create table t1(a int not null primary key, b geometry not null) engine=innodb; ALTER ONLINE TABLE t1 ADD SPATIAL INDEX new(b), ALGORITHM=INSTANT; ERROR 0A000: ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try ALGORITHM=NOCOPY show warnings; Level Code Message Error 1846 ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try ALGORITHM=NOCOPY show errors; Level Code Message Error 1846 ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try ALGORITHM=NOCOPY ALTER ONLINE TABLE t1 ADD SPATIAL INDEX new(b), LOCK=SHARED, ALGORITHM=NOCOPY; show warnings; Level Code Message show errors; Level Code Message drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b geometry not null, d int,spatial key c(b), key d(d)) engine=innodb; show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL, `b` geometry NOT NULL, `d` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, SPATIAL KEY `c` (`b`), KEY `d` (`d`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci ALTER ONLINE TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY(a),DROP INDEX d; ERROR 0A000: LOCK=NONE is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try LOCK=SHARED show warnings; Level Code Message Error 1846 LOCK=NONE is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try LOCK=SHARED show errors; Level Code Message Error 1846 LOCK=NONE is not supported. Reason: Do not support online operation on table with GIS index. Try LOCK=SHARED ALTER ONLINE TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY(a),DROP INDEX d, LOCK=SHARED; show warnings; Level Code Message show errors; Level Code Message drop table t1; # # MDEV-14038 ALTER TABLE does not exit on error with InnoDB + bad default function # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN b LINESTRING DEFAULT POINT(1,1); ERROR 22007: Incorrect LINESTRING value: 'POINT(1 1)' for column ``.``.`b` at row 1 DESCRIBE t1; Field Type Null Key Default Extra a int(11) YES NULL DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #19077964 ASSERT PAGE_SIZE.EQUALS_TO SPACE_PAGE_SIZE # BTR_COPY_BLOB_PREFIX # CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT PRIMARY KEY, f3 LINESTRING NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY(f3))ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `f1` int(11) NOT NULL, `f3` linestring NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`f1`), SPATIAL KEY `f3` (`f3`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, ST_linefromtext(concat('linestring', '( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 10 10, 11 11, 12 12, 13 13, 14 14, 15 15, 16 16, 17 17, 18 18, 19 19, 20 20, 21 21, 22 22, 23 23, 24 24, 25 25, 26 26, 27 27, 28 28, 29 29, 30 30, 31 31, 32 32, 33 33, 34 34, 35 35, 36 36, 37 37, 38 38, 39 39, 40 40, 41 41, 42 42, 43 43, 44 44, 45 45, 46 46, 47 47, 48 48, 49 49, 50 50, 51 51, 52 52, 53 53, 54 54, 55 55, 56 56, 57 57, 58 58, 59 59, 60 60, 61 61, 62 62, 63 63, 64 64, 65 65, 66 66, 67 67, 68 68, 69 69, 70 70, 71 71, 72 72, 73 73, 74 74, 75 75, 76 76, 77 77, 78 78, 79 79, 9999 9999)')));; ALTER TABLE t1 ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=0, ALGORITHM=INPLACE; DROP TABLE t1;