drop table if exists t1,t2; set @my_binlog_cache_size =@@global.binlog_cache_size; set @my_connect_timeout =@@global.connect_timeout; set @my_delayed_insert_timeout =@@global.delayed_insert_timeout; set @my_delayed_queue_size =@@global.delayed_queue_size; set @my_flush =@@global.flush; set @my_flush_time =@@global.flush_time; set @my_key_buffer_size =@@global.key_buffer_size; set @my_max_binlog_cache_size =@@global.max_binlog_cache_size; set @my_max_binlog_size =@@global.max_binlog_size; set @my_max_connect_errors =@@global.max_connect_errors; set @my_max_connections =@@global.max_connections; set @my_max_delayed_threads =@@global.max_delayed_threads; set @my_max_heap_table_size =@@global.max_heap_table_size; set @my_max_insert_delayed_threads=@@global.max_insert_delayed_threads; set @my_max_join_size =@@global.max_join_size; set @my_max_user_connections =@@global.max_user_connections; set @my_myisam_data_pointer_size =@@global.myisam_data_pointer_size; set @my_myisam_max_sort_file_size =@@global.myisam_max_sort_file_size; set @my_net_buffer_length =@@global.net_buffer_length; set @my_net_write_timeout =@@global.net_write_timeout; set @my_net_read_timeout =@@global.net_read_timeout; set @my_server_id =@@global.server_id; set @my_slow_launch_time =@@global.slow_launch_time; set @my_storage_engine =@@global.default_storage_engine; set @my_thread_cache_size =@@global.thread_cache_size; set @my_max_allowed_packet =@@global.max_allowed_packet; set @my_delay_key_write =@@global.delay_key_write; set @my_join_buffer_size =@@global.join_buffer_size; set @my_log_warnings =@@global.log_warnings; set @`test`=1; select @test, @`test`, @TEST, @`TEST`, @"teSt"; @test @`test` @TEST @`TEST` @"teSt" 1 1 1 1 1 set @TEST=2; select @test, @`test`, @TEST, @`TEST`, @"teSt"; @test @`test` @TEST @`TEST` @"teSt" 2 2 2 2 2 set @"tEST"=3; select @test, @`test`, @TEST, @`TEST`, @"teSt"; @test @`test` @TEST @`TEST` @"teSt" 3 3 3 3 3 set @`TeST`=4; select @test, @`test`, @TEST, @`TEST`, @"teSt"; @test @`test` @TEST @`TEST` @"teSt" 4 4 4 4 4 select @`teST`:=5; @`teST`:=5 5 select @test, @`test`, @TEST, @`TEST`, @"teSt"; @test @`test` @TEST @`TEST` @"teSt" 5 5 5 5 5 set @select=2,@t5=1.23456; select @`select`,@not_used; @`select` @not_used 2 NULL set @test_int=10,@test_double=1e-10,@test_string="abcdeghi",@test_string2="abcdefghij",@select=NULL; select @test_int,@test_double,@test_string,@test_string2,@select; @test_int @test_double @test_string @test_string2 @select 10 0.0000000001 abcdeghi abcdefghij NULL set @test_int="hello",@test_double="hello",@test_string="hello",@test_string2="hello"; select @test_int,@test_double,@test_string,@test_string2; @test_int @test_double @test_string @test_string2 hello hello hello hello set @test_int="hellohello",@test_double="hellohello",@test_string="hellohello",@test_string2="hellohello"; select @test_int,@test_double,@test_string,@test_string2; @test_int @test_double @test_string @test_string2 hellohello hellohello hellohello hellohello set @test_int=null,@test_double=null,@test_string=null,@test_string2=null; select @test_int,@test_double,@test_string,@test_string2; @test_int @test_double @test_string @test_string2 NULL NULL NULL NULL select @t1:=(@t2:=1)+@t3:=4,@t1,@t2,@t3; @t1:=(@t2:=1)+@t3:=4 @t1 @t2 @t3 5 5 1 4 explain extended select @t1:=(@t2:=1)+@t3:=4,@t1,@t2,@t3; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @t1:=(@t2:=1) + (@t3:=4) AS `@t1:=(@t2:=1)+@t3:=4`,@`t1` AS `@t1`,@`t2` AS `@t2`,@`t3` AS `@t3` select @t5; @t5 1.23456 CREATE TABLE t1 (c_id INT(4) NOT NULL, c_name CHAR(20), c_country CHAR(3), PRIMARY KEY(c_id)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'Bozo','USA'),(2,'Ronald','USA'),(3,'Kinko','IRE'),(4,'Mr. Floppy','GB'); SELECT @min_cid:=min(c_id), @max_cid:=max(c_id) from t1; @min_cid:=min(c_id) @max_cid:=max(c_id) 1 4 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c_id=@min_cid OR c_id=@max_cid; c_id c_name c_country 1 Bozo USA 4 Mr. Floppy GB SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c_id=@min_cid OR c_id=@max_cid OR c_id=666; c_id c_name c_country 1 Bozo USA 4 Mr. Floppy GB ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PRIMARY KEY; select * from t1 where c_id=@min_cid OR c_id=@max_cid; c_id c_name c_country 1 Bozo USA 4 Mr. Floppy GB drop table t1; set GLOBAL max_join_size=10; set max_join_size=100; show variables like 'max_join_size'; Variable_name Value max_join_size 100 select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'max_join_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MAX_JOIN_SIZE 100 show global variables like 'max_join_size'; Variable_name Value max_join_size 10 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'max_join_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MAX_JOIN_SIZE 10 set GLOBAL max_join_size=2000; show global variables like 'max_join_size'; Variable_name Value max_join_size 2000 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'max_join_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MAX_JOIN_SIZE 2000 set max_join_size=DEFAULT; show variables like 'max_join_size'; Variable_name Value max_join_size 2000 select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'max_join_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MAX_JOIN_SIZE 2000 set GLOBAL max_join_size=DEFAULT; show global variables like 'max_join_size'; Variable_name Value max_join_size HA_POS_ERROR select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'max_join_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MAX_JOIN_SIZE HA_POS_ERROR set @@max_join_size=1000, @@global.max_join_size=2000; select @@local.max_join_size, @@global.max_join_size; @@local.max_join_size @@global.max_join_size 1000 2000 select @@identity, length(@@version)>0; @@identity length(@@version)>0 0 1 select @@VERSION=version(); @@VERSION=version() 1 select last_insert_id(345); last_insert_id(345) 345 explain extended select last_insert_id(345); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select last_insert_id(345) AS `last_insert_id(345)` select @@IDENTITY,last_insert_id(), @@identity; @@IDENTITY last_insert_id() @@identity 345 345 345 explain extended select @@IDENTITY,last_insert_id(), @@identity; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @@IDENTITY AS `@@IDENTITY`,last_insert_id() AS `last_insert_id()`,@@identity AS `@@identity` set big_tables=OFF, big_tables=ON, big_tables=0, big_tables=1, big_tables="OFF", big_tables="ON"; set global concurrent_insert=2; show variables like 'concurrent_insert'; Variable_name Value concurrent_insert ALWAYS select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'concurrent_insert'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE CONCURRENT_INSERT ALWAYS set global concurrent_insert=1; show variables like 'concurrent_insert'; Variable_name Value concurrent_insert AUTO select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'concurrent_insert'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE CONCURRENT_INSERT AUTO set global concurrent_insert=0; show variables like 'concurrent_insert'; Variable_name Value concurrent_insert NEVER select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'concurrent_insert'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE CONCURRENT_INSERT NEVER set global concurrent_insert=DEFAULT; select @@concurrent_insert; @@concurrent_insert AUTO set global timed_mutexes=ON; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@timed_mutexes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release show variables like 'timed_mutexes'; Variable_name Value timed_mutexes ON select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'timed_mutexes'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE TIMED_MUTEXES ON set global timed_mutexes=0; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@timed_mutexes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release show variables like 'timed_mutexes'; Variable_name Value timed_mutexes OFF