tmpdir, 'vardir=s' => \$opt_vardir, 'mem' => \$opt_mem, 'client-bindir=s' => \$path_client_bindir, 'client-libdir=s' => \$path_client_libdir, # Misc 'report-features' => \$opt_report_features, 'comment=s' => \$opt_comment, 'fast' => \$opt_fast, 'reorder!' => \&collect_option, 'enable-disabled' => \&collect_option, 'verbose+' => \$opt_verbose, 'verbose-restart' => \&report_option, 'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep, 'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty, 'start' => \$opt_start, 'wait-all' => \$opt_wait_all, 'print-testcases' => \&collect_option, 'repeat=i' => \$opt_repeat, 'retry=i' => \$opt_retry, 'retry-failure=i' => \$opt_retry_failure, 'timer!' => \&report_option, 'user=s' => \$opt_user, 'testcase-timeout=i' => \$opt_testcase_timeout, 'suite-timeout=i' => \$opt_suite_timeout, 'shutdown-timeout=i' => \$opt_shutdown_timeout, 'warnings!' => \$opt_warnings, 'timestamp' => \&report_option, 'timediff' => \&report_option, 'help|h' => \$opt_usage, ) or usage("Can't read options"); usage("") if $opt_usage; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup verbosity # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_verbose != 0){ report_option('verbose', $opt_verbose); } if ( -d "../sql" ) { $source_dist= 1; } # Find the absolute path to the test directory $glob_mysql_test_dir= cwd(); if (IS_CYGWIN) { # Use mixed path format i.e c:/path/to/ $glob_mysql_test_dir= mixed_path($glob_mysql_test_dir); } # In most cases, the base directory we find everything relative to, # is the parent directory of the "mysql-test" directory. For source # distributions, TAR binary distributions and some other packages. $basedir= dirname($glob_mysql_test_dir); # In the RPM case, binaries and libraries are installed in the # default system locations, instead of having our own private base # directory. And we install "/usr/share/mysql-test". Moving up one # more directory relative to "mysql-test" gives us a usable base # directory for RPM installs. if ( ! $source_dist and ! -d "$basedir/bin" ) { $basedir= dirname($basedir); } # Look for the client binaries directory if ($path_client_bindir) { # --client-bindir=path set on command line, check that the path exists $path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists($path_client_bindir); } else { $path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$basedir/client_release", "$basedir/client_debug", vs_config_dirs('client', ''), "$basedir/client", "$basedir/bin"); } # Look for language files and charsetsdir, use same share $path_language= mtr_path_exists("$basedir/share/mysql/english", "$basedir/sql/share/english", "$basedir/share/english"); my $path_share= dirname($path_language); $path_charsetsdir= mtr_path_exists("$path_share/charsets"); if (using_extern()) { # Connect to the running mysqld and find out what it supports collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server(); } else { # Run the mysqld to find out what features are available collect_mysqld_features(); } if ( $opt_comment ) { mtr_report(); mtr_print_thick_line('#'); mtr_report("# $opt_comment"); mtr_print_thick_line('#'); } if ( $opt_experimental ) { # $^O on Windows considered not generic enough my $plat= (IS_WINDOWS) ? 'windows' : $^O; # read the list of experimental test cases from the file specified on # the command line open(FILE, "<", $opt_experimental) or mtr_error("Can't read experimental file: $opt_experimental"); mtr_report("Using experimental file: $opt_experimental"); $experimental_test_cases = []; while() { chomp; # remove comments (# foo) at the beginning of the line, or after a # blank at the end of the line s/( +|^)#.*$//; # If @ platform specifier given, use this entry only if it contains # @ or @! where xxx != platform if (/\@.*/) { next if (/\@!$plat/); next unless (/\@$plat/ or /\@!/); # Then remove @ and everything after it s/\@.*$//; } # remove whitespace s/^ +//; s/ +$//; # if nothing left, don't need to remember this line if ( $_ eq "" ) { next; } # remember what is left as the name of another test case that should be # treated as experimental print " - $_\n"; push @$experimental_test_cases, $_; } close FILE; } foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) { if ( $arg =~ /^--skip-/ ) { push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, $arg); } elsif ( $arg =~ /^--$/ ) { # It is an effect of setting 'pass_through' in option processing # that the lone '--' separating options from arguments survives, # simply ignore it. } elsif ( $arg =~ /^-/ ) { usage("Invalid option \"$arg\""); } else { push(@opt_cases, $arg); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find out type of logging that are being used # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt ) { if ( $arg =~ /binlog[-_]format=(\S+)/ ) { # Save this for collect phase collect_option('binlog-format', $1); mtr_report("Using binlog format '$1'"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find out default storage engine being used(if any) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt ) { if ( $arg =~ /default-storage-engine=(\S+)/ ) { # Save this for collect phase collect_option('default-storage-engine', $1); mtr_report("Using default engine '$1'") } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we should speed up tests by trying to run on tmpfs # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( defined $opt_mem) { mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --vardir at the same time ") if $opt_vardir; mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --tmpdir at the same time ") if $opt_tmpdir; # Search through list of locations that are known # to be "fast disks" to find a suitable location # Use --mem= as first location to look. my @tmpfs_locations= ($opt_mem, "/dev/shm", "/tmp"); foreach my $fs (@tmpfs_locations) { if ( -d $fs ) { my $template= "var_${opt_build_thread}_XXXX"; $opt_mem= tempdir( $template, DIR => $fs, CLEANUP => 0); last; } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the "var/" directory, the base for everything else # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $default_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var"; if ( ! $opt_vardir ) { $opt_vardir= $default_vardir; } # We make the path absolute, as the server will do a chdir() before usage unless ( $opt_vardir =~ m,^/, or (IS_WINDOWS and $opt_vardir =~ m,^[a-z]:/,i) ) { # Make absolute path, relative test dir $opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/$opt_vardir"; } set_vardir($opt_vardir); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the "tmp" directory # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $opt_tmpdir ) { $opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir; if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/mysql_testsocket.sock")) { mtr_report("Too long tmpdir path '$opt_tmpdir'", " creating a shorter one..."); # Create temporary directory in standard location for temporary files $opt_tmpdir= tempdir( TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 0 ); mtr_report(" - using tmpdir: '$opt_tmpdir'\n"); # Remember pid that created dir so it's removed by correct process $opt_tmpdir_pid= $$; } } $opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fast option # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_fast){ $opt_shutdown_timeout= 0; # Kill processes instead of nice shutdown } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check parallel value # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_parallel ne "auto" && $opt_parallel < 1) { mtr_error("0 or negative parallel value makes no sense, use 'auto' or positive number"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Record flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_record and ! @opt_cases ) { mtr_error("Will not run in record mode without a specific test case"); } if ( $opt_record ) { # Use only one worker with --record $opt_parallel= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Embedded server flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { if ( IS_WINDOWS ) { # Add the location for libmysqld.dll to the path. my $separator= ";"; my $lib_mysqld= mtr_path_exists(vs_config_dirs('libmysqld','')); if ( IS_CYGWIN ) { $lib_mysqld= posix_path($lib_mysqld); $separator= ":"; } $ENV{'PATH'}= "$ENV{'PATH'}".$separator.$lib_mysqld; } $opt_skip_ndbcluster= 1; # Turn off use of NDB cluster $opt_skip_ssl= 1; # Turn off use of SSL # Turn off use of bin log push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, "--skip-log-bin"); if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --embedded-server"); } if ($opt_gdb) { mtr_warning("Silently converting --gdb to --client-gdb in embedded mode"); $opt_client_gdb= $opt_gdb; $opt_gdb= undef; } if ($opt_ddd) { mtr_warning("Silently converting --ddd to --client-ddd in embedded mode"); $opt_client_ddd= $opt_ddd; $opt_ddd= undef; } if ($opt_debugger) { mtr_warning("Silently converting --debugger to --client-debugger in embedded mode"); $opt_client_debugger= $opt_debugger; $opt_debugger= undef; } if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug || $opt_debugger ) { mtr_error("You need to use the client debug options for the", "embedded server. Ex: --client-gdb"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Big test flags # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_big_test ) { $ENV{'BIG_TEST'}= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gcov flag # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_gcov and ! $source_dist ) { mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check debug related options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_client_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_client_ddd || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug || $opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger ) { # Indicate that we are using debugger $glob_debugger= 1; if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger"); } # Set one week timeout (check-testcase timeout will be 1/10th) $opt_testcase_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; $opt_suite_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; # One day to shutdown $opt_shutdown_timeout= 24 * 60; # One day for PID file creation (this is given in seconds not minutes) $opt_start_timeout= 24 * 60 * 60; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modified behavior with --start options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_start or $opt_start_dirty) { collect_option ('quick-collect', 1); $start_only= 1; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check use of wait-all # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_wait_all && ! $start_only) { mtr_error("--wait-all can only be used with --start or --start-dirty"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check timeout arguments # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mtr_error("Invalid value '$opt_testcase_timeout' supplied ". "for option --testcase-timeout") if ($opt_testcase_timeout <= 0); mtr_error("Invalid value '$opt_suite_timeout' supplied ". "for option --testsuite-timeout") if ($opt_suite_timeout <= 0); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check valgrind arguments # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_path or @valgrind_args) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for all executables"); $opt_valgrind= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 1; # Increase the timeouts when running with valgrind $opt_testcase_timeout*= 10; $opt_suite_timeout*= 6; $opt_start_timeout*= 10; } elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqld(s) only"); $opt_valgrind= 1; } elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqltest and mysql_client_test only"); $opt_valgrind= 1; } if ( $opt_callgrind ) { mtr_report("Turning on valgrind with callgrind for mysqld(s)"); $opt_valgrind= 1; $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1; # Set special valgrind options unless options passed on command line push(@valgrind_args, "--trace-children=yes") unless @valgrind_args; } if ( $opt_valgrind ) { # Set valgrind_options to default unless already defined push(@valgrind_args, @default_valgrind_args) unless @valgrind_args; # Make valgrind run in quiet mode so it only print errors push(@valgrind_args, "--quiet" ); mtr_report("Running valgrind with options \"", join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\""); } mtr_report("Checking supported features..."); check_ndbcluster_support(\%mysqld_variables); check_ssl_support(\%mysqld_variables); check_debug_support(\%mysqld_variables); executable_setup(); } # # To make it easier for different devs to work on the same host, # an environment variable can be used to control all ports. A small # number is to be used, 0 - 16 or similar. # # Note the MASTER_MYPORT has to be set the same in all 4.x and 5.x # versions of this script, else a 4.0 test run might conflict with a # 5.1 test run, even if different MTR_BUILD_THREAD is used. This means # all port numbers might not be used in this version of the script. # # Also note the limitation of ports we are allowed to hand out. This # differs between operating systems and configuration, see # http://www.ncftp.com/ncftpd/doc/misc/ephemeral_ports.html # But a fairly safe range seems to be 5001 - 32767 # sub set_build_thread_ports($) { my $thread= shift || 0; if ( lc($opt_build_thread) eq 'auto' ) { my $found_free = 0; $build_thread = 300; # Start attempts from here while (! $found_free) { $build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id($build_thread, 349); if ( !defined $build_thread ) { mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id"); } $found_free= check_ports_free($build_thread); # If not free, release and try from next number if (! $found_free) { mtr_release_unique_id(); $build_thread++; } } } else { $build_thread = $opt_build_thread + $thread - 1; if (! check_ports_free($build_thread)) { # Some port was not free(which one has already been printed) mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free") } } $ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}= $build_thread; # Calculate baseport $baseport= $build_thread * 10 + 10000; if ( $baseport < 5001 or $baseport + 9 >= 32767 ) { mtr_error("MTR_BUILD_THREAD number results in a port", "outside 5001 - 32767", "($baseport - $baseport + 9)"); } mtr_report("Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD $build_thread,", "with reserved ports $baseport..".