# # Test for basic POINT operation # CREATE TABLE gis_point(p1 POINT, p2 POINT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 -20)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 -20)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(3.1415926 3.535897)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-3.932626 -3.488272)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(-111.9876 234.1357)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-957.1914 958.1919)')); SELECT ST_X(p1), ST_Y(p2) FROM gis_point; ST_X(p1) ST_Y(p2) 0 0 10 -20 3.1415926 -3.488272 -111.9876 958.1919 DROP TABLE gis_point; # # Test when POINT is not on any indexes # CREATE TABLE gis_point(p1 POINT, p2 POINT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(105.34523342 103.18492302)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(200.32247328 101.86728201)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.98527111)')); EXPLAIN SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE gis_point ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 4 # SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p1, p2; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.98527111) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(200.32247328 101.86728201) POINT(105.34523342 103.18492302) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE p1 = p2; ST_AsText(p1) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)'); ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(200.32247328 101.86728201) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(100.32374832 101.98527111) SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(200.32247328 101.86728201)'); ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(200.32247328 101.86728201) DROP TABLE gis_point; # # Test some ALTER TABLE operations on POINT tables # CREATE TABLE t1 ( p POINT NOT NULL, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 1)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 11)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 1)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 12)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 0)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 13)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 14)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(g) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 11) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 12) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 13) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 14) SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN p1 POINT, ADD COLUMN p2 POINT, ADD KEY(p); SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1' OR name = 'p2'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 p2 14 1279 12 # NOT NULL POINT will use '' SELECT count(*) AS `Expect 4` FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ''; Expect 4 0 SELECT count(*) AS `Expect 4` FROM t1 WHERE p2 = ''; Expect 4 0 SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p = p1; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p = p2; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN p2; # NULLABLE POINT will use NULL ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN p2 POINT, ADD KEY(p2); SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1' OR name = 'p2'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 p2 14 1279 12 SELECT count(*) AS `Expect 4` FROM t1 WHERE p2 IS NULL; Expect 4 4 UPDATE t1 SET p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); UPDATE t1 SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN p2; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p = p1; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(0.5 0.5)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 1)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 19)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 19) DELETE FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 19)'); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1; ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(10 20) # Add spatial keys on the table ALTER TABLE t1 ADD SPATIAL(p), ADD SPATIAL(p1); ERROR 42000: All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 30)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((5 5, 20 5, 20 21, 5 21, 5 5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1 0.5, -1 -0.5, 1 -0.5, 1 0.5, -1 0.5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) # Drop spatial keys on the table ALTER TABLE t1 DROP KEY p, DROP KEY p1; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `p1`; check that it exists SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 30)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((5 5, 20 5, 20 21, 5 21, 5 5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1 0.5, -1 -0.5, 1 -0.5, 1 0.5, -1 0.5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 20) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 20) TRUNCATE t1; ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN p, DROP COLUMN p1; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len g 14 1535 12 ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN p POINT, ADD COLUMN p1 POINT; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len g 14 1535 12 p 14 1279 12 p1 14 1279 12 SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `g` geometry NOT NULL, `p` point DEFAULT NULL, `p1` point DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0.5 0.5)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 1)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 19)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0.6 0.6)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 1)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0.7 0.7)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 0)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 21)')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0.8 0.8)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 22)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 30)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((5 5, 20 5, 20 21, 5 21, 5 5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(10 19) POINT(1 1) POINT(10 20) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 21) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1 0.5, -1 -0.5, 1 -0.5, 1 0.5, -1 0.5))')); ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 0) POINT(10 21) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 22) ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN p1, ADD COLUMN p1 POINT, CHANGE COLUMN p pp POINT AFTER p1; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'pp' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 pp 14 1279 12 UPDATE t1 SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(5 5)'); SELECT ST_AsText(pp), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1; ST_AsText(pp) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 1) POINT(5 5) POINT(1 1) POINT(5 5) POINT(1 0) POINT(5 5) POINT(0 0) POINT(5 5) ALTER TABLE t1 ADD SPATIAL(p1), ADD SPATIAL(pp), ALGORITHM = COPY; ERROR 42000: All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'pp' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'p1'; name mtype prtype len g 14 1535 12 p1 14 1279 12 pp 14 1279 12 SELECT ST_AsText(pp), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 30)'); ST_AsText(pp) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(pp), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'); ST_AsText(pp) ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(pp), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((5 5, 20 5, 20 21, 5 21, 5 5))')) ORDER BY pp; ST_AsText(pp) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 0) POINT(5 5) POINT(0 1) POINT(5 5) POINT(1 0) POINT(5 5) POINT(1 1) POINT(5 5) SELECT ST_AsText(pp), ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE MBRWithin(pp, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-1 0.5, -1 -0.5, 1 -0.5, 1 0.5, -1 0.5))')) ORDER BY pp; ST_AsText(pp) ST_AsText(p1) POINT(0 0) POINT(5 5) POINT(1 0) POINT(5 5) DROP TABLE t1; # # Test when the POINT is on B-TREE # CREATE TABLE gis_point(fid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, p POINT, KEY(p)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (101, ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (102, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')), (103, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)')), (104, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')))); SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(20 10) POINT(20 20) POINT(10 20) SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)'); ST_AsText(p) POINT(20 20) INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (201, ST_PointFromText('POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821)')), (202, ST_PointFromText('POINT(102.43287328 100.23489233)')), (203, ST_PointFromText('POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392)')), (204, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(103.43718640 105.248206478)')))), (205, ST_PointFromText('POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392)')), (206, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(103.43718640 105.248206478)')))); 'The ORDER BY will use filesort' EXPLAIN SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE gis_point ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 # SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(10 20) POINT(20 10) POINT(20 20) POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392) POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392) POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) POINT(102.43287328 100.23489233) POINT(103.4371864 105.248206478) POINT(103.4371864 105.248206478) SELECT ST_AsText(p), COUNT(*) FROM gis_point GROUP BY p; ST_AsText(p) COUNT(*) POINT(10 10) 1 POINT(10 20) 1 POINT(20 10) 1 POINT(20 20) 1 POINT(101.43284962 100.45892392) 2 POINT(100.32374832 101.23741821) 1 POINT(102.43287328 100.23489233) 1 POINT(103.4371864 105.248206478) 2 TRUNCATE gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (101, ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (102, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')), (103, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)')), (104, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')))); # Check if we can create prefix index on POINT ALTER TABLE gis_point ADD COLUMN g POINT, ADD KEY(g(8)); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (105, ST_PointFromText('POINT(25 15)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(100 100)')), (106, ST_PointFromText('POINT(25 25)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(110 110)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(20 10) POINT(20 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(25 15) POINT(25 25) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(g) FROM gis_point WHERE g IS NULL; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(g) POINT(10 10) NULL POINT(20 10) NULL POINT(20 20) NULL POINT(10 20) NULL UPDATE gis_point SET g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(200 200)') WHERE g IS NULL OR g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(110 110)'); SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM gis_point WHERE g IS NULL OR g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(200 200)'); ST_AsText(g) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) # Check the information schema tables SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, column_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name='gis_point' AND (column_name = 'p' OR column_name = 'g'); table_name column_name data_type column_type gis_point p point point gis_point g point point SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1279 12 g 14 1279 12 SELECT length(p) FROM gis_point; length(p) 25 25 25 25 25 25 ALTER TABLE gis_point DROP COLUMN g, ALGORITHM = COPY; TRUNCATE gis_point; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (101, ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')), (102, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')), (103, ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 20)')), (104, ST_PointFromWKB(ST_AsWKB(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 20)')))); # Check if we can create prefix index on POINT ALTER TABLE gis_point ADD COLUMN g POINT, ADD KEY(g(8)); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (105, ST_PointFromText('POINT(25 15)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(100 100)')), (106, ST_PointFromText('POINT(25 25)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(110 110)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; ST_AsText(p) POINT(10 10) POINT(20 10) POINT(20 20) POINT(10 20) POINT(25 15) POINT(25 25) SELECT ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(g) FROM gis_point WHERE g IS NULL; ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(g) POINT(10 10) NULL POINT(20 