install plugin pam soname ''; create user test_pam identified via pam using 'mariadb_mtr'; create user pam_test; grant proxy on pam_test to test_pam; # # athentication is successful, challenge/pin are ok # note that current_user() differs from user() # Challenge input first. Enter: not very secret challenge Now, the magic number! PIN: **** select user(), current_user(), database(); user() current_user() database() test_pam@localhost pam_test@% test # # athentication is unsuccessful # Challenge input first. Enter: not very secret challenge Now, the magic number! PIN: **** # # athentication is unsuccessful # Challenge input first. Enter: crash pam module Now, the magic number! PIN: *** drop user test_pam; drop user pam_test; uninstall plugin pam;