drop table if exists t1, t2; select null,\N,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1),ifnull(null,"TRUE"),ifnull("TRUE","ERROR"),1/0 is null,1 is not null; NULL NULL isnull(null) isnull(1/0) isnull(1/0 = null) ifnull(null,1) ifnull(null,"TRUE") ifnull("TRUE","ERROR") 1/0 is null 1 is not null NULL NULL 1 1 1 1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 Warnings: Warning 1365 Division by 0 Warning 1365 Division by 0 Warning 1365 Division by 0 explain extended select null,\N,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1),ifnull(null,"TRUE"),ifnull("TRUE","ERROR"),1/0 is null,1 is not null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select NULL AS `NULL`,NULL AS `NULL`,NULL is null AS `isnull(null)`,1 / 0 is null AS `isnull(1/0)`,1 / 0 = NULL is null AS `isnull(1/0 = null)`,ifnull(NULL,1) AS `ifnull(null,1)`,ifnull(NULL,'TRUE') AS `ifnull(null,"TRUE")`,ifnull('TRUE','ERROR') AS `ifnull("TRUE","ERROR")`,1 / 0 is null AS `1/0 is null`,1 is not null AS `1 is not null` select 1 | NULL,1 & NULL,1+NULL,1-NULL; 1 | NULL 1 & NULL 1+NULL 1-NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL select NULL=NULL,NULL<>NULL,IFNULL(NULL,1.1)+0,IFNULL(NULL,1) | 0; NULL=NULL NULL<>NULL IFNULL(NULL,1.1)+0 IFNULL(NULL,1) | 0 NULL NULL 1.1 1 select strcmp("a",NULL),(1 null; not null is true not null or true not null and false not null <=> null 1 1 0 0 create table t1 (x int); insert into t1 values (null); select * from t1 where x != 0; x drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( indexed_field int default NULL, KEY indexed_field (indexed_field) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL),(NULL); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field=NULL; indexed_field SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field IS NULL; indexed_field NULL NULL SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field<=>NULL; indexed_field NULL NULL DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a int, b int) engine=myisam; insert into t1 values(20,null); select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a; b ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") NULL this is null select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a order by 1; b ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") NULL this is null insert into t1 values(10,null); select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a order by 1; b ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") NULL this is null NULL this is null drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', b smallint(6) NOT NULL default 0, c datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', d smallint(6) NOT NULL default 0); INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 SET a = "", d= "2003-01-14 03:54:55"; Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'd' at row 1 UPDATE IGNORE t1 SET d=1/NULL; Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'd' cannot be null UPDATE IGNORE t1 SET d=NULL; Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'd' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (a) values (null); ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (a) values (1/null); ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 (a) values (null),(null); Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'a' cannot be null Warning 1048 Column 'a' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (b) values (null); ERROR 23000: Column 'b' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (b) values (1/null); ERROR 23000: Column 'b' cannot be null INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 (b) values (null),(null); Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'b' cannot be null Warning 1048 Column 'b' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (c) values (null); ERROR 23000: Column 'c' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (c) values (1/null); ERROR 23000: Column 'c' cannot be null INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 (c) values (null),(null); Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'c' cannot be null Warning 1048 Column 'c' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (d) values (null); ERROR 23000: Column 'd' cannot be null INSERT INTO t1 (d) values (1/null); ERROR 23000: Column 'd' cannot be null INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 (d) values (null),(null); Warnings: Warning 1048 Column 'd' cannot be null Warning 1048 Column 'd' cannot be null select * from t1; a b c d 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 drop table t1; create table t1 (a int not null, b int not null, index idx(a)); insert into t1 values (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), (7,7), (8,8), (9,9), (10,10), (11,11), (12,12); explain select * from t1 where a between 2 and 3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range idx idx 4 NULL 2 Using index condition explain select * from t1 where a between 2 and 3 or b is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range idx idx 4 NULL 2 Using index condition drop table t1; select cast(NULL as signed); cast(NULL as signed) NULL create table t1(i int, key(i)); insert into t1 values(1); insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 select i*2 from t1; insert into t1 values(null); explain select * from t1 where i=2 or i is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ref_or_null i i 5 const 9 Using where; Using index select count(*) from t1 where i=2 or i is null; count(*) 10 SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR alter table t1 change i i int not null; Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'i' at row 513 explain select * from t1 where i=2 or i is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ref i i 4 const 7 Using index select count(*) from t1 where i=2 or i is null; count(*) 9 drop table t1; set names latin2; create table t1 select null as c00, if(1, null, 'string') as c01, if(0, null, 'string') as c02, ifnull(null, 'string') as c03, ifnull('string', null) as c04, case when 0 then null else 'string' end as c05, case when 1 then null else 'string' end as c06, coalesce(null, 'string') as c07, coalesce('string', null) as c08, least('string',null) as c09, least(null, 'string') as c10, greatest('string',null) as c11, greatest(null, 'string') as c12, nullif('string', null) as c13, nullif(null, 'string') as c14, trim('string' from null) as c15, trim(null from 'string') as c16, substring_index('string', null, 1) as c17, substring_index(null, 'string', 1) as c18, elt(1, null, 'string') as c19, elt(1, 'string', null) as c20, concat('string', null) as c21, concat(null, 'string') as c22, concat_ws('sep', 'string', null) as c23, concat_ws('sep', null, 'string') as c24, concat_ws(null, 'string', 'string') as c25, make_set(3, 'string', null) as c26, make_set(3, null, 'string') as c27, export_set(3, null, 'off', 'sep') as c29, export_set(3, 'on', null, 'sep') as c30, export_set(3, 'on', 'off', null) as c31, replace(null, 'from', 'to') as c32, replace('str', null, 'to') as c33, replace('str', 'from', null) as c34, insert('str', 1, 2, null) as c35, insert(null, 1, 2, 'str') as c36, lpad('str', 10, null) as c37, rpad(null, 10, 'str') as c38; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c00` binary(0) DEFAULT NULL, `c01` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c02` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c03` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 