DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1 ( fid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY(g) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `fid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `g` geometry NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`fid`), SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT count(*) FROM t1; count(*) 150 EXPLAIN SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM t1 WHERE Within(g, GeomFromText('Polygon((140 140,160 140,160 160,140 160,140 140))')); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range g g 34 NULL 8 Using where SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM t1 WHERE Within(g, GeomFromText('Polygon((140 140,160 140,160 160,140 160,140 140))')); fid AsText(g) 1 LINESTRING(150 150,150 150) 3 LINESTRING(148 148,152 152) 4 LINESTRING(147 147,153 153) 5 LINESTRING(146 146,154 154) 6 LINESTRING(145 145,155 155) 7 LINESTRING(144 144,156 156) 8 LINESTRING(143 143,157 157) 9 LINESTRING(142 142,158 158) 10 LINESTRING(141 141,159 159) 11 LINESTRING(140 140,160 160) 2 LINESTRING(149 149,151 151) DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t2 ( fid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM; ALTER TABLE t2 ADD SPATIAL KEY(g); SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `fid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `g` geometry NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`fid`), SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=101 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT count(*) FROM t2; count(*) 100 EXPLAIN SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM t2 WHERE Within(g, GeomFromText('Polygon((40 40,60 40,60 60,40 60,40 40))')); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range g g 34 NULL 4 Using where SELECT fid, AsText(g) FROM t2 WHERE Within(g, GeomFromText('Polygon((40 40,60 40,60 60,40 60,40 40))')); fid AsText(g) 46 LINESTRING(51 41,60 50) 56 LINESTRING(41 41,50 50) 45 LINESTRING(51 51,60 60) 55 LINESTRING(41 51,50 60) count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 count(*) 100 DROP TABLE t2; drop table if exists t1; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 't1' CREATE TABLE t1 (a geometry NOT NULL, SPATIAL (a)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("LINESTRING(100 100, 200 200, 300 300)")); check table t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK analyze table t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 analyze status OK drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( fid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY(g) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 (g) VALUES (GeomFromText('LineString(1 2, 2 3)')),(GeomFromText('LineString(1 2, 2 4)')); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( line LINESTRING NOT NULL, kind ENUM('po', 'pp', 'rr', 'dr', 'rd', 'ts', 'cl') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'po', name VARCHAR(32), SPATIAL KEY (line) ) engine=myisam; ALTER TABLE t1 DISABLE KEYS; INSERT INTO t1 (name, kind, line) VALUES ("Aadaouane", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(32.816667 35.983333)")), ("Aadassiye", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(35.816667 36.216667)")), ("Aadbel", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(34.533333 36.100000)")), ("Aadchit", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.347222 35.423611)")), ("Aadchite", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.347222 35.423611)")), ("Aadchit el Qoussair", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.283333 35.483333)")), ("Aaddaye", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(36.716667 40.833333)")), ("'Aadeissa", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(32.823889 35.698889)")), ("Aaderup", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(55.216667 11.766667)")), ("Qalaat Aades", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.503333 35.377500)")), ("A ad'ino", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(54.812222 38.209167)")), ("Aadi Noia", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(13.800000 39.833333)")), ("Aad La Macta", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(35.779444 -0.129167)")), ("Aadland", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(60.366667 5.483333)")), ("Aadliye", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.366667 36.333333)")), ("Aadloun", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.403889 35.273889)")), ("Aadma", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(58.798333 22.663889)")), ("Aadma Asundus", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(58.798333 22.663889)")), ("Aadmoun", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(34.150000 35.650000)")), ("Aadneram", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(59.016667 6.933333)")), ("Aadneskaar", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(58.083333 6.983333)")), ("Aadorf", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(47.483333 8.900000)")), ("Aadorp", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(52.366667 6.633333)")), ("Aadouane", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(32.816667 35.983333)")), ("Aadoui", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(34.450000 35.983333)")), ("Aadouiye", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(34.583333 36.183333)")), ("Aadouss", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.512500 35.601389)")), ("Aadra", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(33.616667 36.500000)")), ("Aadzi", "pp", GeomFromText("POINT(38.100000 64.850000)")); ALTER TABLE t1 ENABLE KEYS; INSERT INTO t1 (name, kind, line) VALUES ("austria", "pp", GeomFromText('LINESTRING(14.9906 48.9887,14.9946 48.9904,14.9947 48.9916)')); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (st varchar(100)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("Fake string"); CREATE TABLE t2 (geom GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY gk(geom)); INSERT INTO t2 SELECT GeomFromText(st) FROM t1; ERROR 22003: Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field drop table t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (`geometry` geometry NOT NULL default '',SPATIAL KEY `gndx` (`geometry`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Warnings: Warning 1101 BLOB/TEXT column 'geometry' can't have a default value INSERT INTO t1 (geometry) VALUES (PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-18.6086111000 -66.9327777000, -18.6055555000 -66.8158332999, -18.7186111000 -66.8102777000, -18.7211111000 -66.9269443999, -18.6086111000 -66.9327777000))')); INSERT INTO t1 (geometry) VALUES (PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-65.7402776999 -96.6686111000, -65.7372222000 -96.5516666000, -65.8502777000 -96.5461111000, -65.8527777000 -96.6627777000, -65.7402776999 -96.6686111000))')); check table t1 extended; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 geometry NOT NULL default '', SPATIAL KEY i1 (c1) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Warnings: Warning 1101 BLOB/TEXT column 'c1' can't have a default value INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ( PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-18.6086111000 -66.9327777000, -18.6055555000 -66.8158332999, -18.7186111000 -66.8102777000, -18.7211111000 -66.9269443999, -18.6086111000 -66.9327777000))')); CHECK TABLE t1 EXTENDED; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 geometry NOT NULL default '', SPATIAL KEY i1 (c1) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Warnings: Warning 1101 BLOB/TEXT column 'c1' can't have a default value INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ( PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-18.6086111000 -66.9327777000, -18.6055555000 -66.8158332999, -18.7186111000 -66.8102777000, -18.7211111000 -66.9269443999, -18.6086111000 -66.9327777000))')); INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ( PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-65.7402776999 -96.6686111000, -65.7372222000 -96.5516666000, -65.8502777000 -96.5461111000, -65.8527777000 -96.6627777000, -65.7402776999 -96.6686111000))')); INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ( PolygonFromText('POLYGON((-18.6086111000 -66.9327777000, -18.6055555000 -66.8158332999, -18.7186111000 -66.8102777000, -18.7211111000 -66.9269443999, -18.6086111000 -66.9327777000))')); CHECK TABLE t1 EXTENDED; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (foo GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(foo) ); INSERT INTO t1 (foo) VALUES (POINT(1,1)); INSERT INTO t1 (foo) VALUES (POINT(1,0)); INSERT INTO t1 (foo) VALUES (POINT(0,1)); INSERT INTO t1 (foo) VALUES (POINT(0,0)); SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE foo != POINT(0,0); 1 1 1 1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (id bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, c2 varchar(15) collate utf8_bin default NULL, c1 varchar(15) collate utf8_bin default NULL, c3 varchar(10) collate utf8_bin default NULL, spatial_point point NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), SPATIAL KEY (spatial_point) )ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin; INSERT INTO t1 (c2, c1, c3, spatial_point) VALUES ('y', 's', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(167 74)')), ('r', 'n', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(215 118)')), ('g', 'n', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(203 98)')), ('h', 'd', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(54 193)')), ('r', 'x', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(47 69)')), ('t', 'q', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(109 42)')), ('a', 'z', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(0 154)')), ('x', 'v', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(174 131)')), ('b', 'r', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(114 253)')), ('x', 'z', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(163 21)')), ('w', 'p', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(42 102)')), ('g', 'j', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(170 133)')), ('m', 'g', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(28 22)')), ('b', 'z', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(174 28)')), ('q', 'k', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(233 73)')), ('w', 'w', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(124 200)')), ('t', 'j', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(252 101)')), ('d', 'r', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(98 18)')), ('w', 'o', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(165 31)')), ('y', 'h', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(14 220)')), ('d', 'p', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(223 196)')), ('g', 'y', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(207 96)')), ('x', 'm', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(214 3)')), ('g', 'v', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(140 205)')), ('g', 'm', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(10 236)')), ('i', 'r', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(137 228)')), ('w', 's', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(115 6)')), ('o', 'n', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(158 129)')), ('j', 'h', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(129 72)')), ('f', 'x', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(139 207)')), ('u', 'd', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(125 109)')), ('b', 'a', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(30 32)')), ('m', 'h', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(251 251)')), ('f', 'r', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(243 211)')), ('b', 'd', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(232 80)')), ('g', 'k', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(15 100)')), ('i', 'f', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(109 66)')), ('r', 't', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(178 6)')), ('y', 'n', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(233 211)')), ('f', 'y', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(99 16)')), ('z', 'q', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(39 49)')), ('j', 'c', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(75 187)')), ('c', 'y', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(246 253)')), ('w', 'u', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(56 190)')), ('n', 'q', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(73 149)')), ('d', 'y', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(134 6)')), ('z', 's', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(216 225)')), ('d', 'u', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(132 70)')), ('f', 'v', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(187 141)')), ('r', 'r', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(152 39)')), ('y', 'p', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(45 