drop table if exists t1, t2, t3; SET @save_key_buffer_size=@@key_buffer_size; SET @save_key_cache_block_size=@@key_cache_block_size; SET @save_key_cache_segments=@@key_cache_segments; SELECT @@key_buffer_size, @@small.key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size @@small.key_buffer_size 2097152 131072 SET @@global.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.default.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.default.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.small.key_buffer_size=1*1024*1024; SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=4*1024*1024; SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=0; SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=0; SHOW VARIABLES like "key_buffer_size"; Variable_name Value key_buffer_size 16777216 SELECT @@key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size 16777216 SELECT @@global.key_buffer_size; @@global.key_buffer_size 16777216 SELECT @@global.default.key_buffer_size; @@global.default.key_buffer_size 16777216 SELECT @@global.default.`key_buffer_size`; @@global.default.`key_buffer_size` 16777216 SELECT @@global.`default`.`key_buffer_size`; @@global.`default`.`key_buffer_size` 16777216 SELECT @@`default`.key_buffer_size; @@`default`.key_buffer_size 16777216 SELECT @@small.key_buffer_size; @@small.key_buffer_size 1048576 SELECT @@medium.key_buffer_size; @@medium.key_buffer_size 0 SET @@global.key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; SELECT @@default.key_buffer_size; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'default.key_buffer_size' at line 1 SELECT @@skr.storage_engine="test"; ERROR HY000: Variable 'storage_engine' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name) select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size 0 select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; @@keycache1.key_buffer_size 0 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2048; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; @@keycache1.key_buffer_size 0 select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size 2048 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=1*1024*1024; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; @@keycache1.key_buffer_size 1048576 select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size 2048 set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=4*1024*1024; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; @@keycache2.key_buffer_size 4194304 select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size 1024 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; @@keycache1.key_buffer_size 0 select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size 2048 select @@key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size 2097152 select @@key_cache_block_size; @@key_cache_block_size 1024 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; create table t1 (p int primary key, a char(10)) delay_key_write=1; create table t2 (p int primary key, i int, a char(10), key k1(i), key k2(a)); show status like 'key_blocks_used'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_used 0 show status like 'key_blocks_unused'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (11, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; p a 1 qqqq 11 yyyy select * from t2; p i a 1 1 qqqq 2 1 pppp 3 1 yyyy 4 3 zzzz update t1 set p=2 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; show status like 'key_blocks_used'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_used 4 show status like 'key_blocks_unused'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED cache index t1 key (`primary`) in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 assign_to_keycache status OK explain select p from t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index NULL PRIMARY 4 NULL 2 Using index select p from t1; p 2 11 explain select i from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL k1 5 NULL 4 Using index select i from t2; i 2 2 2 3 explain select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 2 Using index 1 SIMPLE t2 ref k1 k1 5 test.t1.p 2 Using index select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; count(*) 3 cache index t2 in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK update t2 set p=p+1000, i=2 where a='qqqq'; cache index t2 in keycache2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK insert into t2 values (2000, 3, 'yyyy'); cache index t2 in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK update t2 set p=3000 where a='zzzz'; select * from t2; p i a 1001 2 qqqq 2 2 pppp 3 2 yyyy 3000 3 zzzz 2000 3 yyyy explain select p from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL PRIMARY 4 NULL 5 Using index select p from t2; p 2 3 1001 2000 3000 explain select i from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL k1 5 NULL 5 Using index select i from t2; i 2 2 2 3 3 explain select a from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL k2 11 NULL 5 Using index select a from t2; a pppp qqqq yyyy yyyy zzzz cache index t1 in unknown_key_cache; ERROR HY000: Unknown key cache 'unknown_key_cache' cache index t1 key (unknown_key) in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 assign_to_keycache Error Key 'unknown_key' doesn't exist in table 't1' test.t1 assign_to_keycache status Operation failed select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; @@keycache2.key_buffer_size 4194304 select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size 1024 set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; @@keycache2.key_buffer_size 0 select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size 1024 set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; @@keycache2.key_buffer_size 1048576 update t2 set p=4000 where a='zzzz'; update t1 set p=p+1; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select * from t2; p i a 1001 2 qqqq 2 2 pppp 3 2 yyyy 4000 3 zzzz 2000 3 yyyy select p from t2; p 2 3 1001 2000 4000 explain select i from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL k1 5 NULL 5 Using index select i from t2; i 2 2 2 3 3 explain select a from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index NULL k2 11 NULL 5 