create database mysqltest1; create user ''@localhost; create user foo@localhost; create role bar; grant select on *.* to ''@localhost; grant select,insert on *.* to foo@localhost; grant select,insert on *.* to bar; grant bar to ''@localhost; create table t1 (n varchar(100), u varchar(100) default user(), cu varchar(100) default current_user(), cr varchar(100) default current_role(), d varchar(100) default database()); create definer=foo@localhost view mysqltest1.v1 as select * from t1; create definer=bar view v2 as select * from t1; create view v3 as select * from v2; create definer=foo@localhost view mysqltest1.v4 as select default(n),default(u),default(cu),default(cr), default(d) from t1; create definer=bar view v5 as select default(n),default(u),default(cu),default(cr), default(d) from t1; create view v6 as select * from v5; insert t1 (n) values ('t1'); insert mysqltest1.v1 (n) values ('v1'); insert v2 (n) values ('v2'); insert v3 (n) values ('v3'); select default(n),default(u),default(cu),default(cr), default(d) from t1 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL root@localhost root@localhost NULL test select * from mysqltest1.v4 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL root@localhost foo@localhost NULL test select * from v5 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL root@localhost @ bar test select * from v6 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL root@localhost @ bar test connect conn,localhost,conn,,mysqltest1; set role bar; insert test.t1 (n) values ('t1'); insert v1 (n) values ('v1'); insert test.v2 (n) values ('v2'); insert test.v3 (n) values ('v3'); select default(n),default(u),default(cu),default(cr), default(d) from test.t1 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL conn@localhost @localhost bar mysqltest1 select * from v4 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL conn@localhost foo@localhost NULL mysqltest1 select * from test.v5 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL conn@localhost @ bar mysqltest1 select * from test.v6 limit 1; default(n) default(u) default(cu) default(cr) default(d) NULL conn@localhost @ bar mysqltest1 connection default; disconnect conn; select * from t1; n u cu cr d t1 root@localhost root@localhost NULL test v1 root@localhost foo@localhost NULL test v2 root@localhost @ bar test v3 root@localhost @ bar test t1 conn@localhost @localhost bar mysqltest1 v1 conn@localhost foo@localhost NULL mysqltest1 v2 conn@localhost @ bar mysqltest1 v3 conn@localhost @ bar mysqltest1 drop database mysqltest1; drop view v2, v3, v5, v6; drop table t1; drop user ''@localhost; drop user foo@localhost; drop role bar; create table t1 (a date, mn varchar(100) default monthname(a), dn varchar(100) default dayname(a), df varchar(100) default date_format(a, "%a, %b")); insert t1 (a) values ('2010-12-2'); set lc_time_names=de_DE; insert t1 (a) values ('2010-12-2'); set lc_time_names=default; select * from t1; a mn dn df 2010-12-02 December Thursday Thu, Dec 2010-12-02 Dezember Donnerstag Do, Dez drop table t1; create table t1 (a varchar(100) default @@sql_mode); insert t1 () values (); set sql_mode=ansi; insert t1 () values (); set sql_mode=default; select * from t1; a STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION REAL_AS_FLOAT,PIPES_AS_CONCAT,ANSI_QUOTES,IGNORE_SPACE,ANSI drop table t1;