create user user_a@localhost; create user user_b@localhost; create role role_a; create role role_b; grant role_a to user_a@localhost; grant role_b to user_b@localhost; grant role_a to user_a@localhost; grant select on *.* to role_a; grant role_b to user_b@localhost; grant insert, update on *.* to role_b; set default role role_a for user_b@localhost; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'user_a'@'localhost' to database 'mysql' set default role role_a for user_a@localhost; set default role invalid_role for user_a@localhost; ERROR OP000: Invalid role specification `invalid_role`. set default role role_b for user_a@localhost; ERROR OP000: Invalid role specification `role_b`. set default role role_b for user_b@localhost; show grants; Grants for user_a@localhost GRANT role_a TO 'user_a'@'localhost' GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user_a'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'role_a' select user, host, default_role from mysql.user where user like 'user_%'; user host default_role user_a localhost role_a user_b localhost role_b set default role NONE for current_user; select user, host, default_role from mysql.user where user like 'user_%'; user host default_role user_a localhost user_b localhost role_b set default role current_role for current_user; select user, host, default_role from mysql.user where user like 'user_%'; user host default_role user_a localhost role_a user_b localhost role_b set default role role_b for current_user; ERROR OP000: Invalid role specification `role_b`. show grants; Grants for user_b@localhost GRANT role_b TO 'user_b'@'localhost' GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user_b'@'localhost' GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON *.* TO 'role_b' select user, host, default_role from mysql.user where user like 'user_%'; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'user_b'@'localhost' for table 'user' insert into mysql.user (user, host) values ('someuser', 'somehost'); Warnings: Warning 1364 Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'x509_issuer' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'x509_subject' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'authentication_string' doesn't have a default value set default role NONE for user_a@localhost; show grants; Grants for user_a@localhost GRANT role_a TO 'user_a'@'localhost' GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user_a'@'localhost' GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON *.* TO 'role_b' select user, host, default_role from mysql.user where user like 'user_%'; ERROR 42000: SELECT command denied to user 'user_a'@'localhost' for table 'user' drop role role_a; drop role role_b; delete from mysql.user where user = 'someuser' && host = 'somehost'; drop user user_a@localhost; drop user user_b@localhost;