($baseport+9)); } sub collect_mysqld_features { my $found_variable_list_start= 0; my $use_tmpdir; if ( defined $opt_tmpdir and -d $opt_tmpdir){ # Create the tempdir in $opt_tmpdir $use_tmpdir= $opt_tmpdir; } my $tmpdir= tempdir(CLEANUP => 0, # Directory removed by this function DIR => $use_tmpdir); # # Execute "mysqld --no-defaults --help --verbose" to get a # list of all features and settings # # --no-defaults and --skip-grant-tables are to avoid loading # system-wide configs and plugins # # --datadir must exist, mysqld will chdir into it # my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", mixed_path($tmpdir)); mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $path_language); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-grant-tables"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--help"); my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir); my $cmd= join(" ", $exe_mysqld, @$args); my $list= `$cmd`; foreach my $line (split('\n', $list)) { # First look for version if ( !$mysql_version_id ) { # Look for version my $exe_name= basename($exe_mysqld); mtr_verbose("exe_name: $exe_name"); if ( $line =~ /^\S*$exe_name\s\sVer\s([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/ ) { #print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n"; $mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3; #print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n"; mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3"); } } else { if (!$found_variable_list_start) { # Look for start of variables list if ( $line =~ /[\-]+\s[\-]+/ ) { $found_variable_list_start= 1; } } else { # Put variables into hash if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ ) { # print "$1=\"$2\"\n"; $mysqld_variables{$1}= $2; } else { # The variable list is ended with a blank line if ( $line =~ /^[\s]*$/ ) { last; } else { # Send out a warning, we should fix the variables that has no # space between variable name and it's value # or should it be fixed width column parsing? It does not # look like that in function my_print_variables in my_getopt.c mtr_warning("Could not parse variable list line : $line"); } } } } } rmtree($tmpdir); mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id; mtr_error("Could not find variabes list") unless $found_variable_list_start; } sub collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server () { my $mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user); while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts_extern )) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--$option=$value"); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); # Tab separated output mtr_add_arg($args, "-e '%s'", "use mysql; SHOW VARIABLES"); my $cmd= "$mysql " . join(' ', @$args); mtr_verbose("cmd: $cmd"); my $list = `$cmd` or mtr_error("Could not connect to extern server using command: '$cmd'"); foreach my $line (split('\n', $list )) { # Put variables into hash if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ ) { # print "$1=\"$2\"\n"; $mysqld_variables{$1}= $2; } } # "Convert" innodb flag $mysqld_variables{'innodb'}= "ON" if ($mysqld_variables{'have_innodb'} eq "YES"); # Parse version my $version_str= $mysqld_variables{'version'}; if ( $version_str =~ /^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/ ) { #print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n"; $mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3; #print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n"; mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3"); } mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id; } sub find_mysqld { my ($mysqld_basedir)= @_; my @mysqld_names= ("mysqld", "mysqld-max-nt", "mysqld-max", "mysqld-nt"); if ( $opt_debug ){ # Put mysqld-debug first in the list of binaries to look for mtr_verbose("Adding mysqld-debug first in list of binaries to look for"); unshift(@mysqld_names, "mysqld-debug"); } return my_find_bin($mysqld_basedir, ["sql", "libexec", "sbin", "bin"], [@mysqld_names]); } sub executable_setup () { # # Check if libtool is available in this distribution/clone # we need it when valgrinding or debugging non installed binary # Otherwise valgrind will valgrind the libtool wrapper or bash # and gdb will not find the real executable to debug # if ( -x "../libtool") { $exe_libtool= "../libtool"; if ($opt_valgrind or $glob_debugger) { mtr_report("Using \"$exe_libtool\" when running valgrind or debugger"); } } # Look for the client binaries $exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin"); $exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql"); if ( ! $opt_skip_ndbcluster ) { $exe_ndbd= my_find_bin($basedir, ["storage/ndb/src/kernel", "libexec", "sbin", "bin"], "ndbd"); $exe_ndb_mgmd= my_find_bin($basedir, ["storage/ndb/src/mgmsrv", "libexec", "sbin", "bin"], "ndb_mgmd"); $exe_ndb_waiter= my_find_bin($basedir, ["storage/ndb/tools/", "bin"], "ndb_waiter"); } # Look for mysqltest executable if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { $exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('libmysqld/examples','mysqltest_embedded'), "$basedir/libmysqld/examples/mysqltest_embedded", "$path_client_bindir/mysqltest_embedded"); } else { $exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest"); } } sub client_debug_arg($$) { my ($args, $client_name)= @_; if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:A,%s/log/%s.trace", $path_vardir_trace, $client_name) } } sub mysql_fix_arguments () { return "" if ( IS_WINDOWS ); my $exe= mtr_script_exists("$basedir/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables", "$path_client_bindir/mysql_fix_privilege_tables"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $basedir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--bindir=%s", $path_client_bindir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub client_arguments ($;$) { my $client_name= shift; my $group_suffix= shift; my $client_exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/$client_name"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); if (defined($group_suffix)) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $group_suffix); client_debug_arg($args, "$client_name-$group_suffix"); } else { client_debug_arg($args, $client_name); } return mtr_args2str($client_exe, @$args); } sub mysqlslap_arguments () { my $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlslap"); if ( $exe eq "" ) { # mysqlap was not found if (defined $mysql_version_id and $mysql_version_id >= 50100 ) { mtr_error("Could not find the mysqlslap binary"); } return ""; # Don't care about mysqlslap } my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); client_debug_arg($args, "mysqlslap"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub mysqldump_arguments ($) { my($group_suffix) = @_; my $exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqldump"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $group_suffix); client_debug_arg($args, "mysqldump-$group_suffix"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } sub mysql_client_test_arguments(){ my $exe; # mysql_client_test executable may _not_ exist if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists( vs_config_dirs('libmysqld/examples','mysql_client_test_embedded'), "$basedir/libmysqld/examples/mysql_client_test_embedded", "$basedir/bin/mysql_client_test_embedded"); } else { $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists(vs_config_dirs('tests', 'mysql_client_test'), "$basedir/tests/mysql_client_test", "$basedir/bin/mysql_client_test"); } my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--testcase"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--vardir=$opt_vardir"); client_debug_arg($args,"mysql_client_test"); return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args); } # # Set environment to be used by childs of this process for # things that are constant during the whole lifetime of mysql-test-run # sub environment_setup { umask(022); my @ld_library_paths; if ($path_client_libdir) { # Use the --client-libdir passed on commandline push(@ld_library_paths, "$path_client_libdir"); } else { # Setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the libraries from this distro/clone # are used in favor of the system installed ones if ( $source_dist ) { push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/libmysql/.libs/", "$basedir/libmysql_r/.libs/", "$basedir/zlib.libs/"); } else { push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/lib"); } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the path where libndbclient can be found # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( !$opt_skip_ndbcluster ) { push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/storage/ndb/src/.libs"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the path where mysqld will find udf_example.so # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $lib_udf_example= mtr_file_exists(vs_config_dirs('sql', 'udf_example.dll'), "$basedir/sql/.libs/udf_example.so",); if ( $lib_udf_example ) { push(@ld_library_paths, dirname($lib_udf_example)); } $ENV{'UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB'}= ($lib_udf_example ? basename($lib_udf_example) : ""); $ENV{'UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB_OPT'}= "--plugin-dir=". ($lib_udf_example ? dirname($lib_udf_example) : ""); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the path where mysqld will find ha_example.so # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($mysql_version_id >= 50100) { my $plugin_filename; if (IS_WINDOWS) { $plugin_filename = "ha_example.dll"; } else { $plugin_filename = "ha_example.so"; } my $lib_example_plugin= mtr_file_exists(vs_config_dirs('storage/example',$plugin_filename), "$basedir/storage/example/.libs/".$plugin_filename, "$basedir/lib/mysql/plugin/".$plugin_filename); $ENV{'EXAMPLE_PLUGIN'}= ($lib_example_plugin ? basename($lib_example_plugin) : ""); $ENV{'EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_OPT'}= "--plugin-dir=". ($lib_example_plugin ? dirname($lib_example_plugin) : ""); $ENV{'HA_EXAMPLE_SO'}="'".$plugin_filename."'"; $ENV{'EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_LOAD'}="--plugin_load=EXAMPLE=".$plugin_filename; } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Add the path where mysqld will find mypluglib.so # ---------------------------------------------------- my $lib_simple_parser= mtr_file_exists(vs_config_dirs('plugin/fulltext', 'mypluglib.dll'), "$basedir/plugin/fulltext/.libs/mypluglib.so",); $ENV{'SIMPLE_PARSER'}= ($lib_simple_parser ? basename($lib_simple_parser) : ""); $ENV{'SIMPLE_PARSER_OPT'}= "--plugin-dir=". ($lib_simple_parser ? dirname($lib_simple_parser) : ""); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Valgrind need to be run with debug libraries otherwise it's almost # impossible to add correct supressions, that means if "/usr/lib/debug" # is available, it should be added to # LD_LIBRARY_PATH # # But pthread is broken in libc6-dbg on Debian <= 3.1 (see Debian # bug 399035, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=399035), # so don't change LD_LIBRARY_PATH on that platform. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $debug_libraries_path= "/usr/lib/debug"; my $deb_version; if ( $opt_valgrind and -d $debug_libraries_path and (! -e '/etc/debian_version' or ($deb_version= mtr_grab_file('/etc/debian_version')) !