27)')), ('p', 'n', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(228 148)')), ('e', 'g', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(88 81)')), ('m', 'a', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(35 29)')), ('m', 'h', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(30 71)')), ('h', 'k', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(244 78)')), ('z', 'v', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(241 38)')), ('q', 'l', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(13 71)')), ('s', 'p', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(108 38)')), ('q', 's', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(92 101)')), ('l', 'h', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(120 78)')), ('w', 't', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(193 109)')), ('b', 's', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(223 211)')), ('w', 'w', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(122 42)')), ('q', 'c', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(104 102)')), ('w', 'g', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(213 120)')), ('p', 'q', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(247 148)')), ('c', 'z', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(18 106)')), ('z', 'u', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(70 133)')), ('j', 'n', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(232 13)')), ('e', 'h', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(22 135)')), ('w', 'l', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(9 180)')), ('a', 'v', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(163 228)')), ('i', 'z', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(180 100)')), ('e', 'c', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(182 231)')), ('c', 'k', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(19 60)')), ('q', 'f', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(79 95)')), ('m', 'd', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(3 127)')), ('m', 'e', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(136 154)')), ('w', 'w', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(102 15)')), ('l', 'n', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(71 196)')), ('p', 'k', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(47 139)')), ('j', 'o', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(177 128)')), ('j', 'q', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(170 6)')), ('b', 'a', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(63 211)')), ('g', 's', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(144 251)')), ('w', 'u', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(221 214)')), ('g', 'a', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(14 102)')), ('u', 'q', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(86 200)')), ('k', 'a', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(144 222)')), ('j', 'u', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(216 142)')), ('q', 'k', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(121 236)')), ('p', 'o', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(108 102)')), ('b', 'd', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(127 198)')), ('k', 's', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(2 150)')), ('f', 'm', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(160 191)')), ('q', 'y', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(98 111)')), ('o', 'f', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(232 218)')), ('c', 'w', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(156 165)')), ('s', 'q', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(98 161)')); SET @@RAND_SEED1=692635050, @@RAND_SEED2=297339954; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=159925977, @@RAND_SEED2=942570618; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=328169745, @@RAND_SEED2=410451954; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=178507359, @@RAND_SEED2=332493072; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=1034033013, @@RAND_SEED2=558966507; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(230 9)') where c1 like 'y%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(95 35)') where c1 like 'j%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(93 99)') where c1 like 'a%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(19 81)') where c1 like 'r%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(20 177)') where c1 like 'h%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(221 193)') where c1 like 'u%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(195 205)') where c1 like 'd%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(15 213)') where c1 like 'u%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(214 63)') where c1 like 'n%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(243 171)') where c1 like 'c%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(198 82)') where c1 like 'y%'; INSERT INTO t1 (c2, c1, c3, spatial_point) VALUES ('f', 'y', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(109 235)')), ('b', 'e', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(20 48)')), ('i', 'u', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(15 55)')), ('o', 'r', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(105 64)')), ('a', 'p', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(142 236)')), ('g', 'i', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(10 49)')), ('x', 'z', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(192 200)')), ('c', 'v', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(94 168)')), ('y', 'z', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(141 51)')), ('h', 'm', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(35 251)')), ('v', 'm', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(44 90)')), ('j', 'l', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(67 237)')), ('i', 'v', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(75 14)')), ('b', 'q', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(153 33)')), ('e', 'm', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(247 49)')), ('l', 'y', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(56 203)')), ('v', 'o', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(90 54)')), ('r', 'n', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(135 83)')), ('j', 't', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(174 239)')), ('u', 'n', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(104 