# # MDEV-14474: Create INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS # CREATE user boo1; GRANT select,create,alter,drop on foo.* to boo1; SHOW GRANTS for boo1; Grants for boo1@% GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `boo1`@`%` GRANT SELECT, CREATE, DROP, ALTER ON `foo`.* TO `boo1`@`%` CREATE user boo2; create database foo; CONNECT con1,localhost, boo1,, foo; SET check_constraint_checks=1; CREATE TABLE t0 ( t int, check (t>32) # table constraint ) ENGINE=myisam; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 ALTER TABLE t0 ADD CONSTRAINT CHK_t0_t CHECK(t<100); SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CHK_t0_t Table `t` < 100 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 ALTER TABLE t0 DROP CONSTRAINT CHK_t0_t; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 ALTER TABLE t0 ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK(t<50); SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 CREATE TABLE t1 ( t int CHECK(t>2), # field constraint tt int, CONSTRAINT CHECK (tt > 32), CONSTRAINT CHECK (tt <50),# autogenerated names table constraints CONSTRAINT CHK_tt CHECK(tt<100) # named table constraint ) ENGINE=InnoDB; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 def foo t1 CHK_tt Table `tt` < 100 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `tt` > 32 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `tt` < 50 def foo t1 t Column `t` > 2 ALTER TABLE t1 DROP CONSTRAINT CHK_tt; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `tt` > 32 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `tt` < 50 def foo t1 t Column `t` > 2 CREATE TABLE t2 ( name VARCHAR(30) CHECK(CHAR_LENGTH(name)>2), #field constraint start_date DATE, end_date DATE, CONSTRAINT CHK_dates CHECK(start_date IS NULL) #table constraint )ENGINE=Innodb; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `tt` > 32 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `tt` < 50 def foo t1 t Column `t` > 2 def foo t2 CHK_dates Table `start_date` is null def foo t2 name Column char_length(`name`) > 2 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT CHK_new_ CHECK(t>tt); SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 def foo t1 CHK_new_ Table `t` > `tt` def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `tt` > 32 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `tt` < 50 def foo t1 t Column `t` > 2 def foo t2 CHK_dates Table `start_date` is null def foo t2 name Column char_length(`name`) > 2 CREATE TABLE t3 ( a int, b int check (b>0), # field constraint named 'b' CONSTRAINT b check (b>10), # table constraint # `CHECK_CLAUSE` should allow more then `var(64)` constraints CONSTRAINT b1 check (b<123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t` > 32 def foo t0 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `t` < 50 def foo t1 CHK_new_ Table `t` > `tt` def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `tt` > 32 def foo t1 CONSTRAINT_2 Table `tt` < 50 def foo t1 t Column `t` > 2 def foo t2 CHK_dates Table `start_date` is null def foo t2 name Column char_length(`name`) > 2 def foo t3 b Column `b` > 0 def foo t3 b Table `b` > 10 def foo t3 b1 Table `b` < 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 disconnect con1; CONNECT con2, localhost, boo2,, test; SELECT * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE disconnect con2; CONNECT con1, localhost, boo1,,foo; DROP TABLE t0; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t3; DROP DATABASE foo; disconnect con1; connection default; DROP USER boo1; DROP USER boo2; # # MDEV-18440: Information_schema.check_constraints possible data leak # CREATE USER foo; CREATE DATABASE db; USE db; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int, CONSTRAINT CHECK (b > 0)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 2), (2, 3); GRANT SELECT (a) ON t1 TO foo; SHOW GRANTS FOR foo; Grants for foo@% GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `foo`@`%` GRANT SELECT (a) ON `db`.`t1` TO `foo`@`%` SELECT * FROM information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def db t1 CONSTRAINT_1 Table `b` > 0 def mysql global_priv Priv Column json_valid(`Priv`) CONNECT con1,localhost, foo,, db; SELECT a FROM t1; a 1 2 SELECT * FROM information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE connection default; DROP USER foo; DROP DATABASE db; # # MDEV-24601: INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't differentiate between # column and table-level CHECK constraints # use test; create table t(check (t0>0), t0 int, t1 int check (t1<0), t2 int check (t2<-1), CONSTRAINT tc_1 check(t1 > 1), CONSTRAINT t2 check(t2 > 1)); show create table t; Table Create Table t CREATE TABLE `t` ( `t0` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `t1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL CHECK (`t1` < 0), `t2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL CHECK (`t2` < -1), CONSTRAINT `CONSTRAINT_1` CHECK (`t0` > 0), CONSTRAINT `tc_1` CHECK (`t1` > 1), CONSTRAINT `t2` CHECK (`t2` > 1) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 select * from information_schema.table_constraints where CONSTRAINT_TYPE='CHECK'; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA CONSTRAINT_NAME TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_TYPE def mysql Priv mysql global_priv CHECK def test CONSTRAINT_1 test t CHECK def test t1 test t CHECK def test t2 test t CHECK def test t2 test t CHECK def test tc_1 test t CHECK select * from information_schema.check_constraints; CONSTRAINT_CATALOG CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CONSTRAINT_NAME LEVEL CHECK_CLAUSE def mysql global_priv Priv Column json_valid(`Priv`) def test t CONSTRAINT_1 Table `t0` > 0 def test t t1 Column `t1` < 0 def test t t2 Column `t2` < -1 def test t t2 Table `t2` > 1 def test t tc_1 Table `t1` > 1 drop table t;