[ndbd default] NoOfReplicas= 2 MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions= 64 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations= 10000 DataMemory= 20M IndexMemory= 1M Diskless= 0 TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck= 30000 DataDir= /data/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.1-new-maint/mysql-test/var/ndbcluster-10095 MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes= 32 MaxNoOfAttributes= 2048 TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints= 500 NoOfFragmentLogFiles= 4 FragmentLogFileSize=12M DiskPageBufferMemory= 4M # O_DIRECT has issues on 2.4 whach have not been handled, Bug #29612 #ODirect= 1 # the following parametes just function as a small regression # test that the parameter exists InitialNoOfOpenFiles= 27 # # Increase timeouts to cater for slow test-machines # (possibly running several tests in parallell) # HeartbeatIntervalDbDb= 30000 HeartbeatIntervalDbApi= 30000 #TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout= 7500 [ndbd] HostName= localhost [ndbd] HostName= localhost [ndb_mgmd] HostName= localhost DataDir= /data/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.1-new-maint/mysql-test/var/ndbcluster-10095 # PortNumber= 10095 [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld] [mysqld]