191)')), ('p', 'q', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(63 171)')), ('o', 'q', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(192 103)')), ('f', 'x', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(244 30)')), ('n', 'x', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(92 103)')), ('r', 'q', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(166 20)')), ('s', 'a', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(137 205)')), ('z', 't', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(99 134)')), ('o', 'm', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(217 3)')), ('n', 'h', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(211 17)')), ('v', 'v', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(41 137)')), ('q', 'o', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(5 92)')), ('z', 'y', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(175 212)')), ('j', 'z', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(224 194)')), ('a', 'g', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(31 119)')), ('p', 'c', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(17 221)')), ('t', 'h', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(26 203)')), ('u', 'w', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(47 185)')), ('z', 'a', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(61 133)')), ('u', 'k', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(210 115)')), ('k', 'f', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(125 113)')), ('t', 'v', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(12 239)')), ('u', 'v', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(90 24)')), ('m', 'y', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(25 243)')), ('d', 'n', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(122 92)')), ('z', 'm', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(235 110)')), ('q', 'd', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(233 217)')), ('a', 'v', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(69 59)')), ('x', 'k', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(240 14)')), ('i', 'v', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(154 42)')), ('w', 'h', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(178 156)')), ('d', 'h', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(65 157)')), ('c', 'k', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(62 33)')), ('e', 'l', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(162 1)')), ('r', 'f', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(127 71)')), ('q', 'm', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(63 118)')), ('c', 'h', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(205 203)')), ('d', 't', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(234 87)')), ('s', 'g', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(149 34)')), ('o', 'b', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(159 179)')), ('k', 'u', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(202 254)')), ('u', 'f', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(70 15)')), ('x', 's', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(25 181)')), ('s', 'c', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(252 17)')), ('a', 'c', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(89 67)')), ('r', 'e', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(55 54)')), ('f', 'i', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(178 230)')), ('p', 'e', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(198 28)')), ('w', 'o', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(204 189)')), ('c', 'a', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(230 178)')), ('r', 'o', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(61 116)')), ('w', 'a', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(178 237)')), ('v', 'd', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(70 85)')), ('k', 'c', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(147 118)')), ('d', 'q', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(218 77)')), ('k', 'g', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(192 113)')), ('w', 'n', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(92 124)')), ('r', 'm', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(130 65)')), ('o', 'r', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(174 233)')), ('k', 'n', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(175 147)')), ('q', 'm', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(18 208)')), ('l', 'd', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(13 104)')), ('w', 'o', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(207 39)')), ('p', 'u', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(114 31)')), ('y', 'a', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(106 59)')), ('a', 'x', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(17 57)')), ('v', 'h', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(170 13)')), ('t', 's', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(84 18)')), ('z', 'z', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(250 197)')), ('l', 'z', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(59 80)')), ('j', 'g', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(54 26)')), ('g', 'v', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(89 98)')), ('q', 'v', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(39 240)')), ('x', 'k', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(246 207)')), ('k', 'u', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(105 111)')), ('w', 'z', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(235 8)')), ('d', 'd', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(105 4)')), ('c', 'z', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(13 140)')), ('m', 'k', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(208 120)')), ('g', 'a', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(9 182)')), ('z', 'j', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(149 153)')), ('h', 'f', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(81 236)')), ('m', 'e', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(209 215)')), ('c', 'h', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(235 70)')), ('i', 'e', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(138 26)')), ('m', 't', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(119 237)')), ('o', 'w', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(193 166)')), ('f', 'm', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(85 