NOT NULL, `c04` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c05` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c06` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c07` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c08` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c09` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c10` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c11` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c12` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c13` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c14` binary(0) DEFAULT NULL, `c15` char(0) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c16` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c17` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c18` char(0) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c19` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c20` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c21` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c22` varchar(6) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c23` varchar(9) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c24` varchar(9) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c25` varchar(12) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c26` varchar(7) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c27` varchar(7) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c29` varchar(381) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c30` varchar(317) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c31` varchar(192) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c32` char(0) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c33` varchar(3) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c34` varchar(3) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c35` varchar(3) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c36` varchar(3) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c37` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL, `c38` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; select case 'str' when 'STR' then 'str' when null then 'null' end as c01, case 'str' when null then 'null' when 'STR' then 'str' end as c02, field(null, 'str1', 'str2') as c03, field('str1','STR1', null) as c04, field('str1', null, 'STR1') as c05, 'string' in ('STRING', null) as c08, 'string' in (null, 'STRING') as c09; c01 c02 c03 c04 c05 c08 c09 str str 0 1 2 1 1 set names latin1; create table bug19145a (e enum('a','b','c') default 'b' , s set('x', 'y', 'z') default 'y' ) engine=MyISAM; create table bug19145b (e enum('a','b','c') default null, s set('x', 'y', 'z') default null) engine=MyISAM; create table bug19145c (e enum('a','b','c') not null default 'b' , s set('x', 'y', 'z') not null default 'y' ) engine=MyISAM; create table bug19145setnotnulldefaultnull (e enum('a','b','c') default null, s set('x', 'y', 'z') not null default null) engine=MyISAM; ERROR 42000: Invalid default value for 's' create table bug19145enumnotnulldefaultnull (e enum('a','b','c') not null default null, s set('x', 'y', 'z') default null) engine=MyISAM; ERROR 42000: Invalid default value for 'e' alter table bug19145a alter column e set default null; alter table bug19145a alter column s set default null; alter table bug19145a add column (i int); alter table bug19145b alter column e set default null; alter table bug19145b alter column s set default null; alter table bug19145b add column (i int); alter table bug19145c alter column e set default null; ERROR 42000: Invalid default value for 'e' alter table bug19145c alter column s set default null; ERROR 42000: Invalid default value for 's' alter table bug19145c add column (i int); show create table bug19145a; Table Create Table bug19145a CREATE TABLE `bug19145a` ( `e` enum('a','b','c') DEFAULT NULL, `s` set('x','y','z') DEFAULT NULL, `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 show create table bug19145b; Table Create Table bug19145b CREATE TABLE `bug19145b` ( `e` enum('a','b','c') DEFAULT NULL, `s` set('x','y','z') DEFAULT NULL, `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 show create table bug19145c; Table Create Table bug19145c CREATE TABLE `bug19145c` ( `e` enum('a','b','c') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'b', `s` set('x','y','z') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table bug19145a; drop table bug19145b; drop table bug19145c; # End of 4.1 tests # # Bug #31471: decimal_bin_size: Assertion `scale >= 0 && # precision > 0 && scale <= precision' # CREATE TABLE t1 (a DECIMAL (1, 0) ZEROFILL, b DECIMAL (1, 0) ZEROFILL); INSERT INTO t1 (a, b) VALUES (0, 0); CREATE TABLE t2 SELECT IFNULL(a, b) FROM t1; DESCRIBE t2; Field Type Null Key Default Extra IFNULL(a, b) decimal(1,0) unsigned YES NULL DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 SELECT IFNULL(a, NULL) FROM t1; DESCRIBE t2; Field Type Null Key Default Extra IFNULL(a, NULL) decimal(1,0) YES NULL DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 SELECT IFNULL(NULL, b) FROM t1; DESCRIBE t2; Field Type Null Key Default Extra IFNULL(NULL, b) decimal(1,0) YES NULL DROP TABLE t1, t2; # End of 5.0 tests # # MDEV-4895 Valgrind warnings (Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value) in Field_datetime::get_date on GREATEST(..) IS NULL # CREATE TABLE t1 (dt DATETIME NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NOW()),(NOW()); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE concat( dt, '2012-12-21 12:12:12' ) IS NULL; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE concat( dt, '2012-12-21 12:12:12' ) IS NULL; dt DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (dt INT NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE concat( dt, '1' ) IS NULL; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE concat( dt, '1' ) IS NULL; dt DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (dt INT NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NOT (concat( dt, '1' ) IS NOT NULL); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NOT (concat( dt, '1' ) IS NOT NULL); dt DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug mdev-5132: crash when exeicuting a join query # with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL in where # CREATE TABLE t1 (a DATE, b INT, c INT, KEY(a), KEY(b), KEY(c)) ENGINE=MyISAM; CREATE TABLE t2 (d DATE) ENGINE=MyISAM; SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE 1 IS NOT NULL AND t1.b IS NULL; a b c d DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Start of 10.0 tests # # # MDEV-7001 Bad result for NOT NOT STRCMP('a','b') and NOT NOT NULLIF(2,3) # SELECT NOT NOT NULLIF(2,3); NOT NOT NULLIF(2,3) 1 # # End of 10.0 tests # # # Start of 10.1 tests # # # MDEV-7146 NULLIF returns unexpected result with a YEAR field # CREATE TABLE t1 (a YEAR(2)); Warnings: Note 1287 'YEAR(2)' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use YEAR(4) instead INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0); SELECT a,NULLIF(a,2000),NULLIF(2000,a) FROM t1; a NULLIF(a,2000) NULLIF(2000,a) 00 NULL NULL SELECT a,NULLIF(a,2001),NULLIF(2001,a) FROM t1; a NULLIF(a,2001) NULLIF(2001,a) 00 0 2001 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-7005 NULLIF does not work as documented # CREATE TABLE t1 (a TIME); CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT a,NULLIF(a,a), CASE WHEN a=a THEN NULL ELSE a END FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `a` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(a,a)` time DEFAULT NULL, `CASE WHEN a=a THEN NULL ELSE a END` time DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1,t2; SELECT NULLIF(_latin1'a' COLLATE latin1_general_ci, _latin1'a' COLLATE latin1_bin); ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,EXPLICIT) and (latin1_bin,EXPLICIT) for operation 'nullif' SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(1,1), NULLIF(1,1.0), NULLIF(1,1e0), NULLIF(1,'2001-01-01'), NULLIF(1,TIME'00:00:00'); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '2001-01-01' SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(1,1)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1,1.0)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1,1e0)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1,'2001-01-01')` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1,TIME'00:00:00')` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(1.0,1), NULLIF(1.0,1.0), NULLIF(1.0,1e0), NULLIF(1.0,'2001-01-01'), NULLIF(1.0,TIME'00:00:00'); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '2001-01-01' SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(1.0,1)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0,1.0)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0,1e0)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0,'2001-01-01')` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0,TIME'00:00:00')` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(1e0,1), NULLIF(1e0,1.0), NULLIF(1e0,1e0), NULLIF(1e0,'2001-01-01'), NULLIF(1e0,TIME'00:00:00'); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '2001-01-01' SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(1e0,1)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0,1.0)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0,1e0)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0,'2001-01-01')` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0,TIME'00:00:00')` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF('1',1), NULLIF('1',1.0), NULLIF('1',1e0), NULLIF('1','2001-01-01'), NULLIF('1',TIME'00:00:00'); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF('1',1)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1',1.0)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1',1e0)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1','2001-01-01')` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1',TIME'00:00:00')` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1), NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1.0), NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1e0), NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00','2001-01-01'), NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',TIME'00:00:00'); Warnings: Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1.0' Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1)` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1.0)` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1e0)` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00','2001-01-01')` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',TIME'00:00:00')` datetime DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1), NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1.0), NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1e0), NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01','2001-01-01'), NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',TIME'00:00:00'); Warnings: Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1.0' Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1.0)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',1e0)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01','2001-01-01')` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(DATE'2001-01-01',TIME'00:00:00')` date DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1), NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1.0), NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1e0), NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01','00:00:00'), NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',DATE'2001-01-01'); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1.0)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',1e0)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01','00:00:00')` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'00:00:01',DATE'2001-01-01')` time DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( c_tinyint TINYINT, c_smallint SMALLINT, c_int INT, c_bigint BIGINT, c_float FLOAT, c_double DOUBLE, c_decimal103 DECIMAL(10,3), c_varchar10 VARCHAR(10), c_text TEXT, c_blob BLOB, c_enum ENUM('one','two','tree'), c_datetime3 DATETIME(3), c_timestamp3 TIMESTAMP(3), c_date DATE, c_time TIME ); # # Checking that the return type depends only on args[0], even when compared to a super type # CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_tinyint, 1), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_int), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_float), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_double), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_text), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_blob), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_enum), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_date), NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_tinyint, 1)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_smallint)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_tinyint)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_int)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_bigint)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_float)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_double)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_decimal103)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_varchar10)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_text)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_blob)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_enum)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_datetime3)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_timestamp3)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_date)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_tinyint, c_time)` int(4) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_smallint, 1), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_int), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_float), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_double), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_text), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_blob), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_enum), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_date), NULLIF(c_smallint, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_smallint, 1)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_smallint)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_tinyint)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_int)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_bigint)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_float)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_double)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_decimal103)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_varchar10)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_text)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_blob)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_enum)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_datetime3)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_timestamp3)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_date)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_smallint, c_time)` int(6) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_int, 