SET @saved_frequency = @@GLOBAL.innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency; SET GLOBAL innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency = 1; # # MDEV-12288 Reset DB_TRX_ID when the history is removed, # to speed up MVCC # SET GLOBAL innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency = 1; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL) ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT ENGINE=InnoDB; connect prevent_purge,localhost,root; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; connection default; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2),(3,4); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN c INT; UPDATE t1 SET b=-3 WHERE a=3; connect con1,localhost,root; BEGIN; UPDATE t1 SET b=4 WHERE a=3; disconnect prevent_purge; connection default; InnoDB 0 transactions not purged disconnect con1; FLUSH TABLE t1 FOR EXPORT; Clustered index root page contents: N_RECS=3; LEVEL=0 header=0x0100000300c6 (a=0x696e66696d756d00) header=0x1000200b0087 (a=0x80000000, DB_TRX_ID=0x000000000000, DB_ROLL_PTR=0x80000000000000, b=0x80000000, c=NULL(4 bytes)) header=0x0000100900a6 (a=0x80000001, DB_TRX_ID=0x000000000000, DB_ROLL_PTR=0x80000000000000, b=0x80000002) header=0x000018090074 (a=0x80000003, DB_TRX_ID=0x000000000000, DB_ROLL_PTR=0x80000000000000, b=0x7ffffffd) header=0x040008030000 (a=0x73757072656d756d00) UNLOCK TABLES; SELECT * FROM t1; a b c 1 2 NULL 3 -3 NULL DROP TABLE t1; SET GLOBAL innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency = @saved_frequency;