create table t1(c1 int not null, c2 double not null, c3 char(255) not null) engine=archive; insert t1 select seq, seq+0.7, concat('row with c1 = ', seq) from seq_1_to_10; explain partitions select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 Using filesort set max_length_for_sort_data = 4; explain partitions select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 NULL ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 Using temporary; Using filesort flush status; select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; c1 c3 1 row with c1 = 1 2 row with c1 = 2 3 row with c1 = 3 4 row with c1 = 4 5 row with c1 = 5 6 row with c1 = 6 7 row with c1 = 7 8 row with c1 = 8 9 row with c1 = 9 10 row with c1 = 10 set max_length_for_sort_data = default; show status where variable_name like '%tmp%' and value != 0; Variable_name Value Created_tmp_tables 1 Handler_tmp_write 10 Rows_tmp_read 20 alter table t1 partition by hash (c1) partitions 3; explain partitions select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 p0,p1,p2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 Using filesort set max_length_for_sort_data = 4; explain partitions select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 p0,p1,p2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 Using temporary; Using filesort flush status; select c1,c3 from t1 order by c2; c1 c3 1 row with c1 = 1 2 row with c1 = 2 3 row with c1 = 3 4 row with c1 = 4 5 row with c1 = 5 6 row with c1 = 6 7 row with c1 = 7 8 row with c1 = 8 9 row with c1 = 9 10 row with c1 = 10 set max_length_for_sort_data = default; show status where variable_name like '%tmp%' and value != 0; Variable_name Value Created_tmp_tables 1 Handler_tmp_write 10 Rows_tmp_read 20 drop table t1;