1), NULLIF(c_int, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_int, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_int, c_int), NULLIF(c_int, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_int, c_float), NULLIF(c_int, c_double), NULLIF(c_int, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_int, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_int, c_text), NULLIF(c_int, c_blob), NULLIF(c_int, c_enum), NULLIF(c_int, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_int, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_int, c_date), NULLIF(c_int, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_int, 1)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_smallint)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_tinyint)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_int)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_bigint)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_float)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_double)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_decimal103)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_varchar10)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_text)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_blob)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_enum)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_datetime3)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_timestamp3)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_date)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_int, c_time)` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_bigint, 1), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_int), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_float), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_double), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_text), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_blob), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_enum), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_date), NULLIF(c_bigint, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_bigint, 1)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_smallint)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_tinyint)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_int)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_bigint)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_float)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_double)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_decimal103)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_varchar10)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_text)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_blob)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_enum)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_datetime3)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_timestamp3)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_date)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_bigint, c_time)` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_float, 1), NULLIF(c_float, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_float, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_float, c_int), NULLIF(c_float, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_float, c_float), NULLIF(c_float, c_double), NULLIF(c_float, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_float, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_float, c_text), NULLIF(c_float, c_blob), NULLIF(c_float, c_enum), NULLIF(c_float, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_float, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_float, c_date), NULLIF(c_float, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_float, 1)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_smallint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_tinyint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_int)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_bigint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_float)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_double)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_decimal103)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_varchar10)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_text)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_blob)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_enum)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_datetime3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_timestamp3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_date)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_float, c_time)` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_double, 1), NULLIF(c_double, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_double, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_double, c_int), NULLIF(c_double, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_double, c_float), NULLIF(c_double, c_double), NULLIF(c_double, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_double, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_double, c_text), NULLIF(c_double, c_blob), NULLIF(c_double, c_enum), NULLIF(c_double, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_double, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_double, c_date), NULLIF(c_double, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_double, 1)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_smallint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_tinyint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_int)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_bigint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_float)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_double)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_decimal103)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_varchar10)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_text)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_blob)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_enum)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_datetime3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_timestamp3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_date)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_double, c_time)` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_decimal103, 1), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_int), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_float), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_double), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_text), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_blob), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_enum), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_date), NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_decimal103, 