SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'; Variable_name Value Ssl_cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'; Variable_name Value Compression ON drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; CREATE TABLE t1 ( Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL, Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412); select period from t1; period 9410 select * from t1; Period Varor_period 9410 9412 select t1.* from t1; Period Varor_period 9410 9412 CREATE TABLE t2 ( auto int not null auto_increment, fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL, companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '00' NOT NULL, fld3 char(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, fld4 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, fld5 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, fld6 char(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, UNIQUE fld1 (fld1), KEY fld3 (fld3), PRIMARY KEY (auto) ); select t2.fld3 from t2 where companynr = 58 and fld3 like "%imaginable%"; fld3 imaginable select fld3 from t2 where fld3 like "%cultivation" ; fld3 cultivation select t2.fld3,companynr from t2 where companynr = 57+1 order by fld3; fld3 companynr concoct 58 druggists 58 engrossing 58 Eurydice 58 exclaimers 58 ferociousness 58 hopelessness 58 Huey 58 imaginable 58 judges 58 merging 58 ostrich 58 peering 58 Phelps 58 presumes 58 Ruth 58 sentences 58 Shylock 58 straggled 58 synergy 58 thanking 58 tying 58 unlocks 58 select fld3,companynr from t2 where companynr = 58 order by fld3; fld3 companynr concoct 58 druggists 58 engrossing 58 Eurydice 58 exclaimers 58 ferociousness 58 hopelessness 58 Huey 58 imaginable 58 judges 58 merging 58 ostrich 58 peering 58 Phelps 58 presumes 58 Ruth 58 sentences 58 Shylock 58 straggled 58 synergy 58 thanking 58 tying 58 unlocks 58 select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 10; fld3 youthfulness yelped Wotan workers Witt witchcraft Winsett Willy willed wildcats select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5; fld3 youthfulness yelped Wotan workers Witt select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5,5; fld3 witchcraft Winsett Willy willed wildcats select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; fld3 honeysuckle select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckl_'; fld3 honeysuckle select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'hon_ysuckl_'; fld3 honeysuckle select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle%'; fld3 honeysuckle select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'h%le'; fld3 honeysuckle select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle_'; fld3 select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'don_t_find_me_please%'; fld3 explain select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref fld3 fld3 30 const 1 Using where; Using index explain select fld3 from t2 ignore index (fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld1) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref fld3 fld3 30 const 1 Using where; Using index explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld1,fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ref fld3 fld3 30 const 1 Using where; Using index explain select fld3 from t2 ignore index (fld3,not_used); ERROR 42000: Key 'not_used' doesn't exist in table 't2' explain select fld3 from t2 use index (not_used); ERROR 42000: Key 'not_used' doesn't exist in table 't2' select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 >= 'honeysuckle' and fld3 <= 'honoring' order by fld3; fld3 honeysuckle honoring explain select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 >= 'honeysuckle' and fld3 <= 'honoring' order by fld3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range fld3 fld3 30 NULL 2 Using where; Using index select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld3="Colombo" or fld3 = "nondecreasing" order by fld3; fld1 fld3 148504 Colombo 068305 Colombo 000000 nondecreasing select fld1,fld3 from t2 where companynr = 37 and fld3 = 'appendixes'; fld1 fld3 232605 appendixes 1232605 appendixes 1232606 appendixes 1232607 appendixes 1232608 appendixes 1232609 appendixes select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1="250502"; fld1 250501 250502 explain select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1="250502"; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range fld1 fld1 4 NULL 2 Using where; Using index select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1=250502 or fld1 >= 250505 and fld1 <= 250601 or fld1 between 250501 and 250502; fld1 250501 250502 250505 250601 explain select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1=250502 or fld1 >= 250505 and fld1 <= 250601 or fld1 between 250501 and 250502; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 range fld1 fld1 4 NULL 4 Using where; Using index select fld1,fld3 from t2 where companynr = 37 and fld3 like 'f%'; fld1 fld3 218401 faithful 018007 fanatic 228311 fated 018017 featherweight 218022 feed 088303 feminine 058004 Fenton 038017 fetched 018054 fetters 208101 fiftieth 238007 filial 013606 fingerings 218008 finishers 038205 firearm 188505 fitting 202301 Fitzpatrick 238008 fixedly 012001 flanking 018103 flint 018104 flopping 188007 flurried 013602 foldout 226205 foothill 232102 forgivably 228306 forthcoming 186002 freakish 208113 freest 231315 freezes 036002 funereal 226209 furnishings 198006 furthermore select fld3 from t2 where fld3 like "L%" and fld3 = "ok"; fld3 select fld3 from t2 where (fld3 like "C%" and fld3 = "Chantilly"); fld3 Chantilly select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050%"; fld1 fld3 250501 poisoning 250502 Iraqis 250503 heaving 250504 population 250505 bomb select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050_"; fld1 fld3 250501 poisoning 250502 Iraqis 250503 heaving 250504 population 250505 bomb select distinct companynr from t2; companynr 00 37 36 50 58 29 40 53 65 41 34 68 select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr; companynr 00 29 34 36 37 40 41 50 53 58 65 68 select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr desc; companynr 68 65 58 53 50 41 40 37 36 34 29 00 select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%"; fld3 period obliterates 9410 offload 9410 opaquely 9410 organizer 9410 overestimating 9410 overlay 9410 select distinct fld3 from t2 where companynr = 34 order by fld3; fld3 absentee accessed ahead alphabetic Asiaticizations attitude aye bankruptcies belays Blythe bomb boulevard