select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'timed_mutexes'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE TIMED_MUTEXES OFF set default_storage_engine=MYISAM, default_storage_engine="HEAP", global default_storage_engine="MERGE"; show local variables like 'default_storage_engine'; Variable_name Value default_storage_engine MEMORY select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'default_storage_engine'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE MEMORY show global variables like 'default_storage_engine'; Variable_name Value default_storage_engine MRG_MyISAM select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'default_storage_engine'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE MRG_MyISAM set GLOBAL myisam_max_sort_file_size=2000000; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect myisam_max_sort_file_size value: '2000000' show global variables like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; Variable_name Value myisam_max_sort_file_size 1048576 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MYISAM_MAX_SORT_FILE_SIZE 1048576 set GLOBAL myisam_max_sort_file_size=default; show global variables like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; Variable_name Value myisam_max_sort_file_size FILE_SIZE select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MYISAM_MAX_SORT_FILE_SIZE FILE_SIZE set global net_retry_count=10, session net_retry_count=10; set global net_buffer_length=1024, net_write_timeout=200, net_read_timeout=300; show global variables like 'net_%'; Variable_name Value net_buffer_length 1024 net_read_timeout 300 net_retry_count 10 net_write_timeout 200 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'net_%' order by 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE NET_BUFFER_LENGTH 1024 NET_READ_TIMEOUT 300 NET_RETRY_COUNT 10 NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 200 show session variables like 'net_%'; Variable_name Value net_buffer_length 16384 net_read_timeout 30 net_retry_count 10 net_write_timeout 60 select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'net_%' order by 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE NET_BUFFER_LENGTH 16384 NET_READ_TIMEOUT 30 NET_RETRY_COUNT 10 NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 60 set global net_buffer_length=8000, global net_read_timeout=900, net_write_timeout=1000; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect net_buffer_length value: '8000' show global variables like 'net_%'; Variable_name Value net_buffer_length 7168 net_read_timeout 900 net_retry_count 10 net_write_timeout 1000 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'net_%' order by 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE NET_BUFFER_LENGTH 7168 NET_READ_TIMEOUT 900 NET_RETRY_COUNT 10 NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 1000 set global net_buffer_length=1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect net_buffer_length value: '1' show global variables like 'net_buffer_length'; Variable_name Value net_buffer_length 1024 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'net_buffer_length'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE NET_BUFFER_LENGTH 1024 set global net_buffer_length=2000000000; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect net_buffer_length value: '2000000000' show global variables like 'net_buffer_length'; Variable_name Value net_buffer_length 1048576 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'net_buffer_length'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE NET_BUFFER_LENGTH 1048576 set character set cp1251_koi8; show variables like "character_set_client"; Variable_name Value character_set_client cp1251 select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'character_set_client'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT cp1251 select @@timestamp>0; @@timestamp>0 1 set @@rand_seed1=10000000,@@rand_seed2=1000000; select ROUND(RAND(),5); ROUND(RAND(),5) 0.02887 ==+ Testing %alloc% system variables +== ==+ NOTE: These values *must* be a multiple of 1024 +== ==+ Other values will be rounded down to nearest multiple +== ==+ Show initial values +== SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size'); Variable_name Value query_alloc_block_size 16384 query_prealloc_size 24576 range_alloc_block_size 4096 transaction_alloc_block_size 8192 transaction_prealloc_size 4096 ==+ information_schema data +== SELECT * FROM information_schema.session_variables WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size') ORDER BY 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE QUERY_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 16384 QUERY_PREALLOC_SIZE 24576 RANGE_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 TRANSACTION_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 8192 TRANSACTION_PREALLOC_SIZE 4096 Testing values that are multiples of 1024 set @@range_alloc_block_size=1024*15+1024; set @@query_alloc_block_size=1024*15+1024*2; set @@query_prealloc_size=1024*18-1024; set @@transaction_alloc_block_size=1024*21-1024*1; set @@transaction_prealloc_size=1024*21-2048; ==+ Check manipulated values ==+ select @@query_alloc_block_size; @@query_alloc_block_size 17408 SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size'); Variable_name Value query_alloc_block_size 17408 query_prealloc_size 17408 range_alloc_block_size 16384 transaction_alloc_block_size 20480 transaction_prealloc_size 19456 ==+ information_schema data +== SELECT * FROM information_schema.session_variables WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size') ORDER BY 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE QUERY_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 17408 QUERY_PREALLOC_SIZE 17408 RANGE_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 16384 TRANSACTION_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 20480 TRANSACTION_PREALLOC_SIZE 19456 ==+ Manipulate variable values +== Testing values that are not 1024 multiples set @@range_alloc_block_size=1024*16+1023; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect range_alloc_block_size value: '17407' set @@query_alloc_block_size=1024*17+2; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect query_alloc_block_size value: '17410' set @@query_prealloc_size=1024*18-1023; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect query_prealloc_size value: '17409' set @@transaction_alloc_block_size=1024*20-1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect transaction_alloc_block_size value: '20479' set @@transaction_prealloc_size=1024*21-1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect transaction_prealloc_size value: '21503' ==+ Check manipulated values ==+ SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size'); Variable_name Value query_alloc_block_size 17408 query_prealloc_size 17408 range_alloc_block_size 16384 transaction_alloc_block_size 19456 transaction_prealloc_size 20480 ==+ information_schema data +== SELECT * FROM information_schema.session_variables WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size') ORDER BY 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE QUERY_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 17408 QUERY_PREALLOC_SIZE 17408 RANGE_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 16384 TRANSACTION_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE 19456 TRANSACTION_PREALLOC_SIZE 20480 ==+ Set values back to the default values +== set @@range_alloc_block_size=default; set @@query_alloc_block_size=default, @@query_prealloc_size=default; set transaction_alloc_block_size=default, @@transaction_prealloc_size=default; ==+ Check the values now that they are reset +== SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name IN ('range_alloc_block_size', 'query_alloc_block_size', 'query_prealloc_size', 'transaction_alloc_block_size', 'transaction_prealloc_size'); Variable_name Value