10) NULL POINT(20 20) NULL POINT(10 20) NULL UPDATE gis_point SET g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(200 200)') WHERE g IS NULL OR g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(110 110)'); SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM gis_point WHERE g IS NULL OR g = ST_PointFromText('POINT(200 200)'); ST_AsText(g) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) POINT(200 200) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1279 12 g 14 1279 12 DROP TABLE gis_point; # # Check the mtype of other geometry data types should be 15 # CREATE TABLE g ( geom GEOMETRY NOT NULL, l LINESTRING NOT NULL, poly POLYGON NOT NULL, mp MULTIPOINT NOT NULL, ml MULTILINESTRING NOT NULL, mpoly MULTIPOLYGON NOT NULL, gc GEOMETRYCOLLECTION NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' OR name = 'geom' OR name = 'l' OR name = 'poly' OR name = 'mp' OR name = 'ml' OR name = 'mpoly' OR name = 'gc'; name mtype prtype len geom 14 1535 12 l 14 1535 12 poly 14 1535 12 mp 14 1535 12 ml 14 1535 12 mpoly 14 1535 12 gc 14 1535 12 DROP TABLE g; # # check the mtype and len with CREATE TABLE AS # CREATE TABLE t1 ( p POINT NOT NULL, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)'),ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30))')); SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' AND name='t1'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1535 12 CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p' OR name = 'g' AND name='t2'; name mtype prtype len DROP table t2; # # Test when POINT is used in spatial index # SET @ls1 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 20, 10 0)'); SET @ls2 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 10 20)'); SET @ls3 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(20 -40, 21 -42)'); SET @ls4 = ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(20 -42, 21 -40)'); SET @poly1 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((2 2, 2 10, 10 10, 10 2, 2 2))'); SET @poly2 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0, -5 0, -4 -1, -6 -15, -3 -15, 0 0))'); SET @poly3 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((10.0 10.0, 20.5 20, 20.5 50, 32.0 64.0, 32.3 64.6, 5 60, 10 10))'); SET @poly4 = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 10, -10 10, -10 -10, 0 -10, 0 10))'); SET @p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)'); SET @mpoly = ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((3 3, 3 16, 16 16, 16 3, 3 3)), ((10 10, 10 50, 50 50, 50 10, 10 10)))'); CREATE TABLE gis_point (p1 POINT NOT NULL, p2 POINT NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY k1 (p1), SPATIAL KEY k2 (p2)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES (ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 2)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-1 -3)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(2 4)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-2 -6)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(3 6)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-3 -9)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(4 8)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-4 -12)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(5 10)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-5 -15)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(6 12)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-6 -18)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(7 14)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-7 -21)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 16)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(9 18)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-4 2)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 21)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-6 3)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(26.25 57)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 2)')), (ST_PointFromText('POINT(32.1234 64.2468)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(-1 -1)')); CREATE TABLE gis_point1 SELECT * FROM gis_point; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p1' OR name = 'p2'; name mtype prtype len p1 14 1535 12 p2 14 1535 12 SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point1; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls1, @ls2) = p1; ST_AsText(p1) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Contains(@poly2, p2); ST_AsText(p2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(0 0) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Equals(p2, @p1); ST_AsText(p2) POINT(0 0) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) AND NOT MBRWithin(p1, @mpoly); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBREquals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls3); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBREquals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBREquals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point polygon data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRequals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRequals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point1 WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) DROP TABLE gis_point1; SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls1, @ls2) = p1; ST_AsText(p1) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@poly2, p2); ST_AsText(p2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(0 0) POINT(-1 -1) SELECT ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, @p1); ST_AsText(p2) POINT(0 0) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Contains(@mpoly, p1) AND NOT MBRWithin(p1, @mpoly); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls3); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) POINT(9 18) POINT(8 16) POINT(7 14) POINT(6 12) POINT(1 2) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) POINT(9 18) POINT(8 16) POINT(7 14) POINT(6 12) POINT(5 10) POINT(4 8) POINT(3 6) POINT(2 4) POINT(1 2) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) POINT(9 18) POINT(8 16) POINT(7 14) POINT(6 12) POINT(5 10) POINT(4 8) POINT(3 6) POINT(2 4) POINT(1 2) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point polygon data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) POINT(9 18) POINT(8 16) POINT(7 14) POINT(6 12) POINT(5 10) POINT(4 8) POINT(3 6) POINT(2 4) POINT(1 2) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) POINT(9 18) POINT(8 16) POINT(7 14) POINT(6 