bulldozes cannot caressing charcoal checksumming chess clubroom colorful cosy creator crying Darius diffusing duality Eiffel Epiphany Ernestine explorers exterminated famine forked Gershwins heaving Hodges Iraqis Italianization Lagos landslide libretto Majorca mastering narrowed occurred offerers Palestine Peruvianizes pharmaceutic poisoning population Pygmalion rats realest recording regimented retransmitting reviver rouses scars sicker sleepwalk stopped sugars translatable uncles unexpected uprisings versatility vest select distinct fld3 from t2 limit 10; fld3 abates abiding Abraham abrogating absentee abut accessed accruing accumulating accuracies select distinct fld3 from t2 having fld3 like "A%" limit 10; fld3 abates abiding Abraham abrogating absentee abut accessed accruing accumulating accuracies select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) from t2 where fld3 like "A%"; substring(fld3,1,3) aba abi Abr abs abu acc acq acu Ade adj Adl adm Ado ads adv aer aff afi afl afo agi ahe aim air Ald alg ali all alp alr ama ame amm ana and ane Ang ani Ann Ant api app aqu Ara arc Arm arr Art Asi ask asp ass ast att aud Aug aut ave avo awe aye Azt select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" order by a limit 10; a aba abi Abr abs abu acc acq acu Ade adj select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) from t2 where fld3 like "A%" limit 10; substring(fld3,1,3) aba abi Abr abs abu acc acq acu Ade adj select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" limit 10; a aba abi Abr abs abu acc acq acu Ade adj create table t3 ( period int not null, name char(32) not null, companynr int not null, price double(11,0), price2 double(11,0), key (period), key (name) ); create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; insert into tmp select * from t3; insert into t3 select * from tmp; alter table t3 add t2nr int not null auto_increment primary key first; drop table tmp; SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=1; select distinct concat(fld3," ",fld3) as namn from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by namn limit 10; namn Abraham Abraham abrogating abrogating admonishing admonishing Adolph Adolph afield afield aging aging ammonium ammonium analyzable analyzable animals animals animized animized SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=0; select distinct concat(fld3," ",fld3) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by fld3 limit 10; concat(fld3," ",fld3) Abraham Abraham abrogating abrogating admonishing admonishing Adolph Adolph afield afield aging aging ammonium ammonium analyzable analyzable animals animals animized animized select distinct fld5 from t2 limit 10; fld5 neat Steinberg jarring tinily balled persist attainments fanatic measures rightfulness select distinct fld3,count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 10; fld3 count(*) affixed 1 and 1 annoyers 1 Anthony 1 assayed 1 assurers 1 attendants 1 bedlam 1 bedpost 1 boasted 1 SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=1; select distinct fld3,count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 10; fld3 count(*) affixed 1 and 1 annoyers 1 Anthony 1 assayed 1 assurers 1 attendants 1 bedlam 1 bedpost 1 boasted 1 SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=0; select distinct fld3,repeat("a",length(fld3)),count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 100,10; fld3 repeat("a",length(fld3)) count(*) circus aaaaaa 1 cited aaaaa 1 Colombo aaaaaaa 1 congresswoman aaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 contrition aaaaaaaaaa 1 corny aaaaa 1 cultivation aaaaaaaaaaa 1 definiteness aaaaaaaaaaaa 1 demultiplex aaaaaaaaaaa 1 disappointing aaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 select distinct companynr,rtrim(space(512+companynr)) from t3 order by 1,2; companynr rtrim(space(512+companynr)) 37 78 101 154 311 447 512 select distinct fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by fld3; fld3 explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by t3.t2nr,fld3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181 explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 41810 1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181 explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 41810 1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181 select period from t1; period 9410 select period from t1 where period=1900; period select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period; fld3 period breaking 9410 select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001; fld3 period breaking 1001 explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1 1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1 select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10; fld3 period breaking 9410 Romans 9410 intercepted 9410 bewilderingly 9410 astound 9410 admonishing 9410 sumac 9410 flanking 9410 combed 9410 subjective 9410 scatterbrain 9410 Eulerian 9410 Kane 9410 overlay 9410 perturb 9410 goblins 9410 annihilates 9410 Wotan 9410 snatching 9410 concludes 9410 laterally 9410 yelped 9410 grazing 9410 Baird 9410 celery 9410 misunderstander 9410 handgun 9410 foldout 9410 mystic 9410 succumbed 9410 Nabisco 9410 fingerings 9410 aging 9410 afield 9410 ammonium 9410 boat 9410 intelligibility 9410 Augustine 9410 teethe 9410 dreaded 9410 scholastics 9410 audiology 9410 wallet 9410 parters 9410 eschew 9410 quitter 9410 neat 9410 Steinberg 9410 jarring 9410 tinily 9410 balled 9410 persist 9410 attainments 9410 fanatic 9410 measures 9410 rightfulness 9410 capably 9410 impulsive 9410 starlet 9410 terminators 9410 untying 9410 announces 9410 featherweight 9410 pessimist 9410 daughter 9410 decliner 9410 lawgiver 9410 stated 9410 readable 9410 attrition 9410 cascade 9410 motors 9410 interrogate 9410 pests 9410 stairway 9410 dopers 9410 testicle 9410 Parsifal 9410 leavings 9410 postulation 9410 squeaking 9410 contrasted 9410 leftover 9410 whiteners 9410 erases 9410 Punjab 9410 Merritt 9410 Quixotism 9410 sweetish 9410 dogging 9410 scornfully 9410 bellow 9410 bills 9410 cupboard 9410 sureties 9410 puddings 9410 fetters 9410 bivalves 9410 incurring 9410 Adolph 9410 pithed 9410 Miles 9410 trimmings 9410 tragedies 9410 skulking 9410 flint 9410 flopping 9410 relaxing 9410 offload 9410 suites 9410 lists 9410 animized 9410 multilayer 9410 standardizes 9410 Judas 9410 vacuuming 9410 dentally 9410 humanness 9410 inch 9410 Weissmuller 9410 irresponsibly 9410 luckily 9410 culled 9410 medical 9410 bloodbath 9410 subschema 9410 animals 9410 Micronesia 