# # Testing of potential problems in Aria # -- source include/have_maria.inc -- source include/have_partition.inc --disable_warnings --disable_query_log drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_query_log --enable_warnings # # LP:997460 truncate table on partitioned Aria table fails with ER_ILLEGAL_HA # CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT ) ENGINE=Aria PARTITION BY HASH(i) PARTITIONS 2; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; TRUNCATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Other truncate tests # CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT ) ENGINE=Aria; CREATE TABLE t2 ( i INT ) ENGINE=Aria; insert into t1 values(1); lock table t1 write; truncate table t1; select count(*) from t1; insert into t1 values(2); select count(*) from t1; truncate table t1; select count(*) from t1; insert into t1 values(3); select count(*) from t1; # Check that locking is still working --error 1100 select * from t2; unlock tables; insert into t1 values(4); select * from t1; truncate t1; select count(*) from t1; drop table t1,t2; # # MDEV-3890 # Server crash inserting record on a temporary table after truncating it # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 ( i int) ENGINE=aria; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t1; INSERT INTO t1 (i) VALUES (1); lock table t1 write; truncate table t1; unlock tables; drop table t1;