# # Test that --log-output=FILE works with Galera. # The relevant options are set using a -master.opt file # wsrep_replicate_myisam is not used as it crashes in MTR with mysql-wsrep#14 # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM mysql.general_log; SELECT 1 = 1 FROM t1; SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM mysql.slow_log WHERE sql_text = 'SELECT 1 = 1 FROM t1'; --connection node_2 SELECT 2 = 2 FROM t1; SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM mysql.slow_log WHERE sql_text = 'SELECT 2 = 2 FROM t1'; --connection node_1 DROP TABLE t1; truncate table mysql.slow_log; truncate table mysql.general_log;