96)')), ('x', 'l', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(58 115)')), ('x', 'q', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(108 210)')), ('b', 'h', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(250 139)')), ('y', 'd', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(199 135)')), ('w', 'h', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(247 233)')), ('p', 'z', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(148 249)')), ('q', 'a', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(174 78)')), ('v', 't', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(70 228)')), ('t', 'n', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(123 2)')), ('x', 't', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(35 50)')), ('r', 'j', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(200 51)')), ('s', 'q', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(23 184)')), ('u', 'v', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(7 113)')), ('v', 'u', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(145 190)')), ('o', 'k', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(161 122)')), ('l', 'y', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(17 232)')), ('t', 'b', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(120 50)')), ('e', 's', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(254 1)')), ('d', 'd', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(167 140)')), ('o', 'b', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(186 237)')), ('m', 's', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(172 149)')), ('t', 'y', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(149 85)')), ('x', 't', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(10 165)')), ('g', 'c', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(95 165)')), ('e', 'e', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(98 65)')), ('f', 'v', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(149 144)')), ('o', 'p', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(233 67)')), ('t', 'u', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(109 215)')), ('o', 'o', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(130 48)')), ('e', 'm', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(88 189)')), ('e', 'v', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(55 29)')), ('e', 't', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(129 55)')), ('p', 'p', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(126 222)')), ('c', 'i', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(19 158)')), ('c', 'b', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(13 19)')), ('u', 'y', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(114 5)')), ('a', 'o', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(227 232)')), ('t', 'c', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(63 62)')), ('d', 'o', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(48 228)')), ('x', 'c', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(204 2)')), ('e', 'e', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(125 43)')), ('o', 'r', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(171 140)')); UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(163 157)') where c1 like 'w%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(53 151)') where c1 like 'd%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(96 183)') where c1 like 'r%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(57 91)') where c1 like 'q%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(202 110)') where c1 like 'c%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(120 137)') where c1 like 'w%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(207 147)') where c1 like 'c%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(31 125)') where c1 like 'e%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(27 36)') where c1 like 'r%'; INSERT INTO t1 (c2, c1, c3, spatial_point) VALUES ('b', 'c', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(41 137)')), ('p', 'y', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(50 22)')), ('s', 'c', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(208 173)')), ('x', 'u', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(199 175)')), ('s', 'r', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(85 192)')), ('j', 'k', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(18 25)')), ('p', 'w', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(152 197)')), ('e', 'd', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(229 3)')), ('o', 'x', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(187 155)')), ('o', 'b', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(208 150)')), ('d', 'a', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(70 87)')), ('f', 'e', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(156 96)')), ('u', 'y', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(239 193)')), ('n', 'v', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(223 98)')), ('z', 'j', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(87 89)')), ('h', 'x', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(92 0)')), ('r', 'v', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(159 139)')), ('v', 'g', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(16 229)')), ('z', 'k', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(99 52)')), ('p', 'p', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(105 125)')), ('w', 'h', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(105 154)')), ('v', 'y', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(134 238)')), ('x', 'o', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(178 88)')), ('z', 'w', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(123 60)')), ('q', 'f', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(64 90)')), ('s', 'n', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(50 138)')), ('v', 'p', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(114 91)')), ('a', 'o', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(78 43)')), ('k', 'u', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(185 161)')), ('w', 'd', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(25 92)')), ('k', 'w', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(59 238)')), ('t', 'c', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(65 87)')), ('g', 's', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(238 126)')), ('d', 'n', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(107 173)')), ('l', 