9410 repetitions 9410 Antares 9410 ventilate 9410 pityingly 9410 interdependent 9410 Graves 9410 neonatal 9410 chafe 9410 honoring 9410 realtor 9410 elite 9410 funereal 9410 abrogating 9410 sorters 9410 Conley 9410 lectured 9410 Abraham 9410 Hawaii 9410 cage 9410 hushes 9410 Simla 9410 reporters 9410 Dutchman 9410 descendants 9410 groupings 9410 dissociate 9410 coexist 9410 Beebe 9410 Taoism 9410 Connally 9410 fetched 9410 checkpoints 9410 rusting 9410 galling 9410 obliterates 9410 traitor 9410 resumes 9410 analyzable 9410 terminator 9410 gritty 9410 firearm 9410 minima 9410 Selfridge 9410 disable 9410 witchcraft 9410 betroth 9410 Manhattanize 9410 imprint 9410 peeked 9410 swelling 9410 interrelationships 9410 riser 9410 Gandhian 9410 peacock 9410 bee 9410 kanji 9410 dental 9410 scarf 9410 chasm 9410 insolence 9410 syndicate 9410 alike 9410 imperial 9410 convulsion 9410 railway 9410 validate 9410 normalizes 9410 comprehensive 9410 chewing 9410 denizen 9410 schemer 9410 chronicle 9410 Kline 9410 Anatole 9410 partridges 9410 brunch 9410 recruited 9410 dimensions 9410 Chicana 9410 announced 9410 praised 9410 employing 9410 linear 9410 quagmire 9410 western 9410 relishing 9410 serving 9410 scheduling 9410 lore 9410 eventful 9410 arteriole 9410 disentangle 9410 cured 9410 Fenton 9410 avoidable 9410 drains 9410 detectably 9410 husky 9410 impelling 9410 undoes 9410 evened 9410 squeezes 9410 destroyer 9410 rudeness 9410 beaner 9410 boorish 9410 Everhart 9410 encompass 9410 mushrooms 9410 Alison 9410 externally 9410 pellagra 9410 cult 9410 creek 9410 Huffman 9410 Majorca 9410 governing 9410 gadfly 9410 reassigned 9410 intentness 9410 craziness 9410 psychic 9410 squabbled 9410 burlesque 9410 capped 9410 extracted 9410 DiMaggio 9410 exclamation 9410 subdirectory 9410 Gothicism 9410 feminine 9410 metaphysically 9410 sanding 9410 Miltonism 9410 freakish 9410 index 9410 straight 9410 flurried 9410 denotative 9410 coming 9410 commencements 9410 gentleman 9410 gifted 9410 Shanghais 9410 sportswriting 9410 sloping 9410 navies 9410 leaflet 9410 shooter 9410 Joplin 9410 babies 9410 assails 9410 admiring 9410 swaying 9410 Goldstine 9410 fitting 9410 Norwalk 9410 analogy 9410 deludes 9410 cokes 9410 Clayton 9410 exhausts 9410 causality 9410 sating 9410 icon 9410 throttles 9410 communicants 9410 dehydrate 9410 priceless 9410 publicly 9410 incidentals 9410 commonplace 9410 mumbles 9410 furthermore 9410 cautioned 9410 parametrized 9410 registration 9410 sadly 9410 positioning 9410 babysitting 9410 eternal 9410 hoarder 9410 congregates 9410 rains 9410 workers 9410 sags 9410 unplug 9410 garage 9410 boulder 9410 specifics 9410 Teresa 9410 Winsett 9410 convenient 9410 buckboards 9410 amenities 9410 resplendent 9410 sews 9410 participated 9410 Simon 9410 certificates 9410 Fitzpatrick 9410 Evanston 9410 misted 9410 textures 9410 save 9410 count 9410 rightful 9410 chaperone 9410 Lizzy 9410 clenched 9410 effortlessly 9410 accessed 9410 beaters 9410 Hornblower 9410 vests 9410 indulgences 9410 infallibly 9410 unwilling 9410 excrete 9410 spools 9410 crunches 9410 overestimating 9410 ineffective 9410 humiliation 9410 sophomore 9410 star 9410 rifles 9410 dialysis 9410 arriving 9410 indulge 9410 clockers 9410 languages 9410 Antarctica 9410 percentage 9410 ceiling 9410 specification 9410 regimented 9410 ciphers 9410 pictures 9410 serpents 9410 allot 9410 realized 9410 mayoral 9410 opaquely 9410 hostess 9410 fiftieth 9410 incorrectly 9410 decomposition 9410 stranglings 9410 mixture 9410 electroencephalography 9410 similarities 9410 charges 9410 freest 9410 Greenberg 9410 tinting 9410 expelled 9410 warm 9410 smoothed 9410 deductions 9410 Romano 9410 bitterroot 9410 corset 9410 securing 9410 environing 9410 cute 9410 Crays 9410 heiress 9410 inform 9410 avenge 9410 universals 9410 Kinsey 9410 ravines 9410 bestseller 9410 equilibrium 9410 extents 9410 relatively 9410 pressure 9410 critiques 9410 befouled 9410 rightfully 9410 mechanizing 9410 Latinizes 9410 timesharing 9410 Aden 9410 embassies 9410 males 9410 shapelessly 9410 mastering 9410 Newtonian 9410 finishers 9410 abates 9410 teem 9410 kiting 9410 stodgy 9410 feed 9410 guitars 9410 airships 9410 store 9410 denounces 9410 Pyle 9410 Saxony 9410 serializations 9410 Peruvian 9410 taxonomically 9410 kingdom 9410 stint 9410 Sault 9410 faithful 9410 Ganymede 9410 tidiness 9410 gainful 9410 contrary 9410 Tipperary 9410 tropics 9410 theorizers 9410 renew 9410 already 9410 terminal 9410 Hegelian 9410 hypothesizer 9410 warningly 9410 journalizing 9410 nested 9410 Lars 9410 saplings 9410 foothill 9410 labeled 9410 imperiously 9410 reporters 9410 furnishings 9410 precipitable 9410 discounts 9410 excises 9410 Stalin 9410 despot 9410 ripeness 9410 Arabia 9410 unruly 9410 mournfulness 9410 boom 9410 slaughter 9410 Sabine 9410 handy 9410 rural 9410 organizer 9410 shipyard 9410 civics 9410 inaccuracy 9410 rules 9410 juveniles 9410 comprised 9410 investigations 9410 stabilizes 9410 seminaries 9410 Hunter 9410 sporty 9410 test 9410 weasels 9410 CERN 9410 tempering 9410 afore 9410 Galatean 9410 techniques 9410 error 9410 veranda 9410 severely 9410 Cassites 9410 forthcoming 9410 guides 9410 vanish 9410 lied 9410 sawtooth 9410 fated 9410 gradually 9410 widens 9410 preclude 9410 evenhandedly 9410 percentage 9410 disobedience 9410 humility 9410 gleaning 9410 petted 9410 bloater 9410 minion 9410 marginal 9410 apiary 9410 measures 9410 precaution 9410 repelled 9410 primary 9410 coverings 9410 Artemia 9410 navigate 9410 spatial 9410 Gurkha 9410 meanwhile 9410 Melinda 9410 Butterfield 9410 Aldrich 9410 previewing 9410 glut 9410 unaffected 9410 inmate 9410 mineral 9410 impending 9410 meditation 9410 ideas 9410 miniaturizes 9410 lewdly 9410 title 9410 youthfulness 9410 creak 9410 Chippewa 9410 clamored 9410 freezes 9410 forgivably 9410 reduce 9410 McGovern 9410 Nazis 9410 epistle 9410 socializes 9410 conceptions 9410 Kevin 9410 uncovering 9410 chews 9410 appendixes 9410 appendixes 9410 appendixes 9410 appendixes 9410 appendixes 9410 appendixes 9410 raining 9410 infest 9410 compartment 9410 minting 9410 ducks 9410 roped 9410 waltz 9410 Lillian 9410 repressions 9410 chillingly 9410 noncritical 9410 lithograph 9410 spongers 9410 parenthood 9410 posed 9410 instruments 9410 filial 9410 fixedly 9410 relives 9410 Pandora 9410 watering 9410 ungrateful 9410 secures 9410 poison 9410 dusted 9410 encompasses 9410 presentation 9410 Kantian 9410 select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price; fld3 period price price2 admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648 analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648 annihilates 1001 5987435 234724 Antares 1002 28357832 8723648 astound 1001 5987435 234724 audiology 1001 5987435 234724 Augustine 1002 28357832 8723648 Baird 1002 28357832 8723648 bewilderingly 1001 5987435 234724 breaking 1001 5987435 234724 Conley 1001 5987435 234724 dentally 1002 28357832 8723648 dissociate 1002 28357832 8723648 elite 1001 5987435 234724 eschew 1001 5987435 234724 Eulerian 1001 5987435 234724 flanking 1001 5987435 234724 foldout 1002 28357832 8723648 funereal 1002 28357832 8723648 galling 1002 28357832 8723648 Graves 1001 5987435 234724 grazing 1001 5987435 234724 groupings 1001 5987435 234724 handgun 1001 5987435 234724 humility 1002 28357832 8723648 impulsive 1002 28357832 8723648 inch 1001 5987435 234724 intelligibility 1001 5987435 234724 jarring 1001 5987435 234724 lawgiver 1001 5987435 234724 lectured 1002 28357832 8723648 Merritt 1002 28357832 8723648 neonatal 1001 5987435 234724 offload 1002 28357832 8723648 parters 1002 28357832 8723648 pityingly 1002 28357832 8723648 puddings 1002 28357832 8723648 Punjab 1001 5987435 234724 quitter 1002 28357832 8723648 realtor 1001 5987435 234724 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724 repetitions 1001 5987435 234724 resumes 1001 5987435 234724 Romans 1002 28357832 8723648 rusting 1001 5987435 234724 scholastics 1001 5987435 234724 skulking 1002 28357832 8723648 stated 1002 28357832 8723648 suites 1002 28357832 8723648 sureties 1001 5987435 234724 testicle 1002 28357832 8723648 tinily 1002 28357832 8723648 tragedies 1001 5987435 234724 trimmings 1001 5987435 234724 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724 ventilate 1001 5987435 234724 wallet 1001 5987435 234724 Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648 Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648 select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37; fld1 fld3 period price price2 018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724 018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724 018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724 018811 repetitions 1001 5987435 234724 create table t4 ( companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00', companyname char(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (companynr), UNIQUE KEY companyname(companyname) ) ENGINE=MyISAM MAX_ROWS=50 PACK_KEYS=1 COMMENT='companynames'; select STRAIGHT_JOIN t2.companynr,companyname from t4,t2 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr; companynr companyname 00 Unknown 29 company 1 34 company 2 36 company 3 37 company 4 40 company 5 41 company 6 50 company 11 53 company 7 58 company 8 65 company 9 68 company 10 select SQL_SMALL_RESULT t2.companynr,companyname from t4,t2 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr; companynr companyname 00 Unknown 29 company 1 34 company 2 36 company 3 37 company 4 40 company 5 41 company 6 50 company 11 53 company 7 58 company 8 65 company 9 68 company 10 select * from t1,t1 t12; Period Varor_period Period Varor_period 9410 9412 9410 9412 select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505; fld1 fld1 250501 250501 250502 250501 250503 250501 250504 250501 250505 250501 250501 250502 250502 250502 250503 250502 250504 250502 250505 250502 250501 250503 250502 250503 250503 250503 250504 250503 250505 250503 250501 250504 250502 250504 250503 250504 250504 250504 250505 250504 250501 250505 250502 250505 250503 250505 250504 250505 250505 250505 insert into t2 (fld1, companynr) values (999999,99); select t2.companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is null; companynr companyname 99 NULL select count(*) from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is not null; count(*) 1199 explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1200 1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 test.t2.companynr 1 Using where; Not exists explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 12 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1200 Using where; Not exists select companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is null; companynr companyname select count(*) from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is not null; count(*) 1200 explain select companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE delete from t2 where fld1=999999; explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where 1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 test.t2.companynr 1 explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr < 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where 1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 test.t2.companynr 1 explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 and t4.companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where 1 SIMPLE t4 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 test.t2.companynr 1 explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr < 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 and companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 12 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr < 0 or t4.companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where ifnull(t2.companynr,1)>0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 12 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr is null; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr < 0 or companynr > 0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where ifnull(companynr,1)>0; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 12 Using where 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr+1; companynr companynr 37 36 41 40 explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr+1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008; fld1 companynr fld3 period 038008 37 reporters 1008 038208 37 Selfridge 1008 select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009; fld1 companynr fld3 period 038008 37 reporters 1008 038208 37 Selfridge 1008 select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009; fld1 companynr fld3 period 038008 37 reporters 1008 038208 37 Selfridge 1008 select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909); period 9410 select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6))); period 9410 select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1; fld1 250501 250502 250503 250505 select fld1 from t2 where fld1 in (250502,98005,98006,250503,250605,250606) and fld1 >=250502 and fld1 not in (250605,250606); fld1 250502 250503 select