# Test the MAX_STATEMENT_TIME option. SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=2; select @@max_statement_time; @@max_statement_time 2.000000 SELECT SLEEP(1); SLEEP(1) 0 SELECT SLEEP(3); SLEEP(3) 1 SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=0; SELECT SLEEP(1); SLEEP(1) 0 SHOW STATUS LIKE "max_statement_time_exceeded"; Variable_name Value Max_statement_time_exceeded 1 CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b VARCHAR(300)) engine=myisam; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'string'); SELECT 0; 0 0 # Test the MAX_STATEMENT_TIME option with SF (should have no effect). CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN declare tmp int; SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=0.0001; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO tmp FROM t1 WHERE b LIKE '%z%'; SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=0; END| CREATE PROCEDURE p2() BEGIN SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=5; END| SELECT @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME; @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME 0.000000 CALL p1(); CALL p2(); SELECT @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME; @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME 5.000000 SET @@MAX_STATEMENT_TIME=0; DROP PROCEDURE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p2; DROP TABLE t1; # MAX_STATEMENT_TIME account resource set statement sql_mode="" for GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO user1@localhost WITH MAX_STATEMENT_TIME 1.005; # con1 SELECT @@max_statement_time; @@max_statement_time 1.005000 # restart and reconnect set @global.userstat=1; SELECT @@global.max_statement_time,@@session.max_statement_time; @@global.max_statement_time @@session.max_statement_time 0.000000 1.005000 select sleep(100); sleep(100) 1 SHOW STATUS LIKE "max_statement_time_exceeded"; Variable_name Value Max_statement_time_exceeded 1 show grants for user1@localhost; Grants for user1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user1'@'localhost' WITH MAX_STATEMENT_TIME 1.005000 set @global.userstat=0; DROP USER user1@localhost; # MAX_STATEMENT_TIME status variables. flush status; SET @@max_statement_time=0; SELECT CONVERT(VARIABLE_VALUE, UNSIGNED) INTO @time_exceeded FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'max_statement_time_exceeded'; SET @@max_statement_time=0.5; SELECT SLEEP(2); SLEEP(2) 1 SHOW STATUS LIKE '%timeout%'; Variable_name Value Binlog_group_commit_trigger_timeout 0 Master_gtid_wait_timeouts 0 Ssl_default_timeout 0 Ssl_session_cache_timeouts 0 SET @@max_statement_time=0; # Ensure that the counters for: # - statements that exceeded their maximum execution time # are incremented. SELECT 1 AS STATUS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'max_statement_time_exceeded' AND CONVERT(VARIABLE_VALUE, UNSIGNED) > @time_exceeded; STATUS 1 # Check that the appropriate error status is set. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); START TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; a 1 SET @@SESSION.max_statement_time = 0.5; UPDATE t1 SET a = 2; ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message Error 1969 Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) ROLLBACK; DROP TABLE t1; # Test interaction with lock waits. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SET @@SESSION.max_statement_time= 0.5; LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE; SELECT @@SESSION.max_statement_time; @@SESSION.max_statement_time 0.500000 LOCK TABLES t1 READ; ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) UNLOCK TABLES; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; a 1 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN b INT; ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) ROLLBACK; SELECT GET_LOCK('lock', 1); GET_LOCK('lock', 1) 1 SELECT GET_LOCK('lock', 1); GET_LOCK('lock', 1) NULL SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('lock'); RELEASE_LOCK('lock') 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-7011:MAX_STATEMENT_TIME has no effect in a procedure after # a previous successful statement # create table t1 (i int); insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4); insert into t1 select a.* from t1 a, t1 b, t1 c, t1 d, t1 e, t1 f, t1 g; create procedure pr() begin select 1; select sql_no_cache * from t1 where i > 5; select sql_no_cache * from t1 where i > 5; select sleep(2); end | set max_statement_time = 0.001; call pr(); 1 1 ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) set max_statement_time = 0; drop procedure pr; create procedure pr() begin select sql_no_cache * from t1 where i > 5; select sql_no_cache * from t1 where i > 5; select sleep(2); end | set max_statement_time = 0.001; call pr(); ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) set max_statement_time = 0; drop procedure pr; drop table t1;