1)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_smallint)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_tinyint)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_int)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_bigint)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_float)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_double)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_decimal103)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_varchar10)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_text)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_blob)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_enum)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_datetime3)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_timestamp3)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_date)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_decimal103, c_time)` decimal(10,3) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_varchar10, 1), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_int), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_float), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_double), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_text), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_blob), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_enum), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_date), NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_varchar10, 1)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_smallint)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_tinyint)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_int)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_bigint)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_float)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_double)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_decimal103)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_varchar10)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_text)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_blob)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_enum)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_datetime3)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_timestamp3)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_date)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_varchar10, c_time)` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_text, 1), NULLIF(c_text, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_text, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_text, c_int), NULLIF(c_text, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_text, c_float), NULLIF(c_text, c_double), NULLIF(c_text, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_text, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_text, c_text), NULLIF(c_text, c_blob), NULLIF(c_text, c_enum), NULLIF(c_text, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_text, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_text, c_date), NULLIF(c_text, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_text, 1)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_smallint)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_tinyint)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_int)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_bigint)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_float)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_double)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_decimal103)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_varchar10)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_text)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_blob)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_enum)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_datetime3)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_timestamp3)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_date)` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_text, c_time)` longtext DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_blob, 1), NULLIF(c_blob, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_blob, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_blob, c_int), NULLIF(c_blob, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_blob, c_float), NULLIF(c_blob, c_double), NULLIF(c_blob, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_blob, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_blob, c_text), NULLIF(c_blob, c_blob), NULLIF(c_blob, c_enum), NULLIF(c_blob, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_blob, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_blob, c_date), NULLIF(c_blob, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_blob, 1)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_smallint)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_tinyint)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_int)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_bigint)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_float)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_double)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_decimal103)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_varchar10)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_text)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_blob)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_enum)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_datetime3)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_timestamp3)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_date)` longblob DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_blob, c_time)` longblob DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_enum, 1), NULLIF(c_enum, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_enum, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_enum, c_int), NULLIF(c_enum, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_enum, c_float), NULLIF(c_enum, c_double), NULLIF(c_enum, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_enum, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_enum, c_text), NULLIF(c_enum, c_blob), NULLIF(c_enum, c_enum), NULLIF(c_enum, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_enum, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_enum, c_date), NULLIF(c_enum, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_enum, 1)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_smallint)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_tinyint)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_int)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_bigint)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_float)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_double)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_decimal103)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_varchar10)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_text)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_blob)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_enum)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_datetime3)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_timestamp3)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_date)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_enum, c_time)` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_datetime3, 1), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_int), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_float), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_double), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_text), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_blob), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_enum), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_date), NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_datetime3, 1)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_smallint)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_tinyint)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_int)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_bigint)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_float)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_double)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_decimal103)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_varchar10)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_text)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_blob)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_enum)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_datetime3)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_timestamp3)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_date)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_datetime3, c_time)` datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_timestamp3, 1), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_int), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_float), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_double), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_text), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_blob), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_enum), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_date), NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, 1)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_smallint)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_tinyint)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_int)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_bigint)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_float)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_double)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_decimal103)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_varchar10)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_text)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_blob)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_enum)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_datetime3)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_timestamp3)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_date)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_timestamp3, c_time)` timestamp(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_date, 1), NULLIF(c_date, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_date, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_date, c_int), NULLIF(c_date, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_date, c_float), NULLIF(c_date, c_double), NULLIF(c_date, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_date, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_date, c_text), NULLIF(c_date, c_blob), NULLIF(c_date, c_enum), NULLIF(c_date, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_date, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_date, c_date), NULLIF(c_date, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_date, 1)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_smallint)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_tinyint)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_int)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_bigint)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_float)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_double)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_decimal103)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_varchar10)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_text)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_blob)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_enum)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_datetime3)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_timestamp3)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_date)` date DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_date, c_time)` date DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(c_time, 1), NULLIF(c_time, c_smallint), NULLIF(c_time, c_tinyint), NULLIF(c_time, c_int), NULLIF(c_time, c_bigint), NULLIF(c_time, c_float), NULLIF(c_time, c_double), NULLIF(c_time, c_decimal103), NULLIF(c_time, c_varchar10), NULLIF(c_time, c_text), NULLIF(c_time, c_blob), NULLIF(c_time, c_enum), NULLIF(c_time, c_datetime3), NULLIF(c_time, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(c_time, c_date), NULLIF(c_time, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(c_time, 1)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_smallint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_tinyint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_int)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_bigint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_float)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_double)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_decimal103)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_varchar10)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_text)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_blob)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_enum)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_datetime3)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_timestamp3)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_date)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(c_time, c_time)` time DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; # # Checking that the return type depends only on args[0], even if compared to a field # CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(1, 1), NULLIF(1, c_smallint), NULLIF(1, c_tinyint), NULLIF(1, c_int), NULLIF(1, c_bigint), NULLIF(1, c_float), NULLIF(1, c_double), NULLIF(1, c_decimal103), NULLIF(1, c_varchar10), NULLIF(1, c_text), NULLIF(1, c_blob), NULLIF(1, c_enum), NULLIF(1, c_datetime3), NULLIF(1, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(1, c_date), NULLIF(1, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(1, 1)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_smallint)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_tinyint)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_int)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_bigint)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_float)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_double)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_decimal103)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_varchar10)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_text)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_blob)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_enum)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_datetime3)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_timestamp3)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_date)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1, c_time)` int(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(1.0, 