'a', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(125 152)')), ('m', 'd', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(146 53)')), ('q', 'm', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(217 187)')), ('i', 'r', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(6 113)')), ('e', 'j', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(37 83)')), ('w', 'w', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(83 199)')), ('k', 'b', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(170 64)')), ('s', 'b', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(163 130)')), ('c', 'h', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(141 3)')), ('k', 'j', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(143 76)')), ('r', 'h', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(243 92)')), ('i', 'd', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(205 13)')), ('r', 'y', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(138 8)')), ('m', 'o', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(36 45)')), ('v', 'g', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(0 40)')), ('f', 'e', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(76 6)')), ('c', 'q', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(115 248)')), ('x', 'c', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(29 74)')), ('l', 's', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(83 18)')), ('t', 't', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(26 168)')), ('u', 'n', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(200 110)')), ('j', 'b', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(216 136)')), ('s', 'p', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(38 156)')), ('f', 'b', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(29 186)')), ('v', 'e', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(149 40)')), ('v', 't', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(184 24)')), ('y', 'g', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(219 105)')), ('s', 'f', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(114 130)')), ('e', 'q', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(203 135)')), ('h', 'g', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(9 208)')), ('o', 'l', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(245 79)')), ('s', 's', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(238 198)')), ('w', 'w', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(209 232)')), ('v', 'd', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(30 193)')), ('q', 'w', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(133 18)')), ('o', 'h', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(42 140)')), ('f', 'f', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(145 1)')), ('u', 's', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(70 62)')), ('x', 'n', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(33 86)')), ('u', 'p', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(232 220)')), ('z', 'e', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(130 69)')), ('r', 'u', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(243 241)')), ('b', 'n', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(120 12)')), ('u', 'f', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(190 212)')), ('a', 'd', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(235 191)')), ('f', 'q', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(176 2)')), ('n', 'c', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(218 163)')), ('e', 'm', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(163 108)')), ('c', 'f', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(220 115)')), ('c', 'v', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(66 45)')), ('w', 'v', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(251 220)')), ('f', 'w', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(146 149)')), ('h', 'n', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(148 128)')), ('y', 'k', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(28 110)')), ('c', 'x', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(13 13)')), ('e', 'd', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(91 190)')), ('c', 'w', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(10 231)')), ('u', 'j', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(250 21)')), ('w', 'n', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(141 69)')), ('f', 'p', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(228 246)')), ('d', 'q', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(194 22)')), ('d', 'z', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(233 181)')), ('c', 'a', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(183 96)')), ('m', 'i', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(117 226)')), ('z', 'y', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(62 81)')), ('g', 'v', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(66 158)')); SET @@RAND_SEED1=481064922, @@RAND_SEED2=438133497; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=280535103, @@RAND_SEED2=444518646; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=1072017234, @@RAND_SEED2=484203885; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=358851897, @@RAND_SEED2=358495224; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; SET @@RAND_SEED1=509031459, @@RAND_SEED2=675962925; DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(61 203)') where c1 like 'y%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(202 194)') where c1 like 'f%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(228 18)') where c1 like 'h%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(88 18)') where c1 like 'l%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(176 94)') where c1 like 'e%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(44 47)') where c1 like 'g%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(95 191)') where c1 like 'b%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(179 218)') where c1 like 'y%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(239 40)') where c1 like 'g%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(248 41)') where c1 like 'q%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(167 82)') where c1 like 't%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(13 104)') where c1 like 'u%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(139 84)') where c1 like 'a%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(145 108)') where c1 like 'p%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(147 57)') where