~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]$/ or $deb_version > 3.1 ) ) { push(@ld_library_paths, $debug_libraries_path); } $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}"); $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}"); # The environment variable used for shared libs on AIX $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("SHLIB_PATH: $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}"); # The environment variable used for shared libs on hp-ux $ENV{'LIBPATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths, $ENV{'LIBPATH'} ? split(':', $ENV{'LIBPATH'}) : ()); mtr_debug("LIBPATH: $ENV{'LIBPATH'}"); $ENV{'CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir; $ENV{'UMASK'}= "0660"; # The octal *string* $ENV{'UMASK_DIR'}= "0770"; # The octal *string* # # MySQL tests can produce output in various character sets # (especially, ctype_xxx.test). To avoid confusing Perl # with output which is incompatible with the current locale # settings, we reset the current values of LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE to "C". # For details, please see # Bug#27636 tests fails if LC_* variables set to *_*.UTF-8 # $ENV{'LC_ALL'}= "C"; $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'}= "C"; $ENV{'LC_COLLATE'}= "C"; $ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern(); $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir; $ENV{'DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT'}= $mysqld_variables{'master-port'} || 3306; $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}= $opt_tmpdir; $ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}= $opt_vardir; # ---------------------------------------------------- # Setup env for NDB # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $opt_skip_ndbcluster ) { $ENV{'NDB_MGM'}= my_find_bin($basedir, ["storage/ndb/src/mgmclient", "bin"], "ndb_mgm"); $ENV{'NDB_TOOLS_DIR'}= my_find_dir($basedir, ["storage/ndb/tools", "bin"]); $ENV{'NDB_EXAMPLES_DIR'}= my_find_dir($basedir, ["storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples", "bin"]); $ENV{'NDB_EXAMPLES_BINARY'}= my_find_bin($basedir, ["storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples/ndbapi_simple", "bin"], "ndbapi_simple", NOT_REQUIRED); my $path_ndb_testrun_log= "$opt_vardir/log/ndb_testrun.log"; $ENV{'NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT'}= $path_ndb_testrun_log; $ENV{'NDB_EXAMPLES_OUTPUT'}= $path_ndb_testrun_log; } # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysql clients # ---------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQL_CHECK'}= client_arguments("mysqlcheck"); $ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= mysqldump_arguments(".1"); $ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE'}= mysqldump_arguments(".2"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SLAP'}= mysqlslap_arguments(); $ENV{'MYSQL_IMPORT'}= client_arguments("mysqlimport"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SHOW'}= client_arguments("mysqlshow"); $ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= client_arguments("mysqlbinlog"); $ENV{'MYSQL'}= client_arguments("mysql"); $ENV{'MYSQL_SLAVE'}= client_arguments("mysql", ".2"); $ENV{'MYSQL_UPGRADE'}= client_arguments("mysql_upgrade"); $ENV{'MYSQLADMIN'}= native_path($exe_mysqladmin); $ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= mysql_client_test_arguments(); $ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES'}= mysql_fix_arguments(); $ENV{'EXE_MYSQL'}= $exe_mysql; # ---------------------------------------------------- # bug25714 executable may _not_ exist in # some versions, test using it should be skipped # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_bug25714= mtr_exe_maybe_exists(vs_config_dirs('tests', 'bug25714'), "$basedir/tests/bug25714"); $ENV{'MYSQL_BUG25714'}= native_path($exe_bug25714); # ---------------------------------------------------- # mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql # ---------------------------------------------------- my $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables= mtr_file_exists("$basedir/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql", "$basedir/share/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql", "$basedir/share/mysql/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql"); $ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_PRIVILEGE_TABLES'}= $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables; # ---------------------------------------------------- # my_print_defaults # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_my_print_defaults= mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('extra', 'my_print_defaults'), "$path_client_bindir/my_print_defaults", "$basedir/extra/my_print_defaults"); $ENV{'MYSQL_MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS'}= native_path($exe_my_print_defaults); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Setup env so childs can execute myisampack and myisamchk # ---------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYISAMCHK'}= native_path(mtr_exe_exists( vs_config_dirs('storage/myisam', 'myisamchk'), vs_config_dirs('myisam', 'myisamchk'), "$path_client_bindir/myisamchk", "$basedir/storage/myisam/myisamchk", "$basedir/myisam/myisamchk")); $ENV{'MYISAMPACK'}= native_path(mtr_exe_exists( vs_config_dirs('storage/myisam', 'myisampack'), vs_config_dirs('myisam', 'myisampack'), "$path_client_bindir/myisampack", "$basedir/storage/myisam/myisampack", "$basedir/myisam/myisampack")); # ---------------------------------------------------- # perror # ---------------------------------------------------- my $exe_perror= mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('extra', 'perror'), "$basedir/extra/perror", "$path_client_bindir/perror"); $ENV{'MY_PERROR'}= native_path($exe_perror); # Create an environment variable to make it possible # to detect that valgrind is being used from test cases $ENV{'VALGRIND_TEST'}= $opt_valgrind; } # # Remove var and any directories in var/ created by previous # tests # sub remove_stale_vardir () { mtr_report("Removing old var directory..."); # Safety! mtr_error("No, don't remove the vardir when running with --extern") if using_extern(); mtr_verbose("opt_vardir: $opt_vardir"); if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir ) { # # Running with "var" in mysql-test dir # if ( -l $opt_vardir) { # var is a symlink if ( $opt_mem ) { # Remove the directory which the link points at mtr_verbose("Removing " . readlink($opt_vardir)); rmtree(readlink($opt_vardir)); # Remove the "var" symlink mtr_verbose("unlink($opt_vardir)"); unlink($opt_vardir); } else { # Some users creates a soft link in mysql-test/var to another area # - allow it, but remove all files in it mtr_report(" - WARNING: Using the 'mysql-test/var' symlink"); # Make sure the directory where it points exist mtr_error("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist") if ! -d readlink($opt_vardir); foreach my $bin ( glob("$opt_vardir/*") ) { mtr_verbose("Removing bin $bin"); rmtree($bin); } } } else { # Remove the entire "var" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/"); rmtree("$opt_vardir/"); } if ( $opt_mem ) { # A symlink from var/ to $opt_mem will be set up # remove the $opt_mem dir to assure the symlink # won't point at an old directory mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_mem"); rmtree($opt_mem); } } else { # # Running with "var" in some other place # # Remove the var/ dir in mysql-test dir if any # this could be an old symlink that shouldn't be there mtr_verbose("Removing $default_vardir"); rmtree($default_vardir); # Remove the "var" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/"); rmtree("$opt_vardir/"); } # Remove the "tmp" dir mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_tmpdir/"); rmtree("$opt_tmpdir/"); } # # Create var and the directories needed in var # sub setup_vardir() { mtr_report("Creating var directory '$opt_vardir'..."); if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir ) { # # Running with "var" in mysql-test dir # if ( -l $opt_vardir ) { # it's a symlink # Make sure the directory where it points exist mtr_error("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist") if ! -d readlink($opt_vardir); } elsif ( $opt_mem ) { # Runinng with "var" as a link to some "memory" location, normally tmpfs mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_mem"); mkpath($opt_mem); mtr_report(" - symlinking 'var' to '$opt_mem'"); symlink($opt_mem, $opt_vardir); } } if ( ! -d $opt_vardir ) { mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_vardir"); mkpath($opt_vardir); } # Ensure a proper error message if vardir couldn't be created unless ( -d $opt_vardir and -w $opt_vardir ) { mtr_error("Writable 'var' directory is needed, use the " . "'--vardir=' option"); } mkpath("$opt_vardir/log"); mkpath("$opt_vardir/run"); # Create var/tmp and tmp - they might be different mkpath("$opt_vardir/tmp"); mkpath($opt_tmpdir) if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp"); # On some operating systems, there is a limit to the length of a # UNIX domain socket's path far below PATH_MAX. # Don't allow that to happen if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/testsocket.sock")){ mtr_error("Socket path '$opt_tmpdir' too long, it would be ", "truncated and thus not possible to use for connection to ", "MySQL Server. Set a shorter with --tmpdir= option"); } # copy all files from std_data into var/std_data # and make them world readable copytree("$glob_mysql_test_dir/std_data", "$opt_vardir/std_data", "0022"); # Remove old log files foreach my $name (glob("r/*.progress r/*.log r/*.warnings")) { unlink($name); } } # # Check if running as root # i.e a file can be read regardless what mode we set it to # sub check_running_as_root () { my $test_file= "$opt_vardir/test_running_as_root.txt"; mtr_tofile($test_file, "MySQL"); chmod(oct("0000"), $test_file); my $result=""; if (open(FILE,"<",$test_file)) { $result= join('', ); close FILE; } # Some filesystems( for example CIFS) allows reading a file # although mode was set to 0000, but in that case a stat on # the file will not return 0000 my $file_mode= (stat($test_file))[2] & 07777; mtr_verbose("result: $result, file_mode: $file_mode"); if ($result eq "MySQL" && $file_mode == 0) { mtr_warning("running this script as _root_ will cause some " . "tests to be skipped"); $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_ROOT'}= "YES"; } chmod(oct("0755"), $test_file); unlink($test_file); } sub check_ssl_support ($) { my $mysqld_variables= shift; if ($opt_skip_ssl) { mtr_report(" - skipping SSL"); $opt_ssl_supported= 0; $opt_ssl= 0; return; } if ( ! $mysqld_variables->{'ssl'} ) { if ( $opt_ssl) { mtr_error("Couldn't find support for SSL"); return; } mtr_report(" - skipping SSL, mysqld not compiled with SSL"); $opt_ssl_supported= 0; $opt_ssl= 0; return; } mtr_report(" - SSL connections supported"); $opt_ssl_supported= 1; } sub check_debug_support ($) { my $mysqld_variables= shift; if ( ! $mysqld_variables->{'debug'} ) { #mtr_report(" - binaries are not debug compiled"); $debug_compiled_binaries= 0; if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_error("Can't use --debug, binaries does not support it"); } return; } mtr_report(" - binaries are debug compiled"); $debug_compiled_binaries= 1; } # # Helper function to handle configuration-based subdirectories which Visual # Studio uses for storing binaries. If opt_vs_config is set, this returns # a path based on that setting; if not, it returns paths for the default # /release/ and /debug/ subdirectories. # # $exe can be undefined, if the directory itself will be used # sub vs_config_dirs ($$) { my ($path_part, $exe) = @_; $exe = "" if not defined $exe; # Don't look in these dirs when not on windows return () unless IS_WINDOWS; if ($opt_vs_config) { return ("$basedir/$path_part/$opt_vs_config/$exe"); } return ("$basedir/$path_part/release/$exe", "$basedir/$path_part/relwithdebinfo/$exe", "$basedir/$path_part/debug/$exe"); } sub check_ndbcluster_support ($) { my $mysqld_variables= shift; if ($opt_skip_ndbcluster) { mtr_report(" - skipping ndbcluster"); return; } if ( ! $mysqld_variables{'ndb-connectstring'} ) { mtr_report(" - skipping ndbcluster, mysqld not compiled with ndbcluster"); $opt_skip_ndbcluster= 2; return; } mtr_report(" - using ndbcluster when necessary, mysqld supports it"); return; } sub ndbcluster_wait_started($$){ my $cluster= shift; my $ndb_waiter_extra_opt= shift; my $path_waitlog= join('/', $opt_vardir, $cluster->name(), "ndb_waiter.log"); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix()); mtr_add_arg($args, "--timeout=%d", $opt_start_timeout); if ($ndb_waiter_extra_opt) { mtr_add_arg($args, "$ndb_waiter_extra_opt"); } # Start the ndb_waiter which will connect to the ndb_mgmd # and poll it for state of the ndbd's, will return when # all nodes in the cluster is started my $res= My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "ndb_waiter ".