fld1 from t2 where fld1 between 250502 and 250504; fld1 250502 250503 250504 select fld3 from t2 where (((fld3 like "_%L%" ) or (fld3 like "%ok%")) and ( fld3 like "L%" or fld3 like "G%")) and fld3 like "L%" ; fld3 label labeled labeled landslide laterally leaflet lewdly Lillian luckily select count(*) from t1; count(*) 1 select companynr,count(*),sum(fld1) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(*) sum(fld1) 00 82 10355753 29 95 14473298 34 70 17788966 36 215 22786296 37 588 83602098 40 37 6618386 41 52 12816335 50 11 1595438 53 4 793210 58 23 2254293 65 10 2284055 68 12 3097288 select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr order by companynr desc limit 5; companynr count(*) 68 12 65 10 58 23 53 4 50 11 select count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 where companynr = 34 and fld4<>""; count(*) min(fld4) max(fld4) sum(fld1) avg(fld1) std(fld1) variance(fld1) 70 absentee vest 17788966 254128.0857 3272.5940 10709871.3069 explain extended select count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 where companynr = 34 and fld4<>""; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select count(0) AS `count(*)`,min(`test`.`t2`.`fld4`) AS `min(fld4)`,max(`test`.`t2`.`fld4`) AS `max(fld4)`,sum(`test`.`t2`.`fld1`) AS `sum(fld1)`,avg(`test`.`t2`.`fld1`) AS `avg(fld1)`,std(`test`.`t2`.`fld1`) AS `std(fld1)`,variance(`test`.`t2`.`fld1`) AS `variance(fld1)` from `test`.`t2` where ((`test`.`t2`.`companynr` = 34) and (`test`.`t2`.`fld4` <> _latin1'')) select companynr,count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 group by companynr limit 3; companynr count(*) min(fld4) max(fld4) sum(fld1) avg(fld1) std(fld1) variance(fld1) 00 82 Anthony windmills 10355753 126289.6707 115550.9757 13352027981.7087 29 95 abut wetness 14473298 152350.5053 8368.5480 70032594.9026 34 70 absentee vest 17788966 254128.0857 3272.5940 10709871.3069 select companynr,t2nr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 where companynr = 37 group by companynr,t2nr limit 10; companynr t2nr count(price) sum(price) min(price) max(price) avg(price) 37 1 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 2 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 3 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 11 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 12 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 13 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 21 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 22 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 23 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 31 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 select /*! SQL_SMALL_RESULT */ companynr,t2nr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 where companynr = 37 group by companynr,t2nr limit 10; companynr t2nr count(price) sum(price) min(price) max(price) avg(price) 37 1 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 2 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 3 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 11 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 12 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 13 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 21 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 37 22 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 37 23 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 37 31 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 select companynr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 group by companynr ; companynr count(price) sum(price) min(price) max(price) avg(price) 37 12543 309394878010 5987435 39654943 24666736.6667 78 8362 414611089292 726498 98439034 49582766.0000 101 4181 3489454238 834598 834598 834598.0000 154 4181 4112197254950 983543950 983543950 983543950.0000 311 4181 979599938 234298 234298 234298.0000 447 4181 9929180954 2374834 2374834 2374834.0000 512 4181 3288532102 786542 786542 786542.0000 select distinct mod(companynr,10) from t4 group by companynr; mod(companynr,10) 0 9 4 6 7 1 3 8 5 select distinct 1 from t4 group by companynr; 1 1 select count(distinct fld1) from t2; count(distinct fld1) 1199 select companynr,count(distinct fld1) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(distinct fld1) 00 82 29 95 34 70 36 215 37 588 40 37 41 52 50 11 53 4 58 23 65 10 68 12 select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(*) 00 82 29 95 34 70 36 215 37 588 40 37 41 52 50 11 53 4 58 23 65 10 68 12 select companynr,count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,1000))) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,1000))) 00 82 29 95 34 70 36 215 37 588 40 37 41 52 50 11 53 4 58 23 65 10 68 12 select companynr,count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,200))) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,200))) 00 82 29 95 34 70 36 215 37 588 40 37 41 52 50 11 53 4 58 23 65 10 68 12 select companynr,count(distinct floor(fld1/100)) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(distinct floor(fld1/100)) 00 47 29 35 34 14 36 69 37 108 40 16 41 11 50 9 53 1 58 1 65 1 68 1 select companynr,count(distinct concat(repeat(65,1000),floor(fld1/100))) from t2 group by companynr; companynr count(distinct concat(repeat(65,1000),floor(fld1/100))) 00 47 29 35 34 14 36 69 37 108 40 16 41 11 50 9 53 1 58 1 65 1 68 1 select sum(fld1),fld3 from t2 where fld3="Romans" group by fld1 limit 10; sum(fld1) fld3 11402 Romans select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' group by name; name count(*) cloakroom 4181 select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price>10 group by name; name count(*) cloakroom 4181 select count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price2=823742; count(*) 4181 select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price2=823742 group by name; name count(*) cloakroom 4181 select name,count(*) from t3 where name >= "extramarital" and price <= 39654943 group by name; name count(*) extramarital 4181 gazer 4181 gems 4181 Iranizes 4181 spates 4181 tucked 4181 violinist 4181 select t2.fld3,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by; fld3 count(*) spates 4181 select companynr|0,companyname from t4 group by 1; companynr|0 companyname 0 Unknown 29 company 1 34 company 2 36 company 3 37 company 4 40 company 5 41 company 6 50 company 11 53 company 7 58 company 8 65 company 9 68 company 10 select t2.companynr,companyname,count(*) from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr order by companyname; companynr companyname count(*) 