# # This test is a modified version of Gabor Orosz (GOro) test in jira tracker: # https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25551 # # The underlying problem with MDEV-25551 turned out to be that # transactions having changes for tables with no primary key, # were not safe to apply in parallel. This is due to excessive locking # in innodb side, and even non related row modifications could end up # in lock conflict during applying. # # The test verifies that a transaction executing a streaming replication # will disable parallel applying if it modifies a table with no primary key. # And, if PA was disabled temporarily, it will be relaxed if next fragment # contains changes for table with primary key. # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/galera_have_debug_sync.inc # Setup --connection node_2 SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 0; # Ensure that we have enough applier threads to process transactions in parallel SET GLOBAL wsrep_slave_threads = 2; flush status; --connection node_1 CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 int, f2 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 int primary key, f2 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,0); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,0); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,0); --connection node_2 --let $wait_condition = SELECT COUNT(*)=2 FROM t2; --source include/wait_condition.inc # remember status for received replication counter and certification dependency distance --let $cert_deps_distance = `SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cert_deps_distance'` --connection node_1 # Invoke the first transaction set session wsrep_trx_fragment_size=1; START TRANSACTION; UPDATE t1 SET f2=1 where f1=1; --connection node_2 # verify that certification dependency distance has dropped --disable_query_log --eval SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE < $cert_deps_distance as 'distance' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cert_deps_distance' --enable_query_log # if deps distance dropped, it is indirect evidence that parallel applying was not approved # Try next that PA retricting is relaxed, if next fragment updates table t1 with primary key # wsrep_cert_deps_distance cannot be trsuted in this test phase, we verify parallel applying # by setting sync point for applier thread # Set up a synchronization point to catch update on t2 --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_set_sync_point.inc --connect node_1a,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_1 --connection node_1a update t2 set f2=1 where f1=1; --connection node_2 # Wait for the update t2 to apply until commit phase --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_wait_sync_point.inc # Set up a synchronization point to catch the SR trx applying --let $galera_sync_point = apply_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_set_sync_point.inc --connection node_1 # continue SR transaction, and now update t2, which has PK UPDATE t2 set f2=2 where f1=2; --connection node_2 # Wait for the update t2 to apply until commit phase --let $galera_sync_point = apply_monitor_slave_enter_sync commit_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_wait_sync_point.inc # Let the first transaction to proceed --let $galera_sync_point = commit_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_signal_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc --let $galera_sync_point = apply_monitor_slave_enter_sync --source include/galera_signal_sync_point.inc --source include/galera_clear_sync_point.inc --connection node_1 COMMIT; # Teardown --connection node_1 SET GLOBAL wsrep_slave_threads = DEFAULT; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; --connection node_2 SET GLOBAL wsrep_slave_threads = DEFAULT;