query_alloc_block_size 16384 query_prealloc_size 24576 range_alloc_block_size 4096 transaction_alloc_block_size 8192 transaction_prealloc_size 4096 SELECT @@version LIKE 'non-existent'; @@version LIKE 'non-existent' 0 SELECT @@version_compile_os LIKE 'non-existent'; @@version_compile_os LIKE 'non-existent' 0 set big_tables=OFFF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'big_tables' can't be set to the value of 'OFFF' set big_tables="OFFF"; ERROR 42000: Variable 'big_tables' can't be set to the value of 'OFFF' set unknown_variable=1; ERROR HY000: Unknown system variable 'unknown_variable' set max_join_size="hello"; ERROR 42000: Incorrect argument type to variable 'max_join_size' set default_storage_engine=UNKNOWN_TABLE_TYPE; ERROR 42000: Unknown storage engine 'UNKNOWN_TABLE_TYPE' set default_storage_engine=MERGE, big_tables=2; ERROR 42000: Variable 'big_tables' can't be set to the value of '2' show local variables like 'default_storage_engine'; Variable_name Value default_storage_engine MEMORY set character_set_client=UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: 'UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET' set collation_connection=UNKNOWN_COLLATION; ERROR HY000: Unknown collation: 'UNKNOWN_COLLATION' set character_set_client=NULL; ERROR 42000: Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of 'NULL' set collation_connection=NULL; ERROR 42000: Variable 'collation_connection' can't be set to the value of 'NULL' select @@global.timestamp; ERROR HY000: Variable 'timestamp' is a SESSION variable set @@version=''; ERROR HY000: Variable 'version' is a read only variable set @@concurrent_insert=1; ERROR HY000: Variable 'concurrent_insert' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL set myisam_max_sort_file_size=100; ERROR HY000: Variable 'myisam_max_sort_file_size' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL set @@SQL_WARNINGS=NULL; ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_warnings' can't be set to the value of 'NULL' set autocommit=1; set big_tables=1; select @@autocommit, @@big_tables; @@autocommit @@big_tables 1 1 set global binlog_cache_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect binlog_cache_size value: '100' set bulk_insert_buffer_size=100; set character set cp1251_koi8; set character set default; set @@global.concurrent_insert=1; set global connect_timeout=100; select @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ON set global delay_key_write="OFF"; select @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write OFF set global delay_key_write=ALL; select @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ALL set global delay_key_write=1; select @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ON set global delayed_insert_limit=100; set global delayed_insert_timeout=100; set global delayed_queue_size=100; set global flush=1; set global flush_time=100; set insert_id=1; set interactive_timeout=100; set join_buffer_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect join_buffer_size value: '100' set last_insert_id=1; set global local_infile=1; set long_query_time=0.000001; select @@long_query_time; @@long_query_time 0.000001 set long_query_time=100.000001; select @@long_query_time; @@long_query_time 100.000001 set low_priority_updates=1; set global max_allowed_packet=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_allowed_packet value: '100' Warning 1708 The value of 'max_allowed_packet' should be no less than the value of 'net_buffer_length' set global max_binlog_cache_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_binlog_cache_size value: '100' set global max_binlog_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_binlog_size value: '100' set global max_connect_errors=100; set global max_connections=100; set global max_delayed_threads=100; set max_heap_table_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_heap_table_size value: '100' set max_join_size=100; set max_sort_length=100; set global max_user_connections=100; select @@max_user_connections; @@max_user_connections 100 set global max_write_lock_count=100; set myisam_sort_buffer_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect myisam_sort_buffer_size value: '100' set global net_buffer_length=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect net_buffer_length value: '100' set net_read_timeout=100; set net_write_timeout=100; set read_buffer_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect read_buffer_size value: '100' set read_rnd_buffer_size=100; set global server_id=100; set global slow_launch_time=100; set sort_buffer_size=100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect sort_buffer_size value: '100' set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=10; select @@max_sp_recursion_depth; @@max_sp_recursion_depth 10 set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=0; select @@max_sp_recursion_depth; @@max_sp_recursion_depth 0 set sql_auto_is_null=1; select @@sql_auto_is_null; @@sql_auto_is_null 1 set @@sql_auto_is_null=0; select @@sql_auto_is_null; @@sql_auto_is_null 0 set sql_big_selects=1; set sql_buffer_result=1; set sql_log_bin=1; set sql_log_off=1; set sql_quote_show_create=1; set sql_safe_updates=1; set sql_select_limit=1; set sql_select_limit=default; set sql_warnings=1; set global table_open_cache=100; set default_storage_engine=myisam; set global thread_cache_size=100; set timestamp=1, timestamp=default; set tmp_table_size=1024; set tx_isolation="READ-COMMITTED"; set wait_timeout=100; set log_warnings=1; set global log_warnings=1; select @@session.insert_id; @@session.insert_id 1 set @save_insert_id=@@session.insert_id; set session insert_id=20; select @@session.insert_id; @@session.insert_id 20 set session last_insert_id=100; select @@session.insert_id; @@session.insert_id 20 select @@session.last_insert_id; @@session.last_insert_id 100 select @@session.insert_id; @@session.insert_id 20 set @@session.insert_id=@save_insert_id; select @@session.insert_id; @@session.insert_id 1 create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment, primary key(a)); create table t2 (a int not null auto_increment, primary key(a)); insert into t1 values(null),(null),(null); insert into t2 values(null),(null),(null); set global key_buffer_size=100000; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect key_buffer_size value: '100000' select @@key_buffer_size; @@key_buffer_size 98304 select * from t1 where a=2; a 2 select * from t2 where a=3; a 3 check table t1,t2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK test.t2 check status OK select max(a) +1, max(a) +2 into @xx,@yy from t1; drop table t1,t2; select @@xxxxxxxxxx; ERROR HY000: Unknown system variable 'xxxxxxxxxx' select 1; 1 1 select @@session.key_buffer_size; ERROR HY000: Variable 'key_buffer_size' is a GLOBAL variable set ft_boolean_syntax = @@init_connect; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL set global ft_boolean_syntax = @@init_connect; ERROR 42000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' can't be set to the value of '' set init_connect = NULL; ERROR HY000: Variable 'init_connect' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL set global init_connect = NULL; set ft_boolean_syntax = @@init_connect; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL set global ft_boolean_syntax = @@init_connect; ERROR 42000: Variable 'ft_boolean_syntax' can't be set to the value of '' set global myisam_max_sort_file_size=4294967296; show global variables like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; Variable_name Value myisam_max_sort_file_size MAX_FILE_SIZE select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MYISAM_MAX_SORT_FILE_SIZE MAX_FILE_SIZE set global myisam_max_sort_file_size=default; select @@global.max_user_connections,@@local.max_join_size; @@global.max_user_connections @@local.max_join_size 100 100 set @svc=@@global.max_user_connections, @svj=@@local.max_join_size; select @@global.max_user_connections,@@local.max_join_size; @@global.max_user_connections @@local.max_join_size 100 100 set @@global.max_user_connections=111,@@local.max_join_size=222; select @@global.max_user_connections,@@local.max_join_size; @@global.max_user_connections @@local.max_join_size 111 222 set @@global.max_user_connections=@@local.max_join_size,@@local.max_join_size=@@global.max_user_connections; select @@global.max_user_connections,@@local.max_join_size; @@global.max_user_connections @@local.max_join_size 222 111 set @@global.max_user_connections=@svc, @@local.max_join_size=@svj; select @@global.max_user_connections,@@local.max_join_size; @@global.max_user_connections @@local.max_join_size 100 100 set @a=1, @b=2; set @a=@b, @b=@a; select @a, @b; @a @b 2 1 set @@global.global.key_buffer_size= 1; ERROR HY000: Unknown structured system variable or ROW routine variable 'global' set GLOBAL global.key_buffer_size= 1; ERROR HY000: Unknown structured system variable or ROW routine variable 'global' SELECT @@global.global.key_buffer_size; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'key_buffer_size' at line 1 SELECT @@global.session.key_buffer_size; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'key_buffer_size' at line 1 SELECT @@global.local.key_buffer_size; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'key_buffer_size' at line 1 set @tstlw = @@log_warnings; show global variables like 'log_warnings'; Variable_name Value log_warnings 1 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'log_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE LOG_WARNINGS 1 set global log_warnings = 0; show global variables like 'log_warnings'; Variable_name Value log_warnings 0 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'log_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE LOG_WARNINGS 0 set global log_warnings = 42; show global variables like 'log_warnings'; Variable_name Value log_warnings 42 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'log_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE LOG_WARNINGS 42 set global log_warnings = @tstlw; show global variables like 'log_warnings'; Variable_name Value log_warnings 1 select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name like 'log_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE LOG_WARNINGS 1 create table t1 ( c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 mediumint, c4 int, c5 bigint); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `c2` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `c3` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL, `c4` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `c5` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; set @arg00= 8, @arg01= 8.8, @arg02= 'a string', @arg03= 0.2e0; create table t1 as select @arg00 as c1, @arg01 as c2, @arg02 as c3, @arg03 as c4; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `c2` decimal(65,38) DEFAULT NULL, `c3` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `c4` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1; SET GLOBAL MYISAM_DATA_POINTER_SIZE= 7; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'MYISAM_DATA_POINTER_SIZE'; Variable_name Value myisam_data_pointer_size 7 SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'MYISAM_DATA_POINTER_SIZE'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE MYISAM_DATA_POINTER_SIZE 7 SET GLOBAL table_open_cache=-1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect table_open_cache value: '-1' SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'table_open_cache'; Variable_name Value table_open_cache 1 SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_VARIABLES WHERE VARIABLE_NAME LIKE 'table_open_cache'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE TABLE_OPEN_CACHE 1 SET GLOBAL table_open_cache=DEFAULT; set character_set_results=NULL; select ifnull(@@character_set_results,"really null"); ifnull(@@character_set_results,"really null") really null set names latin1; *** Various tests with LC_TIME_NAMES *** LC_TIME_NAMES: testing case insensitivity set @@lc_time_names='ru_ru'; select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names ru_RU *** LC_TIME_NAMES: testing with a user variable set @lc='JA_JP'; set @@lc_time_names=@lc; select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names ja_JP *** LC_TIME_NAMES: testing with string expressions set lc_time_names=concat('de','_','DE'); select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names de_DE set lc_time_names=concat('de','+','DE'); ERROR HY000: Unknown locale: 'de+DE' select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names de_DE LC_TIME_NAMES: testing with numeric expressions set @@lc_time_names=1+2; select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names sv_SE set @@lc_time_names=1/0; ERROR 42000: Incorrect argument type to variable 'lc_time_names' select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names sv_SE set lc_time_names=en_US; LC_TIME_NAMES: testing NULL and a negative number: set lc_time_names=NULL; ERROR 42000: Variable 'lc_time_names' can't be set to the value of 'NULL' set lc_time_names=-1; ERROR HY000: Unknown locale: '-1' select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names en_US LC_TIME_NAMES: testing locale with the last ID: set lc_time_names=110; select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names rm_CH LC_TIME_NAMES: testing a number beyond the valid ID range: set lc_time_names=111; ERROR HY000: Unknown locale: '111' select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names rm_CH LC_TIME_NAMES: testing that 0 is en_US: set lc_time_names=0; select @@lc_time_names; @@lc_time_names en_US select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names en_US en_US set @@global.lc_time_names=fr_FR; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names fr_FR en_US connect con1,localhost,root,,; connection con1; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names fr_FR fr_FR set @@lc_time_names=ru_RU; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names fr_FR ru_RU disconnect con1; connection default; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names fr_FR en_US set lc_time_names=default; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names fr_FR fr_FR set @@global.lc_time_names=default; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names en_US fr_FR set @@lc_time_names=default; select @@global.lc_time_names, @@lc_time_names; @@global.lc_time_names @@lc_time_names en_US en_US set @test = @@query_prealloc_size; set @@query_prealloc_size = @test; select @@query_prealloc_size = @test; @@query_prealloc_size = @test 1 set global sql_mode=repeat('a',80); ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' End of 4.1 tests create table t1 (a int); select a into @x from t1; Warnings: Warning 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed show warnings; Level Code Message Warning 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed drop table t1; set @@warning_count=1; ERROR HY000: Variable 'warning_count' is a read only variable set @@global.error_count=1; ERROR HY000: Variable 'error_count' is a read only variable set @@max_heap_table_size= 4294967296; select @@max_heap_table_size > 0; @@max_heap_table_size > 0 1 set global max_heap_table_size= 4294967296; select @@max_heap_table_size > 0; @@max_heap_table_size > 0 1 set @@max_heap_table_size= 4294967296; select @@max_heap_table_size > 0; @@max_heap_table_size > 0 1 select @@character_set_system; @@character_set_system utf8 set global character_set_system = latin1; ERROR HY000: Variable 'character_set_system' is a read only variable set @@global.version_compile_os='234'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'version_compile_os' is a read only variable set character_set_filesystem=latin1; select @@character_set_filesystem; @@character_set_filesystem latin1 set @@global.character_set_filesystem=latin2; set