source include/; #create a user with no privileges create user 'test_user'@'localhost'; create role r_sel; create role r_ins; create role r_upd; create role r_del; create role r_crt; create role r_drp; create role r_rld; grant select on *.* to r_sel; grant insert on *.* to r_ins; grant update on *.* to r_upd; grant delete on *.* to r_del; grant create on *.* to r_crt; grant drop on *.* to r_drp; grant reload on *.* to r_rld; ##################################### #set up roles mapping ##################################### grant r_sel to test_user@localhost; grant r_ins to test_user@localhost; grant r_upd to test_user@localhost; grant r_del to test_user@localhost; grant r_crt to test_user@localhost; grant r_drp to test_user@localhost; grant r_rld to test_user@localhost; flush privileges; change_user 'test_user'; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select * from mysql.roles_mapping; --sorted_result show grants; select current_user(), current_role(); set role r_sel; select current_user(), current_role(); --sorted_result show grants; --sorted_result select * from mysql.roles_mapping; set role r_ins; select current_user(), current_role(); --sorted_result show grants; --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select * from mysql.roles_mapping; insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_sel', 'r_rld', 'N'); --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR flush privileges; set role r_rld; select current_user(), current_role(); flush privileges; set role r_sel; select current_user(), current_role(); flush privileges; set role none; select current_user(), current_role(); --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR flush privileges; set role r_ins; select current_user(), current_role(); insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_sel', 'r_upd', 'N'); insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_sel', 'r_del', 'N'); insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_sel', 'r_crt', 'N'); insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_sel', 'r_drp', 'N'); insert into mysql.roles_mapping values ('', 'r_del', 'r_ins', 'N'); set role r_rld; select current_user(), current_role(); flush privileges; set role r_sel; select current_user(), current_role(); update mysql.roles_mapping set Role='r_ins' where Role='r_ins_wrong'; flush privileges; set role r_sel; select current_user(), current_role(); create table mysql.random_test_table (id INT); insert into mysql.random_test_table values (1); --sorted_result select * from mysql.random_test_table; delete from mysql.roles_mapping where Role='r_ins'; flush privileges; set role r_sel; select current_user(), current_role(); --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR insert into mysql.random_test_table values (1); drop table mysql.random_test_table; change_user 'root'; delete from mysql.user where user like 'r\_%'; delete from mysql.roles_mapping where Role like 'r\_%'; flush privileges; drop user 'test_user'@'localhost';