$cluster->name(), path => $exe_ndb_waiter, args => \$args, output => $path_waitlog, error => $path_waitlog, append => 1, ); # Check that ndb_mgmd(s) are still alive foreach my $ndb_mgmd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndb_mgmds()) ) { my $proc= $ndb_mgmd->{proc}; if ( ! $proc->wait_one(0) ) { mtr_warning("$proc died"); return 2; } } # Check that all started ndbd(s) are still alive foreach my $ndbd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndbds()) ) { my $proc= $ndbd->{proc}; next unless defined $proc; if ( ! $proc->wait_one(0) ) { mtr_warning("$proc died"); return 3; } } if ($res) { mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_wait_started failed"); return 1; } return 0; } sub ndb_mgmd_wait_started($) { my ($cluster)= @_; my $retries= 100; while ($retries) { my $result= ndbcluster_wait_started($cluster, "--no-contact"); if ($result == 0) { # ndb_mgmd is started mtr_verbose("ndb_mgmd is started"); return 0; } elsif ($result > 1) { mtr_warning("Cluster process failed while waiting for start"); return $result; } mtr_milli_sleep(100); $retries--; } return 1; } sub ndb_mgmd_start ($$) { my ($cluster, $ndb_mgmd)= @_; mtr_verbose("ndb_mgmd_start"); my $dir= $ndb_mgmd->value("DataDir"); mkpath($dir) unless -d $dir; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix()); mtr_add_arg($args, "--mycnf"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--nodaemon"); my $path_ndb_mgmd_log= "$dir/ndb_mgmd.log"; $ndb_mgmd->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $ndb_mgmd->after('cluster_config.'), path => $exe_ndb_mgmd, args => \$args, output => $path_ndb_mgmd_log, error => $path_ndb_mgmd_log, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $ndb_mgmd->{proc}"); # FIXME Should not be needed # Unfortunately the cluster nodes will fail to start # if ndb_mgmd has not started properly if (ndb_mgmd_wait_started($cluster)) { mtr_warning("Failed to wait for start of ndb_mgmd"); return 1; } return 0; } sub ndbd_start { my ($cluster, $ndbd)= @_; mtr_verbose("ndbd_start"); my $dir= $ndbd->value("DataDir"); mkpath($dir) unless -d $dir; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix()); mtr_add_arg($args, "--nodaemon"); # > 5.0 { 'character-sets-dir' => \&fix_charset_dir }, my $path_ndbd_log= "$dir/ndbd.log"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $ndbd->after('cluster_config.'), path => $exe_ndbd, args => \$args, output => $path_ndbd_log, error => $path_ndbd_log, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); $ndbd->{proc}= $proc; return; } sub ndbcluster_start ($) { my $cluster= shift; mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_start '".$cluster->name()."'"); foreach my $ndb_mgmd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndb_mgmds()) ) { next if started($ndb_mgmd); ndb_mgmd_start($cluster, $ndb_mgmd); } foreach my $ndbd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndbds()) ) { next if started($ndbd); ndbd_start($cluster, $ndbd); } return 0; } sub create_config_file_for_extern { my %opts= ( socket => '/tmp/mysqld.sock', port => 3306, user => $opt_user, password => '', @_ ); mtr_report("Creating my.cnf file for extern server..."); my $F= IO::File->new($path_config_file, "w") or mtr_error("Can't write to $path_config_file: $!"); print $F "[client]\n"; while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts )) { print $F "$option= $value\n"; mtr_report(" $option= $value"); } print $F < 0 and $check_counter--) { mtr_milli_sleep(100); $ret= kill(0, $pid); } mtr_report($check_counter ? " ok!" : " failed!"); } else { mtr_warning("Found non pid file '$elem' in '$rundir'") if -f "$rundir/$elem"; } } closedir(RUNDIR); } # # Check that all the ports that are going to # be used are free # sub check_ports_free ($) { my $bthread= shift; my $portbase = $bthread * 10 + 10000; for ($portbase..$portbase+9){ if (mtr_ping_port($_)){ mtr_report(" - 'localhost:$_' was not free"); return 0; # One port was not free } } return 1; # All ports free } sub initialize_servers { if ( using_extern() ) { # Running against an already started server, if the specified # vardir does not already exist it should be created if ( ! -d $opt_vardir ) { setup_vardir(); } else { mtr_verbose("No need to create '$opt_vardir' it already exists"); } } else { # Kill leftovers from previous run # using any pidfiles found in var/run kill_leftovers("$opt_vardir/run"); if ( ! $opt_start_dirty ) { remove_stale_vardir(); setup_vardir(); mysql_install_db(default_mysqld(), "$opt_vardir/install.db"); } } } # # Remove all newline characters expect after semicolon # sub sql_to_bootstrap { my ($sql) = @_; my @lines= split(/\n/, $sql); my $result= "\n"; my $delimiter= ';'; foreach my $line (@lines) { # Change current delimiter if line starts with "delimiter" if ( $line =~ /^delimiter (.*)/ ) { my $new= $1; # Remove old delimiter from end of new $new=~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$//; $delimiter = $new; mtr_debug("changed delimiter to $delimiter"); # No need to add the delimiter to result next; } # Add newline if line ends with $delimiter # and convert the current delimiter to semicolon if ( $line =~ /\Q$delimiter\E$/ ){ $line =~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$/;/; $result.= "$line\n"; mtr_debug("Added default delimiter"); next; } # Remove comments starting with -- if ( $line =~ /^\s*--/ ) { mtr_debug("Discarded $line"); next; } # Replace @HOSTNAME with localhost $line=~ s/\'\@HOSTNAME\@\'/localhost/; # Default, just add the line without newline # but with a space as separator $result.= "$line "; } return $result; } sub default_mysqld { # Generate new config file from template my $config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config ( { basedir => $basedir, template_path => "include/default_my.cnf", vardir => $opt_vardir, tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir, baseport => 0, user => $opt_user, password => '', } ); my $mysqld= $config->group('mysqld.1') or mtr_error("Couldn't find mysqld.1 in default config"); return $mysqld; } sub mysql_install_db { my ($mysqld, $datadir)= @_; my $install_datadir= $datadir || $mysqld->value('datadir'); my $install_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir'); my $install_lang= $mysqld->value('language'); my $install_chsdir= $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir'); mtr_report("Installing system database..."); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--bootstrap"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $install_basedir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", $install_datadir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-innodb"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-falcon"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-ndbcluster"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--core-file"); if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/bootstrap.trace", $path_vardir_trace); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $install_lang); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $install_chsdir); # If DISABLE_GRANT_OPTIONS is defined when the server is compiled (e.g., # configure --disable-grant-options), mysqld will not recognize the # --bootstrap or --skip-grant-tables options. The user can set # MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP to the full path to a mysqld which does accept # --bootstrap, to accommodate this. my $exe_mysqld_bootstrap = $ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP'} || find_mysqld($install_basedir); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # export MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD variable containing /mysqld # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD'}= "$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the bootstrap.sql file # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $bootstrap_sql_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/bootstrap.sql"; my $path_sql= my_find_file($install_basedir, ["mysql", "sql/share", "share/mysql", "share", "scripts"], "mysql_system_tables.sql", NOT_REQUIRED); if (-f $path_sql ) { my $sql_dir= dirname($path_sql); # Use the mysql database for system tables mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "use mysql\n"); # Add the offical mysql system tables # for a production system mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_system_tables.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Add the mysql system tables initial data # for a production system mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_system_tables_data.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Add test data for timezone - this is just a subset, on a real # system these tables will be populated either by mysql_tzinfo_to_sql # or by downloading the timezone table package from our website mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_test_data_timezone.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); # Fill help tables, just an empty file when running from bk repo # but will be replaced by a real fill_help_tables.sql when # building the source dist mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/fill_help_tables.sql", $bootstrap_sql_file); } else { # Install db from init_db.sql that exist in early 5.1 and 5.0 # versions of MySQL my $init_file= "$install_basedir/mysql-test/lib/init_db.sql"; mtr_report(" - from '$init_file'"); my $text= mtr_grab_file($init_file) or mtr_error("Can't open '$init_file': $!"); mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap($text)); } # Remove anonymous users mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "DELETE FROM mysql.user where user= '';\n"); # Create mtr database mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "CREATE DATABASE mtr;\n"); # Add help tables and data for warning detection and supression mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap(mtr_grab_file("include/mtr_warnings.sql"))); # Add procedures for checking server is restored after testcase mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, sql_to_bootstrap(mtr_grab_file("include/mtr_check.sql"))); # Log bootstrap command my $path_bootstrap_log= "$opt_vardir/log/bootstrap.log"; mtr_tofile($path_bootstrap_log, "$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n"); # Create directories mysql and test mkpath("$install_datadir/mysql"); mkpath("$install_datadir/test"); if ( My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "bootstrap", path => $exe_mysqld_bootstrap, args => \$args, input => $bootstrap_sql_file, output => $path_bootstrap_log, error => $path_bootstrap_log, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, ) != 0) { mtr_error("Error executing mysqld --bootstrap\n" . "Could not install system database from $bootstrap_sql_file\n" . "see $path_bootstrap_log for errors"); } } sub run_testcase_check_skip_test($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If marked to skip, just print out and return. # Note that a test case not marked as 'skip' can still be # skipped later, because of the test case itself in cooperation # with the mysqltest program tells us so. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $tinfo->{'skip'} ) { mtr_report_test_skipped($tinfo) unless $start_only; return 1; } return 0; } sub run_query { my ($tinfo, $mysqld, $query)= @_; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "-e %s", $query); my $res= My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "run_query -> ".$mysqld->name(), path => $exe_mysql, args => \$args, output => '/dev/null', error => '/dev/null' ); return $res } sub do_before_run_mysqltest($) { my $tinfo= shift; # Remove old files produced by mysqltest my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($tinfo->{result_file}, "result"); # Trim extension if (defined $base_file ){ unlink("$base_file.reject"); unlink("$base_file.progress"); unlink("$base_file.log"); unlink("$base_file.warnings"); } if ( $mysql_version_id < 50000 ) { # Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to 1 # if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok $ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'} = "1"; } elsif ( $mysql_version_id < 50100 ) { # Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to YES # if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok $ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'} = "YES"; } } # # Check all server for sideffects # # RETURN VALUE # 0 ok # 1 Check failed # >1 Fatal errro sub check_testcase($$) { my ($tinfo, $mode)= @_; my $tname= $tinfo->{name}; # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} ) { my $proc= start_check_testcase($tinfo, $mode, $mysqld); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout()); while (1){ my $result; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { my $err_file= $proc->user_data(); my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($err_file, "err"); # Trim extension # One check testcase process returned my $res= $proc->exit_status(); if ( $res == 0){ # Check completed without problem # Remove the .err file the check generated unlink($err_file); # Remove the .result file the check generated if ( $mode eq 'after' ){ unlink("$base_file.result"); } if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All checks completed $timeout_proc->kill(); return 0; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } else { if ( $mode eq "after" and $res == 1 ) { # Test failed, grab the report mysqltest has created my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{check}.= "\nMTR's internal check of the test case '$tname' failed. This means that the test case does not preserve the state that existed before the test case was executed. Most likely the test case did not do a proper clean-up. This is the diff of the states of the servers before and after the test case was executed:\n"; $tinfo->{check}.