--echo *** Test killing thread that is waiting to start transaction until previous transaction commits *** --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc --source include/master-slave.inc --connection server_2 SET @old_parallel_threads=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET @old_parallel_mode= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_mode; --source include/stop_slave.inc SET sql_log_bin=0; CALL mtr.add_suppression("Query execution was interrupted"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Slave: Connection was killed"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Commit failed due to failure of an earlier commit on which this one depends"); SET sql_log_bin=1; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=10; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode= 'conservative'; CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid=slave_pos; --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 --connect (con_temp3,,root,,test,$SERVER_MYPORT_1,) --connect (con_temp4,,root,,test,$SERVER_MYPORT_1,) --connect (con_temp5,,root,,test,$SERVER_MYPORT_1,) ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; # MDEV-515 takes X-lock on the table for the first insert. # So concurrent insert won't happen on the table INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(100, 100); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master --connection server_1 # Use a stored function to inject a debug_sync into the appropriate THD. # The function does nothing on the master, and on the slave it injects the # desired debug_sync action(s). SET sql_log_bin=0; --delimiter || CREATE FUNCTION foo(x INT, d1 VARCHAR(500), d2 VARCHAR(500)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN x; END || --delimiter ; SET sql_log_bin=1; --connection server_2 SET sql_log_bin=0; --delimiter || CREATE FUNCTION foo(x INT, d1 VARCHAR(500), d2 VARCHAR(500)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN IF d1 != '' THEN SET debug_sync = d1; END IF; IF d2 != '' THEN SET debug_sync = d2; END IF; RETURN x; END || --delimiter ; SET sql_log_bin=1; # We need to restart all parallel threads for the new global setting to # be copied to the session-level values. --source include/stop_slave.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; --source include/start_slave.inc # We set up four transactions T1, T2, T3, and T4 on the master. T2, T3, and T4 # can run in parallel with each other (same group commit and commit id), # but not in parallel with T1. # # We use four worker threads, each Ti will be queued on each their own # worker thread. We will delay T1 commit, T3 will wait for T1 to begin # commit before it can start. We will kill T3 during this wait, and # check that everything works correctly. # # It is rather tricky to get the correct thread id of the worker to kill. # We start by injecting four dummy transactions in a debug_sync-controlled # manner to be able to get known thread ids for the workers in a pool with # just 4 worker threads. Then we let in each of the real test transactions # T1-T4 one at a time in a way which allows us to know which transaction # ends up with which thread id. --connection server_1 SET gtid_domain_id=2; BEGIN; # This debug_sync will linger on and be used to control T4 later. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (70, foo(70, 'rpl_parallel_start_waiting_for_prior SIGNAL t4_waiting', '')); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (60, foo(60, 'ha_write_row_end SIGNAL d2_query WAIT_FOR d2_cont2', 'rpl_parallel_end_of_group SIGNAL d2_done WAIT_FOR d2_cont')); COMMIT; SET gtid_domain_id=0; --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d2_query'; --let $d2_thd_id= `SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO LIKE '%foo(60%' AND INFO NOT LIKE '%LIKE%'` --connection server_1 SET gtid_domain_id=1; BEGIN; # These debug_sync's will linger on and be used to control T3 later. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (61, foo(61, 'rpl_parallel_start_waiting_for_prior SIGNAL t3_waiting', 'rpl_parallel_start_waiting_for_prior_killed SIGNAL t3_killed')); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (62, foo(62, 'ha_write_row_end SIGNAL d1_query WAIT_FOR d1_cont2', 'rpl_parallel_end_of_group SIGNAL d1_done WAIT_FOR d1_cont')); COMMIT; SET gtid_domain_id=0; --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d1_query'; --let $d1_thd_id= `SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO LIKE '%foo(62%' AND INFO NOT LIKE '%LIKE%'` --connection server_1 SET gtid_domain_id=0; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (63, foo(63, 'ha_write_row_end SIGNAL d0_query WAIT_FOR d0_cont2', 'rpl_parallel_end_of_group SIGNAL d0_done WAIT_FOR d0_cont')); --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d0_query'; --let $d0_thd_id= `SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO LIKE '%foo(63%' AND INFO NOT LIKE '%LIKE%'` --connection server_1 SET gtid_domain_id=3; BEGIN; # These debug_sync's will linger on and be used to control T2 later. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (68, foo(68, 'rpl_parallel_start_waiting_for_prior SIGNAL t2_waiting', '')); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (69, foo(69, 'ha_write_row_end SIGNAL d3_query WAIT_FOR d3_cont2', 'rpl_parallel_end_of_group SIGNAL d3_done WAIT_FOR d3_cont')); COMMIT; SET gtid_domain_id=0; --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d3_query'; --let $d3_thd_id= `SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO LIKE '%foo(69%' AND INFO NOT LIKE '%LIKE%'` SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d2_cont2'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d2_done'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d1_cont2'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d1_done'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d0_cont2'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d0_done'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d3_cont2'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR d3_done'; # Now prepare the real transactions T1, T2, T3, T4 on the master. --connection con_temp3 # Create transaction T1. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (64, foo(64, 'rpl_parallel_before_mark_start_commit SIGNAL t1_waiting WAIT_FOR t1_cont', '')); # Create transaction T2, as a group commit leader on the master. SET debug_sync='commit_after_release_LOCK_prepare_ordered SIGNAL master_queued2 WAIT_FOR master_cont2'; send INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (65, foo(65, '', '')); --connection server_1 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR master_queued2'; --connection con_temp4 # Create transaction T3, participating in T2's group commit. SET debug_sync='commit_after_release_LOCK_prepare_ordered SIGNAL master_queued3'; send INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (66, foo(66, '', '')); --connection server_1 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR master_queued3'; --connection con_temp5 # Create transaction T4, participating in group commit with T2 and T3. SET debug_sync='commit_after_release_LOCK_prepare_ordered SIGNAL master_queued4'; send INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (67, foo(67, '', '')); --connection server_1 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR master_queued4'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL master_cont2'; --connection con_temp3 REAP; --connection con_temp4 REAP; --connection con_temp5 REAP; --connection server_1 SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a >= 60 ORDER BY a; SET debug_sync='RESET'; --connection server_2 # Now we have the four transactions pending for replication on the slave. # Let them be queued for our three worker threads in a controlled fashion. # We put them at a stage where T1 is delayed and T3 is waiting for T1 to # commit before T3 can start. Then we kill T3. # Make the worker D0 free, and wait for T1 to be queued in it. SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d0_cont'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR t1_waiting'; # Make the worker D3 free, and wait for T2 to be queued in it. SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d3_cont'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR t2_waiting'; # Now release worker D1, and wait for T3 to be queued in it. # T3 will wait for T1 to commit before it can start. SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d1_cont'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR t3_waiting'; # Release worker D2. Wait for T4 to be queued, so we are sure it has # received the debug_sync signal (else we might overwrite it with the # next debug_sync). SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL d2_cont'; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR t4_waiting'; # Now we kill the waiting transaction T3 in worker D1. --replace_result $d1_thd_id THD_ID eval KILL $d1_thd_id; # Wait until T3 has reacted on the kill. SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR t3_killed'; # Now we can allow T1 to proceed. SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL t1_cont'; --let $slave_sql_errno= 1317,1927,1964 --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_error.inc STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD; # Since T2, T3, and T4 run in parallel, we can not be sure if T2 will have time # to commit or not before the stop. However, T1 should commit, and T3/T4 may # not have committed. (After slave restart we check that all become committed # eventually). SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a >= 60 AND a != 65 ORDER BY a; # Now we have to disable the debug_sync statements, so they do not trigger # when the events are retried. SET debug_sync='RESET'; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=10; SET sql_log_bin=0; DROP FUNCTION foo; --delimiter || CREATE FUNCTION foo(x INT, d1 VARCHAR(500), d2 VARCHAR(500)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN x; END || --delimiter ; SET sql_log_bin=1; --connection server_1 UPDATE t3 SET b=b+1 WHERE a=60; --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --source include/start_slave.inc --sync_with_master SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a >= 60 ORDER BY a; # Restore the foo() function. SET sql_log_bin=0; DROP FUNCTION foo; --delimiter || CREATE FUNCTION foo(x INT, d1 VARCHAR(500), d2 VARCHAR(500)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN IF d1 != '' THEN SET debug_sync = d1; END IF; IF d2 != '' THEN SET debug_sync = d2; END IF; RETURN x; END || --delimiter ; SET sql_log_bin=1; --connection server_2 # Respawn all worker threads to clear any left-over debug_sync or other stuff. --source include/stop_slave.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=10; --source include/start_slave.inc --echo *** 5. Test killing thread that is waiting for queue of max length to shorten *** # Find the thread id of the driver SQL thread that we want to kill. --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE STATE LIKE '%Slave has read all relay log%' --source include/wait_condition.inc --let $thd_id= `SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE STATE LIKE '%Slave has read all relay log%'` SET @old_max_queued= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_max_queued; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_max_queued=9000; --connection server_1 --let bigstring= `SELECT REPEAT('x', 10000)` # Create an event that will wait to be signalled. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (80, foo(0, 'ha_write_row_end SIGNAL query_waiting WAIT_FOR query_cont', '')); --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR query_waiting'; # Inject that the SQL driver thread will signal `wait_queue_ready' to debug_sync # as it goes to wait for the event queue to become smaller than the value of # @@slave_parallel_max_queued. SET @old_dbug= @@GLOBAL.debug_dbug; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,rpl_parallel_wait_queue_max"; --connection server_1 --disable_query_log # Create an event that will fill up the queue. # The Xid event at the end of the event group will have to wait for the Query # event with the INSERT to drain so the queue becomes shorter. However that in # turn waits for the prior event group to continue. eval INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (81, LENGTH('$bigstring')); --enable_query_log SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a >= 80 ORDER BY a; --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR wait_queue_ready'; --replace_result $thd_id THD_ID eval KILL $thd_id; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR wait_queue_killed'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL query_cont'; --let $slave_sql_errno= 1317,1927,1964 --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_error.inc STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug=@old_dbug; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_max_queued= @old_max_queued; --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (82,0); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 SET debug_sync='RESET'; --source include/start_slave.inc --sync_with_master SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE a >= 80 ORDER BY a; --connection server_2 --source include/stop_slave.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode=@old_parallel_mode; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=@old_parallel_threads; --source include/start_slave.inc SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; --connection server_1 DROP function foo; DROP TABLE t3; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; --source include/rpl_end.inc