CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, f2 CHAR(255)) Engine=InnoDB; CREATE PROCEDURE insert_proc () BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 @errno = MYSQL_ERRNO; END; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'node 1'),(2, 'node 1'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, 'node 1'); END| SET GLOBAL wsrep_slave_threads = 2; SET GLOBAL DEBUG = "d,sync.wsrep_apply_cb"; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@debug' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '@@debug_dbug' instead INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'node 2');; SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR sync.wsrep_apply_cb_reached"; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = 'wsrep_after_replication SIGNAL wsrep_after_replication_reached WAIT_FOR wsrep_after_replication_continue'; CALL insert_proc ();; SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR wsrep_after_replication_reached"; SET GLOBAL DEBUG = ""; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@debug' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '@@debug_dbug' instead SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL wsrep_after_replication_continue"; SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.wsrep_apply_cb"; SELECT @errno = 1213; @errno = 1213 1 SELECT * FROM t1; f1 f2 1 node 2 3 node 1 SELECT * FROM t1; f1 f2 1 node 2 3 node 1 SET GLOBAL wsrep_slave_threads = DEFAULT; DROP TABLE t1; DROP PROCEDURE insert_proc; SET GLOBAL debug = NULL; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@debug' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '@@debug_dbug' instead SET debug_sync='RESET'; SELECT @@debug_sync; @@debug_sync ON - current signal: ''