CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT NOT NULL, c2 INT, PRIMARY KEY(c1)) Engine=InnoDB; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` int(11) NOT NULL, `c2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c1`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5); SET @saved_debug_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug; SET DEBUG_DBUG='+d,ib_build_indexes_too_many_concurrent_trxs, ib_rename_indexes_too_many_concurrent_trxs, ib_drop_index_too_many_concurrent_trxs'; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE INDEX(c2); ERROR HY000: Too many active concurrent transactions SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` int(11) NOT NULL, `c2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c1`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE bug13861218 (c1 INT NOT NULL, c2 INT NOT NULL, INDEX(c2)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO bug13861218 VALUES (8, 0), (4, 0), (0, 0); SET DEBUG_DBUG = '+d,ib_row_merge_buf_add_two'; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ui ON bug13861218(c1); SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug; DROP TABLE bug13861218; CREATE TABLE bug13861218 (c1 INT NOT NULL, c2 INT UNIQUE) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO bug13861218 VALUES (8, NULL), (4, NULL), (0, NULL); SET DEBUG_DBUG = '+d,ib_row_merge_buf_add_two'; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ui ON bug13861218(c1); SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug; DROP TABLE bug13861218; # # Bug #17657223 EXCESSIVE TEMPORARY FILE USAGE IN ALTER TABLE # create table t480(a serial)engine=innodb; insert into t480 values(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(), (),(),(),(),(),(),(),(); insert into t480 select 0 from t480; insert into t480 select 0 from t480; insert into t480 select 0 from t480; insert into t480 select 0 from t480; create table t1(f1 int auto_increment not null, f2 char(200) not null, f3 char(200) not null, primary key(f1,f2,f3), key(f1))engine=innodb; insert into t1 select NULL,'aaa','bbb' from t480; insert into t1 select NULL,'aaaa','bbbb' from t480; insert into t1 select NULL,'aaaaa','bbbbb' from t480; insert into t1 select NULL,'aaaaaa','bbbbbb' from t480; SET DEBUG_DBUG = '+d,row_merge_write_failure'; alter table t1 drop primary key,add primary key(f2,f1); ERROR HY000: Temporary file write failure SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug; drop table t1; connect con1,localhost,root; create table t1(k1 int auto_increment primary key, k2 char(200),k3 char(200))engine=innodb; insert into t1 values(NULL,'a','b'), (NULL,'aa','bb'); SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'row_merge_after_scan SIGNAL opened WAIT_FOR flushed'; optimize table t1; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now WAIT_FOR opened'; INSERT INTO t1 select NULL,'aaa','bbb' from t480; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now SIGNAL flushed'; connection con1; /*con1 reap*/ Optimize table t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead test.t1 optimize status OK affected rows: 2 SELECT COUNT(k1),k2,k3 FROM t1 GROUP BY k2,k3; COUNT(k1) k2 k3 1 a b 1 aa bb 480 aaa bbb drop table t1; create table t1(k1 int auto_increment primary key, k2 char(200),k3 char(200))engine=innodb; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, "test", "test"); SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'row_merge_after_scan SIGNAL opened WAIT_FOR flushed'; ALTER TABLE t1 FORCE, ADD COLUMN k4 int; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now WAIT_FOR opened'; SET debug = '+d,row_log_tmpfile_fail'; Warnings: Warning 1287 '@@debug' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '@@debug_dbug' instead INSERT INTO t1 select NULL,'aaa','bbb' from t480; INSERT INTO t1 select NULL,'aaaa','bbbb' from t480; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now SIGNAL flushed'; SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug; connection con1; /*con1 reap*/ ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN k4 int; ERROR HY000: Out of memory. SELECT COUNT(k1),k2,k3 FROM t1 GROUP BY k2,k3; COUNT(k1) k2 k3 480 aaa bbb 480 aaaa bbbb 1 test test disconnect con1; connection default; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `k1` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `k2` char(200) DEFAULT NULL, `k3` char(200) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`k1`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1024 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci drop table t1; drop table t480; # # MDEV-12827 Assertion failure when reporting duplicate key error # in online table rebuild # CREATE TABLE t1 (j INT UNIQUE, i INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2, 2); connect con1,localhost,root,,test; SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_log_table_apply1_before SIGNAL built WAIT_FOR log'; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP j, ADD UNIQUE INDEX(i), FORCE; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR built'; SET DEBUG_DBUG='+d,row_ins_row_level'; INSERT INTO t1 (i) VALUES (0),(0); SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL log'; SET DEBUG_DBUG=@saved_debug_dbug; connection con1; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '0' for key 'i' DELETE FROM t1; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE INDEX(i); SET DEBUG_SYNC='row_log_table_apply1_before SIGNAL built2 WAIT_FOR log2'; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP j, FORCE; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR built2'; INSERT INTO t1 (i) VALUES (0),(1); UPDATE t1 SET i=0; ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '0' for key 'i' SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL log2'; connection con1; disconnect con1; connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC='RESET'; DROP TABLE t1; SET DEBUG_SYNC='RESET'; # # BUG#21612714 ALTER TABLE SORTING SKIPPED WHEN CHANGE PK AND DROP # LAST COLUMN OF OLD PK # SET DEBUG_DBUG = '+d,innodb_alter_table_pk_assert_no_sort'; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3), n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1, n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int not null, primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3), o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int not null, primary key(o1(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1, o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1(3))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd'), ('acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1(3), o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1, o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1(3), o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2),n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1, o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1(2),n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1(3), o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3),n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, primary key(o1, o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1), ('acd', 2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2(3))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,'abd'), (2,'acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,'abd'), (2,'acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1, 'abd'), (2, 'acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(3)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1, 'abd'), (2, 'acd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), o3 int, primary key(o1,o2(3),o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1, 'abd', 1), (2, 'acd', 2); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 varchar(10), o3 int, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1, 'abd', 1), (2, 'acd', 2); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1(3),o2(3))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 'acd'), ('acd', 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3),o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 'acd'), ('acd', 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1(3),o2(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 'acd'), ('acd', 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3),o2(3)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 'acd'), ('acd', 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, o3 varchar(10), primary key(o1(3),o2,o3(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1, 'acd'), ('acd', 2, 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3),o2,o3(3)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, o3 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2,o3(2))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1, 'acd'), ('acd', 2, 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,o3), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, o3 varchar(10), primary key(o1(3),o2,o3(3))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1, 'acd'), ('acd', 2, 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1(3),o2,o3(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 varchar(10), o2 int, o3 varchar(10), primary key(o1,o2,o3(3))) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values('abd', 1, 'acd'), ('acd', 2, 'abd'); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,o3(2)), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(n1,o1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, add n2 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(n1,o1,n2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, add n2 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(n1,n2,o1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, add n2 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,n1,n2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,n1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(n1,o1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, o3 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,o3), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int not null, o3 int not null, primary key(o1)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o3,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, o3 int, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, o3 int, o4 int not null, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2,2),(2,2,1,1); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,o3,o4), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, o3 int, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,o2,n1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, o3 int, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 add n1 int not null, drop primary key, add primary key(o1,n1,o2), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, o3 int, primary key(o1,o2,o3)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1,2),(2,2,1); alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(o1), lock=none; drop table t1; create table t1(o1 int, o2 int, primary key(o1,o2)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,1); alter table t1 drop primary key, add column a int unique auto_increment, add primary key(o1,o2,a), algorithm=inplace; drop table t1; SET DEBUG_DBUG = @saved_debug_dbug;