29 company 1 95 68 company 10 12 50 company 11 11 34 company 2 70 36 company 3 215 37 company 4 588 40 company 5 37 41 company 6 52 53 company 7 4 58 company 8 23 65 company 9 10 00 Unknown 82 select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by; fld1 count(*) 158402 4181 select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1; sum(Period)/count(*) 9410.0000 select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr; companynr count sum diff func 37 12543 309394878010 0.0000 464091 78 8362 414611089292 0.0000 652236 101 4181 3489454238 0.0000 422281 154 4181 4112197254950 0.0000 643874 311 4181 979599938 0.0000 1300291 447 4181 9929180954 0.0000 1868907 512 4181 3288532102 0.0000 2140672 select companynr,sum(price)/count(price) as avg from t3 group by companynr having avg > 70000000 order by avg; companynr avg 154 983543950.0000 select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr order by 2 desc; companynr count(*) 37 588 36 215 29 95 00 82 34 70 41 52 40 37 58 23 68 12 50 11 65 10 53 4 select companynr,count(*) from t2 where companynr > 40 group by companynr order by 2 desc; companynr count(*) 41 52 58 23 68 12 50 11 65 10 53 4 select t2.fld4,t2.fld1,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3,t2 where t3.companynr = 37 and t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr group by fld1,t2.fld4; fld4 fld1 count(price) sum(price) min(price) max(price) avg(price) teethe 000001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 dreaded 011401 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 scholastics 011402 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 audiology 011403 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 wallet 011501 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 parters 011701 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 eschew 011702 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 quitter 011703 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 neat 012001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Steinberg 012003 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 balled 012301 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 persist 012302 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 attainments 012303 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 capably 012501 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 impulsive 012602 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 starlet 012603 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 featherweight 012701 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 pessimist 012702 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 daughter 012703 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 lawgiver 013601 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 stated 013602 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 readable 013603 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 testicle 013801 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Parsifal 013802 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 leavings 013803 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 squeaking 013901 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 contrasted 016001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 leftover 016201 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 whiteners 016202 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 erases 016301 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Punjab 016302 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Merritt 016303 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 sweetish 018001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 dogging 018002 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 scornfully 018003 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 fetters 018012 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 bivalves 018013 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 skulking 018021 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 flint 018022 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 flopping 018023 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 Judas 018032 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 vacuuming 018033 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 medical 018041 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 bloodbath 018042 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 subschema 018043 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 interdependent 018051 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Graves 018052 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 neonatal 018053 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 sorters 018061 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 epistle 018062 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Conley 018101 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 lectured 018102 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Abraham 018103 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 cage 018201 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 hushes 018202 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Simla 018402 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 reporters 018403 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 coexist 018601 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Beebe 018602 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Taoism 018603 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 Connally 018801 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 fetched 018802 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 checkpoints 018803 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 gritty 018811 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 firearm 018812 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 minima 019101 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Selfridge 019102 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 disable 019103 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 witchcraft 019201 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 betroth 030501 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Manhattanize 030502 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 imprint 030503 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 swelling 031901 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 interrelationships 036001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 riser 036002 