# # This test tests the operation of transaction replay for async replication slave. # If a potentially conflicting galera transaction arrives at # just the right time during the commit and has lock conflict with async replication transaction # applied by slave SQL thread, then the async replication transaction should either abort # or rollback and replay (depending on the nature of lock conflict). # --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/galera_have_debug_sync.inc --connect node_2a,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_2 --connection node_2a --source include/galera_cluster.inc #--source suite/galera/include/galera_have_debug_sync.inc # # node 3 is native MariaDB server operating as async replication master # --connect node_3,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_3 --connection node_3 RESET MASTER; --connection node_2a # # count the number of wsrep replay's done in the node # --let $wsrep_local_replays_old = `SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_local_replays'` # # nodes 1 and 2 form a galera cluster, node 2 operates as slave for native MariaDB naster in node 3 # --disable_query_log --eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='root', MASTER_PORT=$NODE_MYPORT_3; --enable_query_log START SLAVE; --connection node_3 CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, f2 CHAR(1)) engine=innodb; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'a'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, 'a'); # # use statement format replication to cause a false positive conflict with async replication transaction # and galera replication. The conflict will be on GAP lock, and slave SQL thread should rollback # and replay # set binlog_format=STATEMENT; SET AUTOCOMMIT=ON; START TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; UPDATE t1 SET f2 = 'c' WHERE f1 > 1; --connection node_2a # wait for create table and inserts to be replicated from master SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; --let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*) = 2 FROM test.t1; --source include/wait_condition.inc # wait for create table and inserts to be replicated in cluster --connection node_1 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; --let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*) = 2 FROM test.t1; --source include/wait_condition.inc --connection node_2a # Block the future commit of async replication --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_master_enter_sync --source include/galera_set_sync_point.inc # block also the applier before applying begins SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = "d,sync.wsrep_apply_cb"; # # now inject a conflicting insert from node 3, it will replicate with # earlier seqno (than async transaction) and pause before applying in node 2 # --connection node_1 INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES (2, 'b'); # # send the update from master, this will succeed here, beceuase of async replication. # async replication will apply this in node 2 and pause before commit phase, --connection node_3 --error 0 COMMIT; # Wait until async slave commit is blocked in node_2 --connection node_2a --source include/galera_wait_sync_point.inc # # release the applier # note: have to clear wsrep_apply_cb sync point first, as async replication will go for replay # and as this sync point, after BF applier is released to progress # SET GLOBAL debug_dbug = ""; SET DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.wsrep_apply_cb"; # Unblock the async slave commit --connection node_2a --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_signal_sync_point.inc --connection node_3 SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM t1 WHERE f2 = 'a'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM t1 WHERE f2 = 'c'; SELECT * FROM t1; --connection node_2a # wsrep_local_replays has increased by 1 set session wsrep_sync_wait=15; --let $wsrep_local_replays_new = `SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_local_replays'` set session wsrep_sync_wait=0; --disable_query_log --eval SELECT $wsrep_local_replays_new - $wsrep_local_replays_old = 1 AS wsrep_local_replays; --enable_query_log # # replaying of async transaction should be effective, and row 3 having 'c' in f2 # SELECT * FROM t1; SET DEBUG_SYNC = "RESET"; --connection node_2a STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE; DROP TABLE t1; --connection node_3 DROP TABLE t1; RESET MASTER; --connection node_1 --disconnect node_2a --disconnect node_3