12) POINT(1 2) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(10 21) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # Modify the storage engine to Myisam, Check the spatial functions ALTER TABLE gis_point ENGINE Myisam; # Check functions that use MBR, with line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls3); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check functions that use MBR, with point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBREquals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Crosses(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions point polygon data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @p1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions polygon type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(2 4) POINT(5 10) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @poly1); ST_AsText(p1) # Check with MBR functions line type data SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRIntersects(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRWithin(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(1 2) POINT(2 4) POINT(3 6) POINT(4 8) POINT(5 10) POINT(6 12) POINT(7 14) POINT(8 16) POINT(9 18) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRDisjoint(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) POINT(10 21) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRequals(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # No matching records SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBROverlaps(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) SELECT ST_AsText(p1) FROM gis_point WHERE MBRContains(p1, @ls1); ST_AsText(p1) # Modify the storage engine to InnoDB again, do following testing ALTER TABLE gis_point ENGINE InnoDB; CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK The ORDER BY for spatial index will use filesort EXPLAIN SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p1, p2; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE gis_point ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 13 # SELECT ST_AsText(p1), ST_AsText(p2) FROM gis_point ORDER BY p1, p2; ST_AsText(p1) ST_AsText(p2) POINT(2 4) POINT(-2 -6) POINT(3 6) POINT(-3 -9) POINT(4 8) POINT(-4 -12) POINT(5 10) POINT(-5 -15) POINT(6 12) POINT(-6 -18) POINT(7 14) POINT(-7 -21) POINT(8 16) POINT(0 0) POINT(9 18) POINT(-4 2) POINT(10 21) POINT(-6 3) POINT(1 2) POINT(-1 -3) POINT(26.25 57) POINT(1 2) POINT(20.5 41) POINT(-8 4) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(-1 -1) Try to do IDU on the table and verify the result DELETE FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 -41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 -4)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) UPDATE gis_point SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 41)'), p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)') WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls3, @ls4) = p1; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 41) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK Use a trx to test the IDU on the table and verify the result START TRANSACTION; DELETE FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Equals(p2, ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 -41)'), ST_PointFromText('POINT(8 -4)')); SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) UPDATE gis_point SET p1 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(20.5 49)'), p2 = ST_PointFromText('POINT(-8 4)') WHERE ST_Intersection(@ls3, @ls4) = p1; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 49)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 49) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 49) ROLLBACK; SELECT ST_AsText(p1) AS 'Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41)' FROM gis_point WHERE ST_Touches(@poly3, p1) AND MBRWithin(p2, @poly4); Expect (32.1234 64.2468) AND (20.5 41) POINT(32.1234 64.2468) POINT(20.5 41) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK DROP TABLE gis_point; # # Test inserting/updating different type data into POINT field # CREATE TABLE gis_point (i INT, p POINT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE geom (i INT, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY(g)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(0, ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 1)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(1, ST_PointFromText('POINT(2 2)')); INSERT INTO gis_point VALUES(2, NULL); ALTER TABLE gis_point ADD COLUMN j INT, ALGORITHM = COPY; SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1279 12 SELECT name, mtype, prtype, len FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS WHERE name = 'p'; name mtype prtype len p 14 1279 12 SELECT i, ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; i ST_AsText(p) 0 POINT(1 1) 1 POINT(2 2) 2 NULL UPDATE gis_point SET p = NULL WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 1)'); UPDATE gis_point SET p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 2)') WHERE p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(2 2)'); UPDATE gis_point SET p = ST_PointFromText('POINT(1 1)') WHERE p IS NULL; SELECT i, ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; i ST_AsText(p) 0 POINT(1 1) 1 POINT(1 2) 2 POINT(1 1) INSERT INTO geom VALUES(0, ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 0)')); INSERT INTO geom VALUES(1, ST_PointFromText('POINT(10 10)')); INSERT INTO geom VALUES(2, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((7 1,6 2,6 3,10 3,10 1,7 1))')); SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM geom; ST_AsText(g) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 10) POLYGON((7 1,6 2,6 3,10 3,10 1,7 1)) SELECT ST_AsText(p) FROM gis_point; ST_AsText(p) POINT(1 1) POINT(1 2) POINT(1 1) DELETE FROM geom WHERE g = ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((7 1,6 2,6 3,10 3,10 1,7 1))'); From GEOMETRY to POINT, now ALL the data are POINT ALTER TABLE geom MODIFY g POINT NOT NULL; SHOW CREATE TABLE geom; Table Create Table geom CREATE TABLE `geom` ( `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `g` point NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM geom; ST_AsText(g) POINT(0 0) POINT(10 10) From POINT to GEOMETRY, all data are POINT ALTER TABLE geom MODIFY g GEOMETRY NOT NULL; SHOW CREATE TABLE geom; Table Create Table geom CREATE TABLE `geom` ( `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `g` geometry NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 