drop table if exists t1; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; ERROR HY000: Can't find symbol 'myfunc_nonexist' in library CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select myfunc_double(); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'myfunc_double'; myfunc_double must have at least one argument select myfunc_double(1); myfunc_double(1) 49.00 select myfunc_double(78654); myfunc_double(78654) 54.00 select myfunc_nonexist(); ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.myfunc_nonexist does not exist select myfunc_int(); myfunc_int() 0 select lookup(); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'lookup'; Wrong arguments to lookup; Use the source select lookup(""); lookup("") select lookup(127,0,0,1); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'lookup'; Wrong arguments to lookup; Use the source select lookup("localhost"); lookup("localhost") select reverse_lookup(); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'reverse_lookup'; Wrong number of arguments to reverse_lookup; Use the source select reverse_lookup(""); select reverse_lookup(127,0,0,1); select reverse_lookup("localhost"); reverse_lookup("localhost") NULL select avgcost(); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'avgcost'; wrong number of arguments: AVGCOST() requires two arguments select avgcost(100,23.76); ERROR HY000: Can't initialize function 'avgcost'; wrong argument type: AVGCOST() requires an INT and a REAL create table t1(sum int, price float(24)); insert into t1 values(100, 50.00), (100, 100.00); select avgcost(sum, price) from t1; avgcost(sum, price) 75.0000 delete from t1; insert into t1 values(100, 54.33), (200, 199.99); select avgcost(sum, price) from t1; avgcost(sum, price) 151.4367 drop table t1; select metaphon('hello'); metaphon('hello') HL CREATE PROCEDURE `XXX1`(in testval varchar(10)) begin select metaphon(testval); end// call XXX1('hello'); metaphon(testval) HL drop procedure xxx1; CREATE PROCEDURE `XXX2`() begin declare testval varchar(10); set testval = 'hello'; select metaphon(testval); end// call XXX2(); metaphon(testval) HL drop procedure xxx2; CREATE TABLE bug19904(n INT, v varchar(10)); INSERT INTO bug19904 VALUES (1,'one'),(2,'two'),(NULL,NULL),(3,'three'),(4,'four'); SELECT myfunc_double(n) AS f FROM bug19904; f 49.00 50.00 NULL 51.00 52.00 SELECT metaphon(v) AS f FROM bug19904; f ON TW NULL 0R FR DROP TABLE bug19904; CREATE DEFINER=CURRENT_USER() FUNCTION should_not_parse RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"' at line 2 CREATE DEFINER=someone@somewhere FUNCTION should_not_parse RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"' at line 2 create table t1(f1 int); insert into t1 values(1),(2); explain select myfunc_int(f1) from t1 order by 1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using temporary; Using filesort drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 values (1,1),(2,2); CREATE FUNCTION fn(a int) RETURNS int DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN a; END || CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT a, fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(a AS attr_name) FROM t1; myfunc_int(a AS attr_name) 1 2 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT myfunc_int(a AS attr_name) FROM t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Warnings: Note 1003 select myfunc_int(`test`.`t1`.`a` AS `attr_name`) AS `myfunc_int(a AS attr_name)` from `test`.`t1` EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT myfunc_int(a) FROM t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Warnings: Note 1003 select myfunc_int(`test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`) AS `myfunc_int(a)` from `test`.`t1` SELECT a,c FROM v1; a c 1 1 2 2 SELECT a, fn(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function 'fn' SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b) xx)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function 'fn' SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b) xx)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'xx)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a' at line 1 SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b)) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b)) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT myfunc_int(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 select myfunc_int(min(`test`.`t1`.`b`) AS `xx`) AS `c` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT test.fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`fn`(min(`test`.`t1`.`b`)) AS `c` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 select myfunc_int(`fn`(min(`test`.`t1`.`b`)) AS `fn(MIN(b))`) AS `c` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 select myfunc_int(`test`.`fn`(min(`test`.`t1`.`b`)) AS `test.fn(MIN(b))`) AS `c` from `test`.`t1` group by `test`.`t1`.