--source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/big_test.inc --source include/not_valgrind.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --disable_warnings DROP TABLE if exists t1; --enable_warnings --disable_query_log let $innodb_defragment_n_pages_orig=`select @@innodb_defragment_n_pages`; let $innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy_orig=`select @@innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy`; --enable_query_log select @@global.innodb_stats_persistent; set global innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy = 80; # Create table. # # TODO: Currently we do not defragment spatial indexes, # because doing it properly would require # appropriate logic around the SSN (split # sequence number). # # Also do not defragment auxiliary tables related to FULLTEXT INDEX. # # Both types added to this test to make sure they do not cause # problems. # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, b VARCHAR(256), c INT, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, t VARCHAR(256), KEY second(a, b), KEY third(c), SPATIAL gk(g), FULLTEXT INDEX fti(t)) ENGINE=INNODB; connect (con1,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connect (con2,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connect (con3,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connect (con4,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); connection default; SET @@global.innodb_defragment_n_pages = 20; let $data_size = 20000; let $delete_size = 2000; # Populate table. let $i = $data_size; --disable_query_log while ($i) { eval INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ($data_size + 1 - $i, REPEAT('A', 256), $i, Point($i,$i), 'This is a test message.'); dec $i; } --enable_query_log select count(*) from t1; select count(*) from t1 force index (second); select count(*) from t1 force index (third); # Delete some data --disable_query_log let $size = $delete_size; while ($size) { let $j = 100 * $size; eval delete from t1 where a between $j - 20 and $j; dec $size; } --enable_query_log select count(*) from t1; select count(*) from t1 force index (second); select count(*) from t1 force index (third); # Above delete will free some pages and insert causes page split and these could cause defrag select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_pages_freed'); select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_page_split'); select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_leaf_pages_defrag'); connection con1; --send optimize table t1; connection default; --send INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (400000, REPEAT('A', 256),300000, Point(1,1),'More like a test but different.'); connection con2; --send INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (500000, REPEAT('A', 256),400000, Point(1,1),'Totally different text book.'); connection con3; --send DELETE FROM t1 where a between 1 and 100; connection con4; --send UPDATE t1 SET c = c + 1 where c between 2000 and 8000; connection con1; --disable_result_log --reap --enable_result_log connection con2; --reap connection con3; --reap connection con4; --reap connection default; --reap disconnect con1; disconnect con2; disconnect con3; disconnect con4; optimize table t1; check table t1 extended; select count(*) from t1; select count(*) from t1 force index (second); select count(*) from t1 force index (third); # Now pages are freed select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_pages_freed'); select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_page_split'); select count(stat_value) > 0 from mysql.innodb_index_stats where table_name like '%t1%' and stat_name in ('n_leaf_pages_defrag'); drop table t1; # reset system --disable_query_log EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_defragment_n_pages = $innodb_defragment_n_pages_orig; EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy = $innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy_orig; --enable_query_log