character_set_filesystem=latin1; select @@character_set_filesystem; @@character_set_filesystem latin1 set @@global.character_set_filesystem=latin2; set character_set_filesystem=default; select @@character_set_filesystem; @@character_set_filesystem latin2 set @@global.character_set_filesystem=default; select @@global.character_set_filesystem; @@global.character_set_filesystem binary set @old_sql_big_selects = @@sql_big_selects; set @@sql_big_selects = 1; show variables like 'sql_big_selects'; Variable_name Value sql_big_selects ON select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'sql_big_selects'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_BIG_SELECTS ON set @@sql_big_selects = @old_sql_big_selects; set @@sql_notes = 0, @@sql_warnings = 0; show variables like 'sql_notes'; Variable_name Value sql_notes OFF select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'sql_notes'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_NOTES OFF show variables like 'sql_warnings'; Variable_name Value sql_warnings OFF select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'sql_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_WARNINGS OFF set @@sql_notes = 1, @@sql_warnings = 1; show variables like 'sql_notes'; Variable_name Value sql_notes ON select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'sql_notes'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_NOTES ON show variables like 'sql_warnings'; Variable_name Value sql_warnings ON select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'sql_warnings'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_WARNINGS ON select @@system_time_zone; @@system_time_zone # select @@version, @@version_comment, @@version_compile_machine, @@version_compile_os; @@version @@version_comment @@version_compile_machine @@version_compile_os # # # # select @@basedir, @@datadir, @@tmpdir; @@basedir @@datadir @@tmpdir # # # show variables like 'basedir'; Variable_name Value basedir # select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'basedir'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE BASEDIR # show variables like 'datadir'; Variable_name Value datadir # select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'datadir'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE DATADIR # show variables like 'tmpdir'; Variable_name Value tmpdir # select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'tmpdir'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE TMPDIR # set sort_buffer_size=1024*8; select @@ssl_ca, @@ssl_capath, @@ssl_cert, @@ssl_cipher, @@ssl_key; @@ssl_ca @@ssl_capath @@ssl_cert @@ssl_cipher @@ssl_key # # # # # show variables like 'ssl%'; Variable_name Value ssl_ca # ssl_capath # ssl_cert # ssl_cipher # ssl_crl # ssl_crlpath # ssl_key # select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'ssl%' order by 1; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SSL_CA # SSL_CAPATH # SSL_CERT # SSL_CIPHER # SSL_CRL # SSL_CRLPATH # SSL_KEY # select @@log_queries_not_using_indexes; @@log_queries_not_using_indexes 0 show variables like 'log_queries_not_using_indexes'; Variable_name Value log_queries_not_using_indexes OFF select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name like 'log_queries_not_using_indexes'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE LOG_QUERIES_NOT_USING_INDEXES OFF select @@""; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '""' at line 1 select @@&; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '&' at line 1 select @@@; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '@' at line 1 select @@hostname; @@hostname # set @@hostname= "anothername"; ERROR HY000: Variable 'hostname' is a read only variable show variables like 'hostname'; Variable_name Value hostname # # # BUG#37408 - Compressed MyISAM files should not require/use mmap() # # Test 'myisam_mmap_size' option is not dynamic SET @@myisam_mmap_size= 500M; ERROR HY000: Variable 'myisam_mmap_size' is a read only variable # # Bug #52315: utc_date() crashes when system time > year 2037 # SET TIMESTAMP=2*1024*1024*1024; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect timestamp value: '2147483648' #Should not crash SELECT UTC_DATE(); SET TIMESTAMP=DEFAULT; End of 5.0 tests set join_buffer_size=1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect join_buffer_size value: '1' set @save_join_buffer_size=@@join_buffer_size; set join_buffer_size=@save_join_buffer_size; set global binlog_cache_size =@my_binlog_cache_size; set global connect_timeout =@my_connect_timeout; set global delayed_insert_timeout =@my_delayed_insert_timeout; set global delayed_queue_size =@my_delayed_queue_size; set global flush =@my_flush; set global flush_time =@my_flush_time; set global key_buffer_size =@my_key_buffer_size; set global max_binlog_cache_size =@my_max_binlog_cache_size; set global max_binlog_size =@my_max_binlog_size; set global max_connect_errors =@my_max_connect_errors; set global max_connections =@my_max_connections; set global max_delayed_threads =@my_max_delayed_threads; set global max_heap_table_size =@my_max_heap_table_size; set global max_insert_delayed_threads=@my_max_insert_delayed_threads; set global max_join_size =@my_max_join_size; set global max_user_connections =@my_max_user_connections; set global max_write_lock_count =default; set global myisam_data_pointer_size =@my_myisam_data_pointer_size; set global myisam_max_sort_file_size =@my_myisam_max_sort_file_size; set global net_buffer_length =@my_net_buffer_length; Warnings: Warning 1708 The value of 'max_allowed_packet' should be no less than the value of 'net_buffer_length' set global net_write_timeout =@my_net_write_timeout; set global net_read_timeout =@my_net_read_timeout; set global server_id =@my_server_id; set global slow_launch_time =@my_slow_launch_time; set global default_storage_engine =@my_storage_engine; set global thread_cache_size =@my_thread_cache_size; set global max_allowed_packet = default; set global delay_key_write =@my_delay_key_write; set global join_buffer_size =@my_join_buffer_size; set global log_warnings =@my_log_warnings; show global variables where Variable_name='table_definition_cache'; Variable_name Value table_definition_cache # # -- # -- Bug#34820: log_output can be set to illegal value. # -- SET GLOBAL log_output = ''; ERROR 42000: Variable 'log_output' can't be set to the value of '' SET GLOBAL log_output = 0; ERROR 42000: Variable 'log_output' can't be set to the value of '0' # -- End of Bug#34820. # SHOW VARIABLES like 'ft_max_word_len'; Variable_name Value ft_max_word_len 84 SELECT @@session.ft_max_word_len; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_max_word_len' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.ft_max_word_len; @@global.ft_max_word_len 84 SET @@session.ft_max_word_len= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_max_word_len' is a read only variable SET @@global.ft_max_word_len= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_max_word_len' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'ft_min_word_len'; Variable_name Value ft_min_word_len 4 SELECT @@session.ft_min_word_len; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_min_word_len' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.ft_min_word_len; @@global.ft_min_word_len 4 SET @@session.ft_min_word_len= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_min_word_len' is a read only variable SET @@global.ft_min_word_len= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_min_word_len' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'ft_query_expansion_limit'; Variable_name Value ft_query_expansion_limit 20 SELECT @@session.ft_query_expansion_limit; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_query_expansion_limit' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.ft_query_expansion_limit; @@global.ft_query_expansion_limit 20 SET @@session.ft_query_expansion_limit= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_query_expansion_limit' is a read only variable SET @@global.ft_query_expansion_limit= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_query_expansion_limit' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'ft_stopword_file'; Variable_name Value ft_stopword_file (built-in) SELECT @@session.ft_stopword_file; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_stopword_file' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.ft_stopword_file; @@global.ft_stopword_file (built-in) SET @@session.ft_stopword_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_stopword_file' is a read only variable SET @@global.ft_stopword_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'ft_stopword_file' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'back_log'; Variable_name Value back_log 80 SELECT @@session.back_log; ERROR HY000: Variable 'back_log' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.back_log; @@global.back_log 80 SET @@session.back_log= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'back_log' is a read only variable SET @@global.back_log= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'back_log' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'large_files_support'; Variable_name Value large_files_support # SELECT @@session.large_files_support; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_files_support' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.large_files_support; @@global.large_files_support # SET @@session.large_files_support= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_files_support' is a read only variable SET @@global.large_files_support= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_files_support' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'character_sets_dir'; Variable_name Value character_sets_dir # SELECT @@session.character_sets_dir; ERROR HY000: Variable 'character_sets_dir' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.character_sets_dir; @@global.character_sets_dir # SET @@session.character_sets_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'character_sets_dir' is a read only variable SET @@global.character_sets_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'character_sets_dir' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'init_file'; Variable_name Value init_file # SELECT @@session.init_file; ERROR HY000: Variable 'init_file' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.init_file; @@global.init_file # SET @@session.init_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'init_file' is a read only variable SET @@global.init_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'init_file' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'lc_messages_dir'; Variable_name Value lc_messages_dir # SELECT @@session.lc_messages_dir; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lc_messages_dir' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.lc_messages_dir; @@global.lc_messages_dir # SET @@session.lc_messages_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lc_messages_dir' is a read only variable SET @@global.lc_messages_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lc_messages_dir' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'large_page_size'; Variable_name Value large_page_size # SELECT @@session.large_page_size; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_page_size' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.large_page_size; @@global.large_page_size # SET @@session.large_page_size= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_page_size' is a read only variable SET @@global.large_page_size= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_page_size' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'large_pages'; Variable_name Value large_pages # SELECT @@session.large_pages; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_pages' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.large_pages; @@global.large_pages # SET @@session.large_pages= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_pages' is a read only variable SET @@global.large_pages= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'large_pages' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'log_bin'; Variable_name Value log_bin OFF SELECT @@session.log_bin; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_bin' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.log_bin; @@global.log_bin 0 SET @@session.log_bin= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_bin' is a read only variable SET @@global.log_bin= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_bin' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'log_error'; Variable_name Value log_error # SELECT @@session.log_error; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_error' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.log_error; @@global.log_error # SET @@session.log_error= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_error' is a read only variable SET @@global.log_error= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'log_error' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'lower_case_file_system'; Variable_name Value lower_case_file_system # SELECT @@session.lower_case_file_system; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_file_system' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.lower_case_file_system; @@global.lower_case_file_system # SET @@session.lower_case_file_system= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_file_system' is a read only variable SET @@global.lower_case_file_system= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_file_system' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'lower_case_table_names'; Variable_name Value lower_case_table_names # SELECT @@session.lower_case_table_names; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_table_names' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.lower_case_table_names; @@global.lower_case_table_names # SET @@session.lower_case_table_names= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_table_names' is a read only variable SET @@global.lower_case_table_names= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'lower_case_table_names' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'myisam_recover_options'; Variable_name Value myisam_recover_options BACKUP,QUICK SELECT @@session.myisam_recover_options; ERROR HY000: Variable 'myisam_recover_options' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.myisam_recover_options; @@global.myisam_recover_options BACKUP,QUICK SET @@session.myisam_recover_options= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'myisam_recover_options' is a read only variable SET @@global.myisam_recover_options= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'myisam_recover_options' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'open_files_limit'; Variable_name Value open_files_limit # SELECT @@session.open_files_limit; ERROR HY000: Variable 'open_files_limit' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.open_files_limit; @@global.open_files_limit # SET @@session.open_files_limit= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'open_files_limit' is a read only variable SET @@global.open_files_limit= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'open_files_limit' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'pid_file'; Variable_name Value pid_file # SELECT @@session.pid_file; ERROR HY000: Variable 'pid_file' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.pid_file; @@global.pid_file # SET @@session.pid_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'pid_file' is a read only variable SET @@global.pid_file= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'pid_file' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'plugin_dir'; Variable_name Value plugin_dir # SELECT @@session.plugin_dir; ERROR