include/ [connection master] connection slave; connection master; drop database if exists mysqltest1; create database mysqltest1; use mysqltest1; set @my_binlog_format= @@global.binlog_format; set session binlog_format=mixed; show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format MIXED set session binlog_format=statement; show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format STATEMENT set session binlog_format=row; show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format ROW set global binlog_format=DEFAULT; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format MIXED set global binlog_format=MIXED; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format MIXED set global binlog_format=STATEMENT; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format STATEMENT set global binlog_format=ROW; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format ROW show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format ROW select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format ROW ROW CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(100)); prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select concat(UUID(),?)'; set @string="emergency_1_"; insert into t1 values("work_2_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_3_")); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; insert into t1 values(concat("for_4_",UUID())); insert into t1 select "yesterday_5_"; create temporary table tmp(a char(100)); insert into tmp values("see_6_"); set binlog_format=statement; ERROR HY000: Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables insert into t1 select * from tmp; drop temporary table tmp; set binlog_format=statement; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format ROW show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format STATEMENT select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format ROW STATEMENT set global binlog_format=statement; show global variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format STATEMENT show session variables like "binlog_format%"; Variable_name Value binlog_format STATEMENT select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format STATEMENT STATEMENT prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; set @string="emergency_7_"; insert into t1 values("work_8_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; insert into t1 values("work_9_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; insert into t1 values("for_10_"); insert into t1 select "yesterday_11_"; set binlog_format=statement; select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format STATEMENT STATEMENT set global binlog_format=statement; select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format STATEMENT STATEMENT prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; set @string="emergency_12_"; insert into t1 values("work_13_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; insert into t1 values("work_14_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; insert into t1 values("for_15_"); insert into t1 select "yesterday_16_"; set global binlog_format=mixed; select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format MIXED STATEMENT set binlog_format=default; select @@global.binlog_format, @@session.binlog_format; @@global.binlog_format @@session.binlog_format MIXED MIXED prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select concat(UUID(),?)'; set @string="emergency_17_"; insert into t1 values("work_18_"); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_19_")); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; insert into t1 values(concat("for_20_",UUID())); insert into t1 select "yesterday_21_"; prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 select ?'; insert into t1 values(concat(UUID(),"work_22_")); execute stmt1 using @string; deallocate prepare stmt1; insert into t1 values(concat("for_23_",UUID())); insert into t1 select "yesterday_24_"; create table t2 ENGINE=MyISAM select rpad(UUID(),100,' '); create table t3 select 1 union select UUID(); SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR create table t4 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select UUID() union select 3); SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR create table t5 select * from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select curdate() union select 3); Warnings: Warning 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '3' insert ignore into t5 select UUID() from t1 where 3 in (select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select * from t4); create procedure foo() begin insert into t1 values("work_25_"); insert into t1 values(concat("for_26_",UUID())); insert into t1 select "yesterday_27_"; end| create procedure foo2() begin insert into t1 values(concat("emergency_28_",UUID())); insert into t1 values("work_29_"); insert into t1 values(concat("for_30_",UUID())); set session binlog_format=row; # accepted for stored procs insert into t1 values("more work_31_"); set session binlog_format=mixed; end| create function foo3() returns bigint unsigned begin set session binlog_format=row; # rejected for stored funcs insert into t1 values("alarm"); return 100; end| create procedure foo4(x varchar(100)) begin insert into t1 values(concat("work_250_",x)); insert into t1 select "yesterday_270_"; end| call foo(); call foo2(); call foo4("hello"); call foo4(UUID()); call foo4("world"); select foo3(); ERROR HY000: Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger select * from t1 where a="alarm"; a drop function foo3; create function foo3() returns bigint unsigned begin insert into t1 values("foo3_32_"); call foo(); return 100; end| insert into t2 select foo3(); prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t2 select foo3()'; execute stmt1; execute stmt1; deallocate prepare stmt1; create function foo4() returns bigint unsigned begin insert into t2 select foo3(); return 100; end| select foo4(); foo4() 100 prepare stmt1 from 'select foo4()'; execute stmt1; foo4() 100 execute stmt1; foo4() 100 deallocate prepare stmt1; create function foo5() returns bigint unsigned begin insert into t2 select