= $report; # Check failed, mark the test case with that info $tinfo->{'check_testcase_failed'}= 1; $result= 1; } elsif ( $res ) { my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "Could not execute 'check-testcase' $mode ". "testcase '$tname' (res: $res):\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= $report; $result= 2; } # Remove the .result file the check generated unlink("$base_file.result"); } } elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for ". "'check-testcase' expired after ".check_timeout(). " seconds"; $result= 4; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}= "The server $proc crashed while running ". "'check testcase $mode test'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); $result= 3; } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); $timeout_proc->kill(); return $result; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_testcase"); } # Start run mysqltest on one server # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # 1 Check failed # sub start_run_one ($$) { my ($mysqld, $run)= @_; my $name= "$run-".$mysqld->name(); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/$run.test"); my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => $errfile, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Run script on all servers, collect results # # RETURN VALUE # 0 ok # 1 Failure sub run_on_all($$) { my ($tinfo, $run)= @_; # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check # and to have a timeout process my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} ) { my $proc= start_run_one($mysqld, $run); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout()); while (1){ my $result; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { # One mysqltest process returned my $err_file= $proc->user_data(); my $res= $proc->exit_status(); # Append the report from .err file $tinfo->{comment}.= " == $err_file ==\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "\n"; # Remove the .err file unlink($err_file); if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All completed $timeout_proc->kill(); return 0; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for '$run' ". "expired after ". check_timeout(). " seconds"; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}.= "The server $proc crashed while running '$run'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); $timeout_proc->kill(); return 1; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: run_on_all"); } sub mark_log { my ($log, $tinfo)= @_; my $log_msg= "CURRENT_TEST: $tinfo->{name}\n"; mtr_tofile($log, $log_msg); } sub find_testcase_skipped_reason($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; # Set default message $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Detected by testcase(no log file)"; # Open the test log file my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog) or return; my $reason; while ( my $line= <$F> ) { # Look for "reason: " if ( $line =~ /reason: (.*)/ ) { $reason= $1; } } if ( ! $reason ) { mtr_warning("Could not find reason for skipping test in $path_current_testlog"); $reason= "Detected by testcase(reason unknown) "; } $tinfo->{'comment'}= $reason; } sub find_analyze_request { # Open the test log file my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog) or return; my $analyze; while ( my $line= <$F> ) { # Look for "reason: " if ( $line =~ /analyze: (.*)/ ) { $analyze= $1; } } return $analyze; } # The test can leave a file in var/tmp/ to signal # that all servers should be restarted sub restart_forced_by_test { my $restart = 0; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { my $datadir = $mysqld->value('datadir'); my $force_restart_file = "$datadir/mtr/force_restart"; if ( -f $force_restart_file ) { mtr_verbose("Restart of servers forced by test"); $restart = 1; last; } } return $restart; } # Return timezone value of tinfo or default value sub timezone { my ($tinfo)= @_; return $tinfo->{timezone} || "GMT-3"; } # Storage for changed environment variables my %old_env; # # Run a single test case # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # > 0 failure # sub run_testcase ($) { my $tinfo= shift; mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name}); # Allow only alpanumerics pluss _ - + . in combination names my $combination= $tinfo->{combination}; if ($combination && $combination !~ /^\w[-\w\.\+]+$/) { mtr_error("Combination '$combination' contains illegal characters"); } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Init variables that can change between each test case # ------------------------------------------------------- my $timezone= timezone($tinfo); $ENV{'TZ'}= $timezone; mtr_verbose("Setting timezone: $timezone"); if ( ! using_extern() ) { my @restart= servers_need_restart($tinfo); if ( @restart != 0) { stop_servers($tinfo, @restart ); } if ( started(all_servers()) == 0 ) { # Remove old datadirs clean_datadir() unless $opt_start_dirty; # Restore old ENV while (my ($option, $value)= each( %old_env )) { if (defined $value){ mtr_verbose("Restoring $option to $value"); $ENV{$option}= $value; } else { mtr_verbose("Removing $option"); delete($ENV{$option}); } } %old_env= (); mtr_verbose("Generating my.cnf from '$tinfo->{template_path}'"); # Generate new config file from template $config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config ( { basedir => $basedir, template_path => $tinfo->{template_path}, extra_template_path => $tinfo->{extra_template_path}, vardir => $opt_vardir, tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir, baseport => $baseport, #hosts => [ 'host1', 'host2' ], user => $opt_user, password => '', ssl => $opt_ssl_supported, embedded => $opt_embedded_server, } ); # Write the new my.cnf $config->save($path_config_file); # Remember current config so a restart can occur when a test need # to use a different one $current_config_name= $tinfo->{template_path}; # # Set variables in the ENV section # foreach my $option ($config->options_in_group("ENV")) { # Save old value to restore it before next time $old_env{$option->name()}= $ENV{$option->name()}; mtr_verbose($option->name(), "=",$option->value()); $ENV{$option->name()}= $option->value(); } } # Write start of testcase to log mark_log($path_current_testlog, $tinfo); if (start_servers($tinfo)) { report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # If --start or --start-dirty given, stop here to let user manually # run tests # If --wait-all is also given, do the same, but don't die if one # server exits # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $start_only ) { mtr_print("\nStarted", started(all_servers())); mtr_print("Using config for test", $tinfo->{name}); mtr_print("Port and socket path for server(s):"); foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { mtr_print ($mysqld->name() . " " . $mysqld->value('port') . " " . $mysqld->value('socket')); } mtr_print("Waiting for server(s) to exit..."); if ( $opt_wait_all ) { My::SafeProcess->wait_all(); mtr_print( "All servers exited" ); exit(1); } else { my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) ) { mtr_print("Server $proc died"); exit(1); } mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died"); exit(1); } } my $test_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(testcase_timeout()); do_before_run_mysqltest($tinfo); if ( $opt_check_testcases and check_testcase($tinfo, "before") ){ # Failed to record state of server or server crashed report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); # Stop the test case timer $test_timeout_proc->kill(); return 1; } my $test= start_mysqltest($tinfo); # Set only when we have to keep waiting after expectedly died server my $keep_waiting_proc = 0; while (1) { my $proc; if ($keep_waiting_proc) { # Any other process exited? $proc = My::SafeProcess->check_any(); if ($proc) { mtr_verbose ("Found exited process $proc"); # If that was the timeout, cancel waiting if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc ) { $keep_waiting_proc = 0; } } else { $proc = $keep_waiting_proc; } } else { $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); } # Will be restored if we need to keep waiting $keep_waiting_proc = 0; unless ( defined $proc ) { mtr_error("wait_any failed"); } mtr_verbose("Got $proc"); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Was it the test program that exited # ---------------------------------------------------- if ($proc eq $test) { # Stop the test case timer $test_timeout_proc->kill(); my $res= $test->exit_status(); if ($res == 0 and $opt_warnings and check_warnings($tinfo) ) { # Test case suceeded, but it has produced unexpected # warnings, continue in $res == 1 $res= 1; } if ( $res == 0 ) { my $check_res; if ( restart_forced_by_test() ) { stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); } elsif ( $opt_check_testcases and $check_res= check_testcase($tinfo, "after")) { if ($check_res == 1) { # Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue stop_all_servers($opt_shutdown_timeout); mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n"); } else { # Test case check failed fatally, probably a server crashed report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } } mtr_report_test_passed($tinfo); } elsif ( $res == 62 ) { # Testcase itself tell us to skip this one $tinfo->{skip_detected_by_test}= 1; # Try to get reason from test log file find_testcase_skipped_reason($tinfo); mtr_report_test_skipped($tinfo); } elsif ( $res == 65 ) { # Testprogram killed by signal $tinfo->{comment}= "testprogram crashed(returned code $res)"; report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } elsif ( $res == 1 ) { # Check if the test tool requests that # an analyze script should be run my $analyze= find_analyze_request(); if ($analyze){ run_on_all($tinfo, "analyze-$analyze"); } # Test case failure reported by mysqltest report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } else { # mysqltest failed, probably crashed $tinfo->{comment}= "mysqltest failed with unexpected return code $res"; report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); } # Save info from this testcase run to mysqltest.log if( -f $path_current_testlog) { mtr_appendfile_to_file($path_current_testlog, $path_testlog); unlink($path_current_testlog); } return ($res == 62) ? 0 : $res; } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if it was an expected crash # ---------------------------------------------------- my $check_crash = check_expected_crash_and_restart($proc); if ($check_crash) { # Keep waiting if it returned 2, if 1 don't wait or stop waiting. $keep_waiting_proc = 0 if $check_crash == 1; $keep_waiting_proc = $proc if $check_crash == 2; next; } # ---------------------------------------------------- # Stop the test case timer # ---------------------------------------------------- $test_timeout_proc->kill(); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if it was a server that died # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) ) { # Server failed, probably crashed $tinfo->{comment}= "Server $proc failed during test run" . get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); # ---------------------------------------------------- # It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it # ---------------------------------------------------- $test->kill(); report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } # Try to dump core for mysqltest and all servers foreach my $proc ($test, started(all_servers())) { mtr_print("Trying to dump core for $proc"); if ($proc->dump_core()) { $proc->wait_one(20); } } # ---------------------------------------------------- # It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it # ---------------------------------------------------- $test->kill(); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Check if testcase timer expired # ---------------------------------------------------- if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc ) { my $log_file_name= $opt_vardir."/log/".$tinfo->{shortname}.".log"; $tinfo->{comment}= "Test case timeout after ".testcase_timeout(). " seconds\n\n"; # Add 20 last executed commands from test case log file if (-e $log_file_name) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "== $log_file_name == \n". mtr_lastlinesfromfile($log_file_name, 20)."