--source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc # # Test that DDL indeed causes all nodes to block so even unrelated updates # are not allowed to proceed. We block the DDL using DBUG_SYNC # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 INTEGER) ENGINE=InnoDB; --connection node_1 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'alter_table_before_open_tables WAIT_FOR continue'; --send ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN f2 INTEGER; --let $galera_connection_name = node_1a --let $galera_server_number = 1 --source include/galera_connect.inc --let $galera_connection_name = node_1b --let $galera_server_number = 1 --source include/galera_connect.inc --connection node_1a SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; # Allowed SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t1; # Allowed SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t2; # Not allowed --error ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK,ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SET AUTOCOMMIT=OFF; START TRANSACTION; # Allowed INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); # Hangs --send COMMIT; --sleep 1 --connection node_1b SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; # The Commit issued above is still not done SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO = 'Commit'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t2; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now SIGNAL continue'; --connection node_1a --reap --connection node_1 --reap SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t1; SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM t2; --connection node_2 SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t1; SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM t2; --connection node_1 SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; --connection node_1b SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2;