drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; create table t1 (b char(0)); insert into t1 values (""),(null); select * from t1; b NULL drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (b char(0) not null); create table if not exists t1 (b char(0) not null); insert into t1 values (""),(null); select * from t1; b drop table t1; create table t2 type=heap select * from t1; Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist create table t2 select auto+1 from t1; Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist drop table if exists t1,t2; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't1' Note 1051 Unknown table 't2' create table t1 (b char(0) not null, index(b)); The used storage engine can't index column 'b' create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment,primary key (a)) type=heap; create table t1 (a int not null,b text) type=heap; The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (ordid int(8) not null auto_increment, ord varchar(50) not null, primary key (ord,ordid)) type=heap; Incorrect table definition; There can only be one auto column and it must be defined as a key create table not_existing_database.test (a int); Got one of the listed errors create table `a/a` (a int); Incorrect table name 'a/a' create table `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa int); Incorrect table name 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' create table a (`aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` int); Identifier name 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' is too long create table 1ea10 (1a20 int,1e int); insert into 1ea10 values(1,1); select 1ea10.1a20,1e+ 1e+10 from 1ea10; 1a20 1e+ 1e+10 1 10000000001 drop table 1ea10; create table t1 (t1.index int); drop table t1; drop database if exists test_$1; Warnings: Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'. Database doesn't exist create database test_$1; create table test_$1.$test1 (a$1 int, $b int, c$ int); insert into test_$1.$test1 values (1,2,3); select a$1, $b, c$ from test_$1.$test1; a$1 $b c$ 1 2 3 create table test_$1.test2$ (a int); drop table test_$1.test2$; drop database test_$1; create table `` (a int); Incorrect table name '' drop table if exists ``; Incorrect table name '' create table t1 (`` int); Incorrect column name '' drop table if exists t1; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't1' create table t1 (a int auto_increment not null primary key, B CHAR(20)); insert into t1 (b) values ("hello"),("my"),("world"); create table t2 (key (b)) select * from t1; explain select * from t2 where b="world"; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref B B 21 const 1 Using where select * from t2 where b="world"; a B 3 world drop table t1,t2; create table t1(x varchar(50) ); create table t2 select x from t1 where 1=2; describe t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra x varchar(50) latin1_swedish_ci YES NULL describe t2; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra x char(50) latin1_swedish_ci YES NULL drop table t2; create table t2 select now() as a , curtime() as b, curdate() as c , 1+1 as d , 1.0 + 1 as e , 33333333333333333 + 3 as f; describe t2; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra a datetime latin1_swedish_ci 0000-00-00 00:00:00 b time latin1_swedish_ci 00:00:00 c date latin1_swedish_ci 0000-00-00 d bigint(17) binary 0 e double(18,1) binary 0.0 f bigint(17) binary 0 drop table t2; create table t2 select CAST("2001-12-29" AS DATE) as d, CAST("20:45:11" AS TIME) as t, CAST("2001-12-29 20:45:11" AS DATETIME) as dt; describe t2; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra d date latin1_swedish_ci 0000-00-00 t time latin1_swedish_ci 00:00:00 dt datetime latin1_swedish_ci 0000-00-00 00:00:00 drop table t1,t2; create table t1 (a tinyint); create table t2 (a int) select * from t1; describe t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra a tinyint(4) binary YES NULL describe t2; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra a int(11) binary YES NULL drop table if exists t2; create table t2 (a int, a float) select * from t1; Duplicate column name 'a' drop table if exists t2; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't2' create table t2 (a int) select a as b, a+1 as b from t1; Duplicate column name 'b' drop table if exists t2; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't2' create table t2 (b int) select a as b, a+1 as b from t1; Duplicate column name 'b' drop table if exists t1,t2; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't2' create table t1 (a int not null, b int, primary key(a), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b)); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `b` int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`a`), KEY `b` (`b`), KEY `b_2` (`b`), KEY `b_3` (`b`), KEY `b_4` (`b`), KEY `b_5` (`b`), KEY `b_6` (`b`), KEY `b_7` (`b`), KEY `b_8` (`b`), KEY `b_9` (`b`), KEY `b_10` (`b`), KEY `b_11` (`b`), KEY `b_12` (`b`), KEY `b_13` (`b`), KEY `b_14` (`b`), KEY `b_15` (`b`), KEY `b_16` (`b`), KEY `b_17` (`b`), KEY `b_18` (`b`), KEY `b_19` (`b`), KEY `b_20` (`b`), KEY `b_21` (`b`), KEY `b_22` (`b`), KEY `b_23` (`b`), KEY `b_24` (`b`), KEY `b_25` (`b`), KEY `b_26` (`b`), KEY `b_27` (`b`), KEY `b_28` (`b`), KEY `b_29` (`b`), KEY `b_30` (`b`), KEY `b_31` (`b`) ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; create table t1 select if(1,'1','0'), month("2002-08-02"); drop table t1; create table t1 select if('2002'='2002','Y','N'); select * from t1; if('2002'='2002','Y','N') Y drop table if exists t1; SET SESSION table_type="heap"; SELECT @@table_type; @@table_type HEAP CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=HEAP CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; SET SESSION table_type="gemini"; SELECT @@table_type; @@table_type GEMINI CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); Warnings: Warning 1259 Using storage engine MYISAM for table 't1' show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 SET SESSION table_type=default; drop table t1; create table t1 ( k1 varchar(2), k2 int, primary key(k1,k2)); insert into t1 values ("a", 1), ("b", 2); insert into t1 values ("c", NULL); Column 'k2' cannot be null insert into t1 values (NULL, 3); Column 'k1' cannot be null insert into t1 values (NULL, NULL); Column 'k1' cannot be null drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, key(a)); create table t2 (b int, foreign key(b) references t1(a), key(b)); drop table if exists t1,t2; create table t1(id int not null, name char(20)); insert into t1 values(10,'mysql'),(20,'monty- the creator'); create table t2(id int not null); insert into t2 values(10),(20); create table t3 like t1; show create table t3; Table Create Table t3 CREATE TABLE `t3` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` char(20) default NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 select * from t3; id name create table if not exists t3 like t1; Warnings: Warning 1050 Table 't3' already exists select @@warning_count; @@warning_count 1 create temporary table t3 like t2; show create table t3; Table Create Table t3 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `t3` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 select * from t3; id drop table t3; show create table t3; Table Create Table t3 CREATE TABLE `t3` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` char(20) default NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 select * from t3; id name drop table t2, t3; drop database if exists test_$1; Warnings: Note 1008 Can't drop database 'test_$1'. Database doesn't exist create database test_$1; create table test_$1.t3 like t1; create temporary table t3 like test_$1.t3; show create table t3; Table Create Table t3 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `t3` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` char(20) default NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 create table t2 like t3; show create table t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` char(20) default NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 select * from t2; id name create table t3 like t1; create table t3 like test_$1.t3; Table 't3' already exists create table non_existing_database.t1 like t1; Got one of the listed errors create table t3 like non_existing_table; Unknown table 'non_existing_table' create temporary table t3 like t1; Table 't3' already exists create table t3 like `a/a`; Incorrect table name 'a/a' drop table t1, t2, t3; drop table t3; drop database test_$1; SET SESSION table_type="heap"; SELECT @@table_type; @@table_type HEAP CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=HEAP CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; SET SESSION table_type="gemini"; SELECT @@table_type; @@table_type GEMINI CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); Warnings: Warning 1259 Using storage engine MYISAM for table 't1' show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=MyISAM CHARSET=latin1 SET SESSION table_type=default; drop table t1;