\n"; } $tinfo->{'timeout'}= testcase_timeout(); # Mark as timeout run_on_all($tinfo, 'analyze-timeout'); report_failure_and_restart($tinfo); return 1; } mtr_error("Unhandled process $proc exited"); } mtr_error("Should never come here"); } # Extract server log from after the last occurrence of named test # Return as an array of lines # sub extract_server_log ($$) { my ($error_log, $tname) = @_; # Open the servers .err log file and read all lines # belonging to current tets into @lines my $Ferr = IO::File->new($error_log) or mtr_error("Could not open file '$error_log' for reading: $!"); my @lines; my $found_test= 0; # Set once we've found the log of this test while ( my $line = <$Ferr> ) { if ($found_test) { # If test wasn't last after all, discard what we found, test again. if ( $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST:/) { @lines= (); $found_test= $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST: $tname/; } else { push(@lines, $line); } } else { # Search for beginning of test, until found $found_test= 1 if ($line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST: $tname/); } } $Ferr = undef; # Close error log file # mysql_client_test.test sends a COM_DEBUG packet to the server # to provoke a SAFEMALLOC leak report, ignore any warnings # between "Begin/end safemalloc memory dump" if ( grep(/Begin safemalloc memory dump:/, @lines) > 0) { my $discard_lines= 1; foreach my $line ( @lines ) { if ($line =~ /Begin safemalloc memory dump:/){ $discard_lines = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /End safemalloc memory dump./){ $discard_lines = 0; } if ($discard_lines){ $line = "ignored"; } } } return @lines; } # Get log from server identified from its $proc object, from named test # Return as a single string # sub get_log_from_proc ($$) { my ($proc, $name)= @_; my $srv_log= ""; foreach my $mysqld (mysqlds()) { if ($mysqld->{proc} eq $proc) { my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($mysqld->value('#log-error'), $name); $srv_log= "\nServer log from this test:\n" . join ("", @srv_lines); last; } } return $srv_log; } # Perform a rough examination of the servers # error log and write all lines that look # suspicious into $error_log.warnings # sub extract_warning_lines ($$) { my ($error_log, $tname) = @_; my @lines= extract_server_log($error_log, $tname); # Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file my $warning_log = "$error_log.warnings"; my $Fwarn = IO::File->new($warning_log, "w") or die("Could not open file '$warning_log' for writing: $!"); print $Fwarn "Suspicious lines from $error_log\n"; my @patterns = ( qr/^Warning:|mysqld: Warning|\[Warning\]/, qr/^Error:|\[ERROR\]/, qr/^==\d*==/, # valgrind errors qr/InnoDB: Warning|InnoDB: Error/, qr/^safe_mutex:|allocated at line/, qr/missing DBUG_RETURN/, qr/Attempting backtrace/, qr/Assertion .* failed/, ); foreach my $line ( @lines ) { foreach my $pat ( @patterns ) { if ( $line =~ /$pat/ ) { print $Fwarn $line; last; } } } $Fwarn = undef; # Close file } # Run include/check-warnings.test # # RETURN VALUE # 0 OK # 1 Check failed # sub start_check_warnings ($$) { my $tinfo= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $name= "warnings-".$mysqld->name(); my $log_error= $mysqld->value('#log-error'); # To be communicated to the test $ENV{MTR_LOG_ERROR}= $log_error; extract_warning_lines($log_error, $tinfo->{name}); my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-warnings.test"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { # Get the args needed for the embedded server # and append them to args prefixed # with --sever-arg= my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded') or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section"); my $mysqld_args; mtr_init_args(\$mysqld_args); my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts); mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args; } my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => $errfile, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Loop through our list of processes and check the error log # for unexepcted errors and warnings # sub check_warnings ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; my $res= 0; my $tname= $tinfo->{name}; # Clear previous warnings delete($tinfo->{warnings}); # Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time # also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check my %started; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} ) { my $proc= start_check_warnings($tinfo, $mysqld); $started{$proc->pid()}= $proc; } } # Return immediately if no check proceess was started return 0 unless ( keys %started ); my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout()); while (1){ my $result= 0; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any(); mtr_report("Got $proc"); if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) { # One check warning process returned my $res= $proc->exit_status(); my $err_file= $proc->user_data(); if ( $res == 0 or $res == 62 ){ if ( $res == 0 ) { # Check completed with problem my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); # Log to var/log/warnings file mtr_tofile("$opt_vardir/log/warnings", $tname."\n".$report); $tinfo->{'warnings'}.= $report; $result= 1; } if ( $res == 62 ) { # Test case was ok and called "skip" # Remove the .err file the check generated unlink($err_file); } if ( keys(%started) == 0){ # All checks completed $timeout_proc->kill(); return $result; } # Wait for next process to exit next; } else { my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file); $tinfo->{comment}.= "Could not execute 'check-warnings' for ". "testcase '$tname' (res: $res):\n"; $tinfo->{comment}.= $report; $result= 2; } } elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) { $tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for ". "'check warnings' expired after ".check_timeout(). " seconds"; $result= 4; } else { # Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything $tinfo->{comment}= "The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'". get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name}); $result= 3; } # Kill any check processes still running map($_->kill(), values(%started)); $timeout_proc->kill(); return $result; } mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_warnings"); } # # Loop through our list of processes and look for and entry # with the provided pid, if found check for the file indicating # expected crash and restart it. # sub check_expected_crash_and_restart { my ($proc)= @_; foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { next unless ( $mysqld->{proc} eq $proc ); # Check if crash expected by looking at the .expect file # in var/tmp my $expect_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/".$mysqld->name().".expect"; if ( -f $expect_file ) { mtr_verbose("Crash was expected, file '$expect_file' exists"); for (my $waits = 0; $waits < 50; $waits++) { # If last line in expect file starts with "wait" # sleep a little and try again, thus allowing the # test script to control when the server should start # up again. Keep trying for up to 5s at a time. my $last_line= mtr_lastlinesfromfile($expect_file, 1); if ($last_line =~ /^wait/ ) { mtr_verbose("Test says wait before restart") if $waits == 0; mtr_milli_sleep(100); next; } unlink($expect_file); # Start server with same settings as last time mysqld_start($mysqld, $mysqld->{'started_opts'}); return 1; } # Loop ran through: we should keep waiting after a re-check return 2; } } # Not an expected crash return 0; } # Remove all files and subdirectories of a directory sub clean_dir { my ($dir)= @_; mtr_verbose("clean_dir: $dir"); finddepth( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { if (-d $_){ # A dir if ($_ eq $dir){ # The dir to clean return; } else { mtr_verbose("rmdir: '$_'"); rmdir($_) or mtr_warning("rmdir($_) failed: $!"); } } else { # Hopefully a file mtr_verbose("unlink: '$_'"); unlink($_) or mtr_warning("unlink($_) failed: $!"); } } }, $dir); } sub clean_datadir { mtr_verbose("Cleaning datadirs..."); if (started(all_servers()) != 0){ mtr_error("Trying to clean datadir before all servers stopped"); } foreach my $cluster ( clusters() ) { my $cluster_dir= "$opt_vardir/".$cluster->{name}; mtr_verbose(" - removing '$cluster_dir'"); rmtree($cluster_dir); } foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { my $mysqld_dir= dirname($mysqld->value('datadir')); if (-d $mysqld_dir ) { mtr_verbose(" - removing '$mysqld_dir'"); rmtree($mysqld_dir); } } # Remove all files in tmp and var/tmp clean_dir("$opt_vardir/tmp"); if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp"){ clean_dir($opt_tmpdir); } } # # Save datadir before it's removed # sub save_datadir_after_failure($$) { my ($dir, $savedir)= @_; mtr_report(" - saving '$dir'"); my $dir_name= basename($dir); rename("$dir", "$savedir/$dir_name"); } sub remove_ndbfs_from_ndbd_datadir { my ($ndbd_datadir)= @_; # Remove the ndb_*_fs directory from ndbd.X/ dir foreach my $ndbfs_dir ( glob("$ndbd_datadir/ndb_*_fs") ) { next unless -d $ndbfs_dir; # Skip if not a directory rmtree($ndbfs_dir); } } sub after_failure ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; mtr_report("Saving datadirs..."); my $save_dir= "$opt_vardir/log/"; $save_dir.= $tinfo->{name}; # Add combination name if any $save_dir.= "-$tinfo->{combination}" if defined $tinfo->{combination}; # Save savedir path for server $tinfo->{savedir}= $save_dir; mkpath($save_dir) if ! -d $save_dir; # Save the used my.cnf file copy($path_config_file, $save_dir); # Copy the tmp dir copytree("$opt_vardir/tmp/", "$save_dir/tmp/"); if ( clusters() ) { foreach my $cluster ( clusters() ) { my $cluster_dir= "$opt_vardir/".$cluster->{name}; # Remove the fileystem of each ndbd foreach my $ndbd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndbds()) ) { my $ndbd_datadir= $ndbd->value("DataDir"); remove_ndbfs_from_ndbd_datadir($ndbd_datadir); } save_datadir_after_failure($cluster_dir, $save_dir); } } else { foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { my $data_dir= $mysqld->value('datadir'); save_datadir_after_failure(dirname($data_dir), $save_dir); } } } sub report_failure_and_restart ($) { my $tinfo= shift; stop_all_servers(); $tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED'; my $test_failures= $tinfo->{'failures'} || 0; $tinfo->{'failures'}= $test_failures + 1; if ( $tinfo->{comment} ) { # The test failure has been detected by mysql-test-run.pl # when starting the servers or due to other error, the reason for # failing the test is saved in "comment" ; } if ( !defined $tinfo->{logfile} ) { my $logfile= $path_current_testlog; if ( defined $logfile ) { if ( -f $logfile ) { # Test failure was detected by test tool and its report # about what failed has been saved to file. Save the report # in tinfo $tinfo->{logfile}= mtr_fromfile($logfile); } else { # The test tool report didn't exist, display an # error message $tinfo->{logfile}= "Could not open test tool report '$logfile'"; } } } after_failure($tinfo); mtr_report_test($tinfo); } sub run_sh_script { my ($script)= @_; return 0 unless defined $script; mtr_verbose("Running '$script'"); my $ret= system("/bin/sh $script") >> 8; return $ret; } sub mysqld_stop { my $mysqld= shift or die "usage: mysqld_stop()"; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user); mtr_add_arg($args, "--password="); mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%d", $mysqld->value('port')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--host=%s", $mysqld->value('#host')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--connect_timeout=20"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--protocol=tcp"); mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown"); My::SafeProcess->run ( name => "mysqladmin shutdown ".$mysqld->name(), path => $exe_mysqladmin, args => \$args, error => "/dev/null", ); } sub mysqld_arguments ($$$) { my $args= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $extra_opts= shift; mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); # When mysqld is run by a root user(euid is 0), it will fail # to start unless we specify what user to run as, see BUG#30630 my $euid= $>; if (!IS_WINDOWS and $euid == 0 and (grep(/^--user/, @$extra_opts)) == 0) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=root"); } if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc"); if ( $mysql_version_id < 50100 ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-bdb"); } } if ( $mysql_version_id >= 50106 ) { # Turn on logging to file mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-output=file"); } # Check if "extra_opt" contains skip-log-bin my $skip_binlog= grep(/^(--|--loose-)skip-log-bin/, @$extra_opts); # Indicate to mysqld it will be debugged in debugger if ( $glob_debugger ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--gdb"); } my $found_skip_core= 0; foreach my $arg ( @$extra_opts ) { # Allow --skip-core-file to be set in -[master|slave].opt file if ($arg eq "--skip-core-file") { $found_skip_core= 1; } elsif ($skip_binlog and mtr_match_prefix($arg, "--binlog-format")) { ; # Dont add --binlog-format when running without binlog } elsif ($arg eq "--loose-skip-log-bin" and $mysqld->option("log-slave-updates")) { ; # Dont add --skip-log-bin when mysqld have --log-slave-updates in config } else { mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $arg); } } $opt_skip_core = $found_skip_core; if ( !$found_skip_core ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", "--core-file"); } # Enable the debug sync facility, set default wait timeout. # Facility stays disabled if timeout value is zero. mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-debug-sync-timeout=%s", $opt_debug_sync_timeout); return $args; } sub mysqld_start ($$) { my $mysqld= shift; my $extra_opts= shift; mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("mysqld_start", @$extra_opts)); my $exe= find_mysqld($mysqld->value('basedir')); my $wait_for_pid_file= 1; mtr_error("Internal error: mysqld should never be started for embedded") if $opt_embedded_server; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld ) { valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mysqld_arguments($args,$mysqld,$extra_opts); if ( $opt_debug ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/%s.trace", $path_vardir_trace, $mysqld->name()); } if (IS_WINDOWS) { # Trick the server to send output to stderr, with --console mtr_add_arg($args, "--console"); } if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_manual_gdb ) { gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_ddd ) { ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_debugger ) { debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name()); } elsif ( $opt_manual_debug ) { print "\nStart " .