UUID(); return 100; end| select foo5(); foo5() 100 prepare stmt1 from 'select foo5()'; execute stmt1; foo5() 100 execute stmt1; foo5() 100 deallocate prepare stmt1; create function foo6(x varchar(100)) returns bigint unsigned begin insert into t2 select x; return 100; end| select foo6("foo6_1_"); foo6("foo6_1_") 100 select foo6(concat("foo6_2_",UUID())); foo6(concat("foo6_2_",UUID())) 100 prepare stmt1 from 'select foo6(concat("foo6_3_",UUID()))'; execute stmt1; foo6(concat("foo6_3_",UUID())) 100 execute stmt1; foo6(concat("foo6_3_",UUID())) 100 deallocate prepare stmt1; create view v1 as select uuid(); create table t11 (data varchar(255)); insert into t11 select * from v1; insert into t11 select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='mysqltest1' and TABLE_NAME IN ('v1','t11'); prepare stmt1 from "insert into t11 select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='mysqltest1' and TABLE_NAME IN ('v1','t11')"; execute stmt1; execute stmt1; deallocate prepare stmt1; create trigger t11_bi before insert on t11 for each row begin set = concat(,UUID()); end| insert into t11 values("try_560_"); insert delayed into t2 values("delay_1_"); insert delayed into t2 values(concat("delay_2_",UUID())); insert delayed into t2 values("delay_6_"); insert delayed into t2 values(rand()); set @a=2.345; insert delayed into t2 values(@a); connection slave; connection master; create table t20 select * from t1; create table t21 select * from t2; create table t22 select * from t3; drop table t1,t2,t3; create table t1 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100)); create table t2 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100)); create table t3 (b varchar(100)); create function f (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic begin insert into t1 values(null,x); insert into t2 values(null,x); return 1; end| select f("try_41_"); f("try_41_") 1 connection slave; use mysqltest1; insert into t2 values(2,null),(3,null),(4,null); delete from t2 where a>=2; connection master; select f("try_42_"); f("try_42_") 1 connection slave; insert into t2 values(3,null),(4,null); delete from t2 where a>=3; connection master; prepare stmt1 from 'select f(?)'; set @string="try_43_"; insert into t1 values(null,"try_44_"); execute stmt1 using @string; f(?) 1 deallocate prepare stmt1; connection slave; connection master; create table t12 select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b varchar(100), key(a)); select f("try_45_"); f("try_45_") 1 create table t13 select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int primary key auto_increment, b varchar(100)); drop function f; create table t14 (unique (a)) select * from t2; truncate table t2; create function f1 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic begin insert into t1 values(null,x); return 1; end| create function f2 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic begin insert into t2 values(null,x); return 1; end| select f1("try_46_"),f2("try_47_"); f1("try_46_") f2("try_47_") 1 1 connection slave; insert into t2 values(2,null),(3,null),(4,null); delete from t2 where a>=2; connection master; select f1("try_48_"),f2("try_49_"); f1("try_48_") f2("try_49_") 1 1 insert into t3 values(concat("try_50_",f1("try_51_"),f2("try_52_"))); connection slave; connection master; drop function f2; create function f2 (x varchar(100)) returns int deterministic begin declare y int; insert into t1 values(null,x); set y = (select count(*) from t2); return y; end| select f1("try_53_"),f2("try_54_"); f1("try_53_") f2("try_54_") 1 3 connection slave; connection master; drop function f2; create trigger t1_bi before insert on t1 for each row begin insert into t2 values(null,"try_55_"); end| insert into t1 values(null,"try_56_"); alter table t1 modify a int, drop primary key; insert into t1 values(null,"try_57_"); connection slave; connection master; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t15 SELECT UUID(); create table t16 like t15; INSERT INTO t16 SELECT * FROM t15; insert into t16 values("try_65_"); drop table t15; insert into t16 values("try_66_"); connection slave; connection master; select count(*) from t1; count(*) 7 select count(*) from t2; count(*) 5 select count(*) from t3; count(*) 1 select count(*) from t4; count(*) 29 select count(*) from t5; count(*) 58 select count(*) from t11; count(*) 8 select count(*) from t20; count(*) 66 select count(*) from t21; count(*) 19 select count(*) from t22; count(*) 2 select count(*) from t12; count(*) 4 select count(*) from t13; count(*) 1 select count(*) from t14; count(*) 4 select count(*) from t16; count(*) 3 connection slave; connection master; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t11; SET SESSION BINLOG_FORMAT=STATEMENT; CREATE TABLE t11 (song VARCHAR(255)); LOCK TABLES t11 WRITE; SET SESSION BINLOG_FORMAT=ROW; INSERT INTO t11 VALUES('Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict'); SET SESSION BINLOG_FORMAT=STATEMENT; INSERT INTO t11 VALUES('Careful With That Axe, Eugene'); UNLOCK TABLES; SELECT * FROM t11; song Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict song Careful With That Axe, Eugene connection slave; USE mysqltest1; SELECT * FROM t11; song Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict song Careful With That Axe, Eugene connection master; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t12; SET SESSION BINLOG_FORMAT=MIXED; CREATE TABLE t12 (data LONG); LOCK TABLES t12 WRITE; INSERT INTO t12 VALUES(UUID()); UNLOCK TABLES; connection slave; connection master; CREATE FUNCTION my_user() RETURNS CHAR(64) BEGIN DECLARE user CHAR(64); SELECT USER() INTO user; RETURN user; END $$ CREATE FUNCTION my_current_user() RETURNS CHAR(64) BEGIN DECLARE user CHAR(64); SELECT CURRENT_USER() INTO user; RETURN user; END $$ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t13; CREATE TABLE t13 (data CHAR(64)); INSERT INTO t13 VALUES (USER()); INSERT INTO t13 VALUES (my_user()); INSERT INTO t13 VALUES (CURRENT_USER()); INSERT INTO t13 VALUES (my_current_user()); connection slave; connection master; drop database mysqltest1; connection slave; connection master; set global binlog_format =@my_binlog_format; include/