# Tests for PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA # Check error handling for invalid server start options and values # The current test unites and replaces all suite/perfschema/t/bad_option_*.test # which were developed by Marc. --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc let $error_log= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/my_restart.err; --error 0,1 --remove_file $error_log let SEARCH_FILE= $error_log; # Stop the server let $restart_file= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect; --exec echo "wait" > $restart_file --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --error 1 --exec $MYSQLD_CMD --loose-console --performance-schema-enabled=maybe > $error_log 2>&1 # The server restart aborts # [ERROR] unknown variable 'performance-schema-enabled=maybe' let SEARCH_PATTERN= \[ERROR\] unknown variable 'performance-schema-enabled=maybe'; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo # Server start with invalid startup option value 'performance-schema-enabled=maybe' : pass --remove_file $error_log --error 1 --exec $MYSQLD_CMD --loose-console --performance-schema-max_=12 > $error_log 2>&1 # The server restart aborts # [ERROR] unknown variable 'performance-schema-max_=12' let SEARCH_PATTERN= \[ERROR\] unknown variable 'performance-schema-max_=12'; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo # Server start with ambigous startup option 'performance-schema-max_=12' : pass # The important points is here: # 1. There is no option 'performance-schema-max_' or 'performance-schema-max-' at all. # 2. But we have many options where the name starts exact with this pattern. # 3. There is a value assigned. # 4. The server criticizes "variable" and not "option"! # This seems to be caused by 3. because "--performance-schema-unknown=ON" gets # a similar reaction. --remove_file $error_log --error 1 --exec $MYSQLD_CMD --loose-console --performance-schema-unknown_99 > $error_log 2>&1 # The server restart aborts let SEARCH_PATTERN= \[ERROR\] unknown option '--performance-schema-unknown_99'; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo # Server start with invalid startup option '--performance-schema-unknown_99' : pass --remove_file $error_log --error 1 --exec $MYSQLD_CMD --loose-console --datadir=bad_option_h_param > $error_log 2>&1 # The server restart aborts # [ERROR] failed to set datadir to /work/repo1/mysql-trunk2/bad_option_h_param/ let SEARCH_PATTERN= \[ERROR\] failed to set datadir to .*bad_option_h_param; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo # Server start with invalid startup option value '--datadir=bad_option_h_param' : pass # The important point is here: # There is no directory "bad_option_h_param". --remove_file $error_log # Write file to make mysql-test-run.pl start up the server again --exec echo "restart" > $restart_file # Turn on reconnect --enable_reconnect # Call script that will poll the server waiting for it to be back online again --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc # Turn off reconnect again --disable_reconnect