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 bee 038001 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 kanji 038002 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 dental 038003 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 railway 038011 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 validate 038012 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 normalizes 038013 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 Kline 038101 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 Anatole 038102 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 partridges 038103 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 recruited 038201 1 5987435 5987435 5987435 5987435.0000 dimensions 038202 1 28357832 28357832 28357832 28357832.0000 Chicana 038203 1 39654943 39654943 39654943 39654943.0000 select t3.companynr,fld3,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 group by companynr,fld3; companynr fld3 sum(price) 512 boat 786542 512 capably 786542 512 cupboard 786542 512 decliner 786542 512 descendants 786542 512 dopers 786542 512 erases 786542 512 Micronesia 786542 512 Miles 786542 512 skies 786542 select t2.companynr,count(*),min(fld3),max(fld3),sum(price),avg(price) from t2,t3 where t3.companynr >= 30 and t3.companynr <= 58 and t3.t2nr = t2.fld1 and 1+1=2 group by t2.companynr; companynr count(*) min(fld3) max(fld3) sum(price) avg(price) 00 1 Omaha Omaha 5987435 5987435.0000 36 1 dubbed dubbed 28357832 28357832.0000 37 83 Abraham Wotan 1908978016 22999735.1325 50 2 scribbled tapestry 68012775 34006387.5000 select t3.companynr+0,t3.t2nr,fld3,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 37 group by 1,t3.t2nr,fld3,fld3,fld3,fld3,fld3 order by fld1; t3.companynr+0 t2nr fld3 sum(price) 37 1 Omaha 5987435 37 11401 breaking 5987435 37 11402 Romans 28357832 37 11403 intercepted 39654943 37 11501 bewilderingly 5987435 37 11701 astound 5987435 37 11702 admonishing 28357832 37 11703 sumac 39654943 37 12001 flanking 5987435 37 12003 combed 39654943 37 12301 Eulerian 5987435 37 12302 dubbed 28357832 37 12303 Kane 39654943 37 12501 annihilates 5987435 37 12602 Wotan 28357832 37 12603 snatching 39654943 37 12701 grazing 5987435 37 12702 Baird 28357832 37 12703 celery 39654943 37 13601 handgun 5987435 37 13602 foldout 28357832 37 13603 mystic 39654943 37 13801 intelligibility 5987435 37 13802 Augustine 28357832 37 13803 teethe 39654943 37 13901 scholastics 5987435 37 16001 audiology 5987435 37 16201 wallet 5987435 37 16202 parters 28357832 37 16301 eschew 5987435 37 16302 quitter 28357832 37 16303 neat 39654943 37 18001 jarring 5987435 37 18002 tinily 28357832 37 18003 balled 39654943 37 18012 impulsive 28357832 37 18013 starlet 39654943 37 18021 lawgiver 5987435 37 18022 stated 28357832 37 18023 readable 39654943 37 18032 testicle 28357832 37 18033 Parsifal 39654943 37 18041 Punjab 5987435 37 18042 Merritt 28357832 37 18043 Quixotism 39654943 37 18051 sureties 5987435 37 18052 puddings 28357832 37 18053 tapestry 39654943 37 18061 trimmings 5987435 37 18062 humility 28357832 37 18101 tragedies 5987435 37 18102 skulking 28357832 37 18103 flint 39654943 37 18201 relaxing 5987435 37 18202 offload 28357832 37 18402 suites 28357832 37 18403 lists 39654943 37 18601 vacuuming 5987435 37 18602 dentally 28357832 37 18603 humanness 39654943 37 18801 inch 5987435 37 18802 Weissmuller 28357832 37 18803 irresponsibly 39654943 37 18811 repetitions 5987435 37 18812 Antares 28357832 37 19101 ventilate 5987435 37 19102 pityingly 28357832 37 19103 interdependent 39654943 37 19201 Graves 5987435 37 30501 neonatal 5987435 37 30502 scribbled 28357832 37 30503 chafe 39654943 37 31901 realtor 5987435 37 36001 elite 5987435 37 36002 funereal 28357832 37 38001 Conley 5987435 37 38002 lectured 28357832 37 38003 Abraham 39654943 37 38011 groupings 5987435 37 38012 dissociate 28357832 37 38013 coexist 39654943 37 38101 rusting 5987435 37 38102 galling 28357832 37 38103 obliterates 39654943 37 38201 resumes 5987435 37 38202 analyzable 28357832 37 38203 terminator 39654943 select sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t2.fld1= t3.t2nr and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008; sum(price) 234298 select t2.fld1,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t3.t2nr = t2.fld1 and t2.fld1 = 38008 group by t2.fld1; fld1 sum(price) 038008 234298 explain select fld3 from t2 where 1>2 or 2>3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE explain select fld3 from t2 where fld1=fld1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 select companynr,fld1 from t2 HAVING fld1=250501 or fld1=250502; companynr fld1 34 250501 34 250502 select companynr,fld1 from t2 WHERE fld1>=250501 HAVING fld1<=250502; companynr fld1 34 250501 34 250502 select companynr,count(*) as count,sum(fld1) as sum from t2 group by companynr having count > 40 and sum/count >= 120000; companynr count sum 00 82 10355753 29 95 14473298 34 70 17788966 37 588 83602098 41 52 12816335 select companynr from t2 group by companynr having count(*) > 40 and sum(fld1)/count(*) >= 120000 ; companynr 00 29 34 37 41 select t2.companynr,companyname,count(*) from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by companyname having t2.companynr >= 40; companynr companyname count(*) 68 company 10 12 50 company 11 11 40 company 5 37 41 company 6 52 53 company 7 4 58 company 8 23 65 company 9 10 select count(*) from t2; count(*) 1199 select count(*) from t2 where fld1 < 098024; count(*) 387 select min(fld1) from t2 where fld1>= 098024; min(fld1) 98024 select max(fld1) from t2 where fld1>= 098024; max(fld1) 1232609 select count(*) from t3 where price2=76234234; count(*) 4181 select count(*) from t3 where companynr=512 and price2=76234234; count(*) 4181 explain select min(fld1),max(fld1),count(*) from t2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Select tables optimized away select min(fld1),max(fld1),count(*) from t2; min(fld1) max(fld1) count(*) 0 1232609 1199 select min(t2nr),max(t2nr) from t3 where t2nr=2115 and price2=823742; min(t2nr) max(t2nr) 2115 2115 select count(*),min(t2nr),max(t2nr) from t3 where name='spates' and companynr=78; count(*) min(t2nr) max(t2nr) 4181 4 41804 select t2nr,count(*) from t3 where name='gems' group by t2nr limit 20; t2nr count(*) 9 1 19 1 29 1 39 1 49 1 59 1 69 1 79 1 89 1 99 1 109 1 119 1 129 1 139 1 149 1 159 1 169 1 179 1 189 1 199 1 select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950; max(t2nr) 41807 select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1; period 1001 select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1; period 