drop database if exists `mysqltest1`; drop database if exists `mysqltest-1`; drop database if exists `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`; create database `mysqltest1`; create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`; create table `mysqltest1`.`t1` (a int); create table `mysqltest1`.`#mysql50#t-1` (a int); create table `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`.`t1` (a int); create table `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`.`#mysql50#t-1` (a int); show create database `mysqltest1`; Database Create Database mysqltest1 CREATE DATABASE `mysqltest1` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ show create database `mysqltest-1`; ERROR 42000: Unknown database 'mysqltest-1' show create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`; Database Create Database #mysql50#mysqltest-1 CREATE DATABASE `#mysql50#mysqltest-1` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ show tables in `mysqltest1`; Tables_in_mysqltest1 #mysql50#t-1 t1 show tables in `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`; Tables_in_#mysql50#mysqltest-1 #mysql50#t-1 t1 show create database `mysqltest1`; Database Create Database mysqltest1 CREATE DATABASE `mysqltest1` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ show create database `mysqltest-1`; Database Create Database mysqltest-1 CREATE DATABASE `mysqltest-1` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ show create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`; ERROR 42000: Unknown database '#mysql50#mysqltest-1' show tables in `mysqltest1`; Tables_in_mysqltest1 t1 t-1 show tables in `mysqltest-1`; Tables_in_mysqltest-1 t1 t-1 drop database `mysqltest1`; drop database `mysqltest-1`; drop table if exists `txu@0023p@0023p1`; drop table if exists `txu#p#p1`; create table `txu#p#p1` (s1 int); insert into `txu#p#p1` values (1); select * from `txu@0023p@0023p1`; ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.txu@0023p@0023p1' doesn't exist create table `txu@0023p@0023p1` (s1 int); insert into `txu@0023p@0023p1` values (2); select * from `txu@0023p@0023p1`; s1 2 select * from `txu#p#p1`; s1 1 drop table `txu@0023p@0023p1`; drop table `txu#p#p1`; # # Bug#37631 Incorrect key file for table after upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1 # # copy table created using mysql4.0 into the data dir # check the table created using mysql 4.0 CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check error Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `t1`" or dump/reload to fix it! # query the table created using mysql 4.0 SELECT * FROM t1; c1 c2 c3 DROP TABLE t1; truncate t1; drop table t1; drop database if exists `tabc`; drop database if exists `a-b-c`; create database `tabc` default character set latin2; create table tabc.t1 (a int); FLUSH TABLES; show databases like '%a-b-c%'; Database (%a-b-c%) #mysql50#a-b-c ALTER DATABASE `#mysql50#a-b-c` UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME; show databases like '%a-b-c%'; Database (%a-b-c%) a-b-c show create database `a-b-c`; Database Create Database a-b-c CREATE DATABASE `a-b-c` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin2 */ show tables in `a-b-c`; Tables_in_a-b-c t1 show create table `a-b-c`.`t1`; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2 drop database `a-b-c`; drop database `tabc`; use `#mysql50#a-b-c`; create table t1(f1 char(10)); show databases like '%a-b-c%'; Database (%a-b-c%) #mysql50#a-b-c ALTER DATABASE `#mysql50#a-b-c` UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME; show databases like '%a-b-c%'; Database (%a-b-c%) a-b-c show create view `a-b-c`.v1; View Create View character_set_client collation_connection v1 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1` AS select `a`.`f1` AS `f1` from (`a-b-c`.`t1` `a` join `information_schema`.`tables` `b`) where (convert(`a`.`f1` using utf8) = `b`.`TABLE_NAME`) utf8 utf8_general_ci select * from `a-b-c`.v1; f1 drop database `a-b-c`; use test;