$mysqld->name()." in your debugger\n" . "dir: $glob_mysql_test_dir\n" . "exe: $exe\n" . "args: " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n\n" . "Waiting ....\n"; # Indicate the exe should not be started $exe= undef; } else { # Default to not wait until pid file has been created $wait_for_pid_file= 0; } # Remove the old pidfile if any unlink($mysqld->value('pid-file')); my $output= $mysqld->value('#log-error'); if ( $opt_valgrind and $opt_debug ) { # When both --valgrind and --debug is selected, send # all output to the trace file, making it possible to # see the exact location where valgrind complains $output= "$opt_vardir/log/".$mysqld->name().".trace"; } if ( defined $exe ) { $mysqld->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $mysqld->name(), path => $exe, args => \$args, output => $output, error => $output, append => 1, verbose => $opt_verbose, nocore => $opt_skip_core, host => undef, shutdown => sub { mysqld_stop($mysqld) }, ); mtr_verbose("Started $mysqld->{proc}"); } if ( $wait_for_pid_file && !sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'), $opt_start_timeout, $mysqld->{'proc'})) { my $mname= $mysqld->name(); mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mname with command $exe"); } # Remember options used when starting $mysqld->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts; return; } sub stop_all_servers () { my $shutdown_timeout = $_[0] or 0; mtr_verbose("Stopping all servers..."); # Kill all started servers My::SafeProcess::shutdown($shutdown_timeout, started(all_servers())); # Remove pidfiles foreach my $server ( all_servers() ) { my $pid_file= $server->if_exist('pid-file'); unlink($pid_file) if defined $pid_file; } # Mark servers as stopped map($_->{proc}= undef, all_servers()); } # Find out if server should be restarted for this test sub server_need_restart { my ($tinfo, $server)= @_; if ( using_extern() ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "no restart for --extern server"); return 0; } if ( $tinfo->{'force_restart'} ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "forced in .opt file"); return 1; } if ( $tinfo->{template_path} ne $current_config_name) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "using different config file"); return 1; } if ( $tinfo->{'master_sh'} || $tinfo->{'slave_sh'} ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "sh script to run"); return 1; } if ( ! started($server) ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "not started"); return 1; } my $started_tinfo= $server->{'started_tinfo'}; if ( defined $started_tinfo ) { # Check if timezone of test that server was started # with differs from timezone of next test if ( timezone($started_tinfo) ne timezone($tinfo) ) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "different timezone"); return 1; } } # Temporary re-enable the "always restart slave" hack # this should be removed asap, but will require that each rpl # testcase cleanup better after itself - ie. stop and reset # replication # Use the "#!use-slave-opt" marker to detect that this is a "slave" # server if ( $server->option("#!use-slave-opt") ){ mtr_verbose_restart($server, "Always restart slave(s)"); return 1; } my $is_mysqld= grep ($server eq $_, mysqlds()); if ($is_mysqld) { # Check that running process was started with same options # as the current test requires my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($server, $tinfo); my $started_opts= $server->{'started_opts'}; if (!My::Options::same($started_opts, $extra_opts) ) { my $use_dynamic_option_switch= 0; if (!$use_dynamic_option_switch) { mtr_verbose_restart($server, "running with different options '" . join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" . join(" ", @{$started_opts}) . "'" ); return 1; } mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("started_opts", @$started_opts)); mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("extra_opts", @$extra_opts)); # Get diff and check if dynamic switch is possible my @diff_opts= My::Options::diff($started_opts, $extra_opts); mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("diff_opts", @diff_opts)); my $query= My::Options::toSQL(@diff_opts); mtr_verbose("Attempting dynamic switch '$query'"); if (run_query($tinfo, $server, $query)){ mtr_verbose("Restart: running with different options '" . join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" . join(" ", @{$started_opts}) . "'" ); return 1; } # Remember the dynamically set options $server->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts; } } # Default, no restart return 0; } sub servers_need_restart($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; return grep { server_need_restart($tinfo, $_); } all_servers(); } # # Return list of specific servers # - there is no servers in an empty config # sub _like { return $config ? $config->like($_[0]) : (); } sub mysqlds { return _like('mysqld.'); } sub ndbds { return _like('cluster_config.ndbd.');} sub ndb_mgmds { return _like('cluster_config.ndb_mgmd.'); } sub clusters { return _like('mysql_cluster.'); } sub all_servers { return ( mysqlds(), ndb_mgmds(), ndbds() ); } # # Filter a list of servers and return only those that are part # of the specified cluster # sub in_cluster { my ($cluster)= shift; # Return only processes for a specific cluster return grep { $_->suffix() eq $cluster->suffix() } @_; } # # Filter a list of servers and return the SafeProcess # for only those that are started or stopped # sub started { return grep(defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); } sub stopped { return grep(!defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); } sub envsubst { my $string= shift; if ( ! defined $ENV{$string} ) { mtr_error(".opt file references '$string' which is not set"); } return $ENV{$string}; } sub get_extra_opts { my ($mysqld, $tinfo)= @_; my $opts= $mysqld->option("#!use-slave-opt") ? $tinfo->{slave_opt} : $tinfo->{master_opt}; # Expand environment variables foreach my $opt ( @$opts ) { $opt =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/envsubst($1)/ge; $opt =~ s/\$(\w+)/envsubst($1)/ge; } return $opts; } sub stop_servers($$) { my ($tinfo, @servers)= @_; # Remember if we restarted for this test case (count restarts) $tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1; if ( join('|', @servers) eq join('|', all_servers()) ) { # All servers are going down, use some kind of order to # avoid too many warnings in the log files mtr_report("Restarting all servers"); # mysqld processes My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout, started(mysqlds()) ); # cluster processes My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout, started(ndbds(), ndb_mgmds()) ); } else { mtr_report("Restarting ", started(@servers)); # Stop only some servers My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout, started(@servers) ); } foreach my $server (@servers) { # Mark server as stopped $server->{proc}= undef; # Forget history delete $server->{'started_tinfo'}; delete $server->{'started_opts'}; delete $server->{'started_cnf'}; } } # # start_servers # # Start servers not already started # # RETURN # 0 OK # 1 Start failed # sub start_servers($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; # Start clusters foreach my $cluster ( clusters() ) { ndbcluster_start($cluster); } # Start mysqlds foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { if ( $mysqld->{proc} ) { # Already started # Write start of testcase to log file mark_log($mysqld->value('#log-error'), $tinfo); next; } my $datadir= $mysqld->value('datadir'); if ($opt_start_dirty) { # Don't delete anything if starting dirty ; } else { my @options= ('log-bin', 'relay-log'); foreach my $option_name ( @options ) { next unless $mysqld->option($option_name); my $file_name= $mysqld->value($option_name); next unless defined $file_name and -e $file_name; mtr_debug(" -removing '$file_name'"); unlink($file_name) or die ("unable to remove file '$file_name'"); } if (-d $datadir ) { mtr_verbose(" - removing '$datadir'"); rmtree($datadir); } } my $mysqld_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir'); if ( $basedir eq $mysqld_basedir ) { if (! $opt_start_dirty) # If dirty, keep possibly grown system db { # Copy datadir from installed system db for my $path ( "$opt_vardir", "$opt_vardir/..") { my $install_db= "$path/install.db"; copytree($install_db, $datadir) if -d $install_db; } mtr_error("Failed to copy system db to '$datadir'") unless -d $datadir; } } else { mysql_install_db($mysqld); # For versional testing mtr_error("Failed to install system db to '$datadir'") unless -d $datadir; } # Create the servers tmpdir my $tmpdir= $mysqld->value('tmpdir'); mkpath($tmpdir) unless -d $tmpdir; # Write start of testcase to log file mark_log($mysqld->value('#log-error'), $tinfo); # Run -master.sh if ($mysqld->option('#!run-master-sh') and run_sh_script($tinfo->{master_sh}) ) { $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{master_sh}'"; return 1; } # Run -slave.sh if ($mysqld->option('#!run-slave-sh') and run_sh_script($tinfo->{slave_sh})) { $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{slave_sh}'"; return 1; } if (!$opt_embedded_server) { my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); mysqld_start($mysqld,$extra_opts); # Save this test case information, so next can examine it $mysqld->{'started_tinfo'}= $tinfo; } } # Wait for clusters to start foreach my $cluster ( clusters() ) { if (ndbcluster_wait_started($cluster, "")) { # failed to start $tinfo->{'comment'}= "Start of '".$cluster->name()."' cluster failed"; return 1; } } # Wait for mysqlds to start foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) { next if !started($mysqld); if (sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'), $opt_start_timeout, $mysqld->{'proc'}) == 0) { $tinfo->{comment}= "Failed to start ".$mysqld->name(); my $logfile= $mysqld->value('#log-error'); if ( defined $logfile and -f $logfile ) { my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($logfile, $tinfo->{name}); $tinfo->{logfile}= "Server log is:\n" . join ("", @srv_lines); } else { $tinfo->{logfile}= "Could not open server logfile: '$logfile'"; } return 1; } } return 0; } # # Run include/check-testcase.test # Before a testcase, run in record mode and save result file to var/tmp # After testcase, run and compare with the recorded file, they should be equal! # # RETURN VALUE # The newly started process # sub start_check_testcase ($$$) { my $tinfo= shift; my $mode= shift; my $mysqld= shift; my $name= "check-".$mysqld->name(); # Replace dots in name with underscore to avoid that mysqltest # misinterpret's what the filename extension is :( $name=~ s/\./_/g; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld')); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.result"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-testcase.test"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose"); if ( $mode eq "before" ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--record"); } my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err"; my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => $name, path => $exe_mysqltest, error => $errfile, output => $errfile, args => \$args, user_data => $errfile, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_report("Started $proc"); return $proc; } sub run_mysqltest ($) { my $proc= start_mysqltest(@_); $proc->wait(); } sub start_mysqltest ($) { my ($tinfo)= @_; my $exe= $exe_mysqltest; my $args; mtr_init_args(\$args); mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file); mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", $opt_tmpdir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $path_charsetsdir); mtr_add_arg($args, "--logdir=%s/log", $opt_vardir); # Log line number and time for each line in .test file mtr_add_arg($args, "--mark-progress") if $opt_mark_progress; mtr_add_arg($args, "--database=test"); if ( $opt_ps_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--ps-protocol"); } if ( $opt_sp_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--sp-protocol"); } if ( $opt_view_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--view-protocol"); } if ( $opt_cursor_protocol ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--cursor-protocol"); } if ( $opt_strace_client ) { $exe= $opt_strace_client || "strace"; mtr_add_arg($args, "-o"); mtr_add_arg($args, "%s/log/mysqltest.strace", $opt_vardir); mtr_add_arg($args, "$exe_mysqltest"); } mtr_add_arg($args, "--timer-file=%s/log/timer", $opt_vardir); if ( $opt_compress ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--compress"); } if ( $opt_sleep ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--sleep=%d", $opt_sleep); } if ( $opt_ssl ) { # Turn on SSL for _all_ test cases if option --ssl was used mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl"); } if ( $opt_embedded_server ) { # Get the args needed for the embedded server # and append them to args prefixed # with --sever-arg= my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded') or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section"); my $mysqld_args; mtr_init_args(\$mysqld_args); my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo); mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts); mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args; if (IS_WINDOWS) { # Trick the server to send output to stderr, with --console mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=--console"); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # export MYSQL_TEST variable containing /mysqltest # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'}= mtr_args2str($exe_mysqltest, @$args); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add arguments that should not go into the MYSQL_TEST env var # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) { # Prefix the Valgrind options to the argument list. # We do this here, since we do not want to Valgrind the nested invocations # of mysqltest; that would mess up the stderr output causing test failure. my @args_saved = @$args; mtr_init_args(\$args); valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe); mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved; } mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", $tinfo->{'path'}); # Number of lines of resut to include in failure report mtr_add_arg($args, "--tail-lines=20"); if ( defined $tinfo->{'result_file'} ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{'result_file'}); } client_debug_arg($args, "mysqltest"); if ( $opt_record ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--record"); # When recording to a non existing result file # the name of that file is in "record_file" if ( defined $tinfo->{'record_file'} ) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{record_file}); } } if ( $opt_client_gdb ) { gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } elsif ( $opt_client_ddd ) { ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } elsif ( $opt_client_debugger ) { debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client"); } my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new ( name => "mysqltest", path => $exe, args => \$args, append => 1, error => $path_current_testlog, verbose => $opt_verbose, ); mtr_verbose("Started $proc"); return $proc; } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in gdb in xterm # sub gdb_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; my $type= shift; # Write $args to gdb init file my $str= join(" ", @$$args); my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type"; # Remove the old gdbinit file unlink($gdb_init_file); if ( $type eq "client" ) { # write init file for client mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "set args $str\n" . "break main\n"); } else { # write init file for mysqld mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "set args $str\n" . "break mysql_parse\n" . "commands 1\n" . "disable 1\n" . "end\n" . "run"); } if ( $opt_manual_gdb ) { print "\nTo start gdb for $type, type in another window:\n"; print "gdb -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n"; # Indicate the exe should not be started $$exe= undef; return; } $$args= []; mtr_add_arg($$args, "-title"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "$type"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "-e"); if ( $exe_libtool ) { mtr_add_arg($$args, $exe_libtool); mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute"); } mtr_add_arg($$args, "gdb"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "-x"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "$gdb_init_file"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "$$exe"); $$exe= "xterm"; } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in ddd # sub ddd_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; my $type= shift; # Write $args to ddd init file my $str= join(" ", @$$args); my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type"; # Remove the old gdbinit file unlink($gdb_init_file); if ( $type eq "client" ) { # write init file for client mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "set args $str\n" . "break main\n"); } else { # write init file for mysqld mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "file $$exe\n" . "set args $str\n" . "break mysql_parse\n" . "commands 1\n" . "disable 1\n" . "end"); } if ( $opt_manual_ddd ) { print "\nTo start ddd for $type, type in another window:\n"; print "ddd -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n"; # Indicate the exe should not be started $$exe= undef; return; } my $save_exe= $$exe; $$args= []; if ( $exe_libtool ) { $$exe= $exe_libtool; mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "ddd"); } else { $$exe= "ddd"; } mtr_add_arg($$args, "--command=$gdb_init_file"); mtr_add_arg($$args, "$save_exe"); } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in the selected debugger # sub debugger_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; my $debugger= $opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger; if ( $debugger =~ /vcexpress|vc|devenv/ ) { # vc[express] /debugexe exe arg1 .. argn # Add /debugexe and name of the exe before args unshift(@$$args, "/debugexe"); unshift(@$$args, "$$exe"); # Set exe to debuggername $$exe= $debugger; } elsif ( $debugger =~ /windbg/ ) { # windbg exe arg1 .. argn # Add name of the exe before args unshift(@$$args, "$$exe"); # Set exe to debuggername $$exe= $debugger; } elsif ( $debugger eq "dbx" ) { # xterm -e dbx -r exe arg1 .. argn unshift(@$$args, $$exe); unshift(@$$args, "-r"); unshift(@$$args, $debugger); unshift(@$$args, "-e"); $$exe= "xterm"; } else { mtr_error("Unknown argument \"$debugger\" passed to --debugger"); } } # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in valgrind # sub valgrind_arguments { my $args= shift; my $exe= shift; if ( $opt_callgrind) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--tool=callgrind"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--base=$opt_vardir/log"); } else { mtr_add_arg($args, "--tool=memcheck"); # From >= 2.1.2 needs this option mtr_add_arg($args, "--leak-check=yes"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--num-callers=16"); mtr_add_arg($args, "--suppressions=%s/valgrind.supp", $glob_mysql_test_dir) if -f "$glob_mysql_test_dir/valgrind.supp"; } # Add valgrind options, can be overriden by user mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@valgrind_args); mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe); $$exe= $opt_valgrind_path || "valgrind"; if ($exe_libtool) { # Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute # if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash) unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe); $$exe= $exe_libtool; } } # # Usage # sub usage ($) { my ($message)= @_; if ( $message ) { print STDERR "$message\n"; } print < Use fixed config template for all tests defaults_extra_file= Extra config template to add to all generated configs combination= Use at least twice to run tests with specified options to mysqld skip-combinations Ignore combination file (or options) Options to control directories to use tmpdir=DIR The directory where temporary files are stored (default: ./var/tmp). vardir=DIR The directory where files generated from the test run is stored (default: ./var). Specifying a ramdisk or tmpfs will speed up tests. mem Run testsuite in "memory" using tmpfs or ramdisk Attempts to find a suitable location using a builtin list of standard locations for tmpfs (/dev/shm) The option can also be set using environment variable MTR_MEM=[DIR] client-bindir=PATH Path to the directory where client binaries are located client-libdir=PATH Path to the directory where client libraries are located Options to control what test suites or cases to run force Continue to run the suite after failure with-ndbcluster-only Run only tests that include "ndb" in the filename skip-ndb[cluster] Skip all tests that need cluster do-test=PREFIX or REGEX Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX or fulfills REGEX skip-test=PREFIX or REGEX Skip test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX or fulfills REGEX start-from=PREFIX Run test cases starting test prefixed with PREFIX where prefix may be suite.testname or just testname suite[s]=NAME1,..,NAMEN Collect tests in suites from the comma separated list of suite names. The default is: "$DEFAULT_SUITES" skip-rpl Skip the replication test cases. big-test Also run tests marked as "big" enable-disabled Run also tests marked as disabled print-testcases Don't run the tests but print details about all the selected tests, in the order they would be run. Options that specify ports mtr-build-thread=# Specify unique number to calculate port number(s) from. build-thread=# Can be set in environment variable MTR_BUILD_THREAD. Set MTR_BUILD_THREAD="auto" to automatically aquire a build thread id that is unique to current host Options for test case authoring record TESTNAME (Re)genereate the result file for TESTNAME check-testcases Check testcases for sideeffects mark-progress Log line number and elapsed time to .progress Options that pass on options mysqld=ARGS Specify additional arguments to "mysqld" Options to run test on running server extern option=value Run only the tests against an already started server the options to use for connection to the extern server must be specified using name-value pair notation For example: ./$0 --extern socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock Options for debugging the product client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd client-debugger=NAME Start mysqltest in the selected debugger client-gdb Start mysqltest client in gdb ddd Start mysqld in ddd debug Dump trace output for all servers and client programs debugger=NAME Start mysqld in the selected debugger gdb Start the mysqld(s) in gdb manual-debug Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before running test(s) manual-gdb Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running test(s) manual-ddd Let user manually start mysqld in ddd, before running test(s) strace-client=[path] Create strace output for mysqltest client, optionally specifying name and path to the trace program to use. Example: $0 --strace-client=ktrace max-save-core Limit the number of core files saved (to avoid filling up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to $opt_max_save_core, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE max-save-datadir Limit the number of datadir saved (to avoid filling up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to $opt_max_save_datadir, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATDIR max-test-fail Limit the number of test failurs before aborting the current test run. Defaults to $opt_max_test_fail, set to 0 for no limit. Set it's default with MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL Options for valgrind valgrind Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using valgrind with default options valgrind-all Synonym for --valgrind valgrind-mysqltest Run the "mysqltest" and "mysql_client_test" executable with valgrind valgrind-mysqld Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option valgrind-option=ARGS Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s), can be specified more then once valgrind-path= Path to the valgrind executable callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind Misc options user=USER User for connecting to mysqld(default: $opt_user) comment=STR Write STR to the output notimer Don't show test case execution time verbose More verbose output(use multiple times for even more) verbose-restart Write when and why servers are restarted start Only initialize and start the servers, using the startup settings for the first specified test case Example: $0 --start alias & start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for the first specified test case wait-all If --start or --start-dirty option is used, wait for all servers to exit before finishing the process fast Run as fast as possible, dont't wait for servers to shutdown etc. parallel=N Run tests in N parallel threads (default=1) Use parallel=auto for auto-setting of N repeat=N Run each test N number of times retry=N Retry tests that fail N times, limit number of failures to $opt_retry_failure retry-failure=N Limit number of retries for a failed test reorder Reorder tests to get fewer server restarts help Get this help text testcase-timeout=MINUTES Max test case run time (default $opt_testcase_timeout) suite-timeout=MINUTES Max test suite run time (default $opt_suite_timeout) shutdown-timeout=SECONDS Max number of seconds to wait for server shutdown before killing servers (default $opt_shutdown_timeout) warnings Scan the log files for warnings. Use --nowarnings to turn off. sleep=SECONDS Passed to mysqltest, will be used as fixed sleep time debug-sync-timeout=NUM Set default timeout for WAIT_FOR debug sync actions. Disable facility with NUM=0. gcov Collect coverage information after the test. The result is a gcov file per source and header file. experimental= Refer to list of tests considered experimental; failures will be marked exp-fail instead of fail. report-features First run a "test" that reports mysql features timestamp Print timestamp before each test report line timediff With --timestamp, also print time passed since *previous* test started HERE exit(1); }