9410 select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1; Nuvarande period 9410 select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1; ok_period 9410 select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1; ok_period 9410 select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1; summa 2 select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1; Nuvarande period 9410 show tables; Tables_in_test t1 t2 t3 t4 show tables from test like "s%"; Tables_in_test (s%) show tables from test like "t?"; Tables_in_test (t?) show full columns from t2; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment auto int(11) NULL NO PRI NULL auto_increment # fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill NULL NO UNI 000000 # companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NULL NO 00 # fld3 char(30) latin1_swedish_ci NO MUL # fld4 char(35) latin1_swedish_ci NO # fld5 char(35) latin1_swedish_ci NO # fld6 char(4) latin1_swedish_ci NO # show full columns from t2 from test like 'f%'; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill NULL NO UNI 000000 # fld3 char(30) latin1_swedish_ci NO MUL # fld4 char(35) latin1_swedish_ci NO # fld5 char(35) latin1_swedish_ci NO # fld6 char(4) latin1_swedish_ci NO # show full columns from t2 from test like 's%'; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment show keys from t2; Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment t2 0 PRIMARY 1 auto A 1199 NULL NULL BTREE t2 0 fld1 1 fld1 A 1199 NULL NULL BTREE t2 1 fld3 1 fld3 A NULL NULL NULL BTREE drop table t4, t3, t2, t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( cont_nr int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ver_nr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', aufnr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', username varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', hdl_nr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', eintrag date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', st_klasse varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', st_wert varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', st_zusatz varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', st_bemerkung varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', kunden_art varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', mcbs_knr int(11) default NULL, mcbs_aufnr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', schufa_status char(1) default '?', bemerkung text, wirknetz text, wf_igz int(11) NOT NULL default '0', tarifcode varchar(80) default NULL, recycle char(1) default NULL, sim varchar(30) default NULL, mcbs_tpl varchar(30) default NULL, emp_nr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', laufzeit int(11) default NULL, hdl_name varchar(30) default NULL, prov_hdl_nr int(11) NOT NULL default '0', auto_wirknetz varchar(50) default NULL, auto_billing varchar(50) default NULL, touch timestamp NOT NULL, kategorie varchar(50) default NULL, kundentyp varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', sammel_rech_msisdn varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', p_nr varchar(9) NOT NULL default '', suffix char(3) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (cont_nr), KEY idx_aufnr(aufnr), KEY idx_hdl_nr(hdl_nr), KEY idx_st_klasse(st_klasse), KEY ver_nr(ver_nr), KEY eintrag_idx(eintrag), KEY emp_nr_idx(emp_nr), KEY wf_igz(wf_igz), KEY touch(touch), KEY hdl_tag(eintrag,hdl_nr), KEY prov_hdl_nr(prov_hdl_nr), KEY mcbs_aufnr(mcbs_aufnr), KEY kundentyp(kundentyp), KEY p_nr(p_nr,suffix) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359356,405,3359356,'Mustermann Musterfrau',52500,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1485525,2122316,'+','','N',1909160,'MobilComSuper92000D2',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND2',3,24,'MobilCom Shop Koeln',52500,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359357,468,3359357,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1503580,2139699,'+','','P',1909171,'MobilComSuper9D1T10SFreisprech(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9NS1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359358,407,3359358,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1501358,2137473,'N','','N',1909159,'MobilComSuper92000D2',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND2',325,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359359,468,3359359,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1507831,2143894,'+','','P',1909162,'MobilComSuper9D1T10SFreisprech(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9NS1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359360,0,0,'Mustermann Musterfrau',29674907,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1900169997,2414578,'+',NULL,'N',1909148,'',NULL,NULL,'RV99066_2',20,NULL,'POS',29674907,NULL,NULL,20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','','','97317481','007'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359361,406,3359361,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag storniert','','(7001-84):Storno, Kd. möchte nicht mehr','privat',NULL,0,'+','','P',1909150,'MobilComSuper92000D1(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND1',325,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359362,406,3359362,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprüft','','privat',1509984,2145874,'+','','P',1909154,'MobilComSuper92000D1(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); SELECT ELT(FIELD(kundentyp,'PP','PPA','PG','PGA','FK','FKA','FP','FPA','K','KA','V','VA',''), 'Privat (Private Nutzung)','Privat (Private Nutzung) Sitz im Ausland','Privat (geschaeftliche Nutzung)','Privat (geschaeftliche Nutzung) Sitz im Ausland','Firma (Kapitalgesellschaft)','Firma (Kapitalgesellschaft) Sitz im Ausland','Firma (Personengesellschaft)','Firma (Personengesellschaft) Sitz im Ausland','oeff. rechtl. Koerperschaft','oeff. rechtl. Koerperschaft Sitz im Ausland','Eingetragener Verein','Eingetragener Verein Sitz im Ausland','Typ unbekannt') AS Kundentyp ,kategorie FROM t1 WHERE hdl_nr < 2000000 AND kategorie IN ('Prepaid','Mobilfunk') AND st_klasse = 'Workflow' GROUP BY kundentyp ORDER BY kategorie; Kundentyp kategorie Privat (Private Nutzung) Mobilfunk Warnings: Warning 1052 Column 'kundentyp' in group statement is ambiguous drop table t1; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'; Variable_name Value Ssl_cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Compression'; Variable_name Value Compression ON