Using index select a from t2; a pppp qqqq yyyy yyyy zzzz select * from t1; p a 3 qqqq 12 yyyy select p from t1; p 3 12 create table t3 (like t1); cache index t3 in small; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t3 assign_to_keycache status OK insert into t3 select * from t1; cache index t3 in keycache2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t3 assign_to_keycache status OK cache index t1,t2 in default; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 assign_to_keycache status OK test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK drop table t1,t2,t3; show status like 'key_blocks_used'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_used 4 show status like 'key_blocks_unused'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED create table t1 (a int primary key); cache index t1 in keycache2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 assign_to_keycache status OK insert t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; select * from t1; a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 drop table t1; set global keycache3.key_buffer_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect key_buffer_size value: '100' set global keycache3.key_buffer_size=0; create table t1 (mytext text, FULLTEXT (mytext)); insert t1 values ('aaabbb'); check table t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK set @my_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; set GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=2048; check table t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK drop table t1; set global key_cache_block_size= @my_key_cache_block_size; CREATE TABLE t1(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); SET @my_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=1536; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SELECT @@key_cache_block_size; @@key_cache_block_size 1536 CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b int); CREATE TABLE t2(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b int); SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=1536; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0); INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; COUNT(*) 4181 SELECT @@key_cache_block_size; @@key_cache_block_size 1536 CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1,t2; set global key_cache_block_size= @my_key_cache_block_size; set @@global.key_buffer_size=0; ERROR HY000: Cannot drop default keycache select @@global.key_buffer_size; @@global.key_buffer_size 2097152 SET @bug28478_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size= 1536; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, c1 CHAR(150), c2 CHAR(150), c3 CHAR(150), KEY(c1, c2, c3) ) ENGINE= MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) VALUES ('a', 'b', 'c'), ('b', 'c', 'd'), ('c', 'd', 'e'), ('d', 'e', 'f'), ('e', 'f', 'g'), ('f', 'g', 'h'), ('g', 'h', 'i'), ('h', 'i', 'j'), ('i', 'j', 'k'), ('j', 'k', 'l'), ('k', 'l', 'm'), ('l', 'm', 'n'), ('m', 'n', 'o'), ('n', 'o', 'p'), ('o', 'p', 'q'), ('p', 'q', 'r'), ('q', 'r', 's'), ('r', 's', 't'), ('s', 't', 'u'), ('t', 'u', 'v'), ('u', 'v', 'w'), ('v', 'w', 'x'), ('w', 'x', 'y'), ('x', 'y', 'z'); INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'key_cache_block_size'; Variable_name Value key_cache_block_size 1536 SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size= @bug28478_key_cache_block_size; DROP TABLE t1; set global key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; set global key_cache_block_size=@save_key_cache_block_size; select @@key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size 2097152 select @@key_cache_block_size; @@key_cache_block_size 1024 select @@key_cache_segments; @@key_cache_segments 0 create table t1 ( p int not null auto_increment primary key, a char(10)); create table t2 ( p int not null auto_increment primary key, i int, a char(10), key k1(i), key k2(a)); select @@key_cache_segments; @@key_cache_segments 0 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default NULL NULL 2097152 1024 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; p a 1 qqqq 2 yyyy select * from t2; p i a 1 1 qqqq 2 1 pppp 3 1 yyyy 4 3 zzzz update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; show status like 'key_%'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_not_flushed 0 Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED Key_blocks_used 4 Key_blocks_warm 0 Key_read_requests 22 Key_reads 0 Key_write_requests 26 Key_writes 6 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default NULL NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 delete from t2 where a='zzzz'; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default NULL NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 29 0 32 9 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 delete from t1; delete from t2; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default NULL NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 29 0 32 9 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 set global key_cache_segments=2; select @@key_cache_segments; @@key_cache_segments 2 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 2097152 1024 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; p a 1 qqqq 2 yyyy select * from t2; p i a 1 1 qqqq 2 1 pppp 3 1 yyyy 4 3 zzzz update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; show status like 'key_%'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_not_flushed 0 Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED Key_blocks_used 4 Key_blocks_warm 0 Key_read_requests 22 Key_reads 0 Key_write_requests 26 Key_writes 6 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 delete from t1; delete from t2; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 set global key_cache_segments=1; select @@key_cache_segments; @@key_cache_segments 1 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 1 NULL 2097152 1024 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; p a 1 qqqq 2 yyyy select * from t2; p i a 1 1 qqqq 2 1 pppp 3 1 yyyy 4 3 zzzz update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; show status like 'key_%'; Variable_name Value Key_blocks_not_flushed 0 