drop table if exists t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1(session_id char(9) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("abc"); SELECT * FROM t1; session_id abc prepare st_1180 from 'SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ?="1111" and session_id = "abc"'; set @arg1= 'abc'; execute st_1180 using @arg1; session_id set @arg1= '1111'; execute st_1180 using @arg1; session_id abc set @arg1= 'abc'; execute st_1180 using @arg1; session_id drop table t1; create table t1 ( c_01 char(6), c_02 integer, c_03 real, c_04 int(3), c_05 varchar(20), c_06 date, c_07 char(1), c_08 real, c_09 int(11), c_10 time, c_11 char(6), c_12 integer, c_13 real, c_14 int(3), c_15 varchar(20), c_16 date, c_17 char(1), c_18 real, c_19 int(11), c_20 text); prepare st_1644 from 'insert into t1 values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; set @arg01= 'row_1'; set @arg02= 1; set @arg03= 1.1; set @arg04= 111; set @arg05= 'row_one'; set @arg06= '2004-10-12'; set @arg07= '1'; set @arg08= 1.1; set @arg09= '100100100'; set @arg10= '12:34:56'; set @arg11= 'row_1'; set @arg12= 1; set @arg13= 1.1; set @arg14= 111; set @arg15= 'row_one'; set @arg16= '2004-10-12'; set @arg17= '1'; set @arg18= 1.1; set @arg19= '100100100'; set @arg20= '12:34:56'; execute st_1644 using @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08, @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16, @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20; set @arg01= NULL; set @arg02= NULL; set @arg03= NULL; set @arg04= NULL; set @arg05= NULL; set @arg06= NULL; set @arg07= NULL; set @arg08= NULL; set @arg09= NULL; set @arg10= NULL; set @arg11= NULL; set @arg12= NULL; set @arg13= NULL; set @arg14= NULL; set @arg15= NULL; set @arg16= NULL; set @arg17= NULL; set @arg18= NULL; set @arg19= NULL; set @arg20= NULL; execute st_1644 using @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08, @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16, @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20; set @arg01= 'row_3'; set @arg02= 3; set @arg03= 3.3; set @arg04= 333; set @arg05= 'row_three'; set @arg06= '2004-10-12'; set @arg07= '3'; set @arg08= 3.3; set @arg09= '300300300'; set @arg10= '12:34:56'; set @arg11= 'row_3'; set @arg12= 3; set @arg13= 3.3; set @arg14= 333; set @arg15= 'row_three'; set @arg16= '2004-10-12'; set @arg17= '3'; set @arg18= 3.3; set @arg19= '300300300'; set @arg20= '12:34:56'; execute st_1644 using @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08, @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16, @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20; select * from t1; c_01 c_02 c_03 c_04 c_05 c_06 c_07 c_08 c_09 c_10 c_11 c_12 c_13 c_14 c_15 c_16 c_17 c_18 c_19 c_20 row_1 1 1.1 111 row_one 2004-10-12 1 1.1 100100100 12:34:56 row_1 1 1.1 111 row_one 2004-10-12 1 1.1 100100100 12:34:56 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL row_3 3 3.3 333 row_three 2004-10-12 3 3.3 300300300 12:34:56 row_3 3 3.3 333 row_three 2004-10-12 3 3.3 300300300 12:34:56 drop table t1; create table t1( cola varchar(50) not null, colb varchar(8) not null, colc varchar(12) not null, cold varchar(2) not null, primary key (cola, colb, cold)); create table t2( cola varchar(50) not null, colb varchar(8) not null, colc varchar(2) not null, cold float, primary key (cold)); insert into t1 values ('aaaa', 'yyyy', 'yyyy-dd-mm', 'R'); insert into t2 values ('aaaa', 'yyyy', 'R', 203), ('bbbb', 'zzzz', 'C', 201); prepare st_1676 from 'select a.cola, a.colb, a.cold from t1 a, t2 b where a.cola = ? and a.colb = ? and a.cold = ? and b.cola = a.cola and b.colb = a.colb and b.colc = a.cold'; set @arg0= "aaaa"; set @arg1= "yyyy"; set @arg2= "R"; execute st_1676 using @arg0, @arg1, @arg2; cola colb cold aaaa yyyy R drop table t1, t2;