--source include/not_embedded.inc if (!$ADT_NULL_SO) { skip No NULL_AUDIT plugin; } set @old_global_general_log=@@global.general_log; set global general_log=OFF; create user testuser@localhost; grant select on *.* to testuser@localhost; --disable_ps_protocol install plugin audit_null soname 'adt_null'; select 1; --error 1054 select foobar; show status like 'audit_null%'; create procedure au1(x char(16)) select concat("test1", x); call au1("-12"); show status like 'audit_null%'; create table t1 (a int); insert t1 values (1), (2); select * from t1; rename table t1 to t2; alter table t2 add column b int; create definer=testuser@localhost view v1 as select t2.a+1, t2_copy.a+2 from t2, t2 as t2_copy; select * from v1; drop view v1; # temp table generates no audit events create temporary table t2 (a date); insert t2 values ('2020-10-09'); select * from t2; alter table t2 add column b int; # MDEV-4565 ALTER on a temporary table generates an audit event drop table t2; # internal temp table generates no audit events explain select distinct * from t2; select distinct * from t2; drop table t2; uninstall plugin audit_null; --enable_ps_protocol drop procedure au1; drop user testuser@localhost; set global general_log=@old_global_general_log; let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`; --replace_regex /::1// / cat_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/audit_null_tables.log;