Key_blocks_unused KEY_BLOCKS_UNUSED Key_blocks_used 4 Key_blocks_warm 0 Key_read_requests 22 Key_reads 0 Key_write_requests 26 Key_writes 6 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 1 NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 delete from t1; delete from t2; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 1 NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 1 0 2 1 flush tables; flush status; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 1 NULL 2097152 1024 4 # 0 0 0 0 0 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 0 0 0 0 set global key_buffer_size=32*1024; select @@key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size 32768 set global key_cache_segments=2; select @@key_cache_segments; @@key_cache_segments 2 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 0 0 0 0 insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; p a 1 qqqq 2 yyyy select * from t2; p i a 1 1 qqqq 2 1 pppp 3 1 yyyy 4 3 zzzz update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 4 # 0 22 0 26 6 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 1 # 0 0 0 0 0 insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 6733 # 3684 103 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 # 0 0 select * from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020 ; p a select * from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020 ; p i a 1010 2 pppp 1011 2 yyyy 1012 3 zzzz 1013 2 qqqq 1014 2 pppp 1015 2 yyyy 1016 3 zzzz 1017 2 qqqq 1018 2 pppp 1019 2 yyyy 1020 3 zzzz select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 6750 # 3684 103 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 # 0 0 flush tables; flush status; update t1 set a='zzzz' where a='qqqq'; update t2 set i=1 where i=2; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3076 18 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=256*1024; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; @@keycache1.key_buffer_size 262144 set global keycache1.key_cache_segments=7; select @@keycache1.key_cache_segments; @@keycache1.key_cache_segments 7 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3076 18 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 # # 0 0 0 0 0 select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 cache index t1 key (`primary`) in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 assign_to_keycache status OK explain select p from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 1 Using where; Using index select p from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020; p explain select i from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 28 Using where select i from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; i 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 explain select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 index k1 k1 5 NULL 1024 Using where; Using index 1 SIMPLE t1 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.i 1 Using index select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; count(*) 256 select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 # # 0 14 3 0 0 select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 3 # 0 14 3 0 0 cache index t2 in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK update t2 set p=p+3000, i=2 where a='qqqq'; select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 25 # 0 2082 25 1071 19 set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; cache index t2 in keycache2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK insert into t2 values (2000, 3, 'yyyy'); select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "keycache2" and segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 6 # 0 6 6 3 3 select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 25 # 0 2082 25 1071 19 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 6 # 0 6 6 3 3 cache index t2 in keycache1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 assign_to_keycache status OK update t2 set p=p+5000 where a='zzzz'; select * from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; p i a 1010 1 pppp 1011 1 yyyy 1014 1 pppp 1015 1 yyyy 1018 1 pppp 1019 1 yyyy explain select p from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 NULL 7 Using where; Using index select p from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; p 1010 1011 1014 1015 1018 1019 explain select i from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref k1,k2 k1 5 const 188 Using where select i from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; i 3 explain select a from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref k1,k2 k1 5 const 188 Using where select a from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3 ; a yyyy select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 # # 0 3201 43 1594 30 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2*1024; insert into t2 values (7000, 3, 'yyyy'); select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 7 NULL 262143 2048 # # 0 6 6 3 3 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 3 NULL 262143 8192 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 insert into t2 values (8000, 3, 'yyyy'); select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 3 NULL 262143 8192 # # 0 6 5 3 3 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=64*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 3 NULL 65535 2048 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=128*1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 1 NULL 131072 8192 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=1024; select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; KEY_CACHE_NAME SEGMENTS SEGMENT_NUMBER FULL_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE USED_BLOCKS UNUSED_BLOCKS DIRTY_BLOCKS READ_REQUESTS READS WRITE_REQUESTS WRITES default 2 NULL 32768 1024 # # 0 3172 24 1552 18 small NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache1 7 NULL 131068 1024 # # 0 0 0 0 0 keycache2 NULL NULL 1048576 1024 # # 0 6 6 3 3 drop table t1,t2; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; set global key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; set global key_cache_segments=@save_key_cache_segments;