c1 like 't%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(217 144)') where c1 like 'n%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(160 224)') where c1 like 'w%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(38 28)') where c1 like 'j%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(104 114)') where c1 like 'q%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(88 19)') where c1 like 'c%'; INSERT INTO t1 (c2, c1, c3, spatial_point) VALUES ('f', 'x', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(92 181)')), ('s', 'i', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(49 60)')), ('c', 'c', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(7 57)')), ('n', 'g', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(252 105)')), ('g', 'b', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(180 11)')), ('u', 'l', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(32 90)')), ('c', 'x', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(143 24)')), ('x', 'u', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(123 92)')), ('s', 'b', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(190 108)')), ('c', 'x', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(104 100)')), ('i', 'd', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(214 104)')), ('r', 'w', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(29 67)')), ('b', 'f', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(149 46)')), ('r', 'r', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(242 196)')), ('j', 'l', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(90 196)')), ('e', 't', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(190 64)')), ('l', 'x', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(250 73)')), ('q', 'y', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(120 182)')), ('s', 'j', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(180 175)')), ('n', 'i', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(124 136)')), ('s', 'x', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(176 209)')), ('u', 'f', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(215 173)')), ('m', 'j', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(44 140)')), ('v', 'g', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(177 233)')), ('u', 't', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(136 197)')), ('f', 'g', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(10 8)')), ('v', 'c', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(13 81)')), ('d', 's', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(200 100)')), ('a', 'p', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(33 40)')), ('i', 'c', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(168 204)')), ('k', 'h', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(93 243)')), ('s', 'b', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(157 13)')), ('v', 'l', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(103 6)')), ('r', 'b', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(244 137)')), ('l', 'd', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(162 254)')), ('q', 'b', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(136 246)')), ('x', 'x', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(120 37)')), ('m', 'e', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(203 167)')), ('q', 'n', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(94 119)')), ('b', 'g', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(93 248)')), ('r', 'v', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(53 88)')), ('y', 'a', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(98 219)')), ('a', 's', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(173 138)')), ('c', 'a', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(235 135)')), ('q', 'm', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(224 208)')), ('e', 'p', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(161 238)')), ('n', 'g', 'q', GeomFromText('POINT(35 204)')), ('t', 't', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(230 178)')), ('w', 'f', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(150 221)')), ('z', 'm', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(119 42)')), ('l', 'j', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(97 96)')), ('f', 'z', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(208 65)')), ('i', 'v', 'c', GeomFromText('POINT(145 79)')), ('l', 'f', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(83 234)')), ('u', 'a', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(250 49)')), ('o', 'k', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(46 50)')), ('d', 'e', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(30 198)')), ('r', 'r', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(78 189)')), ('y', 'l', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(188 132)')), ('d', 'q', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(247 107)')), ('p', 'j', 'n', GeomFromText('POINT(148 227)')), ('b', 'o', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(172 25)')), ('e', 'v', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(94 248)')), ('q', 'd', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(15 29)')), ('w', 'b', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(74 111)')), ('g', 'q', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(107 215)')), ('o', 'h', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(25 168)')), ('u', 't', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(251 188)')), ('h', 's', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(254 247)')), ('f', 'f', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(166 103)')); SET @@RAND_SEED1=866613816, @@RAND_SEED2=92289615; INSERT INTO t1 (c2, c1, c3, spatial_point) VALUES ('l', 'c', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(202 98)')), ('k', 'c', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(46 206)')), ('r', 'y', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(74 140)')), ('y', 'z', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(200 160)')), ('s', 'y', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(156 205)')), ('u', 'v', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(86 82)')), ('j', 's', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(91 233)')), ('x', 'j', 'f', GeomFromText('POINT(3 14)')), ('l', 'z', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(123 156)')), ('h', 'i', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(145 229)')), ('o', 'r', 'd', GeomFromText('POINT(15 22)')), ('f', 