# # Kill entire cluster during SR while pc.bootstrap is in effect # after restart, confirm that the mysql.wsrep_streaming_log table is empty # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/big_test.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; SET SESSION wsrep_trx_fragment_size = 1; SET AUTOCOMMIT=OFF; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5); --connection node_2 --let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM mysql.wsrep_streaming_log; --source include/wait_condition.inc --source include/kill_galera.inc --connection node_1 --source include/kill_galera.inc --sleep 1 # Bootstrap the cluster from scratch --connection node_1 --remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/mysqld.1/data/grastate.dat --let $_expect_file_name= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect --source include/start_mysqld.inc --connection node_2 --let $_expect_file_name= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect --source include/start_mysqld.inc --connection node_1 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --source include/galera_wait_ready.inc --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 2 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM mysql.wsrep_streaming_log; --connection node_2 SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM t1; SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM mysql.wsrep_streaming_log; DROP TABLE t1;