`a` SELECT myfunc_int(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 SELECT test.fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; c 1 2 DROP VIEW v1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION fn; End of 5.0 tests. select myfunc_double(3); myfunc_double(3) 51.00 select myfunc_double(3 AS three); myfunc_double(3 AS three) 51.00 select myfunc_double(abs(3)); myfunc_double(abs(3)) 51.00 select myfunc_double(abs(3) AS named_param); myfunc_double(abs(3) AS named_param) 51.00 select abs(myfunc_double(3)); abs(myfunc_double(3)) 51.00 select abs(myfunc_double(3 AS three)); abs(myfunc_double(3 AS three)) 51.00 select myfunc_double(abs(3 AS wrong)); ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameters in the call to native function 'abs' select abs(myfunc_double(3) AS wrong); ERROR 42000: Incorrect parameters in the call to native function 'abs' drop function if exists pi; CREATE FUNCTION pi RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; ERROR HY000: This function 'pi' has the same name as a native function DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS metaphon; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; ERROR HY000: Function 'metaphon' already exists CREATE FUNCTION test.metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; ERROR HY000: Function 'metaphon' already exists DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP FUNCTION myfunc_double; DROP FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist; ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.myfunc_nonexist does not exist DROP FUNCTION myfunc_int; DROP FUNCTION sequence; DROP FUNCTION lookup; DROP FUNCTION reverse_lookup; DROP FUNCTION avgcost; select * from mysql.func; name ret dl type CREATE FUNCTION is_const RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select IS_const(3); IS_const(3) const drop function IS_const; select * from mysql.func; name ret dl type select is_const(3); ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.is_const does not exist CREATE FUNCTION is_const RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select is_const(3) as const, is_const(3.14) as const, is_const('fnord') as const, is_const(2+3) as const, is_const(rand()) as 'nc rand()', is_const(sin(3.14)) as const, is_const(upper('test')) as const; const const const const nc rand() const const const const const const not const const const create table bug18761 (n int); insert into bug18761 values (null),(2); select is_const(3) as const, is_const(3.14) as const, is_const('fnord') as const, is_const(2+3) as const, is_const(2+n) as 'nc 2+n ', is_const(sin(n)) as 'nc sin(n)', is_const(sin(3.14)) as const, is_const(upper('test')) as const, is_const(rand()) as 'nc rand()', is_const(n) as 'nc n ', is_const(is_const(n)) as 'nc ic?(n)', is_const(is_const('c')) as const from bug18761; const const const const nc 2+n nc sin(n) const const nc rand() nc n nc ic?(n) const const const const const not const not const const const not const not const not const const const const const const not const not const const const not const not const not const const drop table bug18761; select is_const((1,2,3)); ERROR 21000: Operand should contain 1 column(s) drop function if exists is_const; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; create function f1(p1 varchar(255)) returns varchar(255) begin return metaphon(p1); end// create function f2(p1 varchar(255)) returns double begin return myfunc_double(p1); end// create function f3(p1 varchar(255)) returns double begin return myfunc_int(p1); end// select f3(NULL); f3(NULL) 0 select f2(NULL); f2(NULL) NULL select f1(NULL); f1(NULL) NULL drop function f1; drop function f2; drop function f3; drop function metaphon; drop function myfunc_double; drop function myfunc_int; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; create table t1 (a char); set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776; reset query cache; select metaphon('MySQL') from t1; metaphon('MySQL') show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 0 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 0 select metaphon('MySQL') from t1; metaphon('MySQL') show status like "Qcache_hits"; Variable_name Value Qcache_hits 0 show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; Variable_name Value Qcache_queries_in_cache 0 drop table t1; drop function metaphon; set GLOBAL query_cache_size=default; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest; USE mysqltest; DROP DATABASE mysqltest; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; USE test; CREATE TABLE const_len_bug ( str_const varchar(4000), result1 varchar(4000), result2 varchar(4000) ); CREATE TRIGGER check_const_len_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON const_len_bug FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set NEW.str_const = 'bar'; set NEW.result2 = check_const_len(NEW.str_const); END | CREATE PROCEDURE check_const_len_sp (IN str_const VARCHAR(4000)) BEGIN DECLARE result VARCHAR(4000); SET result = check_const_len(str_const); insert into const_len_bug values(str_const, result, ""); END | CREATE FUNCTION check_const_len RETURNS string SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CALL check_const_len_sp("foo"); SELECT * from const_len_bug; str_const result1 result2 bar Correct length Correct length DROP FUNCTION check_const_len; DROP PROCEDURE check_const_len_sp; DROP TRIGGER check_const_len_trigger; DROP TABLE const_len_bug; CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4),(3),(2),(1); INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT sequence() AS seq, a FROM t1 ORDER BY seq ASC; seq a 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 SELECT sequence() AS seq, a FROM t1 ORDER BY seq DESC; seq a 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = sequence(); a SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE a = sequence(); a 1 2 3 4 DROP FUNCTION sequence; DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Bug#46259: 5.0.83 -> 5.1.36, query doesn't work # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); SELECT IF( a = 1, a, a ) AS `b` FROM t1 ORDER BY field( `b` + 1, 1 ); b 1 2 3 SELECT IF( a = 1, a, a ) AS `b` FROM t1 ORDER BY field( `b`, 1 ); b 2 3 1 DROP TABLE t1; End of 5.0 tests.