--source include/have_innodb.inc # # MDEV-9667: Server hangs after select count(distinct name) from t2 where a=8366 and b>=5 and b<=5; # create table t2 (a smallint(6) not null, b int(10) not null, name varchar(20), primary key(a,b), key(name)) engine=InnoDB; insert into t2 values (8355,3,"sanja"),(8355,4,"wlad"),(8366,5, "lawrin"),(8366,6,"markusjm"); select count(distinct name) from t2 where a=8366 and b>=5 and b<=5; select count(distinct name) from t2 where a=8366 and b=5; select count(distinct name) from t2 where a=8366 and b between 5 and 5.5; select sum(distinct a) from t2 where a=8366 and b>=5 and b<=5; select sum(distinct a) from t2 where a=8366 and b=5; select sum(distinct a) from t2 where a=8366 and b between 5 and 5.5; drop table t2;