TRUNCATE TABLE geom; From GEOMETRY to POINT, the table is empty ALTER TABLE geom MODIFY g POINT NOT NULL; SHOW CREATE TABLE geom; Table Create Table geom CREATE TABLE `geom` ( `i` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `g` point NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM geom; ST_AsText(g) CHECK TABLE gis_point; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.gis_point check status OK CHECK TABLE geom; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.geom check status OK DROP TABLE gis_point, geom; # # Test when a geom field, such as POINT, is also a primary key # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT NOT NULL, p POINT NOT NULL, l LINESTRING NOT NULL, g GEOMETRY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(p), SPATIAL KEY `idx2` (p), SPATIAL KEY `idx3` (l), SPATIAL KEY `idx4` (g) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( 1, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(10 10)'), ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 1, 5 5, 10 10)'), ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((30 30, 40 40, 50 50, 30 50, 30 40, 30 30))')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( 2, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(20 20)'), ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(2 3, 7 8, 9 10, 15 16)'), ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((10 30, 30 40, 40 50, 40 30, 30 20, 10 30))')); SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(20 20) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) EXPLAIN UPDATE t1 SET p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(30 30)') WHERE p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(20 20)'); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY PRIMARY 27 NULL 1 # UPDATE t1 SET p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(30 30)') WHERE p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(20 20)'); SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(30 30) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY(a); SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(30 30) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY(p); SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(30 30) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` int(11) NOT NULL, `p` point NOT NULL, `l` linestring NOT NULL, `g` geometry NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`p`(25)), SPATIAL KEY `idx2` (`p`), SPATIAL KEY `idx3` (`l`), SPATIAL KEY `idx4` (`g`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(30 30) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY(p); EXPLAIN SELECT a, ST_AsText(p) FROM t1 WHERE a = 2 AND p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(30 30)'); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 const PRIMARY,idx2 PRIMARY 27 const 1 # SELECT a, ST_AsText(p) FROM t1 WHERE a = 2 AND p = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(30 30)'); a ST_AsText(p) 2 POINT(30 30) SELECT a, ST_AsText(p), ST_AsText(l), ST_AsText(g) FROM t1; a ST_AsText(p) ST_AsText(l) ST_AsText(g) 1 POINT(10 10) LINESTRING(1 1,5 5,10 10) POLYGON((30 30,40 40,50 50,30 50,30 40,30 30)) 2 POINT(30 30) LINESTRING(2 3,7 8,9 10,15 16) POLYGON((10 30,30 40,40 50,40 30,30 20,10 30)) CHECK TABLE t1; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t1 check status OK DROP TABLE t1; # # Test for foreign keys. # CREATE TABLE parent(p POINT, PRIMARY KEY(p)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE child(p POINT NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB; ALTER TABLE parent ADD SPATIAL INDEX idx1(p ASC); ALTER TABLE child ADD SPATIAL INDEX idx2(p ASC); SHOW CREATE TABLE parent; Table Create Table parent CREATE TABLE `parent` ( `p` point NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`p`(25)), SPATIAL KEY `idx1` (`p`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SHOW CREATE TABLE child; Table Create Table child CREATE TABLE `child` ( `p` point NOT NULL, SPATIAL KEY `idx2` (`p`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p); ERROR HY000: Can't create table `test`.`#sql-temporary` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed") show warnings; Level Code Message Warning 150 Alter table '`test`.`child`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is no index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns near 'FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p)'. Error 1005 Can't create table `test`.`#sql-temporary` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed") Warning 1215 Cannot add foreign key constraint for `#sql-temporary` ALTER TABLE parent DROP INDEX idx1; ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p); Got one of the listed errors show warnings; Level Code Message Warning 150 Alter table '`test`.`child`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is no index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns near 'FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p)'. Error 1005 Can't create table `test`.`#sql-temporary` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed") Warning 1215 Cannot add foreign key constraint for `#sql-temporary` ALTER TABLE child DROP INDEX idx2; ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p); Got one of the listed errors show warnings; Level Code Message Warning 150 Alter table '`test`.`child`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is only prefix index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns near 'FOREIGN KEY(p) REFERENCES parent(p)'. Error 1005 Can't create table `test`.`#sql-temporary` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed") Warning 1215 Cannot add foreign key constraint for `#sql-temporary` DROP TABLE child, parent; # # Bug#28763: Selecting geometry fields in UNION caused server crash. # CREATE TABLE t1(f1 GEOMETRY, f2 POINT, f3 GEOMETRY) ENGINE=InnoDB; SELECT f1 FROM t1 UNION SELECT f1 FROM t1; f1 INSERT INTO t1 (f2,f3) VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1 1)'), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(2 2)')); SELECT ST_AsText(f2),ST_AsText(f3) FROM t1; ST_AsText(f2) ST_AsText(f3) POINT(1 1) POINT(2 2) SELECT ST_AsText(a) FROM (SELECT f2 AS a FROM t1 UNION SELECT f3 FROM t1) t; ST_AsText(a) POINT(1 1) POINT(2 2) CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT f2 AS a FROM t1 UNION SELECT f3 FROM t1; DESC t2; Field Type Null Key Default Extra a geometry YES NULL SELECT ST_AsText(a) FROM t2; ST_AsText(a) POINT(1 1) POINT(2 2) DROP TABLE t1, t2;