'x', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(21 60)')), ('t', 'g', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(50 153)')), ('g', 'u', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(82 85)')), ('v', 'a', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(231 178)')), ('n', 'v', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(183 25)')), ('j', 'n', 'm', GeomFromText('POINT(50 144)')), ('e', 'f', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(46 16)')), ('d', 'w', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(66 6)')), ('f', 'x', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(107 197)')), ('m', 'o', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(142 80)')), ('q', 'l', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(251 23)')), ('c', 's', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(158 43)')), ('y', 'd', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(196 228)')), ('d', 'p', 'l', GeomFromText('POINT(107 5)')), ('h', 'a', 'b', GeomFromText('POINT(183 166)')), ('m', 'w', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(19 59)')), ('b', 'y', 'o', GeomFromText('POINT(178 30)')), ('x', 'w', 'i', GeomFromText('POINT(168 94)')), ('t', 'k', 'z', GeomFromText('POINT(171 5)')), ('r', 'm', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(222 19)')), ('u', 'v', 'e', GeomFromText('POINT(224 80)')), ('q', 'r', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(212 218)')), ('d', 'p', 'j', GeomFromText('POINT(169 7)')), ('d', 'r', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(193 23)')), ('n', 'y', 'y', GeomFromText('POINT(130 178)')), ('m', 'z', 'r', GeomFromText('POINT(81 200)')), ('j', 'e', 'w', GeomFromText('POINT(145 239)')), ('v', 'h', 'x', GeomFromText('POINT(24 105)')), ('z', 'm', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(175 129)')), ('b', 'c', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(213 10)')), ('t', 't', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(2 129)')), ('r', 's', 'v', GeomFromText('POINT(209 192)')), ('x', 'p', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(43 63)')), ('t', 'e', 'u', GeomFromText('POINT(139 210)')), ('l', 'e', 't', GeomFromText('POINT(245 148)')), ('a', 'i', 'k', GeomFromText('POINT(167 195)')), ('m', 'o', 'h', GeomFromText('POINT(206 120)')), ('g', 'z', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(169 240)')), ('z', 'u', 's', GeomFromText('POINT(202 120)')), ('i', 'b', 'a', GeomFromText('POINT(216 18)')), ('w', 'y', 'g', GeomFromText('POINT(119 236)')), ('h', 'y', 'p', GeomFromText('POINT(161 24)')); UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(33 100)') where c1 like 't%'; UPDATE t1 set spatial_point=GeomFromText('POINT(41 46)') where c1 like 'f%'; CHECK TABLE t1 EXTENDED; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a geometry not null, spatial index(a)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.1517219314031e+164, 131072)); insert into t1 values (POINT(9.1248812352444e+192, 2.9740338169556e+284)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.7783097267365e-299, -0)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.49166814624e-154, 2.0880974297595e-53)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.0917382598702e+149, 1.2024538023802e+111)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.0349165139404e+236, 2.9993936277913e-241)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.5243548967072e-29, 1.2024538023802e+111)); insert into t1 values (POINT(0, 6.9835074892995e-251)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.0880974297595e-53, 3.1050361846014e+231)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.8728483499323e-188, 2.4600631144627e+260)); insert into t1 values (POINT(3.0517578125e-05, 2.0349165139404e+236)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.1517219314031e+164, 1.1818212630766e-125)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.481040258324e-265, 5.7766220027675e-275)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.0880974297595e-53, 2.5243548967072e-29)); insert into t1 values (POINT(5.7766220027675e-275, 9.9464647281957e+86)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.2181357552967e+130, 3.7857669957337e-270)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.5767114681874e-246, 3.6893488147419e+19)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.5767114681874e-246, 3.7537584144024e+255)); insert into t1 values (POINT(3.7857669957337e-270, 1.8033161362863e-130)); insert into t1 values (POINT(0, 5.8774717541114e-39)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.1517219314031e+164, 2.2761049594727e-159)); insert into t1 values (POINT(6.243497100632e+144, 3.7857669957337e-270)); insert into t1 values (POINT(3.7857669957337e-270, 2.6355494858076e-82)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.0349165139404e+236, 3.8518598887745e-34)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.6566128730774e-10, 2.0880974297595e-53)); insert into t1 values (POINT(2.0880974297595e-53, 1.8827498946116e-183)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.8033161362863e-130, 9.1248812352444e+192)); insert into t1 values (POINT(4.7783097267365e-299, 2.2761049594727e-159)); insert into t1 values (POINT(1.94906280228e+289, 1.2338789709327e-178)); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1(foo GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(foo) ); INSERT INTO t1(foo) VALUES (NULL); ERROR 23000: Column 'foo' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1() VALUES (); ERROR 22003: Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field INSERT INTO t1(foo) VALUES (''); ERROR 22003: Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT AUTO_INCREMENT, b POINT NOT NULL, KEY (a), SPATIAL KEY (b)); INSERT INTO t1 (b) VALUES (GeomFromText('POINT(1 2)')); INSERT INTO t1 (b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (b) SELECT b FROM t1; OPTIMIZE TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 optimize status OK DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY b(b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, GEOMFROMTEXT('LINESTRING(1102218.456 1,2000000 2)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, GEOMFROMTEXT('LINESTRING(1102218.456 1,2000000 2)')); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE MBRINTERSECTS(b, GEOMFROMTEXT('LINESTRING(1 1,1102219 2)') ); COUNT(*) 2 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 IGNORE INDEX (b) WHERE MBRINTERSECTS(b, GEOMFROMTEXT('LINESTRING(1 1,1102219 2)') ); COUNT(*) 2 DROP TABLE t1; End of 5.0 tests.