HY000: Variable 'plugin_dir' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.plugin_dir; @@global.plugin_dir # SET @@session.plugin_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'plugin_dir' is a read only variable SET @@global.plugin_dir= 'x'; ERROR HY000: Variable 'plugin_dir' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'port'; Variable_name Value port # SELECT @@session.port; ERROR HY000: Variable 'port' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.port; @@global.port # SET @@session.port= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'port' is a read only variable SET @@global.port= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'port' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'protocol_version'; Variable_name Value protocol_version 10 SELECT @@session.protocol_version; ERROR HY000: Variable 'protocol_version' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.protocol_version; @@global.protocol_version 10 SET @@session.protocol_version= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'protocol_version' is a read only variable SET @@global.protocol_version= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'protocol_version' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'skip_external_locking'; Variable_name Value skip_external_locking ON SELECT @@session.skip_external_locking; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_external_locking' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.skip_external_locking; @@global.skip_external_locking 1 SET @@session.skip_external_locking= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_external_locking' is a read only variable SET @@global.skip_external_locking= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_external_locking' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'skip_networking'; Variable_name Value skip_networking OFF SELECT @@session.skip_networking; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_networking' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.skip_networking; @@global.skip_networking 0 SET @@session.skip_networking= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_networking' is a read only variable SET @@global.skip_networking= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_networking' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'skip_show_database'; Variable_name Value skip_show_database OFF SELECT @@session.skip_show_database; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_show_database' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.skip_show_database; @@global.skip_show_database 0 SET @@session.skip_show_database= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_show_database' is a read only variable SET @@global.skip_show_database= true; ERROR HY000: Variable 'skip_show_database' is a read only variable # SHOW VARIABLES like 'thread_stack'; Variable_name Value thread_stack # SELECT @@session.thread_stack; ERROR HY000: Variable 'thread_stack' is a GLOBAL variable SELECT @@global.thread_stack; @@global.thread_stack # SET @@session.thread_stack= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'thread_stack' is a read only variable SET @@global.thread_stack= 7; ERROR HY000: Variable 'thread_stack' is a read only variable SELECT @@global.expire_logs_days INTO @old_eld; SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = -1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect expire_logs_days value: '-1' needs to've been adjusted (0) SELECT @@global.expire_logs_days; @@global.expire_logs_days 0 SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 11; SET @old_mode=@@sql_mode; SET SESSION sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL'; SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 100; ERROR 42000: Variable 'expire_logs_days' can't be set to the value of '100' needs to be unchanged (11) SELECT @@global.expire_logs_days; @@global.expire_logs_days 11 SET SESSION sql_mode = @old_mode; SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 100; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect expire_logs_days value: '100' needs to've been adjusted (99) SELECT @@global.expire_logs_days; @@global.expire_logs_days 99 SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 11; SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 99; needs to pass with no warnings (99) SELECT @@global.expire_logs_days; @@global.expire_logs_days 99 SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = @old_eld; SET GLOBAL auto_increment_offset=-1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect auto_increment_offset value: '-1' SET GLOBAL auto_increment_offset=0; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect auto_increment_offset value: '0' select @@default_storage_engine; Catalog Database Table Table_alias Column Column_alias Type Length Max length Is_null Flags Decimals Charsetnr def @@default_storage_engine 253 6 6 Y 0 39 8 @@default_storage_engine MyISAM SET @old_server_id = @@GLOBAL.server_id; SET GLOBAL server_id = (1 << 32) - 1; SELECT @@GLOBAL.server_id; @@GLOBAL.server_id 4294967295 SET GLOBAL server_id = (1 << 32); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect server_id value: '4294967296' SELECT @@GLOBAL.server_id; @@GLOBAL.server_id 4294967295 SET GLOBAL server_id = (1 << 60); Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect server_id value: '1152921504606846976' SELECT @@GLOBAL.server_id; @@GLOBAL.server_id 4294967295 SET GLOBAL server_id = 0; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect server_id value: '0' SELECT @@GLOBAL.server_id; @@GLOBAL.server_id 1 SET GLOBAL server_id = -1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect server_id value: '-1' SELECT @@GLOBAL.server_id; @@GLOBAL.server_id 1 SET GLOBAL server_id = @old_server_id; # # BUG#10206 - InnoDB: Transaction requiring Max_BinLog_Cache_size > 4GB always rollsback # SET @old_max_binlog_cache_size = @@GLOBAL.max_binlog_cache_size; # Set the max_binlog_cache_size to size more than 4GB. SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; SELECT @@GLOBAL.max_binlog_cache_size; @@GLOBAL.max_binlog_cache_size max_size SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size = @old_max_binlog_cache_size; # # Bug #37168 : Missing variable - skip_name_resolve # SELECT @@skip_name_resolve; @@skip_name_resolve 0 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'skip_name_resolve'; Variable_name Value skip_name_resolve OFF # # Bug #43233 : Some server variables are clipped during "update," # not "check" stage # SET @kbs=@@global.key_buffer_size; SET @kcbs=@@global.key_cache_block_size; throw errors in STRICT mode SET SQL_MODE=STRICT_ALL_TABLES; SET @@global.max_binlog_cache_size=-1; ERROR 42000: Variable 'max_binlog_cache_size' can't be set to the value of '-1' SET @@global.max_join_size=0; ERROR 42000: Variable 'max_join_size' can't be set to the value of '0' SET @@global.key_buffer_size=0; ERROR HY000: Cannot drop default keycache SET @@global.key_cache_block_size=0; ERROR 42000: Variable 'key_cache_block_size' can't be set to the value of '0' throw warnings in default mode SET SQL_MODE=DEFAULT; SET @@global.max_binlog_cache_size=-1; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_binlog_cache_size value: '-1' SET @@global.max_join_size=0; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect max_join_size value: '0' SET @@global.key_buffer_size=0; ERROR HY000: Cannot drop default keycache SET @@global.key_cache_block_size=0; Warnings: Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect key_cache_block_size value: '0' SET @@global.max_binlog_cache_size=DEFAULT; SET @@global.max_join_size=DEFAULT; SET @@global.key_buffer_size=@kbs; SET @@global.key_cache_block_size=@kcbs; select @@max_long_data_size; @@max_long_data_size 16777216 # # Bug#11766424 59527: # Assert in DECIMAL_BIN_SIZE: # `SCALE >= 0 && PRECISION > 0 && SCALE <= PRE # This test also exposed a bug