1), NULLIF(1.0, c_smallint), NULLIF(1.0, c_tinyint), NULLIF(1.0, c_int), NULLIF(1.0, c_bigint), NULLIF(1.0, c_float), NULLIF(1.0, c_double), NULLIF(1.0, c_decimal103), NULLIF(1.0, c_varchar10), NULLIF(1.0, c_text), NULLIF(1.0, c_blob), NULLIF(1.0, c_enum), NULLIF(1.0, c_datetime3), NULLIF(1.0, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(1.0, c_date), NULLIF(1.0, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(1.0, 1)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_smallint)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_tinyint)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_int)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_bigint)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_float)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_double)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_decimal103)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_varchar10)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_text)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_blob)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_enum)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_datetime3)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_timestamp3)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_date)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1.0, c_time)` decimal(2,1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(1e0, 1), NULLIF(1e0, c_smallint), NULLIF(1e0, c_tinyint), NULLIF(1e0, c_int), NULLIF(1e0, c_bigint), NULLIF(1e0, c_float), NULLIF(1e0, c_double), NULLIF(1e0, c_decimal103), NULLIF(1e0, c_varchar10), NULLIF(1e0, c_text), NULLIF(1e0, c_blob), NULLIF(1e0, c_enum), NULLIF(1e0, c_datetime3), NULLIF(1e0, c_timestamp3), NULLIF(1e0, c_date), NULLIF(1e0, c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(1e0, 1)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_smallint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_tinyint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_int)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_bigint)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_float)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_double)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_decimal103)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_varchar10)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_text)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_blob)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_enum)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_datetime3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_timestamp3)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_date)` double DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(1e0, c_time)` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF('1', 1), NULLIF('1', c_smallint), NULLIF('1', c_tinyint), NULLIF('1', c_int), NULLIF('1', c_bigint), NULLIF('1', c_float), NULLIF('1', c_double), NULLIF('1', c_decimal103), NULLIF('1', c_varchar10), NULLIF('1', c_text), NULLIF('1', c_blob), NULLIF('1', c_enum), NULLIF('1', c_datetime3), NULLIF('1', c_timestamp3), NULLIF('1', c_date), NULLIF('1', c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF('1', 1)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_smallint)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_tinyint)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_int)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_bigint)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_float)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_double)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_decimal103)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_varchar10)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_text)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_blob)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_enum)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_datetime3)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_timestamp3)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_date)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF('1', c_time)` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', 1), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_smallint), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_tinyint), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_int), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_bigint), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_float), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_double), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_decimal103), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_varchar10), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_text), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_blob), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_enum), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_datetime3), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_timestamp3), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_date), NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_time) FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', 1)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_smallint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_tinyint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_int)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_bigint)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_float)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_double)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_decimal103)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_varchar10)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_text)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_blob)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_enum)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_datetime3)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_timestamp3)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_date)` time DEFAULT NULL, `NULLIF(TIME'10:10:10', c_time)` time DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-7759 NULLIF(x,y) is not equal to CASE WHEN x=y THEN NULL ELSE x END # CREATE TABLE t1 (a YEAR); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2010),(2020); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2010 AND NULLIF(10.1,a) IS NULL; a 2010 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2010 AND NULLIF(10.1,a) IS NULL; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2010 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2010 AND CASE WHEN 10.1=a THEN NULL ELSE 10.1 END IS NULL; a 2010 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2010 AND CASE WHEN 10.1=a THEN NULL ELSE 10.1 END IS NULL; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2010 DROP TABLE t1; # Two warnings expected SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00',1) AS a, CASE WHEN TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00'=1 THEN NULL ELSE TIMESTAMP'2001-01-01 00:00:00' END AS b; Warnings: Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '1' DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-8785 Wrong results for EXPLAIN EXTENDED...WHERE NULLIF(latin1_col, _utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin) IS NOT NULL # CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET latin1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a'),('A'); SELECT a, NULLIF(a,_utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin) IS NULL FROM t1; a NULLIF(a,_utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin) IS NULL a 1 A 0 SELECT CHARSET(NULLIF(a,_utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin)) FROM t1; CHARSET(NULLIF(a,_utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin)) latin1 latin1 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT NULLIF(a,_utf8'a' COLLATE utf8_bin) IS NULL AS expr FROM t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Warnings: Note 1003 select (case when convert(`test`.`t1`.`a` using utf8) = _utf8'a' collate utf8_bin then NULL else `test`.`t1`.`a` end) is null AS `expr` from `test`.`t1` DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-8740 Wrong result for SELECT..WHERE year_field=10 AND NULLIF(year_field,2011.1)='2011' # CREATE TABLE t1 (a YEAR); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2010),(2011); SELECT a=10 AND NULLIF(a,2011.1)='2011' AS cond FROM t1; cond 0 0 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=10; a 2010 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NULLIF(a,2011.1)='2011'; a SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=10 AND NULLIF(a,2011.1)='2011'; a EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=10 AND NULLIF(a,2011.1)='2011'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2010 and (case when 2010 = 2011 then NULL else `test`.`t1`.`a` end) = '2011' EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=10 AND NULLIF(a,2011.1)=CONCAT('2011',RAND()); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2010 and (case when 2010 = 2011 then NULL else `test`.`t1`.`a` end) = concat('2011',rand()) DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-8754 Wrong result for SELECT..WHERE year_field=2020 AND NULLIF(year_field,2010)='2020' # CREATE TABLE t1 (a YEAR); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2010),(2020); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2020; a 2020 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NULLIF(a,2010)='2020'; a 2020 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2020 AND NULLIF(a,2010)='2020'; a 2020 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2020 AND NULLIF(a,2010)='2020'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2020 and (case when 2020 = 2010 then NULL else `test`.`t1`.`a` end) = '2020' EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=2020 AND NULLIF(a,2010)=CONCAT('2020',RAND()); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` = 2020 and (case when 2020 = 2010 then NULL else `test`.`t1`.`a` end) = concat('2020',rand()) DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-9181 (NULLIF(count(table.col)), 0) gives wrong result on 10.1.x # CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ('hello'), ('hello\r\n'), ('hello'),('hello'); SELECT NULLIF(COUNT(c1),0) FROM t1; NULLIF(COUNT(c1),0) 4 SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(c1)=0 THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(c1) END FROM t1; CASE WHEN COUNT(c1)=0 THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(c1) END 4 SELECT NULLIF(COUNT(c1)+0,0) AS c1,NULLIF(CAST(COUNT(c1) AS SIGNED),0) AS c2,NULLIF(CONCAT(COUNT(c1)),0) AS c3 FROM t1; c1 c2 c3 4 4 4 SELECT NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT c1),0) FROM t1; NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT c1),0) 2 SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(DISTINCT c1)=0 THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(DISTINCT c1) END FROM t1; CASE WHEN COUNT(DISTINCT c1)=0 THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(DISTINCT c1) END 2 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT NOT NULL, c1 INT DEFAULT NULL ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(2,4); SELECT NULLIF(COUNT(c1),0) AS c1,NULLIF(COUNT(c1)+0,0) AS c1_wrapped,CASE WHEN COUNT(c1) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(c1) END AS c1_case FROM t1 GROUP BY id; c1 c1_wrapped c1_case 2 2 2 2 2 2 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); SET @a=0; SELECT NULLIF(LAST_VALUE(@a:=@a+1,a),0) FROM t1; NULLIF(LAST_VALUE(@a:=@a+1,a),0) 1 2 3 SELECT @a; @a 6 SET @a=0; SELECT NULLIF(AVG(a),0), NULLIF(AVG(LAST_VALUE(@a:=@a+1,a)),0) FROM t1; NULLIF(AVG(a),0) NULLIF(AVG(LAST_VALUE(@a:=@a+1,a)),0) 2.0000 2.0000 SELECT @a; @a 3 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT NULLIF(a,0) FROM t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Warnings: Note 1003 select nullif(`test`.`t1`.`a`,0) AS `NULLIF(a,0)` from `test`.`t1` EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT NULLIF(AVG(a),0) FROM t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Warnings: Note 1003 select nullif((avg(`test`.`t1`.`a`)),0) AS `NULLIF(AVG(a),0)` from `test`.`t1` DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (col1 varchar(50)); create view v1 AS select nullif(count(distinct col1),0) from t1; show create view v1; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection v1 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1` AS select nullif(count(distinct `t1`.`col1`),0) AS `nullif(count(distinct col1),0)` from `t1` latin1 latin1_swedish_ci drop view v1; drop table t1; create table t1 (col1 varchar(50) default null); insert into t1 (col1) values ('hello'), ('hello'), ('hello'); create view v1 as select nullif(count(col1),0) from t1; select * from v1; nullif(count(col1),0) 3 select nullif(count(col1),0) from t1; nullif(count(col1),0) 3 drop view v1; drop table t1; select nullif((select 1), (select 2)); nullif((select 1), (select 2)) 1 create table t1 (f int); insert into t1 values (1),(2); select nullif( not f, 1 ) from t1; nullif( not f, 1 ) 0 0 drop table t1; set names utf8; create table t1 (f1 varchar(10)); insert into t1 values ('2015-12-31'); select power( timestamp( nullif( '2002-09-08', f1 ) ), 24 ) from t1; ERROR 22003: DOUBLE value is out of range in 'pow(cast((case when '2002-09-08' = `test`.`t1`.`f1` then NULL else '2002-09-08' end) as datetime(6)),24)' drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); PREPARE stmt FROM "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NULLIF( ( 1, 2 ) IN ( SELECT 3, 4 ), 1 )"; EXECUTE stmt; f1 EXECUTE stmt; f1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(NULLIF(i = ROUND(0), 14), 13), 12), 11), 10), 9), 8), 7), 6), 5), 4), 3), 2), 1); i DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-10347 mysqld got signal 11 # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 VARCHAR(10), f2 VARCHAR(40)); CREATE TABLE t2 (f3 VARCHAR(20)); PREPARE stmt FROM " SELECT ( SELECT IFNULL(f3,4) FROM t2 WHERE IFNULL(NULLIF(f1,''),1) ) AS sq FROM t1 GROUP BY f2 "; EXECUTE stmt; sq DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; DROP TABLE t2,t1; # # MDEV-10236 Where expression with NOT function gives incorrect result # CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ((c1 IS NOT NULL) >= (NOT TRUE)) IS NOT NULL; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`c1` AS `c1` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`c1` is not null >= 0 is not null SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ((c1 IS NOT NULL) >= (NOT TRUE)) IS NOT NULL; c1 1 2 3 DROP TABLE t1; # # End of 10.1 tests #