with sql_buffer_result # CREATE TABLE t1(f1 DECIMAL(1,1) UNSIGNED); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0.2),(0.1); set @a=NULL; set sql_buffer_result=0; SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= ROUND(f1); one 1 explain SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 0); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using temporary; Using filesort 2 SUBQUERY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 0); one 1 SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE @a=f1); one 1 set sql_buffer_result=1; explain SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 0); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using temporary; Using filesort 2 SUBQUERY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Using where SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE f1 = 0); one 1 SELECT 1 as 'one' FROM t1 GROUP BY @a:= (SELECT ROUND(f1) FROM t1 WHERE @a=f1); one 1 DROP TABLE t1; set sql_buffer_result=0; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT @a:= CAST(1 AS UNSIGNED) AS a; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DROP TABLE t1; End of 5.1 tests # # Bug#34828: OF is taken as OFF and a value of 0 is set for variable SQL_notes. # # Checking sql_notes... SET @sql_notes_saved = @@sql_notes; SET @@sql_notes = ON; SELECT @@sql_notes; @@sql_notes 1 SET @@sql_notes = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_notes' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@sql_notes; @@sql_notes 1 SET @@sql_notes = OFF; SELECT @@sql_notes; @@sql_notes 0 SET @@sql_notes = @sql_notes_saved; # Checking delay_key_write... SET @delay_key_write_saved = @@delay_key_write; SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = ON; SELECT @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ON SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'delay_key_write' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ON SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = AL; ERROR 42000: Variable 'delay_key_write' can't be set to the value of 'AL' SELECT @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ON SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = OFF; SELECT @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write OFF SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = ALL; SELECT @@delay_key_write; @@delay_key_write ALL SET GLOBAL delay_key_write = @delay_key_write_saved; # Checking sql_safe_updates... SET @sql_safe_updates_saved = @@sql_safe_updates; SET @@sql_safe_updates = ON; SELECT @@sql_safe_updates; @@sql_safe_updates 1 SET @@sql_safe_updates = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_safe_updates' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@sql_safe_updates; @@sql_safe_updates 1 SET @@sql_safe_updates = OFF; SELECT @@sql_safe_updates; @@sql_safe_updates 0 SET @@sql_safe_updates = @sql_safe_updates_saved; # Checking foreign_key_checks... SET @foreign_key_checks_saved = @@foreign_key_checks; SET @@foreign_key_checks = ON; SELECT @@foreign_key_checks; @@foreign_key_checks 1 SET @@foreign_key_checks = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'foreign_key_checks' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@foreign_key_checks; @@foreign_key_checks 1 SET @@foreign_key_checks = OFF; SELECT @@foreign_key_checks; @@foreign_key_checks 0 SET @@foreign_key_checks = @foreign_key_checks_saved; # Checking unique_checks... SET @unique_checks_saved = @@unique_checks; SET @@unique_checks = ON; SELECT @@unique_checks; @@unique_checks 1 SET @@unique_checks = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'unique_checks' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@unique_checks; @@unique_checks 1 SET @@unique_checks = OFF; SELECT @@unique_checks; @@unique_checks 0 SET @@unique_checks = @unique_checks_saved; # Checking sql_buffer_result... SET @sql_buffer_result_saved = @@sql_buffer_result; SET @@sql_buffer_result = ON; SELECT @@sql_buffer_result; @@sql_buffer_result 1 SET @@sql_buffer_result = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_buffer_result' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@sql_buffer_result; @@sql_buffer_result 1 SET @@sql_buffer_result = OFF; SELECT @@sql_buffer_result; @@sql_buffer_result 0 SET @@sql_buffer_result = @sql_buffer_result_saved; # Checking sql_quote_show_create... SET @sql_quote_show_create_saved = @@sql_quote_show_create; SET @@sql_quote_show_create = ON; SELECT @@sql_quote_show_create; @@sql_quote_show_create 1 SET @@sql_quote_show_create = OF; ERROR 42000: Variable 'sql_quote_show_create' can't be set to the value of 'OF' SELECT @@sql_quote_show_create; @@sql_quote_show_create 1 SET @@sql_quote_show_create = OFF; SELECT @@sql_quote_show_create; @@sql_quote_show_create 0 SET @@sql_quote_show_create = @sql_quote_show_create_saved; # End of Bug#34828. # Make sure we can manipulate with autocommit in the # along with other variables. drop table if exists t1; drop function if exists t1_max; drop function if exists t1_min; set sql_mode=""; create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb; set sql_mode=default; insert into t1(a) values (0), (1); create function t1_max() returns int return (select max(a) from t1); create function t1_min() returns int return (select min(a) from t1); select t1_min(); t1_min() 0 select t1_max(); t1_max() 1 set @@session.autocommit=t1_min(), @@session.autocommit=t1_max(), @@session.autocommit=t1_min(), @@session.autocommit=t1_max(), @@session.autocommit=t1_min(), @@session.autocommit=t1_max(); # Cleanup. drop table t1; drop function t1_min; drop function t1_max; # # Bug #59884: setting charset to 2048 crashes # set session character_set_results = 2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session character_set_client=2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session character_set_connection=2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session character_set_server=2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session collation_server=2048; ERROR HY000: Unknown collation: '2048' set session character_set_filesystem=2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session character_set_database=2048; ERROR 42000: Unknown character set: '2048' set session collation_connection=2048; ERROR HY000: Unknown collation: '2048' set session collation_database=2048; ERROR HY000: Unknown collation: '2048' set session rand_seed1=DEFAULT; ERROR 42000: Variable 'rand_seed1' doesn't have a default value set autocommit = values(v); ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'v' in 'field list' set session sql_mode=ansi_quotes; select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name='sql_mode'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_MODE ANSI_QUOTES show global status like 'foobar'; Variable_name Value select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name='sql_mode'; VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE SQL_MODE ANSI_QUOTES End of 5.5 tests explain extended select @@VERsion from dual where rand() > @@verSION; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @@VERsion AS "@@VERsion" from DUAL where rand() > @@version explain extended select @@SESsion.SQL_mode from dual where rand() > @@sesSION.sql_MODE; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @@SESsion.SQL_mode AS "@@SESsion.SQL_mode" from DUAL where rand() > @@sql_mode explain extended select @@GLObal.COLLATION_connection from dual where rand() > @@gloBAL.collation_CONNECTION; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @@GLObal.COLLATION_connection AS "@@GLObal.COLLATION_connection" from DUAL where rand() > @@global.collation_connection explain extended select @@FOObar.KEY_BUFfer_size from dual where rand() > @@fooBAR.key_bufFER_SIZE; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used Warnings: Note 1003 select @@FOObar.KEY_BUFfer_size AS "@@FOObar.KEY_BUFfer_size" from DUAL where rand() > @@fooBAR.key_buffer_size